Knock, knock!
A resounding knock echoed in the streets. An armored man with a box under his armpit stood before a wooden door.
Creak... the door was slowly and carefully opened.
A pair of beautiful women peered from the gap of the door and looked warily at the armored man.
"Delivery from Gods." The armored man said with his mechanical voice and placed the box on the doorstep. He then turned around and left. The surrounding buildings were also visited by the armored men, delivering the boxes.
Luna and Alice took the box inside the building and placed it on the dinner table. They cut it open with a knife and saw four Mythical VR Helmets lying on the bottom of the box.
"VR Helmets?" Luna then saw that there was also a handwritten letter. She opened it and read it aloud so that Alice would hear it.
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