The demons whispered to themselves loudly after the unnatural resurrection of the World of White. They had seen their Demon Kings and Lords destroy planets before, and it was always a jaw-dropping experience. However, they never saw a destroyed planet resurrect!
Lucifer's expression gradually darkened. He once again lifted his hand, pointed his finger at the cloud-covered world, and spoke softly, "Vanish."
Everyone turned to look at the World of White, expecting to see it vanish. However, another spectacular scene appeared.
"Explorer of Life, WORLD VERSION!"
Before Lucifer's spell struck the world, the entire planet was shrouded in green light before vanishing!
The world appeared on the other side of the destroyed moon. Isaac used his "Explorer of Life" to teleport the entire world away. He also controlled it perfectly so that there was still the same distance to the sun and the moon without disturbing the economic system of the world.
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