''Hissssssssssss!'' The Centipede started becoming erratic after the sudden appearance of the light!
Its massive body started moving back and forth in a dangerous manner.
Isaac's body bounced up and down as the Centipede's massive body made the ground shake and tremble.
''Damn, why did the fireflies appear suddenly?!'' He exclaimed and didn't know whether it was good or bad that there was finally light.
Now, he can see in front of him and might be able to start his search for the Teleportation Pearl, but now the Centipede is not so calm anymore.
Isaac, with the corner of his eyes, saw the camera floating right next to him!
He didn't see it because of the darkness, but it was floating right next to him all this time!
His stream saw the current peril and advised Isaac to leave, but he sighed and wanted to know how!
If he could leave, he would, but there is no way to escape!
But now, he at least sees the hole in the ceiling, which is simply too far to reach.
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