[You Have Died!]
[You Have Been Killed By Player Wraith!]
[Your Level was 2!]
[Your account is terminated!]
[Reason: When your level is below 5. Your account will be terminated if you die!]
''RAAA!'' The person who played Salamander angrily threw the VR helmet away.
''I NEED TO BUY ANOTHER ONE, FUCK!'' Salamander shouted angrily.
You can only have 1 account per VR helmet, and now that his account was terminated...
He had to fork out the money for another one!
And the VR helmet he used was Gold Rank...
''Wraith... I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN!'' Salamander shouted angrily and left the house to purchase another helmet.
Isaac, AKA Wraith, had no idea that the death penalty for level 2's was so harsh— he thought that Salamander would be respawned a week later and would likely be pretty pissed.
Isaac swiftly descended the tree, making as little noise as possible while safely making it to the ground.
He looked around and that the other members of the party had wandered off. They were still looking around, searching for him.
Isaac ran towards Salamander's items.
[Child Wolf's Claw - Rank: Common]
[Child Wolf's Fang - Rank: Common]
[Wooden Sword - Rank: White]
[Leather Pants - Rank: White]
[White Shirt - Rank: White]
Isaac quickly placed them all into his Inventory and high-tailed it out of the forest.
Since hundreds of players were in the forest, it was easy for him to leave the woods without being discovered.
Just 10 minutes later, Isaac had made it through the village gates and stepped into the Merchant Store.
''I'm back,'' Isaac said after, looking toward the old man.
Kudos glanced at him, ''Buy or Sell?''
''Sell,'' Isaac said as he put all of the items he received from Salamander on the desk.
Kudos was not that impressed, ''30 White Coins.''
Isaac nodded— he took the coins and left the building.
''35 White Coins... I doubt I can buy anything good with that...'' Isaac murmured while looking for a weapons store.
He found it quickly— it was the most crowded building in the entire village.
Many players visited it, but most of the players left empty-handed after seeing the cost of the items.
Isaac entered the building and saw a lot of swords, daggers, and shields, but there weren't many guns.
After pushing by a few members of the ever-growing crowd, he managed to find one.
[Flintlock - Rank: Common]
[Cost: 150 White Coins]
Isaac sighed and shook his head.
He looked at the other items, but the cheapest thing in the store was 80 White Coins, an iron dagger.
Isaac left the building with low self-esteem.
'I am so poor!'
At first, Isaac thought that his situation wasn't so bad. Oh boy, was he wrong!
Isaac left the Weapon Store and approached the village entrance once again.
Before he managed to reach the gate, he saw something strange.
Some of the players had small cameras flying above their heads, and they kept talking to themselves.
'Livestreaming..?' Isaac guessed.
It looked interesting seeing so many players live streaming at the same time.
Isaac pressed the [Help] icon once again and went to the Livestreaming section.
[Livestreaming: Say ''Livestream Online,'' a screen will show up, and you can choose which website you wish to stream through]
Isaac closed the Interface once again.
He wasn't that interested in live streaming, and he doubted that he would get even one viewer.
Most individuals would be watching the stream of Underlord or some other big-name streamer like him.
Isaac left the village again, this time choosing to walk in a different direction.
The forest was filled with players, and the areas where he could get kills peacefully were packed.
Only some top players could fight against Level 5 animals at this point.
Isaac walked for half an hour until he arrived at a bridge where a lonely-looking man was standing.
[Level: ???]
Only those words were shown.
Isaac was curious and decided to approach him.
Vaulon noticed the young man with the cheap-looking outfit walking toward him.
He shook his head, ''Young man, you should turn around.''
''Why?'' Isaac asked curiously.
''I am trying to help you,'' Vaulon said. ''If you cross this bridge... You won't stay alive long, please believe me.''
Isaac was deep in thought, but then a few prompts appeared in front of him.
[Vaulon is called Untrustworthy Swordsman!]
[Do you want to cross the bridge?]
Isaac thought, but then he decided to press [No]
He was okay with remaining in the Newbie Village for now.
Vaulon sighed in relief, ''Thank you for trusting me, young man. Not many have...'' He lowered his head, and his face was morphed into sadness.
''This means a lot...'' Vaulon quickly wiped away a tear, hoping the youngster wouldn't notice.
''Because you have trusted me... I have a Quest for you if you are interested.''
Isaac raised an eyebrow, ''Quest?''
Vaulon nodded, ''A Quest which will make you rich and powerful!''
[Vaulon has offered you a Quest!]
[Legacy Quest Received!]
[Do you want to accept the Quest?]
''Legacy..?'' Isaac was slightly surprised but also suspicious.
'I don't think Legacy Quests should be this easy to get... There are not that many of them after all...' Isaac concluded.
He pressed [No]
''Why... Why didn't you trust me?!'' Vaulon roared angrily.
Isaac took a step backward.
Vaulon violently stomped toward Isaac— he unsheathed his sword and pointed it toward Isaac's neck.
''The punishment for not trusting me... Is death!'' Vaulon swung his sword towards Isaac's neck with blinding speed.
The blade was only an inch away from his neck.
Isaac closed his eyes and waited for death to embrace him.
''ARGHHH! WHY?!'' Isaac slowly cracked open his eyes and saw Vaulon's blade barely grazing his skin. There was some kind of transparent barrier protecting him.
Isaac walked backward slowly. Once he was sure the man couldn't give chase, he turned tail and ran.
Vaulon tried to chase after him, but for some reason, he was rooted to the spot!
''COME BACK HERE!'' Vaulon roared furiously.
Isaac didn't bother listening to the man, only putting as much distance between them as possible. Soon, the strange man was only yelling at the wind that passed by.
''Whew.'' Isaac took a deep breath. He had ran for 10 minutes without a break.
''That was scary...''
Isaac muttered, taking a seat on the ground.
After catching his breath, he decided to open the Interface and check the time.
In front of him, a holographic blue screen popped up.
''Hmm... Only 1:31 PM...'' Isaac murmured.
He was surprised that he'd only played for an hour and a half thus far.
''Wait... Stat points?'' Isaac saw that he had 10 Stat Points available and that his HP had increased by 5 points.
''So... Every level gives 10 stat points and 5 HP... That is good to know.''
Without thinking twice, Isaac placed the 10 Stat Points and glanced through them once more before closing the screen...
[Name: Wraith]
[Level: 2]
[HP: 30/30]
[XP: 0/100]
[SP: 0]
[White Coins: 35]
[Title: None]
[Class: Marksman]
[Legacy: None]
[Legacy Rank: No Legacy]
[STR: 9]
[AGI: 20]
[VIT: 20]
[STA: 20]
[PRE: 31]
[CHA: 10]
[Log Out]
Isaac sighed when he realized how simple the newbie area was.
There was a village.
There was the bridge that left the newbie area.
And then, there was the forest.
It disappointed Isaac, but he decided to concentrate on leveling up.
Most of the forest was packed with players, and he had little choice outside of going deeper into the woods.
It was dangerous, and there was a much higher chance of dying, but Isaac had a plan.
He decided to use his former fight as an example and use the trees to his advantage. He wasn't sure how effective it would be or even if the creatures could climb, but it was worth a shot.
Isaac walked deeper into the forest until the sounds of players and creatures fighting had faded away entirely.
He scurried up a nearby tree, quickly making his way to the top.
Isaac was able to see almost fifty meters in any given direction, though some nearby trees were attempting to block his view. He did have a clear line of sight to a small, spacious area, in which he was able to spot a group of five large boars.
[Adult Wild Boar!]
[Level 5]
[HP: 39/39]
Each of these creatures were level 5— 3 levels higher than Isaac.
''Please work,'' Isaac whispered, taking a rock from his pouch and placing it on the saddle of his slingshot.
He aimed the weapon toward the closet wild boar.
The rock left the slingshot, flew through the sky, and struck the wild boar on the side!
''GRAA!'' The boar growled furiously!
The entire group of wild boars scanned the area but were unable to find the culprit.
Isaac viewed the scene with a set of weary eyes.
[-3 HP]
''Only 3... Are you joking me?!'' Isaac gritted his teeth and started shooting more and more rocks.
The wild boars irritably stomped around, but rocks kept pelting them.
No matter how much they looked, they couldn't find the source of the attacks.
Some rocks were off the mark, but more hit them than not.
It took some time, but the boars finally managed to trace the direction of the incoming projectiles.
Isaac saw the creatures looking up toward him with pure malice in their eyes.
He started shooting faster and faster, causing more rocks to miss. Even so, the damage output increased from the sheer number of stones he was launching.
[-3 HP]
[-6 HP]
[-3 HP]
Finally, one of the wild boars dropped dead, becoming tiny pixels that floated into nothingness.
[You Killed Adult Wild Boar!]
[30 XP Earned!]
The other four wild boars arrived at his location and started slamming against the base of the tree. Isaac had to adjust his position to keep from falling.
He hooked his legs around one of the branches, doing his best to maintain his balance. If he fell, he was dead!
Isaac soon got a break as the boars' stamina was depleted.
Not only that, but the creatures were also injured from slamming against the tree's bark.
Isaac didn't hesitate to unleash a hail of rock bullets on the exhausted beasts!
Soon the four wild boars fell to the ground, turning into pixels shortly after.
[You Killed Adult Wild Boar!]
[30 XP Earned!]
[You Killed Adult Wild Boar!]
[30 XP Earned!]
[You Killed Adult Wild Boar!]
[30 XP Earned!]
[You Killed Adult Wild Boar!]
[30 XP Earned!]
[Level 2 -> Level 3]
[Name: Wraith]
[Level: 3]
[HP: 35/35]
[XP: 50/150]
[SP: 10]
[White Coins: 35]
[Title: None]
[Class: Marksman]
[Legacy: None]
[Legacy Rank: No Legacy]
[STR: 9]
[AGI: 20]
[VIT: 20]
[STA: 20]
[PRE: 31]
[CHA: 10]
[Log Out]
Isaac landed on the ground and snatched up the items that the wild boars had dropped.
His gains were 5 Adult Wild Boar Furs and 3 Adult Wild Boar Meats.
''This seems like cheating...'' Isaac muttered.
'I doubt using the trees to your advantage was within the game developer's estimations... Or it was possible that this strategy would be useless in the future...'
He wasn't sure, but he certainly planned to exploit it.
Isaac ran further into the forest until noticing a Level 6 Adult Wild Boar.
Quietly, he climbed into the branches of another tree and swiftly repeated the process.
The boar became angry very quickly.
Even so, there was only one. Since Isaac's focus wasn't split, he managed to take it down before it managed to uncover his location.
The boar's 45 HP dropped to 0 in record time!
[You Have Killed Adult Wild Boar!]
[40 XP Earned!]
Isaac left the tree and grabbed the fallen item.
He received a single Adult Wild Boar Meat (Common)
The level 5 Wild Boars had only given White ranked items.
''Nice...'' Isaac mumbled, planning to sell the acquired loot— he might even have enough money to buy that Flintlock.
After some time, he managed to make it back to the area with the Baby Wolves. He was only about a hundred meters from the forest entrance when something grabbed his attention.
Isaac's ears twitched as he heard some yelling in the distance. He walked closer to the shouts and found a group of three arguing with another group that only consisted of two.
''You stole our kill!'' A young man with short brown hair yelled angrily. He was standing next to a young girl with jet-black hair.
''You would have died if I hadn't. I did you a favor!'' An older man snorted arrogantly.
''The wolf had 2 HP!'' The young man yelled in response.
The older man snorted again, ''So what? Even a wolf with 2 HP would instantly kill the likes of you.''
''Y-You!'' The young man was boiling in rage.
''Brother, don't,'' The younger girl pulled on the young man's sleeves, trying to drag him away before the argument became more heated.
Isaac sighed and made to leave. This wasn't his problem.
However, he stopped in his tracks when he heard the arrogant man's following words.
The older man smirked, gesturing to the two other men.
''I wonder how close this place is to real life," The older man said as he reached out and touched the young woman's hair.
''Kyaa!'' The girl retreated instantly, but that wasn't the end of it.
''It actually feels real?! HAHAHAHA!'' The older man yelled crazily.
The young man and woman went pale as the older man went insane.
''I wonder what else feels real?!'' The man grinned with excitement. He pushed the girl onto the ground while his companions held her brother back.
The older man licked his lips and reached for the young woman's thigh-
''ARGH!'' The older man was knocked back slightly as something slammed against his forehead.
He didn't actually feel pain— but he was still surprised by the sudden action.
[-9 HP]
''I lost 9 HP? What the fuck?!''
[Caius - HP 9/18]
Another rock struck his forehead, and he turned into pixels before he could say another word. A simple prompt floated over where his body should have been [Dead]
''C-Caius?!'' His friends were shocked, but 4 rocks whistled through the air, and they had no time to think. Two stones collided with the men, causing their bodies to turn into pixels as well.
The brother and sister pair were shocked. They looked around worriedly but couldn't find a single soul.
Isaac had already left the place, happily staring at the floating prompts before him.
[You Killed Caius!]
[30 XP Earned!]
[You Killed Kailo]
[25 XP Earned!]
[You Killed Wenko]
[25 XP Earned!]
[Level 3 -> Level 4]
''Alright... Level 3 players give 30 XP, and Level 2s give 25 XP.''
He left the forest and opened his Interface.
[Name: Wraith]
[Level: 4]
[HP: 40/40]
[XP: 20/250]
[SP: 20]
[White Coins: 35]
[Title: None]
[Class: Marksman]
[Legacy: None]
[Legacy Rank: No Legacy]
[STR: 9]
[AGI: 20]
[VIT: 20]
[STA: 20]
[PRE: 31]
[CHA: 10]
[Log Out]
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