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58.16% It Started With Devils & Artefacts / Chapter 57: Goldman Family

Bab 57: Goldman Family

(1 out of 3 chapters this week)

Enterprise placed her sailor's hat with an eagle symbol on it. Her eyes were on the mirror, inspecting herself in it.

Her clothes were classic sailor girl uniform: a short black skirt, black knee stockings, sharp, high heels, and a white shirt. On top of that, she had her captain's hat and a black military jacket.

"Admiral, Enterprise is ready for military operations." The silver-haired girl turned around and looked at him, expecting orders. She knows they are in condition Yellow, and war is happening.

While the conflict hasn't touched them— yet, she prefers a surprise assault.

Marcus took a few steps and got close to his first ship girl and stroked her cheek.

"Now, Now. My Enti only awakened. We can fight later. For now, you need to reach your 100%."

Blush crept to her cheeks as she looked away from his gaze.

"I understand. My mana reserves are around 70%; it will take a few days to reach total capacity."

"Good girl. For now, take it easy, your Admiral's orders."

"Yes, as you wish." She nodded respectfully, trying to keep her eyes looking at his. It was challenging for the incarnation of a Carrier Ship who had never done anything like this before!

Marcus smiled, seeing her behaving professionally and cutely at the same time.

While he had a straight face with a small smile when talking with Enterprise, internally, he was gushing and barely controlling himself.

His reason is that he finally has one of his 'wives'! He went through memory lane when he was designing Enterprise's Biological Model.

His memories were initially vague from the teenage period, but he quickly recovered them—courtesy of his Psionic powers and Athena's blessing.

Now, he remembers that period quite well.

Marcus remembers that Enterprise– the ship girl, not the ship, was one of an array of 'wives' he had in the phone game; it was a gacha game where one needs to collect ship girls to fight some alien monsters.

Cliche, yes, but it did its trick. Enterprise was the game's face, same with Kiana— Kaslana? For a second, he stopped in his tracks. His train of thought abruptly stopped.

'Wait a moment…'

The inventor, out of nowhere, brushed his finger down and, mentally, went through commands, opened the notebook APP, and started to type down.

'imaginary space is a space where anything can happen; the Herrschers use crystals to access this space to wield their Law,'

He typed it all down in a single breath before using his other hand to stroke his chin; he did a checklist mentally.

'Well, Well, by my philandering ancestor! It appears I have everything needed to create Honkai and its powers…'

"...Admiral? Are you okay?"


He turned around and saw Enterprise looking at him with worry.

Instead of saying anything, he dismissed the window, and his hand went to her cheek and stroked it gently. Making the girl's blush return with force.

"Of course I am fine. I have my Enti here."

Her blush turned atomic as she started to panic.


"It's okay. Why don't you join me for a cup of tea?" He offered her his hand.

"Y-Yes! It would be my pleasure." The ship girl forgot her blush and swiftly accepted his hand without hesitation.

As the pair left, they ignored the maids in the room; they were there the whole time!

Atalanta wasn't even bothered with such action from her Master since she knew that for a few days, he would be hyper-obsessed with his new creation.

The Lioness is one of the exceptional girls as his other maids, like Artemis, started brooding.

The Moon Goddess is, after all, Goddess, and she still has those echoes of pride. She saw the Ship girl as another rival. Unlike Atalanta, who understands the pyramid of hierarchy in this place, The silver-haired goddess does not. The pyramid still eludes her.

"...Do we know any details about this new woman?" Artemis asked with crossed arms; she had that 'infamous' frown on her pristine face.

"Artemis, you do realise that we have access to logs? Everyone does. S.P.B.A already has a complete profile on her. We are part of a scientifically and magically hyper-advanced faction. Profiles do exist." Le Fay said while massaging her forehead. Why does she have to be part of this group of inept people?

"Oh? Show me!"

The witch swore under her breath about annoying Greeks.

With a finger stroke, she summoned her window. Panic appeared on her face as she quickly dismissed the pop-up window!

It was a gallery with over 3,000 pictures of Marcus Goldman. Atalanta and Hippolyta, who saw this, grinned like a pair of cats. They can't wait to tease this 'cold' witch.

"A-As I was saying, just go to projects and press on to check the logs."

Le Fay ignored the looks the pair were giving to her."

"The list is here. As you can see, there is a whole list of things." The Pendragon girl pointed to the logs; her eyes noticed something interesting.

"...Oh, wow… Master ordered three new airships, expanded the S.P.B.A by 300% and rearranged the Space station building cue." The blonde witch sounded intrigued by the new information.

"...So he IS preparing for war." Hypolyta was pleased by this news.

"The question is if we are going to fight." Jeanne chipped in from the side. The Reincarnation of the Saint wants to know if she can prove herself in this conflict. More spending points are always good in her books.

"Depends on the enemies." Atalanta pondered as well. Depending on how big the war will be, if the frontlines are broad, they could be sent out. But, after seeing the pair of silver-haired beings made and almost entirely ready for war in just a week, there is a chance they won't have a chance to fight!

Depending on how he produces them, Marcus could mass-produce super beings en-masse and overrun any battlefield.

All of that depends on his whims.

"That doesn't matter!" Artemis snapped the maids out of their thoughts.

"Now, show me information about this girl!"

"...Sheesh! Relax!" Le Fay grimaced, seeing the infamous Greek Goddess' outburst.

With a finger motion, the witch pressed on the newest entry.

All the maids gathered around her; they wanted to learn about the ship girl.

They saw a picture of Enterprise's face on the left, while the right side had biometrics and statistics.

[Full Name: Enterprise CV-6]

[ID Number: MGOC: 02]

[Classification: Biological Combat Model (Ship)]

[Type of Energies: Touki, Magic, Psionic]

[S.P.B.A Rank: Commander (Separate Brigade)]

[Combat Strength: Pantheon-Tier]

[Armaments: Neo Sacred Gear {Freedom Call} (Bow-type)

Enterprise CV-6 (Golden Armament)]

[Linkage to Golden Armoury: Yes]

[Linkage to Neo Heaven System: Yes]

[Protocol Overwrite: No]

[Flagship: Enterprise CV-6 (MGTS-Class) {Experimental/Wartime Exception}]

[Additional Traits: build-in Aurora Network HUD {Experimental/Wartime Exception}]




"She is classified as Pantheon-Tier? Even Quinella isn't at that tier!" Le Fay got spooked by the details, her eyes with curiosity looked at the new additions to the list that were not there.

"I don't know how to feel about that! I mean, how does he know it has enough power to level a Pantheon?" Artemis questioned with a huff. Sure, he might have defeated her, but her Pantheon has some crazy beings!

"That's because of the ship." Atalanta, who saw Enterprise in person, pointed it out.

"She can summon an enormous ship with the firepower to level many things, including a Pantheon."


"Show me Quinella's page. I want to see what she is packing." Atalanta asked the witch; there was a curious glint in the lioness' eyes.

"...Sure…one second…"

Le Fay went through a few windows, entering the central database and selecting the assistant's profile page.

[Full Name: Quinella Aurora]

[ID Number: MGOC: 01]

[Classification: Biological Assistant Model (A.I)]

[Type of Energies: Touki, Magic, Psionic]

[S.P.B.A Rank: Second in Command]

[Combat Strength: Super Class]

[Armaments: None]

[Linkage to Golden Armoury: Yes]

[Linkage to Neo Heaven System: Yes]

[Protocol Overwrite: Yes]

[Flagship: None]


"...I thought she had several things stashed away. But she has nothing."

"Quite barren…"

The maids commented on the AI's lack of things. They are ignoring that Quinella is not supposed to be a combat model in the first place.

"...Hey…can we check Master's profile page?" Hypolyta asked with a glint in her eyes.

"...Sure, let me raise it." Le Fay casually agreed to the request

With a few brushes of her finger, the witch revealed his profile page.

[Full Name: Marcus Goldman]

[ID Number: 0000]

[Classification: None, (Creator)]

[Type of Energies: Touki, Magic, Psionic]

[S.P.B.A Rank: Supreme Commander]

[Combat Strength: Planetary (Last measured 37 days ago)]

[Armaments: All Weapons]

[Linkage to Golden Armoury: Yes]

[Linkage to Neo Heaven System: Yes]

[Protocol Overwrite: Yes]

[Flagships: Confiscator (Daedalus-class)

Scavenger (Atilla-class)]

"... Satisfied?" Le Fay asked the Goddess who was reading the profile page.

"...Yes, looks interesting, I will check my own later…" After satisfying their curiosity, the maids returned to their jobs. They look awkward just standing in the Medical tank room and looking at one holographic screen.

'Sure, let's ignore that he has the potential to blow up a planet…' The blonde witch mentally commented on that one glaring detail on the page.

She returned to Enterprise's page and looked at the new experimental stuff he used in the new 'ship girl' creation.

The longer this continues, the more evident it is that Marcus is making a pantheon whether he wants it. It's happening on its own.



"What is it?"

"...D-Do I have to meet your parents?" Enterprise asked with a nervous look.

"Yes! You have to. I need to show one of my greatest creations."

The ship girl slowly nodded her head. Her Admiral's enthusiasm makes her nervousness buffered down quite a bit.

It doesn't change the fact that it's embarrassing! She had no time to gather herself. Seeing such important people means that she needs to prepare! Mentally, at least!

She was ready for war because of the yellow condition, yet she must endure this!

As the driveway lowered down, the pair walked out of the underground garage.

The silver-haired girl looked around and took a deep breath.

'So this is land… feels nice.'

The ship girl slowly looked around. As a 'ship', her memories come from sailing the waters and fighting. Then, transitioning into a biological model excited her to experience the other side.

"Peaceful, isn't it? One of the reasons why I like this place this much is the quiet."

"...Reminds me of the Ocean…" Enterprise agreed before adding some more. "...I mean the journey itself; battles can be— loud."

"Indeed. Now let's go; Dad should be at home by now."


As the pair entered the house, Marcus could see three Aurora bots doing some manual labour. His assistant's get-up was that of a manager with glasses and a high ponytail.

'Does she have a cosplay fetish? Her seriousness for specific tasks transcends work and touches her clothes as well.'

For a moment, he wondered if it was his doing. Has his hidden anime geekiness touched his creations? The inventor looked at his ship girl and her 100% authentic clothes.

'Yes…I guess it is my influence.'

"Master! You are back!" Quinella, like a butterfly, glided over to his side and hugged his arm as if not seeing him for several hours was a big deal.

Eventually, she noticed the other girl standing on his right side since the assistant hugged his left hand.


"...Yes. Assistant Quinella. It is— a pleasure." The silver-haired girl greeted the fellow platinum-haired girl. There was a weird sort of tension between those two. But Enterprise is an incarnation of a ship, not a proper human. So, it annoys her more that her Admiral uses other ships instead of her.

But there is still— a tension between these two, being his creations. One can't escape biology; they want to impress him.

"Likewise." Quinella nodded and then looked at Marcus, who was watching them interact. The pair won't bicker in front of him; nope, that's a one-way ticket to seeing the disappointed face of their creator, and that is something they don't want.

"Master, check out all the things I have upgraded~" She started to pull him deeper into the house. Enterprise followed the pair; the ship girl has a built-in HUD, which helps her to adjust to this 'new life.' Everything of interest is highlighted and explained to her.

They went to the living room. The room felt enlarged as Aurora bots had removed the useless furniture and used that material to create a wall-sized TV.

"...did you ask my dad if he wanted this?"

Before Quinella can answer, his father walks into the room from the kitchen.

"Mark! These robots! Can I keep one for myself? They make just the best sandwiches." Roland said whole, holding a half-eaten sandwich in his hand.

The older Goldman then noticed a new girl standing just behind Marcus.

"...New creation?" The inventor's father had a gut feeling. He noticed that his son's creations have this peculiar 'style' in dressing up.

"What gave it away?" Marcus asked his father.

Instead of answering, he raised his eyebrow as if asking, 'Really?'

"...Fine, yes, she is. She is a ship girl!" The inventor swiftly got behind Enterprise and placed his hands on her shoulders.

"She is a living embodiment of a carrier ship Enterprise CV-6. I recovered from the Pacific Ocean! After doing all the fixing and retrofits, I decided to use the ship in some fashion. So, with the discovery of resonance, I created an embodiment of a vessel which can control the ship like her own limbs!"

"...so…she is the soul of a warship? That's…"

The man pondered for a bit before sighing in resignation.

"I know your mother will kill me, but that's amazing!"

"Don't worry, I have a solution. Why don't I bring the Titanic from the Atlantic Ocean and give it to her? She always cries when she sees that Movie." Marcus suggested that as he was still holding Enterprise's shoulders and slightly leaning into her.

Silverhead's face was straight the whole time, but internally, she barely held herself from blushing.

"... it's a cruise liner… where would you keep it? And where is the carrier ship?" Roland massaged his forehead from the sheer absurdity of his son's suggestion.

"Enti's ship is in a different space, and we could have Titanic in the docks. It's not like it's THAT big." Marcus rolled his eyes. He is confident in the dock space he has built.

"...Ugh…fine… to keep her from freaking out, we need to distract her."

"Admiral, I could recover Titanic if you wish. It would be an adequate testing mission." The beauty suggested to her creator.

"...Admiral, huh. It appears you are flying through ranks, son." Roland joked as it was the only thing he could do after that whole strange theme of conversation.

"... it's natural for me to call him like that. As regular humans say, it's a gut feeling."

"Hmm, so how does it work?" After getting the weirdness digested, more like overwhelmed by curiosity, Marcus' father wanted to understand what this girl was, for real.

"Umm? Works what?" Enterprise asked with confusion, but before they could progress, Marcus started to pull her to the couch.

"Why don't we take a seat first."


Once they were seated, the conversation continued. At the same time, Quinella looked at this with inflated cheeks.

'It's only for a while, it's only for a while! She is a battle model! Not an assistant one, just a battle model!'

The assistant chanted to calm her annoyance and get her jealousy under a grip. It would be very embarrassing if she were to snap!

'Fine, I will finish with retrofits first! Then I can steal the spotlight!'

~~~~~~Underworld, Fallen Territory~~~~~~

"Retreat! I hold them off!" Baraqiel exclaimed with a commanding tone.

"...Don't be ridiculous! They are going to kill you!" Shemhazai exclaimed with annoyed anger.

"Then what do you suggest we do? If I don't hold them off, we will be overwhelmed, and Fallen Angels as a species will die off."



The remaining Cadres stopped for a bit and looked around. Those dark creatures, Evil versions of Heavenly Dragons and Greek Primordials, have butchered off the majority of them, with a small amount of them remaining.

"...Fine. I will make sure we escape properly!" Shemhazai thoughtfully nodded as he had a hardened look.

"...Good, if you see my daughter, tell her I am sorry." Baraqiel flew away after saying that; he called forth his Mana and made himself into a beacon to attract attention.

Hordes of creatures and the pair of Primordials noticed him; roars of evil Dragons followed.

"Let's go. We don't have much time." The Fallen Angel motioned for his comrades to move. The rest looked where Baraquel went for a second before rushing after Shemhazai.

The Fallen Angels will not forget Baraquel's sacrifice! They will return with allies to beat these invaders!

~~~~~~With Devils~~~~~~

Serafall, with the other two Satans, Ajuka and Falbium, looked at the map on the table.

"So far, we figured out that they are Greek, Norse and Persian in origin. I have already contacted those pantheons and asked for clarification. Norse answered the first as they promised to send Thor and Baldur to deal with Loki and his Giants assisting these Primordials.

Greeks told me that Hades has sealed his Realm of the Dead, and they can't enter it through their side."

"...And? What else do they say?"

"Well, Zeus didn't offer anything. He told us it's our fault for living so close to the —I quote— Dumping grounds of the Pantheons. Nyx and Erebus don't answer to Olympus. Hell, Zeus is afraid of Primordials. So it is not a surprise he won't offer anything."

"...Just great…"

"Uh-huh, since we can't ask the Greeks for help to deal with them, why not send Marcus Goldman to widen his collection?" Serafall suggested to the pair.

"...You think Marcus will come to our aid?"

"...He will~ he is to be married to Athena, so by extension, Greeks are related to him."

Ajuka's and Falbium's eyes bulged out when they heard that!

A human marrying a Goddess? What in the world has happened?

"If this is the case… then we can invite him! I will deal with the council myself!" Ajuka quickly caved in. At first, he was reluctant because he was unsure what the man would want.

But if it's a family thing—

"Don't get me wrong. Marcus wants research materials, and it just turns out there are many of these materials running around in the Underworld. Being engaged to Athena is just a good excuse."

"...I see, it's an excellent point to point out. I will remember this in future reference when I ask for Marcus' assistance." Ajuka nodded as his gaze returned to the map.

"Apart from that, they are not attacking us yet."

"That's because they are securing areas which we haven't taken control over. There are many mountains and other sites with little to no access.

They will prove perfect for them to use as forward bases." Falbium explained with a serious voice.

"It's only a matter of time; once they are all set, we will be in trouble. From scouts who witnessed the fall of Fallen Angels, they have Three Dragons, evil versions of Ddraig, Albion and Azi Dahaka itself.

They are monsters who only get stronger and more developed as we speak." The current Asmodeus responsible for military affairs explained about the dragons under the control of the Gods of Hell.

"This is just great! We have to face Heavenly Dragons as well!?" Serafall sarcastically complained.

"...Many of these combatants are above our fighting strength." Falbium reminded her.

"...Yeah-Yeah… we need Marcus' tech to fight off those black armoured beings. We need canon fodder just like these Gods have."

~~~~~~Meantime, with Hell Forces~~~~~~

"Pity, the little crows escaped our wrath." Nyx, with sadistic glee, commented on the escape of Fallen Angels.

"Doesn't matter, sister. We have their lands, and Angra Mainyu can proceed with his ritual. We have more than enough space."

"...I guess… but it saddens me that they escaped even if they were much weaker."

"They won't run away for long. Once we seal off the Underworld, they won't have a place to run, hide or retreat. We will take them out one by one if need be." Erebus smoothly explained how they would exterminate the remaining Fallen Angels.

As the pair continued the conversation, the other Gods arrived. Tartarus, with Angra Mainyu, proceeded to begin the ritual to seal off the Underworld and turn it into their backyard, where they could play as much as they wanted.

Nyx's and Erebus' creations, Hypnos and Oreinos, joined the ritual as they started to add magic related to Dreams and Sleep.

Their powers are an excellent addition to this ritual, as the weaklings will fall asleep, and the Hell forces can take them down in their sleep and add them to their ranks as undead wraiths.

A nice garden.

As the four gods started to work on the ritual, Loki and Hel arrived to see the Primordials.

"...Odin is sending Thor and Baldur. My daughter just notified me of their imminent departure." The God of Mischief and a Frost Giant said with a frown. Erebus and Nyx noticed the newest addition to their cause: Hel, the Goddess of the Norse Underworld.

"Problematic but not unexpected, we have prepared for such a possibility." Erebus pulled something from his shadow and threw it at the Norse God, who caught it casually.

"...This is?"

"Something Angra Mainyu created in case others started poking their heads into our business."

"...I am not a big fan of that Phantom's creations. What happened to that crow is proof." Loki complained about the way they acquired Sirzechs' power.

"Kokabiel was expandable, and you are not. However, this amulet is dangerous. You will acquire Thor's power for a price; it's a technique based on an evil curse, and it will kill Thor. The power you will receive will be —darkened; it will permanently mark you."

"...Father…" The Goddess Hel wasn't pleased to hear what would happen to her father.

"It's okay. Very well, I will do it. Maybe this will wake that old geezer up. Once, two of his sons died."

Erebus smirked upon hearing that.

"Sure, just don't die there." The Primordial said with a knowing look. The God of Mischief nodded. After that, he walked away to his devices. He didn't hear the last words Erebus said.

"You wouldn't want to know what will happen when you die after getting Thor's power."

Angra Mainyu is called Evil incarnate for a reason.

~~~~~~Back in Marcus Controlled Lands~~~~~~

"...Are you sure it's fine?" A girl with Auburn hair asked the older girl with black hair and brown eyes.

"Meeting the King like that? Without mentioning that we are arriving?" The girl continued with her nervous mumbling.

"It's okay. It's not like we are doing anything strange. Besides, I am bringing you there. You wanted to meet the Next Solomon, the King of Magic, with your Sacred Gear. You will surely get his attention." The older girl softly encouraged her to calm down.

"H-How can I be calm—"

Sounds of futuristic engines stopped them in their tracks. Multiple gunships arrived in the airport area. The aircraft's doors opened as armoured soldiers jumped out from them.

Either they were jumping out, using ropes or other means. Before long, the armoured men surrounded the pair of girls.

"Magicians, identify yourself!"

One of the armoured men announced through a loudspeaker.

"...Oof… it appears my brother wasn't expecting me at all…"

"...Umm…I don't think your brother knows that you are a witch…"

"He should know… I told him a bunch of times." The older woman complained with a frown.

"...I am Lilian Goldman, Marcus Goldman's sister."

The armoured men instantly got confused as they looked at each other and started to mumble something about data, not computing.

Three of the soldiers walked over and inspected her from a different angle.

"Information we have on you doesn't match with what we see. According to the protocol, we need to see evidence." The leading soldier explained to the older girl.

"...Sure, here is my passport."

The witch gave the passport to the leading soldier.

The Mandalorian look-alike took the ID and started to scan with his HUD.

"This is confusing… I need to contact the High Command." The soldier just got even more confused because the passport does match, but he is sensing mana from the witch, which should not be the case!

He turned away and proceeded to contact the High Command.

"Ma'am… I have Lilian Goldman here, who says she is Creator's sister, but the—"

"...I guessed! They have no idea you are a witch!" The girl with Auburn hair complained to the older witch.

"...I guess they don't. I won't be surprised since I left my brother to pursue his goals. How could I know Solomon's book would choose him as his successor?"

"...I guess…"

"My apologies. You are all clear; we shall take you to your parents' home. They all are waiting."

"...Great, then let go! Come on, Meredith!"



For a moment, Rose forgot about the robots improving their home, and instead, they went outside to see the arriving gunship.

Marcus' mother is still processing the hyper-technology stuff she sees in front of her.

The woman is still eyeing her son for creating another woman! You don't just make people like that!

As the gunship arrived, the side doors opened, and Rose finally saw the so-called 'Mandalorians'. They had futuristic rifles. In other words, they were legitimate soldiers who could kill.

"My thanks for the lift." Lilian thanked the soldiers as she and another much younger girl exited the gunship.

"The pleasure is ours; we apologise for the confusion." As the Mandalorian-look-alike apologised, they saluted Marcus before returning to the gunship and flying away.

"Well, that was fun. Not every time I get a lift from a LAAT piloted by Mandalorians." Lilian said that while she looked at the disappearing gunship.

"...I don't understand. You said you were in the capital. But, my S.P.B.A. picked you up from the national airport." Marcus said that while taking a step forward.

"I WAS in the capital; I never said which nation's capital, though."

"...I see… and the whole witch thing?" He motioned at her get-up. Lilian was dressed in blue robes accompanied by a witch hat. She was a bonafide witch.

"You look surprised, little brother! How many times have I mentioned that I was a witch?"

"...I thought it was a witch in a 'ha-ha', not the real deal." Marcus looked at her with an awkward look as he was still processing this!

"Well, does this prove it?" She lifted a finger, and a blue and golden circle appeared around her finger.


Marcus' head leaned forward and then back; he massaged his forehead; he needed to recharge, so he leaned into his ship girl's shoulder.

"...I think my brain just farted… I need to reboot." The Inventor mumbled while leaning into his Ship girl. The incarnation of the warship patted his head while softly saying, 'There, there'.

"Mark, are you that shocked?" Rose couldn't understand her son at this moment. "You have turned an A.I. into a girl, then you turned a warship into a biological girl! And you are saying that you are shocked that Lilian is a witch!?" The older Goldman lady looked at her daughter. " By the way, we will talk about you hiding that too!"

"Of course I am! It's monumental, Mom! It's not like it's hard to solve equations! You won't find it hard when someone gives you 10 euros, and you give 2 euros back in exchange. It's the fundamentals of math!"

"...ugh…don't give me that nonsense. You know well enough that it's not that simple!"

"...if you asked me that a couple of months ago, then I would have agreed with you."


"Why can't my children be normal!"

In the end, Rose just gave up.


After an awkward reunion, the group returned to the house. For a couple of minutes, the pair of magicians inspected the house upgrades.

The obvious gaze from Marcus towards the auburn-haired girl makes the older sister finally introduce the girl to him.

"Let me introduce you to Meredeth Ordinton. She is a member of Golden Down just like I am."

"...I thought you were a hairdresser in the capital." The inventor commented with an eye roll.

"And I am. I do own a hair salon in London." Lilian cheekily smirked at her little brother.

"And I thought you were just a teen who attends school and, in his free time, tinkers in his garage." The older Goldman sibling can play the same game.

"Indeed, that is what I do."

"..Uh-huh, lying through his teeth with a straight face. Mister King of Magic with armies powerful enough to terrify Greeks."

"All that from my garage, believe it or not." Marcus continued with his tune, which made his witch sister give up and instead focus on the auburn-haired girl beside her.

"As I was saying, this is Meredeth. She has a powerful Sacred Gear. I wanted to show her to you; well, she wanted to see her idol."


"What? It's the truth!"

"Idol?" Marcus interrupted the pair.

"Yes. You are the King of Magic if you haven't realised."

"I know that; how do you know?"

"Mom? Remember? You said to them, and they said to me."


~~~~~~Baltic Sea Coastline~~~~~~

An old man with a group of armoured women appeared on the beach. They looked at the resort town in front of them.

"My Lord, is it alright for us to drop in like that?"

"It's okay. HE will come here in a few short minutes." The one-eyed man said with a smirk. He can already sense a massive vessel moving towards their location.


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