Unduh Aplikasi
86.74% Reborn After A Death March / Chapter 72: Chapter 71

Bab 72: Chapter 71



A giant green lizard charged towards us. Bolts of lightning shoot from its body, scorching the walls while its razor-sharp claws cut shallow groves into the grounds. It's a big creature but not as big as I expected when I heard this creature's name. Nana, our skilled warrior, and Mia, our talented magician, stood ready to face the challenge.


"You're so scaly. You remind me of a lost fish. I declare,"


Nana's odd insult was actually her using the 'Taunt' skill. She is pretty good at it, too. The lizard ran straight towards her, attempting to cut Nana down with lightning bolts. Still, Nana deployed multiple 'Flexible Shields' simultaneously, blocking the attack.


Today, we are fighting a monster called a Varan. It is a giant, predatory lizard with powerful legs and a fierce temperament—or that was what this monster was like in a movie I once saw. This guy is only the size of a horse but twice as long and has razor-sharp teeth and claws. Still, I am not sure Nana would be able to stop its charge.




Mia had already finished her chant, her hair fluttering, causing me to catch glimpses of her slightly pointed ears. Her water magic spell swiftly caused the Varana to stumble, slowing it down enough for Nana's 'Flexible Shield' enhanced defence to withstand the charge and even counter with a powerful shield bash.


"…Sacred Javelin,"


Sara was next to attack. Her body seemed to glow in the dim light of the labyrinth as she used a holy spell to strike at the monster's eyes. The monster reeled back as blood poured from one of them. We have been hunting Varana for several days and have become good at dealing with these big lizards.


"…Magic Arrow,"


Nana shot an arrow of pure magic, quickly hitting the other eye, but the lizard didn't take that lying down. With a whip of its tail, the Varana sent its spike tip towards Nana's oversized chest, and it was too fast for her to react.


"Nana! Look out!"


I called out, getting ready to intercept the tail, but someone else reacted faster.


"I won't let you!"


Pearl charged forward with her newly acquired skill, 'Warp', slicing the tail clean off with her spellblade-infused sword and warping away when the monster emitted a wave of electricity in retaliation. She had only learned 'Warp' yesterday, but Pearl could already use it in battle. I hope I am not the only person who crashed into a wall when learning to use that skill.




The Varana could only let out a painful roar as Nana followed up Pearl's attack with a powerful shield bash. I am fairly sure that move would have killed a human after seeing how many of the Varana's teeth were shattered just now.


"…Mustard Mist,"






While Mia's spell and a flash bomb Sara threw blinded the Varana, Pearl and Nana quickly moved in, with Nana stabbing the monster through the neck as Pearl stabbed deeply into it's head. And with one final roar, the Varana breathed its last breath.


"Good work, everyone,"


I smiled as I approached, using 'Mana Transfer' to replenish Mia's and Sara's MP. We had been jumped several times by monsters while hunting Varana, so I always ensured they were topped up. Still, we have been making steady progress.


Pearl has gained a level and is now level fifty-nine, Nana has reached level forty-two, Sara is at forty-five, but Mia is the biggest improvement. I had to help her with extra training since she requires twice the amount of exp to level up than the others, but Mia is now level forty-two like Nana. Mia worked so hard yesterday that she even came down with a 'Level Up Sickness' case.


"This is the last one, so let's search the area for treasure,"


We had been down here for a week training and followed the same daily routine. We would find an area with monsters around Nana's level and hunt until we defeated them all. In the end, we would search for treasure chests, but most of the time, we didn't find anything worth mentioning. The weapons and armour sets were usually all cursed or pale compared to our gear. Satou did a great job when he made all this stuff for us. But anyway, back to the treasure. As for the potions, apart from a few rare occasions they were all expired. Still, we have found quite a bit of cash in those chests.


"You don't need to break it down, Pearl, I'll just store it as is,"


"Yes, master,"


I stopped Pearl as she was about to cut into the Varana. They take a while to break down, so we should probably leave it be since it is starting to get late. As for the others, Mia is on lookout duty with her detection magic, while Nana and Sara have already started their search for treasure.


Our rookie explorer training emphasized the importance of searching in obscure places – shadows cast by rocks, dusty piles, and even under spiderwebs. Following this advice, we meticulously scoured these areas, and our efforts paid off, yielding a reward of one to three treasure chests in each area.


"Ah! I found one!"


Sara was the lucky one today to find the first chest. I went over to where she was waving from to see her treasure chest was found in a small hole in the side of a wall.


"Huh… no traps?"


"That's unusual."


When my "Trap Detection" skill found nothing, I used "Spellblade" on my fingertip to sever the lock and open the chest. Inside were several expired potions, a few gold coins, and a cursed ring that would greatly boost your strength at the cost of sapping your health. Oh, and several interesting scrolls. They were all earth magic spells for creating golems.


"I'm starting to think finding a treasure chest in a labyrinth isn't as good as people make out,"


Sara sighs seeing the contents of the chest. She was expecting mountains of gold and jewels and some legendary equipment. Still, the contents of this chest aren't too bad.


"It is still a gold mine for the average explorer,"


"You're right, but…"


I can see why Sara is disappointed, but if I were one of the people who explored the labyrinth for a living, I would be happy with this stuff. Cursed weapons are commonly used. Gold is almost unseen when most people only get paid in copper and occasionally silver coins, and the magic scrolls could be sold for quite a bit.


"Anyway, we should head back to camp now,"


Our camp was pretty small and not as fancy as our vacation home. However, it is still pretty comfortable compared to normal camping sights. I made it myself, and while I am not as skilled as Satou, I still managed to make a hidden base with a few rooms. There is only a small storehouse, a single cramped bedroom and a small living/dining/kitchen, but we still have a bath and clean water. I could have made the bedroom a bit bigger, but everyone insisted on making the bath big enough for all of us to use together.


But we were only stopping by today using the camp as a teleport point to return to the vacation home. Satou and his group haven't returned yet, but we agreed to meet and head out to find maze frogs in section 8 to acquire some meat for the orphanage kids.


It feels like it has been a lifetime since we last visited the vacation home, but it has only been a week. Satou and his group must have used this place as their base for hunts, as the building has been used a lot lately. Still, they aren't here right now, though.


So, to prepare for their return, we take a quick bath and start making dinner. It should have been a simple task, but… Nana has an accident with some spices, spilling them all over us, and Mia falls off the box she was standing on, causing her to pill the sauce she was stirring. We ended up needing to take another bath after that.




"Is it very far?"


"It's around a two-hour walk."






"Geh-geh, sir."


Tama and Pochi imitated Arisa's groan. It was the day after our messy dinner preparation, and we were on our way to hunt frogs with Satou's group. Despite the chaos, we somehow managed to make something tasty for everyone last night, but I still feel bad that Lulu had to help us clean up the mess.


"Arisa, don't make such strange noises," Lulu scolded her.






"Sorry, sir."


Tama and Pochi, mirroring Arisa's apologetic posture, seemed to be in their playful copycat phase.




Just then, the pair's ears twitched.


"I hear fightiiing?"


"Lots of fighty noises, sir."


We reached the cavern within minutes of Tama and Pochi's warning, finding ourselves amidst a chaotic scene. Large groups of explorers were locked in fierce battles with monstrous creatures. The cavern, while vast, was shrouded in a veil of obscurity. Chest-high weeds choked the space while a curtain of thick, dusty spiderwebs, similar to those we had encountered before, hung from the cavern ceiling, obscuring the distant reaches.


"Hmm? They're fighting mantises, not frogs."


"This area is primarily bug-type monsters. The frogs only live in one corner."


Armed and wary explorers fought off monstrous creatures resembling praying mantises and grasshoppers. They carved temporary campsites out of the dense, weed-infested landscape. They presented a formidable force organized into groups of ten to twenty, each led by a seasoned explorer distinguished by a garnet badge. Each group boasted a core of powerful members, their levels exceeding twenty, supported by companions hovering around level ten. While most were skilled warriors, each contingent included a few healers and mages, ensuring the group's versatility in facing danger.


The lucrative rewards for Mantis monster parts drew in larger, better-equipped hunting parties. We chose a roundabout path along the cavern's periphery to avoid a dangerous confrontation.




"It's shiny, sir."


Tama and Pochi's eyes fell upon a group of women clad in gleaming silver armour. This all-female party was a sight to behold, with four heavily armoured warriors leading the charge as their unwavering shield. Behind them, a contingent of warriors in chainmail unleashed a storm of spears and polearms, their attacks coordinated and deadly.


"Master, aren't those girls the ones we rescued from the rampaging maze ants before?"


Two familiar-looking women were breaking down a previously defeated mantis behind the armoured group.


"Oh yeah. The Lovely Wings."


As they were working, a level-5 maze hopper flew toward their group.




"No need to worry, I declare," Nana reassured Mia, who'd turned around.


The two shield maidens guarding the group spun to face the creature, their shields raised. The girls, tearing apart the dead mantis carcass, instinctively reached for their own weapons. Still, their armoured supervisor intervened, halting their advance.


"Get back to work," she barked, her voice firm.


The disassembly team looked a little frustrated.


"That one shield girl kinda seems like a scrub, though."


Among the shield-bearing women, one was a seasoned warrior. Still, the one Arisa indicated was a stark contrast, lacking the grace and experience of her comrade.


"I believe that is the same young woman we saw in the rookie explorers' class. It appears she has yet to grow used to battle in the labyrinth," Liza said.


Oh, she's Gina. She was Sir Darrel's daughter.


"Hey, you lot! Unless you have business with Silverlight, keep moving!"


The armoured figure, perched high above us, brandished her halberd with a menacing growl. A stark reminder: even fellow explorers were potential threats in the labyrinth's depths. We'd assumed our distance granted us anonymity, but our unwitting stillness must have aroused suspicion. Caught in their gaze, we were suddenly the subjects of their scrutiny. After apologizing, we left the cavern.


As we departed, it became apparent that the expedition parties had strategically reserved a portion of their forces. This cautious measure served as a safeguard against potential threats, such as rogue monsters or opportunistic plunderers seeking to exploit their weakened state. Alternatively, it could have been a contingency plan in case of unforeseen emergencies or the arrival of additional monstrous foes.




"I smell blood, sir!"


We stumbled upon a grisly scene as we traversed the main passage, nearing the midpoint between Silverlight's battlefield and the next cavern. Several corpses lay scattered, being devoured by grotesque, flat, black creatures that resembled insects.




Tama's sharp cry halted the group's advance. She pointed a trembling finger at the archway, its stone surface slick with an ominous, dark-red liquid. Blood. From the inky depths of the archway, a monstrous centipede descended, its segmented body writhing like a serpent. Though only a level 15 creature, its head was an enormous, pillow-sized monstrosity, and its body stretched to a daunting fifteen feet long.


"I'll use Space Magic to check our surroundings... Be careful. There are still two more maze centipedes up on the ceiling."


Amidst the whispers and incantations of Arisa's spell, the monstrous entity that had fallen prostrate surged to its feet. Its malevolence was unleashed as it lunged with murderous intent towards our defenceless forms.


"Centipede! Do not think that having more legs makes you more important, I declare!"


Nana blocked the charging centipede with her shield while I still wondered how she came up with her taunt. The creature, propelled by its own momentum, surged over the shield and lunged at Nana. But Nana was ready. With a swift thrust, her Magic Sword pierced its skull. As the creature fell lifeless, Pochi was quick to follow, his blade slicing through its joints with deadly precision.


"The monsters around here sure are weak," Arisa remarked.


With Lulu's Thunder Rod surging with electricity, the centipedes were struck down and twitched on the ground. Liza swiftly moved in, wielding her spear precisely to deliver the final blow to one while Pearl took care of the other.


"Guard's dooown?"


With lightning speed, Tama intercepted the demi-goblin assassin before it could strike Arisa from behind. Demi-goblin assassins use narrow passages to approach their targets from the shadows. They often attack explorers from behind if they let their guard down.


"Geh! Th-thanks, Tama."


"Don't worry, be happy..."


The random encounters cleared, and we turned our attention to the grotesque scene before us. A horde of monstrous creatures swarmed around the fallen. My stomach churned as I recognized one of the beasts: a gargantuan cockroach, its chitinous shell glistening menacingly. The thought of engaging it in close combat sent shivers down my spine.


"Master, if you lure it away from the bodies, I can light it up."


"All right."


Satou's Remote Stun spell, a dazzling flash of light, captivated the maze cockroach, luring it towards their position. Arisa, swift and precise, unleashed a searing Fire Ball, instantly incinerating the creature. It seemed these cockroaches had a fatal weakness to fire.


"Maybe these poor souls were fighting the cockroach when the centipedes dropped down on them?"


Arisa's gaze fell upon the half-eaten remains, a heavy sadness settling in her heart. Meanwhile, Liza, ever practical, methodically gathered the bronze badges and severed locks of hair from the fallen, her fingers moving with practised efficiency.


"Affirmative. The children should look away, I advise."


Satou, using his 'Skyrunning' ability, ascended the archway. The centipedes had dragged the wounded into the hollows above, but Satou brought their bodies down. There were five individuals in total.


"I'll cremate the remains."




Arisa, wielding the fiery spell Flamethrower, diligently cremated each body we found. The labyrinth's eerie silence held a hidden danger – unattended remains could transform into soulless, cursed undead. It was a grim necessity, a chilling duty: identify the fallen, then commit them to the flames, ensuring their final peace and preventing the rise of monstrous horrors.


"I don't suppose there were any survivors?"


"I'll check..."


Satou used his map skill, scanning for any sign of explorers. There were none near our current location. Turning left at the upcoming four-way crossroads would lead us to a large cavern housing a group of about twenty explorers. A few lone figures were further down the passageway, likely scouts for the larger party. We doubted they were survivors of the missing group.


"Doesn't look like… wait…. uh-oh. Looks like a chain rampage."


"Oh my. Haven't seen one of those in a while."


Arisa reminded us that this was the first monster chain rampage we'd witnessed since the plunderers had unleashed one on the labyrinth army encampment, a kamikaze-like assault. We had, of course, encountered a similar phenomenon during our initial foray into the Celivera Labyrinth.


"Think it'll be okay?"


"Well, we're safe..."


The cavern party was a recipe for disaster. Their numbers were dwarfed by the enemy, and their strength was uneven. Only a handful of the group boasted levels above 20, while the rest languished in the low teens. Facing the monsters that roamed these parts, with levels ranging from 9 to 15, the weaker members stood little chance. Even the maze cockroaches and centipedes they'd just dispatched would have been a challenge to them. The grim truth was that a complete wipeout was a possibility, and even if they survived, the non-core members would likely pay a heavy price in casualties.


We weren't obligated to help them, but I would feel guilty if I left them be. We could probably win without getting hurt. Besides, I'd feel guilty if I didn't offer my assistance. Everyone else seems to have felt the same way.




"Outta the waaay!"


"If you block our path, we'll cut you down!"


The crossroads loomed before us, but before we could take a step, two figures emerged from the gaping maw of the cavern. Their swords gleamed in the dim light, their faces contorted with fear, sweat and blood staining their worn clothing. The message was clear: they were in a desperate flight, and we were in their path. We stepped aside, allowing them to pass, their frantic steps echoing in the stillness.


"Besso! Troy and the newbies aren't following us!"


"Bah, leave those idiots! If they're getting eaten, that oughtta slow the monsters down enough for us to get outta here."


"R-right. You got it, Besso!"


The retreating shouts of the men faded behind me. They'd left their companions behind, a callous act that left a bitter taste in my mouth. The labyrinth's exit was a treacherous trek, and I doubted their chances of survival. But their fate was no longer mine to concern myself with. I pushed their image from my mind, focusing on the path ahead.


"Those were the same guys we saw in that other chain rampage."


"Were they?"


"Yes, master. No doubt about it."


Arisa and Liza recognized the men from the maze ant chain rampage.


"Hero Kura, enemies approaching from ahead, I report."


On Satou's command, Lulu's Fireburst Gun, Mia's Spirit Magic spell, Sharp Wind, Sara's Holy Magic Spell Sacred Javelin and Arisa's Fire Magic spell Chain Fire Shot blasted the approaching monsters to bits in seconds. It was overkill, to be honest. But with those monsters dealt with, we had a clear path to the party up ahead.


"...Well, this doesn't look great."


While the explorers were clearly disadvantaged, their front lines hadn't fallen apart yet. Their leader must be an exceptional commander. Trapped in a cavernous corner, the explorers faced annihilation. Their ranks, already thinning, were on the verge of collapse, each fallen comrade bringing them closer to a total wipeout. The relentless swarm of cockroach monsters pressed in from every direction, their chitinous armour glinting in the dim light. We were coming in to attack from the opposite side.


"Mia, when I give the signal, light up the room with Spirit Magic. As soon as she does that, Arisa, you send a chant-less Fire Ball into the middle of the monsters. When it hits, I'll draw them away from the explorers so the vanguard can attack and destroy the cockroaches. Lulu, you protect Sara, Arisa and Mia, please."


As Satou relayed the battle plan, I cast Enchant: Physical Protection on the group. Since Lulu's Fireburst Gun was too strong, Satou told her not to use it. He also asked Pochi, Tama, and Liza to refrain from using "Spellblade" and Arisa from using other chant-less magic or Space Magic. These restrictions weren't some kind of gamelike handicap-they were for the sake of secrecy.


"All right, here comes the cavalry!"


"Wait a second, Arisa." Satou grabbed her by the collar before she could rush ahead. "Let's greet them before we charge in to save them."


"Oh, good point. I'd hate for them to think we were plunderers and attack us."


The Silverlight group viewed the arrival of other explorers with suspicion. As for this group, their current state of panic might lead them to believe we were exploiting their misfortune.


"This is the explorer party, Pendragon! We're here to help!"


"Thank ya kindly! If we get out of here alive, we'll treat ya to all the beer you can drink!"


Anticipating resistance, I was surprised when the group's leader readily accepted our offer of assistance. Their eagerness suggested their situation was dire.


"Mia, now!"


"…Sun Light Youkou."


Mia's Spirit Magic, unleashed from the ceiling, bathed the battlefield in an ethereal glow. Arisa followed instantly, her Fire Ball erupting in a fiery explosion at the heart of the cockroach horde. The creatures caught in the blast were instantly consumed by flames, and the inferno spread, incinerating their brethren in a devastating wave.


"Ew, gross!"




Arisa and Mia's revulsion was mirrored in my own gut. I couldn't help but share their disgust. It was truly unsettling to see those creatures, the worst of the insect kind, contort themselves in mid-air and take to the skies.


"Let's go."




"Chaaarge, sir."


"Commence extermination. No mercy, I declare."


Nana, Pochi, Tama and Liza charged into battle with their Magic Swords and Spears aglow. It was an absolute slaughter. The cockroach swarm met a whirlwind of steel. Pochi's sword plunged deep, silencing an enemy with a brutal strike. Tama's twin blades shimmered, weaving a deadly dance as she carved through the horde, denying them any chance to retaliate. Nana's magic sword cleaved through the ground-bound insects while a thunderous shield bash shattered the aerial assault. Liza, a blur of motion, danced among the swarm, her spear a deadly metronome, each thrust ending a life before the eye could follow. The battle was a symphony of destruction, a testament to the overwhelming power of the four warriors.


"Damn... they're slicin' through those tough shells like nothin."


"Tch, I could do that, too, if I had magic weapons."


"Nooo, I don't think sooo. My Mantis Sword's a Magic Sword too, y'know, but, well, you've seen what it can dooo..."


My "Keen Hearing" skill picked up the explorer party's voices.


"Check out that chick up there,"


"Damm, she's fast,"


Now, they are talking about Pearl as she uses her 'Warp' skill to dart around, taking out the largest and strongest among the horde with deadly slashes of her sword. The spotlight wasn't solely on the front lines. The rear guard played an equally important role, contributing significantly to the overall effort.


"Bwa-ha-ha! The cockroaches are like garbage..." Arisa was getting a little carried away. "Boy, they sure burn easily. I think I'll try out Fire Circle next!"


"Master, above you!" Lulu pointed up at a maze centipede crawling along the ceiling.


"Go ahead and shoot it, Lulu."


"Yes, sir!"


A fireball from Lulu's Fire Rod Gun brought the centipede down. Satou finished it with his fairy sword as the centipede tumbled to the ground. I left Satou and Lulu to guard Arisa and Mia and went over to the explorers with Sara.


"We'll heal you! Please gather the wounded here."


The path to the explorers was mostly cleared, but I made swift work of the remaining monsters in our way.


"Go ahead,"




While I stood guard, Sara used the Light Magic spells 'Mass Heal All' and 'Remove Poison' to cure the explorers' injuries and afflictions.


"The pain's wearing off."


"Ooh, my wounds are healing! I feel like I can keep fightin' now."


"Whoa, the feeling came back to my arms and legs."


"Me too."


"Marry me, my angel,"


Sara took a step back as some of the explorers tried to approach her, hiding behind me. They backed off once I reminded them of the situation, but they still gave me jealous looks when I felt something soft engulf my arm.


Once incapacitated, the explorers slowly rose to their feet, their wounds healing. Once teetering on the brink of collapse, the front line solidified as they rejoined the fight. Working together, even the less experienced explorers chipped away at the cockroach horde. With the tide turning decisively in their favour, the explorers relaxed, exchanging stories and jokes amidst the fading din of battle.


"That bastard, Besso. Prime hunting spot, my ass."


"He told us that stray maze cockroaches would wander in here alone so we could safely hunt as much as we wanted."


"Yeah, he claimed he was an expert at luring monsters, and look how that turned out."


Apparently, the pair we had seen running away had suggested this hunting spot.


"Where are those two anyway?"


"Maybe they got eaten by monsters?"


"Serves 'em right."


They didn't seem to be very well-liked.




Suddenly, that soft warmth wrapped around my arm was gone as Mia squeezed between Sara and me.


"There's no need to be jealous, Mia,"


Sara smiled, but Mia still looked jealous, but her line of sight was a bit low to meet Sara's eyes.


"Looks like the battle will be over soon. Let's just keep an eye on things from here."


I said, trying to keep the peace. We sat down on a craggy rock and watched the fight, supporting them with the occasional spell. Within less than an hour, the fight was finished.


"Thanks for saving us, Sir Noble."


"Not at all. I'm just glad we made it in time."


Mr. Koshin, the seasoned explorer adorned with a garnet badge, approached us with a grateful smile. He led the large group, Ivory Mane, consisting of only four seasoned veterans and a host of newly recruited trial members.


"So about your reward-"


"That won't be necessary."


Koshin looked hesitant, but Satou interrupted him.




"If you happen to run into any explorers in trouble in the future, please lend them a hand."


"Uhhh...you sure that's enough? Doesn't seem like much..."


"Koshin, you don't know much outside of exploring, do you?" the man in glasses standing next to Koshin interrupted. "He means 'passing on a favour,' right, Sir Noble?"


"Passing on a favour"? I guess the Shiga Kingdom has a concept like "paying it forward," too.


I nodded at the man, who explained the concept in detail to Koshin. As he did so, some other explorers came over to give their report.


"Koshin! That bastard Besso is nowhere to be seen."


"We found the two newbies he brought with him dead in the corridor near the nest."


There must have been some casualties before we got here.


"We found that Troy guy! He was sleeping behind a rock!"


It looks like this guy Troy was affiliated with Besso's group. After being dragged over by the shouting individual, Troy was questioned by Koshin. The culprit claimed their attempt to collect 'bewitching slime' from the maze cockroach nest had gone awry, unleashing a chaotic swarm of monsters.


"Master, I've collected the cores from the monsters we defeated. Would you like us to start gathering the other materials as well?"


"No, it's all right. They're too bulky."


"...What?" Overhearing this, Koshin stopped mid-interrogation and spun around to stare at us. "Are you serious, Sir Noble?"


Centipedes, it turned out, were a treasure trove of useful materials. Their tough exoskeletons were prized for crafting shields and armour. At the same time, the wings and carapaces of cockroaches provided lightweight protection for scouts. Even the centipede's venom sacs and the cockroach's foul-smelling glands had value, fetching a price from alchemists or shadowy figures on the black market.


"Please feel free to sell them yourselves, then."


We already had more labyrinth materials than we knew what to do with. I don't think Satou would like to reveal our 'Storage' skills or magic bags to them.


"Mr. Koshin, we collected all the cores. 'Cept the ones that belong to Mr. Noble's little ladies, of course. Should we start breaking down the materials?"


"Uh...yeah. Go ahead."


Mr Koshin accepted a sack of cores from the blood-drenched man and then turned to Satou.


"Mr Noble, we'll gratefully accept those materials. So at least take the cores with ya."


We couldn't keep refusing his generous offers, so Satou finally relented and accepted the bag of cores.


"Well, we'll be on our way now."


Sir Noble! Once we get back aboveground, let us treat ya to some drinks like we promised!"


"Of course. I'm looking forward to it."


Waving to Koshin and company, we left the cockroach disassembly site.




"No frooogs?"


"Lots of explorers and Mr. Flies, sir."


The frog area, sprawling like a schoolyard, was eerily devoid of its namesake inhabitants. Only a handful of maze frogs remained, engaged in fierce battles with other explorers. The uneven ground was marred by several fetid pits, reeking of decay and filled with the discarded remains of maze frogs. Large, puppy-sized corpse flies, the kind Pochi had warned us about, swarmed over the carnage, gorging themselves. These flies were surprisingly docile, seemingly content with their feast, and posed no threat to us as long as we didn't disturb their macabre meal.


"There really are quite a few people here," Liza observed.


The bustling area was alive with nearly ten different parties, several familiar faces among them. A group of about eight female explorers, whom I'd rescued from plunderers, caught my eye. They were led by their elder, Sumina, and looked decidedly out of place. Normally, they stuck to lower-level hunting grounds, gathering potatoes, beans, and the like. But today, only their higher-level members were present, suggesting an expedition of a more challenging nature.


"Master, aren't there any frogs anywhere?"


"Yes, in there."


The muddy pond, a murky eye in the heart of the clearing, drew the attention of explorers skilled in ranged attacks or the 'Taunt' ability. They clustered along its banks, patiently waiting for the telltale ripples that signalled a frog's emergence. Some, more desperate, had resorted to crude tactics, binding maze corpse flies with ropes and casting them into the water, hoping to tempt the elusive creatures from their watery lair.


"This reminds me of camping a rare monster spawn point in an MMORPG."


"Yeah, it's pretty brutal," I agreed.


We moved to a spot with fewer people.




"Hero Kura, there are fishermen, I report."


Perched atop Nana's shoulders, Mia's gaze fell upon a group of fishermen casting their lines from the riverbank. While they possessed the air of intrepid explorers, their weathered faces and practical attire suggested a more mundane occupation. Curiosity compelled me to approach them, my voice carrying through the bustling crowd.


"Gentlemen, any luck?"


"Nothin' but eyeless fish today. Can't even fish up a single rock cray." The friendly fisherman explained that rock crays were lobster-size crayfish that disguised themselves as rocks. "Rock crays and eyeless fish both sell for a lot, but they taste a little too muddy, in my opinion, bein' from a port town and all."


The fish and rock crays are cooked and sold despite being unwashed and uncleaned. Although the seller claimed they fetched a high price, subsequent postings at the labyrinth gate indicated that eyeless fish were valued at two copper coins each, while rock crays were worth a single large copper coin.


"What're you guys here to fish?"


"We're frog fishing, sir."




Startled by Pochi's bark, the fisherman lifted his gaze from the water's surface, his eyes wide with disbelief. A brief pause ensued before he heaved a sigh and proceeded to explain.


"The frogs don't come over here. See those red flowers there? They hate the smell, so they stay away from 'em." He nodded toward the red lotus-like flowers floating on the water's surface. "If you wanna wait for frogs on the edge of the lake, you're better off going over there, past those rocks."


"Just don't space out at the water's edge. Otherwise..."


Upon receiving a warning from a second fisherman, we witnessed an explorer close to the perilous rocks being abruptly pulled into the water with a thunderous splash. Panic ensued among the explorer's companions as they frantically used a rope, likely serving as his lifeline, to hoist him back to safety. As I prepared to offer assistance, it became evident that it was no longer required. Expressing our gratitude to the fishermen, we cautiously approached the rocks.


"All right, shall we fish up some frogs?"


"I'll tryyy?"


"I'll open my saucers like eyes, sir."


"This could be tough..."


"It'll be fine."


Satou must have spotted one. He quickly took out a harpoon, tied a rope to it, and threw it at the water.




Amidst the depths of the shimmering lake, the harpoon's piercing strike found its mark in the flesh of a large maze frog. A deafening roar reverberated through the water as the beast surged towards the surface. Despite its massive size, eclipsing six hundred pounds, the frog's level of 13 proved insufficient, as our collective force swiftly dispatched it. They were pretty easy to deal with after the monsters we have been facing recently.


"Hey there, youngster. Can ya spare some bones and cartilage? I'll throw out the innards for ye."


"Give us the skin, too, if'n you don't need it. We can even break it down, quick as ye like."


While Liza and the others dissected the frog, two figures approached Satou from behind. They carried large baskets, and both sported the title 'Looter'.


"No need for that. I'm happy to give you the bones and skin in exchange for disposing of the garbage, but we're keeping the cartilage."


Fried maze frog cartilage was one of the guildmaster's favourite foods.


"Say, what do you use the skin for anyway?" Arisa asked curiously.


"We sell it to workshops."


They told us that maze frog skin was used for waterproof bags, rain gear for watery areas, etc. By employing a time-saving strategy and enlisting the services of looters as garbage collectors, our group swiftly secured two additional frogs. Their effortless capture provided sufficient frog meat to nourish the orphanage children. Inquiries arose regarding our uncanny ability to locate frogs beneath the water's surface, but we prudently concealed the truth. His "Fabrication" skill came to Satou's rescue, crafting an innocuous explanation that satisfied the curious minds.


"Just trusting my gut and keeping an eye out for bubbles on the water's surface, I guess."




"There is a group in red up ahead, I report."


"Mrrr. In the way."


Our frog hunt was complete, and we made our way back to the first room in section 1. The path back to Labyrinth City seemed clear—a simple ascent of the long staircase—except for one obstacle. A line of explorers clad in matching red armour stood resolutely at the foot of the stairs. Their destination, it seemed, was the middle stratum, and they were in no hurry to let us pass.


"Hmm? If it isn't Sir Pendragon and our lovely hero,"


"Hello, Mr. Kinkuri,"


The foxfolk general from the labyrinth army greeted us. I didn't see the captain, who was usually with him. Instead, someone else was at his side.


"Good to see you again, Sir Jelil. Are you on your way to defeat the floormaster?"


"That's right. I intend to bring it down with this flaming Magic Sword you lent me."


Mr Jelil, a garnet-badge explorer, hefted a bronze sword. It was one of the prototype third-generation Magic Swords Satou had created, and he had loaned it to Jelil at the viceroy's wife's tea party.


"But we have to dispose of the monsters in the Chamber of Trials before we can summon the floormaster, so it'll probably be half a month before we can actually fight the damn thing."


"Well, I have no doubt you'll succeed, Sir Jelil."


The task ahead seemed daunting, but at least they had some flexibility in their timeline. The guildmaster later revealed a crucial detail: the floormaster would only appear after placing an areamaster's core upon an altar within the Chamber of Trials.




"If you'll excuse me, one of my comrades is calling."


"Of course. May fortune be with you."


"Good luck..."


Encouraged by Satou, the foxfolk man, and myself, Jelil bid farewell to the foxfolk officer and departed, his flowing red cape a vibrant beacon as he vanished. We then ascended together, making our way back to the surface.




"Looks like the recovery efforts are almost finished."


Emerging from Labyrinth City's western gate, Arisa's gaze swept across the plaza. The air was pretty hot, a stark contrast to the subterranean chill they had endured. A sheen of perspiration adorned the faces of my companions, a testament to the sudden warmth.


"Yeah. Seems like all that's left now is rebuilding the tower of the west guild."


Just two weeks had passed since Ludaman, the Plunderer King, ascended to intermediate demon status and unleashed his fury upon the West Guild. The swift rebuilding efforts were undoubtedly aided by the tireless labour of the golem workforce and the masterful manipulations of the earth mages.


"Hey, young master! Wanna try some of our new takoyaki?"


From within a food stall, Neru, a crimson-haired high schooler-aged girl, hailed us. Clad in a tank top, she went braless due to the intense heat from the flat-top grill she tended. I felt a blush creep up my neck, unsure where to look. I recalled that she was one of the girls Satou had valiantly rescued from the inferno that ravaged downtown. These rescued girls, including those we had rescued from the plunderers, now toiled at food stalls and other humble enterprises to sustain themselves, all under my watchful protection.


"Sure, thanks. What'll it cost to get enough for the whole group?"


"Oh, we can't take money from you, young master."


Neru tried to decline, but Satou insisted on paying her. Pochi and Tama looked pretty cute as they blew on their piping-hot takoyaki. I took a bite of my own.


"Delicious. Is this maze octopus?"


"Heh-heh, not quite." Neru grinned proudly. "It's octopus kraken meat that Lord Kuro acquired for us… by the way, is he around?"


"He's still somewhere within the city,"


While in the labyrinth, Satou returned aboveground as Kuro and gave them some octopus kraken and sea serpent. I heard he also sold some wholesale to a few big companies.


"Aw, man. That's not the answer I was hoping for." Neru pouted.


"How are sales going?"


"So-so... Oh, Miss Tama! Can you draw a takoyaki signboard for us like the other stalls?"




Tama readily agreed, a familiar task for her. She'd already crafted vibrant signs for the girls' other stalls: DANCING CROQUETTES, WINNING SKEWERS, and FLYING FRIED POTATOES. Her drawings were remarkably realistic, capturing the essence of each dish and igniting the cravings of anyone who beheld them.


"Want some croquettes, Lady Hero?"


"These skewers are freshly made, too."


"How about some salted fried potatoes for a snack?"


The other three stalls, bustling with customers just moments before, fell silent as their salesgirls joined our conversation. Dressed in similarly revealing attire as Neru. While their success had inspired imitation, their popularity hadn't quite reached the point of overwhelming demand, and their lines remained relatively short.


"Ahem, ahem."


A distinct, deliberate throat-clearing drew my attention. Turning, I recognized the familiar figure of a nobleboy. If memory served, he was called Luram, the second son of Baron Tokey. He was one of the boys who often trailed Gerits, the third son of Labyrinth City's viceroy.


"Hello, Sir Luram."


"I-indeed, Hero Kura. I am glad to see you in good health."


He attempted to project an air of maturity, a common tactic among boys his age. However, the croquettes and skewers he held tightly in both hands betrayed his efforts. The girls working the stalls recognized him as a frequent customer.


"Are you doing market research today?"


To avoid causing potential discomfort to the young boy, I opted to rephrase my inquiry more dignifiedly, ensuring that any concerns regarding his dietary habits were addressed with sensitivity.


"Market...? Erm, yes. Yes, indeed. Market research, no doubt about it. Research is very important. My pa- I mean, my esteemed father, Baron Tokey, is in charge of supervising the market stalls, you see. So I'm market researching whether the food is still good quality and keeping an eye out for changes in the cost-er, market price."


Luram's initial bewilderment at the phrase gave way to an unexpected fondness for it. His usual timidity around Gerits seemed to vanish, replaced by a newfound confidence. He was flaunting his vocabulary, using words he rarely employed as though striving to impress or perhaps simply to appear more mature.


"...Oh, it's Mary-Ann."


Luram's voice softened instantly, returning to its customary sheepish timbre. My eyes followed his gaze, landing on Mary-Ann, one of Gerits' crew and the daughter of Baronet Dyukeli. She was surrounded by a group of explorers, who she seemed to be listening to with admiration.


"Her father forbade her from exploring the labyrinth, but I guess she still hasn't given up...," Luram murmured to no one in particular.


The whispers suggested her parents had forbidden her from the labyrinth. It was a risky place, after all, especially after Sokell's near-fatal scheme. I wasn't particularly close to these kids, and their recklessness worried me. I feared they might ask me to join them if I lingered too long, so I made a hasty exit at the first chance.


"Welcome home,"


"""Welcome home,"""


Upon our return to the mansion in a horse-drawn carriage, we were welcomed by a throng of maids. Miss Miteruna, the head maid, stood at the forefront, flanked by Rosie and Annie, the senior maids. At the same time, a group of young maids-in-training looked on eagerly.


"Thank you. Miteruna, did anything happen while we were gone?"


I handed my coat to a maid as Satou spoke.


"Just after you left for the labyrinth, a messenger came from Viscount Siemmen."


Miss Miteruna handed Satou a package. They must have finished the scrolls he ordered. His requests this time: Pixie Light, Mist Control and Paralyze Water Hold, Flash Grenade, Stun Grenade, and Dimension Cutter. Mist Control and Flash Grenade were for obscuring enemies' fields of vision, Paralyze Water Hold and Stun Grenade were for suppressing enemies without killing them, and Dimension Cutter was for defeating monsters without damaging the meat.


"I also passed along your additional requests for Viscount Siemmen."


"Great. Thank you very much."


The additional scrolls I had ordered were original spells of his to work with magic tools and our Menu ability. Picture Recorder, Sound Recorder, Standard Out, and Graphic View, and even included the ability to input data on an imaginary keyboard. The scrolls' names were Virtual Keyboard, Data Input, and Data Output. They were all lesser Practical Magic spells, so they should be completed within ten days or so.


"I sorted any other letters you received by the sender and put them in separate piles for you, Hero Kura and Lady Sara. A letter has also arrived for you from your grandfather,"


"Thanks, Miteruna."


Amidst the clutter on the study desk, a box brimming with letters stood out. Satou and I perched upon the unforgiving chair, our eyes darting across the missives. The wax seals bore the emblems of Labyrinth City nobles, including the esteemed viceroy's wife. However, amidst these familiar crests, we spotted a glimmer of the unfamiliar—letters bearing the sigils of nobles from the distant Ougoch Duchy. As Miss Miteruna had informed us, correspondence from esteemed merchants, skilled craftsmen, and several temples had also reached us. The letters from the director of the private orphanage contained the résumés of newly hired personnel.


"My grandfather wants me to talk to you again," Sara sighs.


It isn't the first time her grandfather and father have been writing to her to say that before. Apparently, the war to marry me among the dukes and the king was heating up, and every once in a while, Sara would receive a letter asking her to talk me into marrying one of her relatives. Even Rin had received one. She even yelled at me for it when I was talking to Hayato about the demonic potions and the green-skinned demon.


"Do you have a lot of work to do, master?"


"No, none of it seems too urgent."


"Then can we deliver the meat to the orphanage now?"


"Hero Kura, the Larvae are waiting for us,"


Nana barely allowed me to stand up before grabbing me by the arm and pulling me along.




"You must put strength into your little finger when you form a fist, young one."


"Like this?"


"Yes, now there's a good lad."


The sprawling field before the mansion buzzed with activity. Mr. Kajiro, a seasoned Saga Empire samurai, instructed a group of eager children in the art of swordsmanship. Meanwhile, Miss Ayaume, another samurai, patrolled the grounds, her solitary figure a stark contrast to the lively scene. She likely patrolled alone, for Mr. Kajiro, having lost a leg in the treacherous labyrinth, found it difficult to keep pace.


"So, can we be explorers now, mister?"


"You have a long way to go yet, you young fools." Mr Kajiro ruffled the impatient child's hair and grinned.


"Dang it, but I wanna eat meat every day like Pochi and Tama..."


Ah, yes, I recall now. These were the same children who, at the hamburg steak party we hosted at the orphanage, had made grand pronouncements about becoming explorers. It seems they were not merely indulging in youthful dreams but charting a course toward a future of adventure.


"Good evening, Sir Kajiro."


"I am glad to see you safely returned, Sir Knight."


"Thank you."


As Satou spoke with Mr Kajiro, Nana continued to tug my arm. Excusing myself, I headed to the orphanage with her.




"We brought gifts, sir!"


Tama and Pochi, burdened with over a hundred pounds of meat, burst through the orphanage gates with little difficulty. Liza and Pearl followed closely behind, pushing carts laden with the rest of the bounty. Satou had already prearranged for Miss Miteruna to share the meat with the neighbours.




"It's meat!"


"Oh, it's been so long!"


"Welcome home, Miss Tama."


"Are you hurt at all, Miss Pochi?"


"Not at aaaall?"


"Pochi is amazingly unbeatable, so we're fine, sir."


"Larvae, please surround me and praise my efforts as well, I request."


"Ha-ha, Nana, you're so weird..."


"Nana! Pick me up!"


The air buzzed with excitement as the kids raced towards us, their wide smiles and open arms making us feel like we were back home.


"Allow me to offer my congratulations on your safe return, Miss Hero."


"Thank you."


Upon my arrival, I extended warm greetings to the director and the welcoming staff. I couldn't help but notice the positive demeanour of the newly hired professionals, who exuded a genuine fondness for working with children, easing my initial concerns and instilling a sense of confidence in their potential.


"We're having a grilling party today! Eat till your bellies are full to bursting, everyone!"




The orphanage kids were ravenous during our barbecue that evening. Laughter filled the air as we grilled, but our supply of meat dwindled alarmingly fast. With a wink to Satou, I discreetly replenished our stock from 'Storage' before anyone noticed. It seemed these growing children could eat a horse… or at least a whole herd of cows! Or so I thought...




"Pochi can still eat lots of meat, sir!"


"You children took such small helpings. You must eat more to grow big and strong, you know."


Pochi and Tama's bellies were noticeably rounder. Still, the true mystery was how Liza, with her slim physique, managed to consume such a quantity of meat. The world is truly full of mysteries.

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