Darth grabbed one of the items from the desk and looked at it with widened eyes.
[Fox Beast's Tail - Rare]
He looked at Isaac with a face full of shock, ''Now I understand why you didn't want to go to City Square; you will be robbed in 10 minutes.''
Isaac awkwardly chuckled, ''Yeah...''
Queen Diana was also quite serious, ''This item will let our Potion Master make a Rare Healing Potion!''
''It will probably also increase his level by a lot,'' Darth said with a small smile.
''How does his level increase by doing that?'' Isaac tilted his head in curiosity.
''Potion Master levels up by doing Potions and more difficult and higher ranked potion it is, more XP he will get,'' Darth replied.
Isaac nodded, 'I guess Healers and Medics get HP with healing teammates and helping others to fight Beasts, Monsters, and other Players...'
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