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75% The Second Coming of Gluttony, the First of Vainglory / Chapter 103: Coincidence or Destiny – Part II

Bab 103: Coincidence or Destiny – Part II

A private drinking room in the hotel, usually reserved for VIPs and wildly expensive to rent.

But money was a non-issue for me. Even if that wasn't the case, since this place was founded by former Earthlings, they kept up enough with the news to know I was a bigshot.

...Though the look that the guy gave me when he handed the keys over seemed to be more pity than admiration.

But anyway.

A private drinking room. One fully stocked with fancy wines and spirits, as well as a Korean barbecue grill and the necessary ingredients to cook with it.

As to the people in the drinking room...

There was me, obviously.

There was my pal Ian, Coach Maldong, my bro Hugo, my practically adopted little bro Sungjin who was the best support a bro could ask for, Kaz, and Ghio.

In short, a boy's night out while the girls did whatever they wanted to do.

Sitting on a chair by the wine coolers, Ian poured himself a glass of red wine and said, "You know, Jihu. While I appreciate you arranging things for us, I can't help but feel like this is a Bachelor's party."

Hugo cracked open a beer while checking out the karaoke machine in the room. After taking a sip from his beer, he turned around and said, "Yeah! What, you gonna tell us that you're getting married again in America or something?"

I started up the grill and began arranging meat on it. "Can't. Already married to Seora here."

Hugo gave me a blank look and then pointedly turned back to scrolling through the karaoke songs.

Meanwhile, Ghio and Kazuki sat next to each other in front of the self-serve beer tap bar.

Ghio chuckled and said, "Truly, a man's man. Having one wife for each country you visit..."

Kazuki laughed along with Ghio and said, "Yes. A man's man... though I don't envy him at all." He grabbed an empty mug and started filling it with beer before glancing at Ghio. "Did you want some?"

"I would appreciate that, yes."

I adjusted the heat on the grill and then glared at Kazuki. "Oi, Kaz. You lied to me. Leading by example like an Emperor didn't fix this mess. It just made it worse."

Kazuki handed a mug of frothy beer to Ghio and then smiled. "Well. Emperors have always been weak to woman, have they not?"

I groaned. "I just wanna head back to go bash skulls and kill monsters already. Dealing with this romcom drama is making me fed up."

Ghio sipped on his beer and said, "Such is the price great men must pay, Jihu."

"Yeah, yeah..."

While the other guys were taking it easy, Coach Maldong was sitting near me on the lounge around the Korean barbecue grill. Flipping through a newspaper, he said, "Remember to use protection."

I froze.

Coach paused and then slowly turned to look at me. "Kid."

I let out a nervous laugh and said, "It's... probably fine."

Hugo turned to look at me and said, "Bro. Even *I* know to use-"

"I said it's fine."

Right. Think happy thoughts. Definitely don't think about the fact that you completely forgot about all of that.

"Anyway." I grabbed some of the sliced onions and started laying them out as well. "You guys figured out your plans for that side yet?" I looked at Kazuki and said, "You still sticking with Hao, Kaz?"

Kazuki sipped on his beer and then frowned. "It's complicated. I think you would know better, but the Triads are moving their base. I've been invited along, but Yui's been asking to come back as well."

Ghio nodded and sipped on his beer. "Mm. I know the dilemma. Mari also wishes to return. I have insisted against it, but she is determined to strike back at the 'lecherous bug bitch who attempted to use her like some silicon flesh toy' for her soldiers."

Kazuki blinked. "E-Excuse me? She said what?"

Ghio chuckled and said, "I have been called the Archer of Steel, but these days I wonder if it is not my beloved who is truly steel."

I hummed and started setting up the hotpot. "Well, your wife's welcome to our group too. Though I need to figure out the logistics on that still."

Maldong raised an eyebrow and looked at me. "It sounds like you've got some plans in store for us, Kid."

"Yeah." I sat back on the chair and summoned a pina colada soda from the cooler, making it fly through the air.

Kazuki blinked. "Jihu, I'm sorry, but did you just-"

"You accept us all being able to understand each other, but not some basic telekinesis Kaz?" I cracked open the can and took a sip.

"Well, yes. I was under the assumption that you had some advanced technological translation device or something." Kazuki sipped on his beer before waving his hand. "I mean, you have the resources from Sinyoung, and I heard from Hao that you even have your own conglomerate of corporations in Korea, don't you?"

"I do not have a-"

I paused to think about that.

...Kazuki made a good point. I never actually did follow up with Hannah on the current state of my businesses. Well, 'our' businesses now. It already kind of was, but since we were actually married...

Ian drained his wine and started pouring himself another. "Your silence is telling, friend."

"And you're not supposed to chug wine, Ian. But anyway." I sipped on my drink and said, "I think it's about time we bring Elysium back as a proper Organization instead of just a team."

"Hoh?" Ian raised an eyebrow and said, "I suppose that makes sense. Elysium was meant for the dead, so it's only fitting we bring it back to life."

Maldong frowned and looked between me and Ian. "Elysium?"

I nodded and said, "It was originally the team that Ian and I founded. Flone joined shortly after and we were doing pretty well for ourselves too until I went and blew myself up to save Resa."

"Wait." Hugo looked at me and said, "*You* blew the place up?"

"Well, yeah. It wasn't like it was going to blow itself up."

"How? You didn't have explosives on you, did you?"

I blinked and said, "Why would I need explosives when I can cast explosion magic?"


And then Ian set his glass of wine down and looked at me. "Jihu. Friend."


"...You mean to say that you know a branch of magic dedicated solely to explosions. One with enough strength to not only blow up an entire fortress, but eradicate all signs of enemy forces within. And you never brought it up? Even to me? The dedicated magical researcher in our group?"

I paused and then scratched the back of my head. "When you put it that way... Um. You make a good point?"

That probably *would* have been helpful in the last battle, wouldn't it? And it wasn't that complicated either.

Ian facepalmed. "I understand that you are far beyond us mere mortals friend. But do remember that even a scrap from you is the same as a priceless treasure to the rest of us."

I paused to think about that. And about the whole slew of random things I didn't use anymore, like the copied spell formations from the spell balls way back when, artificially creating elemental mana cores to compensate for energy imbalances, and a few other things.

"...I'll give you a book later. Just need to write it all down. Might take a while though. There's a lot of stuff I'm not using anymore."

Ian sighed. "Of course there would be enough to fill a book."

I cleared my throat and said, "Anyway. Elysium." I sipped on my drink and looked at everyone. "I'm planning to cut this vacation short, at least for me, and start making plans to set it up in that place."

Maldong frowned and said, "Do you even understand the requirements for to make an organization, Jihu?"

"Nope. But that's what Hannah's for. My foxy wife will help me sort out the paperwork side of things. And even if she gets a bit swamped, I'm sure Seora and Seohui would be able to help." I paused and said, "Especially since they're now also my wives... Is that even legal? It's different countries, so... Wait. Are they my wives, or am I their husband? I think the distinction is important when it comes to this sort of thing..."

Kazuki chuckled and said, "Day by day, you sound more and more like an emperor to me, Jihu."

I sighed. "Life gets complicated with more than one woman. I don't regret it, but I would definitely not recommend."

The number of times I only got bailed out because I shamelessly used Transcendent Insight...

Hugo sat down at the grill and started cooking some meat for himself. As he did, he looked at me and then shook his head. "Damn. If even a crazy guy like you can't do it, I think I'll just stick to flings until I find a solid girl."

"Probably smart. But back to plans." I flipped the meat I was grilling and tended to the hotpot before saying, "We've got the resources, reputation, and personnel to pop up a heavyhitting organization from the get go. And now that Sinyoung's out of the picture, it's the perfect time to fill the power void. Especially since the Bug Queen is reeling from the blow I gave her."

Maldong nodded. "That's true. And she'll especially be cautious considering how uncertain your status was near the end."

"Yep." I smirked and said, "She'll never see it coming."

Maldong grabbed a few pieces of meat that were finished and scooped himself a bowl of the hot pot. After that, he said, "Have you decided on a base yet?"

"Mm. I have a few places in mind. But we can talk about that more later. For now... Let's enjoy some good food first."


A fun-filled vacation. Good food, good company, relaxing times and games... Time well spent. And also time for me to ensure that I was in tip-top shape and relieved of any lingering aftereffects from my activities in Paradise.

But as mid-August rolled around, I decided enough was enough and called it for everyone. They were free to stay and relax more if they wanted, but it was about time I started getting back to work.

It seemed like everyone had roughly the same mindset as I did though since they all started heading back home to prep for going back to Paradise.

...Well. I said 'everyone,' but really that was only Kaz and his sister Yui, Ghio and Marika, Ian, and Hugo.

As for everyone else...

I grabbed a seat near the front of the plane, intending to use it to make a beeline the moment it landed. But as everyone filtered in for the ride back to Korea, I quickly realized it was futile.

Mostly because I had eleven women eyeing my every move, one staring at me with pity (Seol-Ah), and two guys (Sungjin and Maldong) who wanted nothing to do with that mess.

Seora, Seohui.

Yuhui, Teresa, and Flone.

Sora, Chohong, and Maria.

Seonhwa, Claire, and Hannah...

Sungjin was sitting next to me for emotional support, but he clearly looked like he wasn't going to step in. Mostly because there were eleven beautiful women there and only one of him.

Still, he patted my shoulder and said, "You've got this, Hyung."

I sighed. "...Thanks, Lil Bro. Appreciate it."

Sungjin smiled.

Maldong pointedly kept his nose in a book about authentic Hawaiian cuisine that he picked up.

And as for everyone else...

...It was a long plane ride.


Thankfully, when we got back to Korea the girls... My girls.

God that was a weird thought.

Anyway, my girls were nice enough to not all mob my parents' house and made prior living arrangements for their stay in Korea.

Maria had kindly offered to host Chohong, so they were bunking together.

...I was morbidly curious how long that'd last considering their volatile personalities, but it seemed like it'd be good enough for at least a week.

My wifey Hannah was kind enough to host Seonhwa and Flone at her place. Mostly because they were planning to have a long conversation and get to know each other.

I think the point though was to help me out with Seonhwa. Which meant that I obviously had to treat them out to something nice later to make up for it.

Seora and Seohui... Well. They said they were taking my apartment and didn't give me a chance to refuse. Even after I said that I wouldn't be staying there.

It made me a bit worried about what they'd be up to... But considering the fact that they were very much important people and that my security there was top notch from Hannah's continued upgrades... And since I was familiar with the place and could pop in at any instant, I agreed.

Sora, obviously, went home to her place after telling me that she wanted to keep things casual between us without any commitment. And also that her door was always open.

And as for Claire...

"...How did you convince them to let you come back with me?"

Right. Claire was going to come back to me to stay over with my parents.

Right now, we were driving back at night after dropping Seora and Seohui off at my apartment.

Claire smiled and said, "I can be very convincing if necessary, Jihu."

"...Claire. Threats of violence aren't allowed."

Claire laughed. "Of course. I would never resort to such tactics. I simply said that I had already been introduced and was well acquainted with your family and that any other woman would likely be seen as a homewrecker."

"...Ah. So *that's* why you insisted on Hannah introducing you."

Smart. Well-played too.

Claire leaned back in her chair and stared out the window. "Well. I wasn't Boss's right hand without reason."

"True." I glanced over at her and said, "I always keep forgetting though since you're always so meek and delicate around me. Other than when you're kicking ass and taking names, of course."

Like when she mowed through the entire Korean underworld alongside me and Hao.

Claire blushed and said, "T-That is because you are special. Out of everyone in this world... You are the only one that makes me feel and act this way, Jihu." She smiled and said, "It's a beautiful thing to be seen and cherished as a woman instead of feared as a monster or boogieman."

I laughed and said, "Well. I guess it paid off then."

Claire blinked. "Pardon?"

I glanced at her and said, "You came onto me first, remember? Pretty aggressive too, making promises you couldn't keep."

Claire laughed and said, "That's because you were too ridiculous. And you still are."

I sighed. "Starting to wish I wasn't quite as ridiculous these days. Though I guess if it means I can settle that side and make things peaceful with less casualties, I'll settle for a little mayhem in my personal life."

"Mayhem of your own doing from being too caring."

"True. But if I cared less, I'd be an asshole. And nobody likes an asshole." I paused and said, "Except for guys when they're using them. Figuratively and literally."

"Hannah as well."

"Right. And her. Though she has a weird obsession with that sort of thing... And pantyhose."

Claire giggled.

A comfortable silence. Just the sounds of traffic as we drove through Seoul back towards my parents' house.

After a while though, Claire spoke up and said, "If you don't mind me asking, Jihu..."

"Ask me anything, Claire. Except who I love the most, because my answer will always be all of you, equally and without exception."

Claire laughed and said, "Not that. Though I would say that isn't very convincing."

"Duly noted."

Back to the drawing board then.

Guess the whole 'words are cheap' thing was definitely true. Might just need to remember to do personal touches to show that I cared. Like how Sora liked it when I cooked for her, how Chohong liked casual compliments...

Definitely needed to make a list of those and memorize them.

Claire continued talking and said, "What I wanted to ask was what your plans for the future were."

"The future, huh?" I drummed my fingers on the steering wheel as we waited at a red light and said, "Well. I want to make everyone happy. That includes all of you girls. The problem is sorting out how to accomplish that. Obviously, I can't marry you all. I think I have a solution for it, but... There's going to be a lot more planning and thinking to sort it out first."

"I see." Claire nodded and said, "Whatever the case... I hope that I can remain at your side. T-That is, if you would have me."

"Of course I would. I've gone this far so I'm taking responsibility. Though..." I frowned and said, "...I can't make you my wife if that's what you wanted. At least not here."

Claire shook her head. "It's fine. I've long resigned myself to not be a proper bride. Besides, marriage is merely a formality that may be forged and annulled with enough cash."

I started driving after the light turned green and then let out a dry laugh. "True."

Like how easily Seora and Seohui married me overseas.

"Instead," Claire continued. "I would rather stay at your side, even if I would only be a mistress."

"And you're fine with that?" I frowned and said, "Chocho's weird and said she doesn't care either, but she's that sort of person. You though..."

Claire was prim and proper. Someone who could be mistaken for European royalty. To say that she would only be a mistress...

Claire laughed. "Don't worry, Jihu. I am truly fine with the role of a mistress. Besides..." She blushed a bit and said, "I have to admit that the thought of being involved in an illicit affair is... thrilling."



I forgot that all the women in love with me had their weird and unique kinks.

Claire smiled.

Another comfortable silence. This time though, I decided to break it. "By the way, Claire. How's Cinzia doing?"

"Boss?" Claire paused and said, "The last I heard from her, Sicilia is cementing their hold over Teresa's home and setting up the house for her return."

So in other words, Sicilia was helping to take care of Haramark for Teresa. That made sense.

Hao said the Triads were moving out to fill in the void Sinyoung left, so Scheherazade should be covered too.

That meant two of humanity's major kingdoms were covered in Paradise. I could count on those two to keep a firm grasp on things and sort out the trouble.

But there were still two other points of concern: Eva and the Federation.

Until Eva was sorted out, the Federation wouldn't help the Paradisians since there was bad blood.

I could probably mediate, but if I made Eva change too, then things would go smoother.

Not to mention that Eva was a shithole that I really wanted to clean out.

Claire glanced at me and said, "Boss did mention that she wanted the next time she saw you to be with news of grandchildren though. Specifically within the year. But..." She rested her hand on her belly and said, "I suppose that won't be a problem?"

I let out a deep sigh and said, "I've been had by all you girls."

Claire chuckled. "Figuratively and metaphorically." She paused and said, "Though Seol-Ah..."

"Obviously I didn't do anything with her. She's like a little sister to me, just like Jinhee."

Claire nodded. "That makes sense." She paused again and said, "Then what about Maria?"

"A-Ah. That..." I coughed and said, "That's a bit different."

Claire stared at me.

I did my best to keep eyes on the road.

And then Claire grinned and said, "I understand now." She giggled and said, "So Jihu has a fetish for blondes with blue eyes. I always did find it odd how you enjoyed staring into my eyes and playing with my hair when we were intimate."

I coughed and said, "Oh boy. Looks like we're here."

And we actually were.

Totally not because I used my powers to warp us through traffic or anything.

I parked the car in the driveway and said, "Let's go inside."

Claire laughed.


"Hello?" I walked through the front door and said, "Anyone home?"

The lights were off so I unlocked the door and headed inside instead of knocking. Still, it was weird because it wasn't 'that' late. Usually, Dad would still be up watching his dramas with Mom, meaning the lights would be on.

Claire followed behind me and frowned. "Is something wrong, Jihu?"

"No. But I think our timing might be-"

"Eh?" Footsteps echoed from downstairs and Jinhee walked down wearing a casual t-shirt and sweatpants. "Oppa? You're back already?"

I set my bag off to the side and walked over to give Jinhee a hug. "Yeah. We were going to stay a bit longer, but business came up."

Jinhee stepped back from my hug and walked over to hug Claire. "Welcome back, Claire Unni. Did Oppa cause you any trouble?"

"Me? No. But for a few other people..." Claire giggled.

Jinhee nodded. And then she froze, her eyes widening. "Wait!" She stepped back and pointed at Claire. "Since when could you speak Korean?"

"Jihu taught me."

Jinhee blinked and looked at me.

I chuckled and said, "I'm a very good linguistics teacher. At least eleven people could attest to that."

Jinhee wrinkled her nose and said, "Ew."

I blinked. "What- Ah wait. Dammit. I said something weird in translation, didn't I?"

Jinhee rolled her eyes. "Well, whatever. I don't need to hear what kind of crazy sex antics you got into on that summerside beach in America-"

"There weren't *that* many."

Most of them were in bedrooms, offices, or luxury suites. And the occasional car.

"...But Mom and Dad are out on a trip too."

I frowned. "And they left you alone? I mean, I guess you're an adult, but..."

Jinhee waved her hand. "It's fine. Seunghae's here and I'm staying with a friend I met at a PC cafe."

My frown deepened. "Jinhee, you know that's not-"

Before I could finish, I heard another pair of footsteps. Someone else walking down from upstairs.

And right after that, there was a gasp, followed by a familiar voice.

"Eh!? Oppa?!"

I blinked and looked up.

A beautiful young girl with a beauty mark on her face. One I first met at the gym... and who I recently met again at a PC Cafe, just like Jinhee said she did.


Yuri walked down the stairs and laughed, idly playing with her hair. "That's a weird coincidence. I didn't know Jinhee was your sister, Oppa."

Jinhee slowly turned to give me a blank look.


She groaned and said, "Goddammit, Oppa. Is there *one* girl you've met who isn't into you?"

"In fact, I have. Her name is Seol-Ah, and I think you two would actually get along pretty well- Wait. Hold on." I cut myself off and shook my head. After that, I pointed at Yuri and said, "What are you doing here?"

Yuri walked over and draped her arm around Jinhee's shoulder and said, "We're besties!"

Jinhee rolled her eyes and said, "More like you're a pushy superfan who's bugging me for new chapters."

"Guilty as charged." Yuri laughed. She looked at me and then at Claire. When she saw that, she tilted her head and said, "Who's that, Oppa? Your girlfriend?"

"Ah, she's-"

Before I could finish, another set of footsteps echoed. After that, one more girl walked down the stairs. Pretty, and a little bit younger than Jinhee. Light brown hair that was curly... and someone who looked a lot like Seonhwa.

Seunghae, her younger sister.

She looked at me and Claire before clicking her tongue. "It's the cheating Oppa, huh? Finally back from playing overseas?"

I let out a deep sigh.

One thing after another, huh?


I stared at Jinhee. Then I looked at Yuri and Seunghae.

...Misfortune and opportunity came hand in hand.

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