''Protestors... at this day, and age.'' Amour laughed as they left that specific street. There had already been rumors floating about them being there, and Kalzer's fan boys, and girls were more than eager to rush there.
''Hmm, I didn't expect them to react this way.'' Isaac said with slight surprise. However, he didn't regret defeating Hades. Underlord was next, and his fate would be much worse.
''They are the minority.'' Kalzer said, ''There are always brain dead fools like him. There is nothing you can do about that. Even when I had my first interview, I got hate from that minority for not revealing my face.''
''We shouldn't care about them.'' Xerxus said as he suddenly ran to the nearby roadside stall. He left a pile of white coins behind as he held four hotdogs in his hands, ''There.''
They took the hotdogs, and took tiny bites. As soon as the flavors reached their throats, they exclaimed, with pleasantly surprised expressions.
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