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31.32% Reborn After A Death March / Chapter 26: Chapter 26

Bab 26: Chapter 26

As predicted, the following day, the girls all woke up with a hangover.

"Ugh… my head… it hurts so bad…."


"It hurts… sir…."

"Kura. Heal,"

Unfortunately, it appears my Healing Aura spell is useless on headaches. It cured the rest of the hangover symptoms, but that one still lingered. Pochi and Tama roll around on their bed, clutching their heads, while Arisa looks like she might die. But Mia looks like she is the worse off. She clings to the hem of my shirt, looking up at me with pleading eyes.

At least the others are fine. Liza and Lulu are up and about, with Lulu bringing water for the others and Liza standing guard by the door. Lulu can't look at Satou without blushing about her actions last night, but apart from that, she is fine. Thanks to the potion Satou gave her yesterday, Nana is okay too. Pearl, though, I am most surprised about her recovery. With how much she drank last night, I thought she wouldn't have been able to get out of bed this morning. When I asked her about it, she just shrugged and said that Rabbitfolk can drink as much as dwarves can.

"I'm going out to pick up ingredients for a cure, so be good and sit tight, alright?"

Satou tells the group. I'm pretty sure he already has the potions made up, but I can see what he is doing. Sometimes you have to be mean to the people you care about. I'm sure he just letting them suffer a little so they never go near alcohol again.

"Fine… don't be long…."

"We'll be good…."

"Pochi… will be good too, sir…."

"Alcohol… terrible…."

I left the room with Satou. As much as I wanted to stay, looking at the girls as they suffered with tears in their eyes was hard. Lulu and Nana stay behind to look after them while the rest of us leave our accommodations.

We head to a magic shop that Jojorie told us about last night. At her suggestion, Satou word his new fairy sword on his waist. That belt is new. He must have made it last night, and it looks like he used Iron Fruit.

I had gifted the sword I made to Nana this morning. Although she didn't smile, her voice was full of joy, and how she acted reminded me of a kid opening their Christmas presents. I had to stop her from rushing out of the city to find some monsters to test it on. I promised to let her fight the next monster we came across. The gloves I made were a big hit too. Pochi, Tama, and Mia felt a little left out, but they understood when I explained how they are still growing and will get a pair when they are older. When I saw the look on their faces, I was forced to make a mental note to do so in a few years.

The magical store we were looking for wasn't that hard to find. It was made even easier when Jojorie spotted us leaving and offered to be our guild. The store is called "Don & Khan," located just a short distance from the massive mithral furnace.

"Hello Jojorie, did ye fall for a human? Ye'll break Zajuul's heart, you know,"

"Hey Jojorie, yer old man'll have yer hide fer bringing a couple of humans here,"

Once we step inside the store, a pair of tiny elderly twin men greet us.

"Good day, Mr Don, Mr Khan. These humans have father's permission to be her, I assure you,"

Jojorie pointed to the hilt of Satou's fairy sword as she spoke. Mr Don and Mr Khan demanded to see it up close, so Satou took it out.

"Well, I'll be damned. If it isn't the old man's seal,"

"Well, I'll be darned. How drunk did ye have to get him for this?"

It turned out that the seal of Mr Dohal works like the Silent Bell of Bolenan. Jojorie explains that the seal is Mr Dohal's sign of approval, and as long as we have it, every dwarf and gnome in the city will treat us as warmly as an old friend. I'll have to make sure Nana accompanies everyone when they go on shopping trips. As long as I am with someone with Mr Dohal's seal, I should be able to buy whatever I want.

The store turned out to be an alchemy shop, but they only sold finished products. No materials, so Satou and I would have to look elsewhere but the finished products that were of high quality. Satou and I could probably make some much better, but we have "Cheat Skills". Compared to the other stores I have visited, these products are definitely at the top.

Still, besides potions and alchemy supplies, Mr Don and Mr Khan also sell spellbooks and scrolls. They didn't hesitate to deny us when we asked to look after they saw the seal of Mr Dohal. Mr Don quickly brought a stack of spellbooks over to us. They were primarily spells related to mining and blacksmithing, but they could come in handy. There was a mix of lesser and intermediate spells on offer.

Unfortunately, most of them were useless to me, but I did walk away with six new spells. The Earth Magic spells, Wall, Rock Smasher and Hard Clay. I don't have the Earth Magic skill, but I will probably get it after I cast the first one of these spells. Besides Earth Magic spells, I also walked away with the Wind Magic spells, Air Cleaner and Air Current. Neither of those two seems helpful in a fight, but they could help us in other situations. The final spell we obtained was the Ice Magic spell Freeze Water.

My ability to learn spells just by reading the scrolls was coming in handy as we weren't allowed to buy the Air Cleaner scroll. Apparently, that one has been in high demand in the mines since the gnomes were absent. I'm surprised they were all allowed to leave at once, considering how important they are to the operation of the city.


"Welcome home…."

We were gone for about half an hour before we returned to the girls. They still look like they are in pain but at least a bit better than before, apart from Arisa. She is sprawled out on the floor, looking like she is on the verge of death. At least Satou doesn't hesitate to lend them his aid this time. He quickly hands the girls some hangover medician.

"I'll live,"

"All better,"

"Master, thank you, sir,"


The magic potion worked better than I thought. Pochi and Tama are back on their feet in a flash, and Mia and Arisa no longer look like they are on the verge of death. Instead, they started to complain about hunger, so Lulu ran off to make them a snack. They seem to be avoiding the topic of last night. Especially Arisa, who looks practically embarrassed about her actions, so no one brings it up.

After a meal of light soup, everyone was much better. Since we hadn't had a chance to see the rest of the city, we decided to take a tour. Jojorie was more than happy to be our guide again. At her recommendation, we began by visiting the Central Square.

"Hold hands?"

"I want to hold hands, too, sir,"


Pochi and Tama quickly grab hold of Satou's hands, leaving Arisa and Lulu looking jealous. Even Liza looks envious for a moment before wiping the look from her face.

"Trade places with us later!"


"Yes, sir!"

Pochi and Tama probably wouldn't have looked so happy if they had seen the look on Arisa's face. Mia must want to hold hands too. She swiftly takes hold of my hand as we continue to walk. But I barely notice her as I spot Pearl looking over her shoulder. Did something happen? She has her hand on her sword's hilt as if expecting a fight.

"Is something wrong?" I ask, looking her way.

"We're being followed,"

Looking back, I see that she is right. Behind Pearl, I can see a group of dwarfs keeping pace with us. They don't look like criminals and are wearing well-made armour. Luckily Jojorie was there to put our fears to rest. She explains that the town's mayor has arranged an escort for us. We really are getting the VIP treatment.

The Central Square sure is a busy place. Surrounding the fountain in the centre of the square are all kinds of people. Sword dancers, blade sharpeners, merchants selling weapons and armour, and people I think are jesters, just to name a few. The air is filled with laughter as a few musicians play, and children dash about. Instead of the wooden carts, I have become accustomed to seeing the merchants here have their wares spread out on mats. Most of it is ironware, but I guess that is to be expected in this city. Unfortunately, not everyone is in such a good mood.

"Seriously?! How can a dwarven city not have any mithril swords for sale?!"

A young nobleman is screaming at one of the dwarfs. He reminds me of a spoiled rich kid being told he can't have something for the first time. He yells, slams his fist into a nearby wall and stomps his feet in frustration. Maybe a spoiled brat wasn't the right word. Acting like a kid throwing a temper tantrum is the best way to describe the nobleman.

"Please be reasonable, mister noble. The only smiths here that can work with a precious material like mithril are elder Dohal and his apprentices,"

I'm surprised the merchant can remain so calm. He calmly explains the situation to the noble despite how mad the young nobleman is. Most people I met fear nobles and go out of their way to accommodate them. Titles and rank don't seem to mean much to the dwarfs from the looks of things.

"So I can get one if I talk to this Dohal fellow, then?"

"Perhaps. But unlike the swords here, a mithril sword would cost you at least a hundred gold coins,"

"Excuse me? This iron sword here is only a single gold coin! How could it be so much more expensive?!"

"A sword that is worth only a single gold coin must be a cheap piece of work,"

We avoid the area. With the desperate look in the eyes of the noble, I'm afraid he might try and still Nana's new sword. At least there are plenty of other things to see here that will keep us out of his way.

Wow, the crowd is lively over here. As it turns out, a couple of exhibition matches are going on. But most of the crowd has gathered around a large tigerfolk man with a body covered in scars. He raises a creepy-looking weapon above his head that looks freshly made.

"Do we have any brave challengers?! If anyone can beat me, I'll give you this Mantis Sword, made from one of the bladed arms of a Soldier Mantis! Is there anyone bold enough to beat their own weapon and challenge me in a one-on-one match?!"

The tigerfolk man paces back and forth, challenging the people nearby as he waves around his sword. He has an arrogant voice, but judging by the pile of weapons at his voice, this guy must have the talent to back up that arrogance. With sharp eyes, he scans the crowd for his next victim.

"Hey long ears! That sword is too good for your kind!"

Damn, it seems Pearl got his attention. Wait, is she glaring at him? Was Pearl the one that started this? I hope she knows what she is doing. Pearl looks like she was looking for any excuse to pick a fight with him.

"Wait! I know you… oh! The weak little head warrior of that pathetic tribe. It was easy money to take your weak village and people. How about I take that sword off your hands?"

"You can try,"

"Oh, still got some fight left in you. It looks like your master is just as useless as you if she wasn't broken you yet,"


"Hero Kuro, please let me fight this man, I request,"

Great, even Nana and Mia are starting to get worked up. If something doesn't change, that man might end up dead. I'm surprised he isn't dead already after being on the receiving end of the glare Mia is shooting his way.

"Then how about I take up your challenge," Pearl replies, stepping forward. "I win. I take your sword. You win. You take mine."

"Oh, so you think you can beat me, do you? Don't blame me if you end up dead,"

"Master, may I have permission to fight?"


I nod my head, and Pearl steps forward. There's no way she will lose the tigerfolk man is only level twenty. He does have some nasty titles, such as "Mass Murderer," "Pillager," and "Sexual Predator." I will step in if he gets out of hand, but Pearl shouldn't need my help.

"You better ask your master to prepare your burial. If you're lucky enough to have enough left behind for burial, that is,"

He's fast. I could barely track his movements, and Pearl only just managed to draw her sword in time. She parries his attack and knocks him back, earning a cheer from the watching crowd. Pearl dodges once more and then a second time before ducking down and swiping his legs. The tigerfolk man growls as he gets back up and lets out a roar as he attacks again, but Pearl holds him back.

"How are you so strong?"

The tigerfolk man tries to drive his sword down with all his might, but Pearl doesn't let it budge. As their swords remain locked, the man's face gets redder and redder as he tries harder to push Pearl back. Instead, Pearl steps forward, knocking her opponent back to the ground.

"I'm not as weak as I once was,"

Pearl is scary. Even that big strong tigerfolk man she is fighter shivers seeing that dark smile taking hold of her face. I need to make sure to never get on her bad side.

"She's amazing!"

"Amazing, sir!"

Pochi and Tama cheer as the tigerfolk man gets back to his feet. Pearl really is amazing. The tigerfolk man is strong, fast and knows how to handle his weapon, but Pearl just outshines him in every possible way. She surpasses his spend, destroys his strength, and her technique with the sword is far superior. It isn't long before the tigerfolk man eats the dirt again, and it is clear who the winner will be.

"That idiot should just give up," Arisa mutters. "He's just embarrassing himself at this point."

Arisa's right but this tigerfolk man has too much pride and anger to just give in. Every time he is knocked down, he gets back up. I can't even say it's worth it. Every time he gets back up, he attacks Pearl the exact same way as before. He should at least try something new instead of trying to overpower Pearl. Arisa was understating how embarrassing this fight was getting. Even I am starting to feel embarrassed for the man as I continue to watch his body hit the floor.

"How are you doing this?! You people shouldn't be this strong!"

"You're a fool. Thanks to my master, I have had the honour of training with knights and a hero,"

"A… a hero…"


"Did she just say, hero?"

The pauses, and the whole area goes silent. Everyone is staring at me. I know Pearl answered the question honestly, but she could have left out the part that I was a hero. I don't think I can enjoy a peaceful city tour after this.

"Where is this hero? Last I heard, he is training in the Saga Kingdom! You shouldn't lie about this kind of thing!"

I let out a sigh. As long as nobody realises I am the hero, I can enjoy a nice quiet tour of the city.

"Hero Kura is the hero, I declare,"


Damit. Nana and Mia had done it now, pointing me out as the hero just when people were starting to not think I was one. I don't think I will get to enjoy any peace and quiet after this.

"Stop lying! A weak-looking girl like her can't be a hero!"

Well, since it's too late to take back my companion's words, I might as well reveal myself. I take my holy sword Gjallarhorn out from storage and hold it high in the air causing the crowd to gasp. I think one of the dwarfs might have fainted seeing my weapon.

"T… that' Gjallarhorn!"

"The holy sword used by the Ancient King Yamato!"

"I never thought I would get to see it…."

The people of this kingdom really like this sword. Some are even crying at the sight of it. The Ancient King Yamato must have been a fantastic person to have had such an impact on these people.

"That doesn't make any sense!" The tigerfolks roar brings everyone's attention back to the fight. "So what if she is a hero?! That doesn't account for your strength!"

"I have fought many battles since Hero Kura became my master. I have had many teachers and learned so many new things. Anyone would grow stronger have such an amazing master,"

Pearl's compliments are starting to make me blush. Everyone is looking at me again, with the slaves giving me pleading looks to buy them. I wish I could. I want to set them free, but I don't have the money or time to care for them. I can only pray they find kind, caring owners.

"And you dared to insult her. I think I will need to show you how much great my master is by crushing you into dust,"

I hope she was bluffing about that. With how this fight is going, it wouldn't surprise me if Pearl did turn this guy to dust, but I hope she doesn't go that far. Just beating him and taking his weapon will be enough punishment for those comments he made.

"Still think you can take me down! Just you try long ears!"

This guy needs to stop. It's clear who the winner will be. Pearl doesn't even have to try this time. She knocks the Mantis Sword effortlessly from his hands, and the tigerfolk man can only stare in shock at his now empty hand. The crowd erupts in cheers and applause as the sword hits the ground. A few people complain about losing their bets, but overall most people are happy with Pearl's victory.

"You cheated! You must have cheated somehow! There is no way I would lose to a weakling like you!" The tigerfolk man quickly picks up his sword and attacks again. "I would never hand my sword over to such a pathetic people!"

"You can keep it,"

Pearl slashes her blade. It glows brighter than before and even has sparks coming from it. Everything is over in an instant. The tigerfolk man falls to his knees as his Mantis Sword splits in two.

"Im… impossible… a weakling like you can't have…."

"Keep your pathetic sword. It is nothing compared to the weapon my master gifted me,"

A second wave of applause quickly fills the air after the stunned crowd takes everything in. a few of the dwarfs surround Pearl wanting to get a closer look at her sword. At the same time, the tigerfolk man collects what's left of his weapon and disappears. It doesn't look like he will try anything now, but I better keep an eye out for him just to be sure.

"You were amazing!"

"Amazing, sir!"

Pochi and Tama were the first to welcome Pearl back, running up to her and excitedly cheering.

"You're so strong!"

"You're sword was pretty, sir!"

"I believe that was a spell blade, I inform,"

"Mm, spell blade,"

I agree with Mia and Nana's assessment that it looked like a spell blade to me. Still, why does it look so different when everyone else uses one? Unlike mine and everyone else's, that appears as a red streak. Pearl's, for some reason, is blue and now shoots sparks. Is it the sword or something to do with Pearl herself?

"Congratulations on your victory,"

"Yeah, you put that meanie in his place,"

It's hard to tell that Arisa is the older sister. Lulu smiles and congratulates Pearl with such grace she looks like a princess. Arisa, meanwhile, is acting like Pochi and Tama as she punches her fists in the air.

"You fought well,"

"Good job out there,"

Liza gives a rare smile as she gives her own praise, while Satou acts like he does typically whenever we defeat an opponent.

"You were really great out that he didn't stand a chance,"

"Thank you, master,"

Pearl smiles for the briefest of moments. I wish she wouldn't hide them as she has a beautiful smile. She really should express herself more instead of hiding her emotions.

"I think you managed to pull off a spell blade too at the end as well,"

"I will do my best to master this skill,"

"Now, that was an impressive fight! I wish I challenged you as well as your master yesterday," Elder Dohal steps out from the crowd. I didn't even notice him there. "It sure made this little stroll of mine more entertaining."

"Grandfather," Even Jojorie was caught off guard by him. "What are you doing here?"

"Like I said, I was taking a stroll. I can't stay cooped up in the forge all the time, ye know. Besides, some noble brat is making a scene there right now, so I couldn't work if I wanted to,"

That must be that man from before who was yelling at the merchant. I can't blame Elder Dohal for ditching his work. If I was him, I would sneak out with a man like that, yelling at everyone. If the scene he made with the merchant from earlier, I wouldn't be surprised if that young man ends up getting himself arrested.

"Besides, I have something much more interesting to do now," Elder Dohal chuckles. "Ye there. Pearl, was it? How would ye like to represent Bolehart City in the upcoming Martial Arts Tournament? With a magical weapon, ye will be exempt from the preliminary rounds."

"Can I master?"

"If you want to, you can,"

"Elder Dohal, I would be honoured to represent Bolehart City,"

"It's a shame I have work to get back to. I would have liked to drink with our champion. I'll have my son make sure ye have everything ye need to enter,"

We part ways soon after that, but chaos erupts once Elder Dohal is gone. In an instant, I am surrounded. Merchants try to sell me their wares or drag me to their stores, while fighters want me to recruit them. The soldiers assigned to trail us came to our rescue. They kept the crowd at by and convinced all the dwarfs to leave me alone. The other people are still making problems, but they give us a chance to slip away.


We only made it to the next street when we stopped again. This time it was Tama who was pointing at one of the food carts that stopped our progress. They seem to be being served with some sauce made from boiled vegetables.

"Master, the sauce turns it brown, sir. It's very spicy when it's brown, so you mustn't use the sauce, sir. Pochi knows all about it, sir,"

But despite Pochi's warning, Satou only moves closer to the stand, looking excited for some reason. He leans over the stand taking a closer look and smelling the air as a smile grows on his lips.

"I knew it!" Satou suddenly lets out a cheer. "It's mustard!"

"The seed spice, you mean? If you prefer yours with an extra kick, the chilli stuffed-stuffed Sausage are three coppers a piece, the regular ones bein' two,"

"One regular sausage with seed spice, please,"


It must taste good. Satou manages to eat the entire thing in under ten seconds, and looks like he is thinking of buying a second. His smile makes me think that sausage is the tastiest thing in the world.

"I've never seen you buy and eat something so quickly before, master,"

Lulu's eyes were wide as she handed Satou a handkerchief to wipe the mustard off his face. But for some reason, Arisa looks upset seeing Satou clean himself. She shirked as she started jumping up and down next to him.

"Argh! There goes my dream! I wanted to wipe a little boy's cheek with my finger and go, 'Hee-hee, you little glutton….'"

That seems a strange thing to get upset about. I can understand if she felt a little disappointed, but I don't think it is enough to get that kind of reaction. Does Arisa really need to slam her fists into the ground like that? Ignoring Arisa, apparently, everyone else had some of these sausages yesterday. After seeing Satou's reaction, I was tempted to try one myself, but I don't like mustard that much.

After exiting the square, I noticed that the number of guards tailing us had doubled. I would say it is unnecessary, but after seeing the reaction, people had after hearing I was a hero. Their presence is much appreciated.

As we continue to walk, we end up in the artisan district. We are greeted by the sounds of hammers hitting anvils and voices calling out orders. Despite the chaotic, messy scene, this part of town is by far the most colourful, with every building painted differently from the last. No one pays that much attention to me, so word of what happened must not have reached this part of town yet.

"There is quite the hustle and bustle around here,"

"Oh yes. There's plenty of demand for forged weapons, of course. But Bolehart Dominion also boasts the finest casting technology in the Shiga Kingdom, so we receive lots of orders every month. If you are interested, would you like to have a look around?"

"Yes, please!"

Satou can be such a kid at times. It makes it hard to believe he was a full-grown adult before coming to this world. When we visited a workshop, Jojorie said it was the best in the city for casting. Satou asked question after question with a childish joy in his voice. The owner was nice enough to give us a tour and answer some questions. He even let us watch them work until Pochi, Tama, Mia, and Arisa looked like they might fall asleep.

The main problem was Nana. She became entranced by the hot glow of metal and wanted to catch the flying sparks. I'm glad she didn't come to the mithral furnace with us, or she would have gone blind staring at that bright glow. I had to hold her back to stop her from getting hurt. After a few minutes, we moved on to the next room, where the moulds for the casts were made. He talks about the process but admits the elf's moulds made entirely through magic, are far superior. Mia looked so proud after the owner conceded that she wore a smile for the rest of the tour.

We ended up having tea and snacks with the owner in his office, which was decorated with casting samples. It turns out this place makes a wide variety of products, and by the time we leave, Satou has brought a meat grinder for sausages.

Once we were down with the casters we other workshops before at Jojorie suggestion, we took a break at one of the city's windmills. There was a small park in front of the largest windmill where we set down a blanket to sit on. We started eating what Jojorie called the city's famous shrimp crackers for lunch. They weren't bad tastewise but a bit hard to bite into.

It was a perfect break. Pochi, Tama and Arisa played with some of the dwarf children. At the same time, Mia attracted a crowd once she started to play some music on her lute. We attracted a lot of attention, but everyone was so friendly, and no one bothered us, so I didn't mind. After taking a longer break than planned, Jojorie guided us to some stores she recommended.

"Here we are, Garohal's Magic Shop," Jojorie says as we enter the shop. Inside there are no customers, just a single dwarf who looks like they are falling asleep. "Honestly, Garohal…."

Ouch. I can see how Jojorie is related to Elder Dohal. She looks like she can hit just as hard. Still, I have to give it to Garohal. Not many people could live through a blow to the head like that.

"Ouch," Garohal groans, rubbing his head and looking up.

"Are you awake now?"

"Hiya, Jojorie. It's rare to see ye come out to the shop. Did ye finally get fed up with that meathead Zajuul? Wonderful! I couldn't be happier,"

"Good morning, Garohal. You mustn't speak so poorly of Mr Zajuul,"

As soon as he spotted Jojorie, Garohal forgot all about us. He started talking so fast it was hard to get a word in, and it seemed to him that everyone but Jojorie didn't exist. He seemed so happy, but unfortunately for him, Jojorie didn't seem that impressed.

"Oh-ho, are those customers behind ye?"

Finally, he notices us.

"That's right. These are grandfathers honoured guests, so be sure to take good care of them,"

"Ho-ho, Elder Dohal accepting a human? Are they the children of some important noble?"

"Not quite. Mr Satou is a blacksmith skilled enough to earn grandfather's seal. Miss Kura is a hero who is also a skilled blacksmith,"

"Oh really?"

Garohal didn't believe us, but he was convinced when Satou showed him his fairy sword, and I presented my holy sword. He was more than happy to show us his wares and promised to give us a discount. Magic books, scrolls and materials related to smithing and alchemy were brought before us. Garohal cheerful explained every item he showed us pushing us gently to buy. In the end, Satou brought a two-volume book set of Everyday Magic. We also brought stuff like mercury and sulfur for alchemy by the barrel load, making Garohal jump for joy.

"Ha! I haven't made such a large sale since the day I opened! Jojorie! Ye really are a goddess, aren't ye?"

"Enough of that, Garohal! Take care of your customers, please,"

After a scolding, Garohal's attention was back on us. Honestly, I didn't mind he celebrated a little after Satou and I spent so much here. I wish he hadn't picked Jojorie and me and span us around. But now that he has focused again, Garohal shows us his magic scrolls.

According to Garohal, they were primarily aimed towards merchants and nobles, but I can several of them peak my interest. He happily told us about how he travelled to the Yorschka to get them, but this worried Jojorie. She couldn't stop herself from asking if Garohal had brought anything wired. It seems that Jojorie's worries were for nothing, though, as most of them seem pretty helpful.

When Satou checked his map later that night, we learned that Yorschka was a town to the southeast popular with Weaslefolk merchants Monster Hunters. It might be worth visiting as Garohal says it has a wide variety of items for sale there. We don't need anything, but Garohal mentioned that magic items occasionally appear in the town's market. But that is something I can look into at a later date.

I learn the Pure Water, Bug Wiper, Anti-Itch, and Deodorant spells just by reading them. According to Garohal, they are rare Everyday magic spells nobles use on long journeys. He had a lot of scrolls. Reading through them taught me Practical magic spells, Sonar, Fence, Signal, Cube and Magic Mold. The Earth magic spell Polish, the Fire magic spell Forge, and the Light magic spell Condense.

Some useful spells. Pure Water makes any water safe to drink. Bug Wiper keeps bugs away, Anti-Itch prevents itches, and Deodorant helps us smell good. As for the rest, Sonar is a detection spell, Fence is a weak barrier spell, Signal is a communication spell, and Magic Mold is a crafting spell. As for Cube. That is a spell I can think of a lot of uses for. It creates invisible cubes in the air that could be used as stepping stones. I can think of several ways to use that spell already.

Polish and Forge are the only useless spells. Polish just makes gems and stones shine, while Forge has such a short range it would hurt me if I ever used it. At least the last spell, Condense, seems helpful. Garohal said it could dry clothes before admitting he mistook it for another spell when he purchased the scroll.


The next day we planned to leave the city. When we met with Elder Dohal before we left to say our goodbyes, we found he had other ideas.

"Satou, I'll give ye Jojorie to wife so ye may carry on my legacy,"

"Master! I'm the one who should marry her!"

"G… grandfather! And you two, Mr Zajuul! What are you saying?"

Instead of merely saying our goodbyes and promising to visit again, Elder Dohal ambushed Satou with a sudden purpose. He managed to send both Jojorie and Zajuul into a panic, but he didn't look like he would change his mind.

"Elder Dohal, I am honoured that you would make such an offer, but I have a mission to attend to. Besides, I am certain there are many wonderful young men in Bolehart City who would be better suited than the likes of me. And you can pass on your magnificent crafting skills to you're apprentices as well,"

At least Satou managed to turn him down and convince him to drop the wedding plans. I can see Zajuul sighing in relief when he hears Satou's response. We board the carriage without further delays and are seen off by a small crowd. I just wish I wasn't being looked at and pointed to like some caged animal in the zoo.

"Look, mummy! There's that hero girl!"

I really need to hide the fact I am a hero better. I probably won't be able to once I participate in the Martial Arts Tournament. Still, it would be nice to enjoy a peaceful trip while I can.

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