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20.95% Honkai Impact: Invictus. / Chapter 54: Chapter 50: Painter

Bab 54: Chapter 50: Painter

A few months have passed. The 5th divine key was still undecided, but the 2nd one is now under construction.

Metatron still needs a year and a half at least to fully sequence the genes. While Mobius have been focusing on experimenting on the already available DNA against some animals with little success.

I've been refining the honkai energy from the satellite and over all, it was a success. Some irradiated areas have been reclaimed and I got tons of honkai energy being stored in my soulium frame.

It's even starting to crystalize due to the amount, this would no doubt kill anyone but Mei decided that this discovery can be used to power up a very energy intensive space ship. So the 2nd key is almost done, the only problem is who will use it and try and find other habitable dimensions.

Phyllis' company has gained global traction due to the additions we've added. She even branched to real estate on her own, but still specializes in selling products. The soldier squad is doing well, Hua has integrated well and learning quickly from Himeko.

Vill was still trying to make a functioning gundam, though the engineering of one seems too difficult to make one in such a short time without help.

I just finished recording an original solo. Of course I copied, ahem. Was inspired by a song I heard called Regression. Fans loved it, and there was a lot of positive feedback.

Now though, I was dragged by Phyllis to an art exhibit and she wants me to meet a prodigy in it. I just sighed at her antics and agreed to it.

"So? Who is this person that you want me to meet Phyllis?" He raised a brow, she was too excited.

"She's a world renowned painter! She really liked your works Ein. Said that it had a soul, not that I know what that means." She shrugged.

She then led me to a room and there was a small girl in front of a canvas. Painting quietly, looking serene and relaxed, but focused. (Pic here)

She had long blue hair, with mesmerizing violet eyes. She looked at us with a straight face and nodded at Phyllis. Then she pointed a finger at me and tilted her head.

"Hi, I'm Einheri. You can call me Ein, what's your name?" He smiled lightly while introducing himself.

She stared at him and spoke in a very soft voice. "Griseo." Then went silent for a few seconds. "So you are Ein? Your art is good, has purpose and emotions."

Phyllis smiled wryly. "Sorry Ein. Griseo isn't a talker, and I can't translate what she just said." She clapped her hands together and apologized.

"Hmm, you have a good eye Griseo. I did paint my work with affection, I don't just do it because of the heck of it. You must be a true artisan, especially at your age." He examined her, she looks what? 12? She really is a prodigy.

Phyllis tapped him on the back lightly and whispered. "Ein... Griseo is 20 you know?" I forgot to tell him...

Griseo puffed her cheeks and stared at him. "Sorry, sorry." Holy shit... It's a legal loli.

"It's fine. Used to it by now." She looked at him from head to toe. And started to paint him, it was a depiction of him in a forest, sleeping peacefully.

"Hmm, why did you paint me like that?" He was honestly curious.

She put down her materials. "You look laid back. A peaceful person and serene." She said cryptically.

"She's right you know? You always do things at your own pace. At first I thought you were a scary person, but you were pretty laid back once I get to know you." Phyllis gave a comment.

He laughed and patted Griseo's head. He can't resist petting the loli. "You're right, but I'm pretty busy you know? I do wish I could just relax like that pretty much all the time."

Griseo closed her eyes and nodded, satisfied. "Yes, you are also troubled. You are tense, guarded." She pointed at him.

Wow, this girl has good observation skills. "Hmm, you're a pretty good observer Griseo. Well, I'm a martial artist so I always prepare for scuffles you see."

She nodded, then she pointed at a blank canvas. "You make something?" She stared at him like a lost puppy.

He smiled wryly and picked up a brush. "Phyllis, what should I make? Oh, I know. How about you with dog ears or something, you're like a dog after all." He laughed.

Phyllis pouted at him and smacked him on the shoulder. "I'm a cat person you know? I even found a little pet. She's canned food, she's kinda like you. Always on her own pace."

He started and depicted Phyllis with dog ears and a fluffy brown tail. "How about that? Cute right?" He showed it to Phyllis and Griseo.

"Hmm, it is cute. But I'll look better with cat ears! I'm sure of it." Phyllis huffed.

Griseo just looked at it and nodded. "I'm right, you don't make anything without a soul. I can feel it."

He scratched his head. I'm not good with these kinds of types, but I guess that's a good thing? "Is that so? Well, how about this. We make an exhibit with our works Griseo?"

Phyllis started to get excited and nodded vigorously. "She hasn't done an exhibit for a long time. Says that art is to be displayed, not sold." Such a waste, if she sells hers. She'll be rich!

"Well, we all have our preferences Phyllis. And artists like Griseo are probably pressured to sell their work. Artisans will feel cheap if that's the case, well. I'm a scientist, that's a different kind of artisan. So I feel fine to sell my work for my pursuit of research." He nodded sagely.

Griseo stared at him and nodded. "My parents sold my work because they said it makes money. I paint, for the joy it gives me." She gave a slight smile.

"See, how about you just stick to selling my works. Don't make Griseo mad at you, she'll probably ignore you for the rest of your life if you force her to do it." He patted her head.

"Let's make an exhibit. But I won't sell." Griseo said and then looked at Phyllis.

"Okay, okay. I didn't know you don't like to sell them. It's an honest mistake okay? Sorry Griseo." She scratched her cheek.

"I don't mind. You are forgiven." She then started to paint again. But with Ein and her painting together in a plane.

"This is a commemoration of our meeting. Take it." She gave it to Ein and he was honestly surprised. This little kuudere loli is so cute!

He patted her head. "Thanks Griseo. I'll take care of it, we're friends now okay?" He gave her a sweet smile. She probably doesn't even have one. She's one of those special ones that people can't relate to.

She cracked a smile. "Un, we're friends now Ein. Take care of me. I haven't had one before, this is different." She went deep in thought.

Phyllis then felt bad. "I'll be your friend too Griseo! I didn't know you never had one before... I promise I won't sell your art!" She hugged her.

"Un, but get off. You're strangling me." Ein laughed and said their goodbyes. Promising to meet again later.


Hua was training on a dummy while she was receiving instructions from Ein. Wiping her sweat, she looked at him. "Dr. Ein... Why do you fight against the honkai?" She asked, not sure about her motivations.

He looked at the sky and chuckled. "Why I fight huh? It's simple really, it's noblesse oblige. Because I can, but the main one would be your captain and the others." He smiled.

She was confused for a bit. "Captain Himeko? And captain Elysia you mean?" But why exactly?

"Yeah, they deserve better. You deserve better, we started to fight when we were 16. You're only 15 and you're already a soldier. It's a cruel world isn't it? But it's much vibrant with all your friends and loved ones." He clenched his fist.

She nodded and remembered her deceased father and only friend. "Yeah. I wish they would be here too. But captain treats me like a little sister and teaches me a lot." She smiled.

"Ohh? That's good then, Hime's strict but she's a softie inside. How about you Hua? Did circumstances take you here. Or have you decided your path?" He looked at her.

She thought about it for a moment. "I... Don't know, but you and the captain take care of me so well. And it's fun being with you guys. If that's my reason, would it be shallow?" She thought that her conviction in fighting the honkai is weak.

He shook his head. "No. We all fight for a different reason. It's not bad that you stay here because of us. Or because you have nowhere to go anymore, humans try to find strive to find home and a safe place. Honestly, I'm glad that you enjoy being in our group."

"Even people that aren't normal appreciate people that would accept them." He remembered Mobius and Griseo. They still like to be acknowledged.

Hua nodded. Maybe this is my home now... It might get busy at times, but everyone is nice and supportive. Ein then handed a bowl of noodles to her.

"You've worked hard Hua, here's your favorite. He smiled and patted her head. "You're young. Of course you worry about these things. Ask your captain about it. She'll have a similar, but different answer." He sat down and looked at the sky.

Hua looked at her bowl. He's right, maybe this is the place where I belong now. My home, she ate it with relish and smiled.

After the training, she went to the captain of squad 6. Trying to ask as well, deciding to heed his advice. "Elysia-san. Can I ask why do you fight?"

Elysia smiled and pinched her cheeks. "Why I fight huh? Because my friends do? And so I can truly enjoy my life with them... Can't do that with all the honkai everywhere you know?"

Hua nodded and thanked her before saying goodbye. She went to Kevin and asked the same thing. "My purpose... Honestly, I went here for Mei. But now, it's to do everything I can for our tomorrow." He stared at empty space.

Finally, she went to Himeko. "Why the sudden question Hua? Are you undergoing a phase?" She chuckled.

Hua pouted at her. "Captain, I talked to Dr. Ein about this and he said to ask you guys."

"Hah, at first. It was because we have nothing left to do. We either live as civilians and see Mei and Ein about once every few months. Like with Eden, but she has a career. So we joined, and as time passed. I fight for our future, I can't let him do everything you know? Without him, we'll probably be dead right now."

She smiled. Reminiscing about the past, how they became friends and a tight knit group.

Hua frowned, but nodded. "Do you think I belong here captain? I went here because of you too. And I just follow on your footsteps, so I feel kinda lost." She looked at the ground.

Himeko sighed and patted her on the back. "Ein probably said something to you already right? There's nothing wrong with being aimless Hua. If you feel at home here, then you're already at the right path." She smiled.

"Un, but he talks about things really deeply. And I don't understand it fully." She blushed with embarrassment.

Himeko laughed. "He does feel like an old man when he talks like that doesn't he? But he feels so reliable doesn't he? Worry all you want, we're right here to support you. You've been through a lot." She hugged her tight.

Hua started to tear up. "Un, you guys aren't that much older than me. But you're so driven and reliable."

"It takes time Hua. Now let's go and rest okay? We're having a mission tomorrow you know."


Ein was working with Vill to make the finishing touches on the rx-78 mobile suit gundam. It used a honkai powered energy rifle, and an energy sword with a soulium core, using crystallized honkai energy to project a sword.

Vill then jumped in joy with the mech. "Yahoo! We've finally made it Ein! A mobile mecha suit!" She high fived Ein and gave a wide smile.

"That's good and all Vill, but who will pilot it? I certainly won't. I'll be handicapping myself after all." He looked at the mech. It has a simple white and black design, instead of the blue. It stood 18 meters tall, and used nano tech for repair and it also has a neural pathway like the power armor Ein created so it would be easier to pilot.

Vill then got a determined expression. "I will! This is our creation! And if I won't use it! Then I'm not an engineer!" She shouted.

Nuwa was gobsmacked at the sight of a real functioning gundam. "Th-that's rx-78! Sasuga Ein-sama! You're a man of sheer will and determination! A man of culture!" She rubbed her face on its feet as she admired it.

Mei looked at it. "It's for close quarters and mid range? That will be a big help as a vanguard." If I heard Nuwa right. This is from a show right? How could he make something like this with little to no information.

"Yeah, me and Vill worked hard on this baby." He tapped it. "We made a mid range and close quarters one as a vanguard." Though it will get thrashed by an emperor class without a good pilot.

"It should help with the emperor class of the 6th herrscher. We could enter combat against emperor class with the infantry units." Vill nodded sagely.

He patted her head. "Nice work Vill, the 6th is on the way too. There'll be a surge in honkai beasts, so this guy will be a big help. Templars and crushers are the only ones that could pierce its armor so this can take on tons of mobs."

"Hehe~ Praise me more! Now, I need to train on how to pilot this." She opened the cockpit and entered. As the mech gave a small hum and the yellow eyes glowed.

"Wow, it's so much better than I expected. There's a small delay. But with your neural pathways it moves just like how I want it."

It started to walk, run, crouch, etc. It gave a thumbs up and the cockpit opened as she exited.

"Me! Me! Me next!" Nuwa excitedly jumped up and down. Raising a fuss. Fuxi bonked her on the head. "Nuwa, stop being such a pain. You can get on, right? Dr. Ein?"

Nuwa kneeled and begged. "Dr! Please! I beg of you! You understand right? This is every otaku's dream!" She started to get teary eyed.

He sighed as he floated her inside the cockpit. "Don't start running suddenly or fly okay? Or I'll let Mobius give you all the work for Klein be transferred to you."

Nuwa then slowly walked. "Ohhhhh! Please make me one of these! I have to go and brag that I have a personal gundam!"

Mei and Fuxi stared at her coldly. "Sure, if you have the money to make one." They said in sync.

She got out of the cockpit, looked at her bank account. And fell down. "I'm... I'm broke." She started to cry.

"It's because you're always late. You have to buy tons of milk tea Nuwa. Start saving up, you only need to work for at least a thousand years." Fuxi deadpanned at her sister.

The 6th is getting near. Hah, the things I do for love.


Thanks for reading everyone. Griseo the legal loli is here. Honestly, she's pretty hard to write without visuals unlike Mashiro. Anyways, ciao

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