On top of the largest mountain that was covered in a thick layer of snow.
A man with a white ski mask was sitting, with snow surrounding him.
His eyes that could be seen were looking in one very specific direction.
In the distance, he could see a battle between two youths.
His body didn't even flinch as his emotionless eyes watched as the white-haired youth was suffering defeat with each collision.
But soon, his emotionless eyes reacted as he felt something coming.
The sky above the snow forest rumbled!
The man turned his head and saw a snowflake landing on his shoulder.
More and more snow started dropping down from the sky while a shadow was moving above the clouds.
Suddenly, something fell from the sky and landed behind the man!
The mountain trembled, which caused an avalanche below the hill.
The forest around the mountain was soon covered in snow, and the trees were blown to pieces.
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