Isaac and Darth looked at his right shoulder, which was pulsating weirdly.
Both their faces grimaced at the disgusting sight, but the next thing almost made them vomit.
His wound, which was healed with the help of Healing Potion, changed drastically. Inside the wound, it looked like something was crawling like a centipede, but the reason for it was soon discovered.
His wound soon started bleeding, and pair of fingers appeared from the wound, and soon the whole hand became visible.
Isaac covered his mouth with his left hand, trying to resist vomiting, but then the wrist became visible, and his arm started growing longer until it returned to the same height as his left arm.
''Fuck, that was disgusting!'' Darth turned around and almost felt his breakfast about to leave his stomach.
''You don't have to mention it!'' Isaac screeched, ''If it looked disgusting, imagine how it felt!''
Darth wiped his saliva from his lips and asked, ''H-How did it feel?''
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