During the rise of the New Gods, Many Civilizations rose in the universe, some powerful, while others had no power at all.
Durin the time in between the starting war, a lot of time had passed.
I stood over in my own room, watching as everything plaid out, everyone that had a part to play Joy, Destiny, Desire, dream, and Death, and destruction, all of them played there part. When they didn't need to work anymore, they would simply relax and hang out in Silver City.
Dream was out there putting dreams in the hearts of the beings of the lower realm while Joy was out spreading Joy. Desire was out doing her own job, while Death was on Standby, she had no job, being a mother and a wife for her family is not considered a Job to her. Destruction had more than Death, but it was small and minor things.
The Phoenix, was doing her Job, she hadn't destroyed anything yet, but all of her work came from her own flames, as she flapped her wings and soared through the vacuum of space. Creation manifested slowly.
Michael was managing Silver city himself under father's guidance with his brother at his side. I was managing the universe itself, as well as spending time with my family, helping raise my children with the best of my abilities, and being the Loving Husband that is needed.
Death had been training really hard during these years. She along with the rest of the family, and although she is weaker than us, she is still the strongest being besides us in the family now, and has already surpassed, Satan's strength with his own infinity form.
With Gohan, my eldest, , he is currently training to master it. he would occasionally spar with me and Elaine at times as well.
With Elaine, Elaine had already mastered the first level of SuperSaiyan, and would spar occasionally with her older brother. Right now though.
"A Burst of power filled the air, steam, lots of steam, emitted from Elaine's body, her golden aura expanded and before long. The edges of her body started to glow a blood red glow.
"That's it girl." I said with a smile as I gazed at her.
She gritted her teeth in pain as she could feel her bones start to break once again before reforming, although she got used to this in her normal state in her Golden form, it was back, and the pain was much more unbearable than the first.
"Why is this so much more hard than the last time, ": Elaine growled, "I thought I mastered this already."
"That's because you are a SuperSaiyan God now." I explained with a gentle smile, "The power that you have is so much more than before so you are having a hard time controlling it with your body."
"It was exactly like when SuperSaiyan blue Goku used Kaio- ken, though he doesn't know why Akira changed it too a transformation when it was just a technique that was added on to the transformation, anyone with the proper training could learn it, it was already speculated, that Piccolo, yamcha, Tein, and Krillin, had learned the technique when they trained in the otherworld at King Kai's place.
But Anyway, even though Goku had a good grip of Kaio-ken, when he was fighting Cooler in the other universe, or even against Pikkon in the other world tournament.
When he transformed into the SuperSaiyan God, he had to train all over gain to get a good mastery over it. But the reason why he had to relearn it over again, and the reason why he was in so much pain before, was not just because he went well over what he was used too. It was because he was a Super Saiyan Blue, which power was far above that of a supersaiyan in turns of power increase.
As a SuperSaiyan increases the power by 50x a SuperSaiyan Blue increases the said power 4,000,000,000,000x ( correct me if I'm wrong)
She gritted her teeth, as she glared up at me , her eyes did not hold any anger in them. Elaine was focused, deep concentration.
The blood red glow glowed brighter before it expanded through her aura, and onto the edges, it expanded ourward and surrounded her Golden aura forming an Outer crimson red aura.
The Aura expanded.
"Elaine..." I looked at her concerned, she was making the same mistake she did when she first learned that technique.
"Elaine your'e making the same mistake when you first learned the Kaio-ken." I said softly,
"Nngh." Elaine grunted, and through the pain, her entire body was soaked from the heat that was being produced. she willed it back.
Her power decreased back to where it should be. though she was still straining.
"Good." I grinned at her, "Now stay like this for a while, once we get a good grip you can try to start training on you own."
I hope you like it, I appreciate powerstones, have a good day.