Scrub, scrub.
In a dimly lit room, Isaac sat under the light of crystal light. With a rag in hand, he cleaned the silver pistol thoroughly.
The black-inlaid carvings looked powerful and beautiful.
Isaac moved the silver pistol towards the crystal light and nodded with satisfaction.
'That was unnecessary, but thanks." The silver pistol said.
Isaac shrugged his shoulders and put the silver pistol down at the table, "I feel more comfortable using you if I think you are well-maintained."
'Nothing can even make a scratch on me.'
"It's more psychology thing."
Isaac then grabbed the Mosin-Nagant sniper rifle and removed the silvery blade. He then grabbed the rag and cleaned the gun thoroughly.
After doing that, he cleaned the silvery blade after de-attaching it from the gun. Once done with that, he didn't put it back.
He lowered it down on the table and placed the Mosin-Nagant back in the inventory.
'What are you going to do with that?' The silver pistol asked.
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