A black-haired figure left one of the rooms and ran towards the room Isaac was in.
He opened the door and saw Isaac jumping backward.
''Fuck sake, you scared me!'' Isaac took a deep breath and touched the area where his heart was with his hand, and felt his racing heartbeat.
Darth wryly smiled and quickly closed the door, ''You alright? Baba Yaga was here, wasn't she?''
Isaac nodded and sat down on the hospital bed, ''She couldn't enter the room, must be because of the symbol of a child.''
''That's good to know.'' Darth then saw the tuck tape covering the window, ''Why did you put the tuck tape?''
''I thought it would help in hiding, but it attracted even more attention.'' Isaac scratched his head and continued, ''I followed my fear and thought that covering the window was the safest bet because in some cases it would help me hide better, but it was a mistake.''
Darth scratched his chin and asked, ''What should we do? We don't have all day.''
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