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63.57% The Second Coming of Gluttony, the First of Vainglory / Chapter 87: Karmic Rule – I

Bab 87: Karmic Rule – I

"...And that's why I want to use my contribution points, Lady Gula."

[Hm. You make a compelling argument.]

Gula's Temple in Haramark.

There, a certain pink-haired princess knelt down in prayer before Gula's statue.

Teresa kept her eyes closed and muttered, "At this rate, I'll keep getting put at the back of the line. That's not fair, you know?"

[It truly isn't. But the situation there is already hectic...]

Teresa nodded her head. "I know this is selfish, but... I want an answer. And I know that Jihu will keep avoiding the question if he's here, so I want to talk to him in his own world. Where he's relaxed and without worries."

[You seem to have a misunderstanding... but I suppose it's fine. You've done a great deal recently... and that child of mine does need to face the consequences of his actions. He's already wracked up a great deal of unresolved karma since leveling up and it'll be troubling if he doesn't resolve it.]

Teresa looked up, eyes wide. "Then-?!"

[I will allow it. However, know that your level up-]

"FUCK YES!" Teresa jumped to her feet, her eyes fiery. "Let's see where you run off to this time, Jihu!"


"A-Ah." She quickly bowed her head again. "My apologies, Lady Gula."

[No need.] Laughter echoed in Teresa's head, and then Gula spoke up again. [I am happy you two are on such good terms this time. And since that child is more honest with his feelings, it should work out well. Though- Hm? Again, that would defy causality? Curious...]

"Lady Gula?"

[Worry not. Now, before I send you, there are few important things to keep in mind. First, you may only refer to yourself as Teresa. Second, you *must* address yourself as Jihu's lover to those who ask your relation to him. Third, you cannot make mention of Paradise. And last of all...]


[I said it before. Your hero is not your hero alone. Please keep this in mind.]

"Don't worry, Lady Gula. I know how great Jihu is."

[Do you really, I wonder...? But very well. Once you have made proper arrangements, return here and I will send you off.]

"YES! I'm coming, Jihu! And you'd better get ready to make me come too, you teasing bastard!" Teresa jumped to her feet and ran off.

The moment she left the temple, a shadow blurred and leaned against Gula's statue. When it focused, a man in a full suit of black armor and an ominous crimson spear appeared. He took a look at Teresa and laughed. "Seems like some things don't change very much."

[Indeed. The princess is... quite enthusiastic about her love.]

"Yeah. I know. Which pisses me off since my younger self keeps acting like a shy virgin around her. Like, fuck man. Just throw her down already..."

[So you say. But you never did anything with Miss Yuhui, did you?]

"...That's different."

[Mm. If that is what you say.]

Black Seol scowled and said, "It is what I say. Now... let's get down to business. What do you want me to do? That bug queen shifted causality a lot, but it shouldn't be enough for me to run rampant, right?"


"So what gives? It's not like the bug queen's going to send more armies or big attacks after what that crazy bastard did. What exactly do you want me to do?"

[A simple task. Merely roam around and beat down Sung Shihyun when he acts up.]

Black Seol blinked. "Huh?" He stuck his right pinky in his ear and dug around before saying, "I don't think I heard you right. You want me. Me, as in a severed future apparition from a seperate timeline, to come here and... thrash the hell out of that arrogant bastard? That's it?"


Black Seol spun his spear around and laughed. Putting a fierce grin on his face, he said, "Say less! That guy died too quick last time. He should be more durable now, right? After all, if he's- Tch. Can't even think it?" He looked to Gula and said, "Hey. I don't mind you scheming, but what the hell did you even do in this timeline?"

[That is a secret.]

"...Tch. Fine. I'll just run off and be a good dog then."

[...You know that I do not see you as that.]

"Sure never felt like it." Black Seol raised his left hand to his face, causing smoke to gather around it and form a rabbit mask.

And when it did, he froze.

[Good luck.]

"Oi, you crazy-! Gah." Black Seol stomped off and muttered, "She's crazy. They're all crazy. Why the fuck did I even agree to this bullshit? ...Oh yeah, because I had fuck all to do. Fuck. Stupid Gods. Stupid crazy bastard. Stupid eyes that don't work because that dense past self of mine is using them right now..."


I held the bouquet of flowers close to my chest and then adjusted the box of chocolates under my left arm. Both weren't the best in the world since I didn't have time, but I made sure to find things that Flone might like. Blue roses, forget-me-nots, and white lilies.

...The florist gave me a weird look after I specifically requested blue roses along with the other flowers, but then he patted my back and wished me luck.

Didn't really know why, but that was encouraging.

As for the chocolate, I picked up a box of caramel turtles. Flone seemed to like sweet things and she also seemed to enjoy caramel. So I figured this would definitely be up her alley.

...And now it was time to face the music.

Was Flone really going to not be upset? And how bad was I going to get chewed out by Jinhee when she found out?

I didn't know, but I grit my teeth and knocked on the door to my apartment. "H-Hey! I'm back!"


I waited for a few seconds and then frowned.

Weird. Did they go somewhere?

I waited a bit more just in case they were asleep or something. But when I focused, I didn't sense anybody inside.


Since that was the case, I unlocked the door and walked in.

First thing I noticed? It was a mess. Candy wrappers, fast food, plastic coffee cups... all of those were scattered throughout the room.

It was enough that I thought for a second that something might have happened to them. And then I remembered how messy Jinhee's room had been the last time I visited and calmed down.


I closed the door behind me and set the bouquet and chocolates down on the counter. After that, I muttered, "Did something come up? Or did they head out for lunch?"

I *had* been busy with things all morning. Maybe Jinhee got fed up with me and dragged Flone out for lunch? Though I didn't get another call or message, so-

A sudden vibration in my pocket. My phone.

When that happened, I flinched. But then I saw the number and calmed down.

It was unfamiliar. Not Jinhee. And it also wasn't Hao, Hannah, or Seora, so nothing came up with the plan. It also wasn't anyone from Carpe Diem... which reminded me that I needed to talk with everyone about a potential name change again later.

Instead, it was an unknown number.

For a moment, I considered ignoring it. But then I decided to check on who the real caller was with Transcendent Insight. After all, the only people who could *get* my number were people who knew me already, so maybe someone had-

[Seo Yuhui]

Calling you about a certain situation.

Wants to talk with you.

Misses you.

"Fuuuu- Okay." I took a quick breath and then smiled before moving my thumb to answer the call. But then I hesitated.

Maybe it wasn't the worst case scenario. But what if it was? What if Yuhui had found out about Hannah already? In that case... was she mad at me? Upset? Heartbroken?

If she was...

My phone kept vibrating despite my hesitation.

But eventually I bit the bullet and answered. "Hey, Yuhui! Man, you're really putting in the work, huh? I don't think I gave you my number yet, did I? Then again, what else should I expect from my number one stalker?"


I froze.

That wasn't Yuhui.

I quickly pulled the phone away and used Transcendent Insight again.

[Yoo Seonhwa]

Took the phone away from Yuhui for a bit.

Gravely disappointed in you.

Feels left out. Nostalgic and somewhat regretful.

I cleared my throat and said, "H-Hey Seonhwa. What are you doing with Yuhui's phone?"

"...You know. I gave you the benefit of the doubt when you broke up with me... but you're kind of an asshole, Jihu."


That... I couldn't argue about that.

In the background, I heard Yuhui calling out. *Miss Seonhwa! Give that back!*

Seonhwa sighed. "Just don't hurt anybody else, Jihu. And here, Yuhui. I'm heading to the other place first."

The sound of the phone changing hands echoed, followed by a door being slammed. After that, Yuhui sighed. "Sorry about that, Jihu."

"No. I mean... she's right. But did something happen?"

I thought that we ended things on a good note between me and Seonhwa... but did something change?

...No. Something definitely changed.

Did... she find out about Hannah?

"Mm... I'm not sure. Seonhwa's been a little stressed recently for some reason. I think she's worried about how things are going over there."

Ah. That made sense. I hadn't checked in yet, but Seonhwa did say she was going to go back as Baek Haeju and help me out. Maybe something was going on over on that side as well?

"But anyway, Jihu! I've got a surprise visitor here who wants to talk to you! Guess who!"

Surprise visitor?

I frowned and used Transcendent Insight.

Then I paled after reading the name. "Ahaha... It's... It's not a certain pink-haired princess, is it?"

"Huh? Wow, Jihu! You're a great guesser!"

At that time, another voice joined in on the call. Female, a bit tomboyish... and very familiar. "I think that's just his guilty conscience weighing on him, Miss Yuhui. Right, Hubbie?"

I pinched the bridge of my nose to try and stave off the budding headache.

I had *so* many questions on what was happening. How did Teresa even get here? No, why was she here?

Scratch that, what the hell was I even going to say?

"Anyway," Yuhui said. "Are you busy right now, Jihu?"

"Not really right now-"

"Great! Seonhwa told us where you lived, so we're coming over!"

"Now's *really* not a-"

Before I could finish, I got an alert on my phone. Glancing at it, I saw that it was a text message from Jinhee. Short. Brief.

And all the more damning because it was.

[Come home. Now.]

Home. Not 'back.' Home. Which... meant that she was back at our parent's house.

And then there was another alert. A text message from Hannah. Again, it was short and brief. And again, it was damning.

[I'm sorry. I messed up.]

I blinked, making sure I wasn't misreading them... Nope. Those were the words.

"Jihu?" Yuhui sounded concerned and said, "Did something happen?"

"...Hah." I shook my head and said, "Instead of coming over, could you give me your address? I'll pick you two up and explain on the way."

"S-Sure. It's..."

Yuhui gave me her address, but I only half-listened. Finding her home wouldn't be a problem with my skills. Instead, I thought about what was going on and what I should do about it.

Since it got to this level already... Yeah. It was definitely best to just grit my teeth and rip off the bandage all at once.

...But was it a good idea to do that in front of Mom, Dad, and Jinhee? And all the other girls too?

"Did you get that, Jihu?"

"...Yeah. I got it."

I didn't, but I could find out where it was.

"Thanks, Yuhui. See you soon."

I hung up and slipped the phone in my pockets. After that, I glanced at the bouquet and chocolates. "Hah..."

A mess- No, a disaster.

Forget fighting the Army Commanders and Parasite Queen, this was the real war...

Was this because I got too greedy?

It was definitely because I got too greedy.

Now... how the hell was I going to solve this mess?


Yun Seohui quietly sipped on a cup of tea while staring out the window. Sitting at a table in an empty conference room, she looked out at the cityscape.

It was a familiar scenery. Seoul, bustling with activity in the middle of the day.

But it was a different view. Rather than gazing down on everything and seeing people as tiny as ants, she was only a few stories up. Because of that, she could see everything clearly. The face of every man and woman that walked past. The features of every car passing by on the road.

Seeing that, Seohui reflected a bit on herself. And on what she had recently experienced.

The memories were faint, but she could still remember them.

A man that looked a lot like Seol Jihu- No, a man who was Seol Jihu.

A man who was cold. Ruthless. One who didn't allow anyone inside his 'fence' but protected those within viciously.

A man who despised her and all she stood for. One who forced her out from the remaining group of humans to fend for herself after taking everything away from her.

A man she tried to possess and control but never could.

...And an obsession with him that she couldn't comprehend.

"I'm not like that." Seohui muttered as she carefully stared into the tea cup.

The 'her' in those memories was different. It was a chaotic obsession, a desire that if she couldn't have him, no one else could. No, that if she couldn't have him, she would destroy him. Forget her pride, her thoughts, her sentiments... Since she couldn't have him, she'd sacrifice everything she was to ruin him.

...Was it because Seohui could see herself walking down that path? For some reason, her heart felt heavy.

It was odd. An emotion she never experienced before.

She should be happy. Jihu saved her and trusted her. Unlike 'that' Jihu, the one she knew believed in her and saved her. He reached out his hand to her when she was in despair instead of smacking it away.

So she should be thrilled. But instead...

Flashes of events she did. Reports she heard but ignored. Callous actions.

Without bidding, they bubbled up in her head.

How she ordered her men to corner Sung Shihyun by causing an accident and killing his mother.

How she did pulled the strings to try and collect other special Earthlings or ruin them if she couldn't.

And how she heard all that the Sinyoung executives were doing to Roe Scheherazade but ignored it.

No. She didn't hear exactly what they were doing to her, but she could guess. Even a child could.

Rationally, Seohui could keep those events separate in her mind. It was just business. She did it for the sake of Sinyoung, not herself.

That had been enough for her. Before, Seohui could compartmentalize her actions like that.

But now...

Seohui felt a sharp pang in her heart and then massaged her chest. "...What have you done to me, Jihu?"

She was sure of it. Something had changed since she was saved by Jihu. Since then...

An ache in her chest. A weight that she couldn't seem to shake.

"...Is this what they call a guilty conscience?" Seohui let out a bitter laugh. "...No wonder Father said that I was broken."

It was a clear difference. She could see it now, where she and that version of her diverged.

It began back then. The first time she met Jihu. Curiosity turned into interest. And that interest turned into something else when she realized what he was like.

A man who would throw his life away to protect those he cared for. A man who did the impossible. A man who defied causality and the inevitable outcome to make his own path.

Before Seohui knew it, she had changed. It was little by little. Piece by piece.

Oh, let's prioritize him a bit. Oh, let's let Seora have a little breathing room. Oh, let's ignore Miss Hannah's transgressions.

A bit of 'grace.' A bit of 'mercy.'

At the time, she rationalized it as making sure to stay in his good graces. To make up for her whim in trying to prevent reinforcements at the battle against the Army Commanders.

But after their last meeting. After seeing his genuine concern towards her as a person. Seeing her not as the perfect First Lady, but as someone who could make mistakes. Yet, someone who could still be accepted in spite of those mistakes...

For the first time in her life, she didn't want to disappoint someone. Not out of obligation or fear like her father. Not because she wanted to earn approval. No. Seohui just... couldn't bear the thought of betraying such a sincere faith in her.

"...How foolish. The feared Yun Seohui, reduced to this." She let out a wry smile.

It couldn't be helped.

"One way or another, it seems that my fate ends with you, Seol Jihu."

She had nowhere else to go. She had nothing else to her name. Her men betrayed her, and all of her assets were either frozen or withdrawn.

A cruel woman without anything to her name but the skills she picked up while climbing a mountain of corpses.



A somewhat cold voice called out.

Seohui looked up to see Seora walk in.

Her younger sister was dressed professionally. A sharp gray suit and skirt. As always, the amethyst pendant around her neck.

Confident. Calm.

Everything that Seohui faked before.

Seohui plastered a smile on her face and said, "My cute little sister. How have you been?"

Seora walked into the room and set a bag onto the table. Opening it, she pulled out a pair of wrapped sandwiches and then handed one to Seohui. "Eat."

"A-Ah. Yes." Seohui meekly took the sandwich and unwrapped it.

Seora did the same, and the sisters quietly ate together.

It was strange. They were both sisters, and such a thing should have been commonplace. But considering their circumstances and past...


Seora broke it first. Setting down her sandwich, Seora looked up and said, "How are you feeling now, Unni?"

Seohui stared at Seora.

Another incomprehensible thing.

Due to everything she did, Seohui thought that Seora might hate her. Or if not that, since Seora was the only one in line to inherit Sinyoung, that she might gloat. After all, Seohui did all she could to try and suppress Seora.

But Seora didn't do that. A genuine concern. Not overt, but above the level of mere cordiality.

Seohui didn't understand it. So she said, "Do you not hate me?"

"Hate..." Seora hummed and said, "Unni is a despicable woman."

Seohui felt her heart sting, but she kept a cool face on.

"You ruthlessly cut down people in their prime, obsessed over powerful warriors and useful pawns, and only worked for profits. While you played the role of a 'savior', in truth you did nothing but bring darkness into people's lives."

Seohui couldn't hide her reaction to that.

It was true.

She was in a position to use her power for good. Like Jihu... no, better than Jihu. If she had focused on properly raising individuals and trying to change Paradise for the better instead of just improving Sinyoung...

Seohui understood how the Parasite Queen thought. And each time, she was just a half-step too slow in collecting the outstanding Earthlings that the Parasite Queen ruined or corrupted.

But what if Seohui had focused on nurturing them instead? What if she focused on opposing the Parasite Queen directly instead of just competing for 'prizes?'

...How many could she have saved? No, how many did she condemn because she didn't act?

She already knew of one. A helpless widow who was forced to become a mere object. A person she could have saved at any point.

But she didn't.


Seora let out a deep sigh and muttered, "Oppa really does have a weird effect on women. Stealing hearts left and right... and to even get my heartless Unni to turn out like this..."

"E-Excuse me?"

Oppa? Did she mean Jihu? But stealing hearts...?

Seora slammed her hand on the table.

Seohui flinched.



Seora looked at Seohui and said, "You did many people wrong. You were a vile, ruthless, and despised woman. Because of that... I didn't hate you, but I didn't care for you."

Seohui lowered her head. "...I understand."

"But!" Seora pulled her hand back and stared into her older sister's eyes. Letting out a soft smile, she said, "Oppa... Jihu believes in you. I don't know how, but he sees that you can do better. Be better."

Seohui paused and raised her head. "R-Really?"

Jihu... thought that about her? Was that why he saved her?

"Mm." Seora nodded. "That's why we can't disappoint him. Sinyoung is rotten, and we're the only ones who can fix it. I already plan on doing it even without your help... but since you've been giving out those names, you want to help too, right?"

Names... Yes. Since that Hao Win asked and said Jihu wanted them, she had provided them. But Seohui didn't really care either way what happened to Sinyoung.

But... Disappointing Jihu...

Right. He was a man with outstanding morals. A true hero who believed that she could do better and pulled her back from death itself.

If he knew the truth of Sinyoung... wouldn't he want to rip out its roots? No, he was already planning to rip it out, so...

"...I do." Seohui nodded. "...Yes. I want to help."

For his sake. To not disappoint him. To live up to her hero's expectations and be someone who could hold her head up high when she saw him. And then maybe...

"Good." Seora nodded and said, "Then we'll bring you along with us. If you help, it should make the last step smoother. And it'll be less bloodshed too."

"If you need something, then I'll do my best to help, Seora."

Seora flinched.

"What?" Seohui blinked. "Did I say something wrong?"

"...I see what Mister Hao was saying. Seeing Unni like this is weird..."


"Nothing. Then... let's chat a bit more about the plan later this evening and the 'play' we've scripted."

"Of course."

"Ah. Before that... one more thing."

"Yes, Seora?"

"Oppa is mine. Understood? I don't care if you've suddenly become a saintess or an angel, I'm not giving him to you."

A fierce and cute response.

Seeing that, Seohui laughed. A genuine, hearty, and a bit awkward laugh.

"I'm being serious, Unni!"

"I know. And don't worry, Seora." She let out a faint smile and said, "This doll already broken once. I could never stand beside him like you... So I will be content simply being near someone as bright as him."

"...Dammit. Unni is unfair even like this, huh?"


Seora sighed. "...Fine. I guess some help never hurt. And since that traitorous Miss Hannah stole a march and took number one, we need to make up ground."

"...I don't quite follow...?"

Seora smiled. "Unni~ How good are you at forging citizenship documents? And marriage certificates? Ah, overseas of course."



I parked my car and pulled out my phone to double check the address that Yuhui gave me. My skill said that I was in the right place, but just to check... Yep.

I looked up at the fancy apartment and sighed. "Even here, she likes to go all out, huh?"

Gangnam. The richest district in Seoul.

And Yuhui had an apartment there.

Though, that made sense. Yuhui was a girl that attracted a lot of attention because of her looks and had a potentially bad issue that could result if she bumped into people.

I hesitated, wondering whether I should go walk inside to pick them up.

I wouldn't stick out in this crowd... After all, while I didn't want to be vain, I could objectively say that I was a handsome guy that could be easily mistaken for a KPop star. Then there was the fact that I had fancy threads, a fancy car, and a trained body... yeah. It'd be fine with me walking in.


But if I did that and then Teresa jumped me. Or if this was a double-team strategy... I was already in a mess with Hannah, Claire, and Flonnie showing up at my house. If I took too long and also came off like I just had a long make-out session with those two... who probably would do exactly that if I wasn't careful. Anyway, if that happened, then...

A tap on my window.

I blinked and looked up.

Two beautiful women. One, a Korean beauty with a kind face, long black hair, and a curvy body that was being covered by a modest green blouse and jeans.

The other, a foreign beauty with flowing pink hair, entrancing pink eyes... and a strangely modern outfit consisting of a plain white t-shirt and jeans.

Yuhui and Teresa.

I rolled down my window. "...Were you two waiting here for me to pull up the entire time?"

Yuhui giggled. "Well~ I knew that our Jihu wouldn't keep us waiting too long. Right, Resa?"

"Mmhm." Teresa nodded and then eyed me up, her eyes shining with pink hearts.

And that wasn't a trick of the light.

I sighed. "Well... get in."

Hearing my voice, Yuhui's expression fell. "...Did something happen?"

"Something's about to happen. I'll explain on the drive over. But for now, please just get in. And please don't yell at me too much. Okay?"

"...Okay?" Yuhui slowly nodded and got in.

Teresa got in after her and said, "What are you so worried about Hubbie? What, did you get caught messing around with multiple women by your parents or something?"

I silently locked the door and started the car back up.

"...Jihu?" Yuhui frowned. "...Where are we going?"

"First of all... You'll back me up, right? No matter what happens, you'll back me up?"

Yuhui nodded. "Of course!"

Teresa let out a soft smile and said, "Always. You've already given me all that I could want." She paused and then gave me a sly look. "Well. I suppose there's one more thing I could want..."

"Good. Then the truth is... I got married."



"But I also have feelings for other women as well. Like you two. And I'd like to make it work, but right now everything is a *giant* mess, and my hand is being forced to come up with an explanation. So... please help me out?"



Teresa and Yuhui looked at each other. Then they turned back to look at me.

I pointedly ignored them, but I could feel the gaze on the back of my neck.

Yuhui sighed. "Well... I guess I should have seen this coming. Jihu *is* a bit of a shameless flirt."

"Mmhm." Teresa nodded. "Hubbie is a real hero after all."

"...I'm sorry."

"Oh, it's fine, Jihu." Teresa smiled. And then that smile faded, turning into a sharp gaze. "But we're going to have a very long talk afterwards. Especially with Flonnie."


"And with your wife. Who I'm guessing isn't Flonnie?"


Teresa stared at me, her face unreadable. And then she said, "You know, Jihu. For such a kind and caring man... You're pretty cruel in how you steal women's hearts. And greedy too."

I sighed. "I know. And again, I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to hurt anybody. But it just... ended up like this."

Teresa and Yuhui shared a look again.

And then they were quiet.

Seemed like they had said their piece.

Well. It'd be awkward, but...

'Guess it's time to face the music, Jihu...'

[And you kept calling Seol a bastard for playing with girls' hearts.]



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