"When you commanded someone to poison the court officials, did you not think of yourself as the Emperor? When you desired the lives of the Longhu Guards, the Three Guards, and the imperial guards, intending to incite internal strife, did you not think of yourself as the Emperor?
And when you sent people to the border, plotting to poison the soldiers of Daqing Kingdom, provoking a war, did you not consider that you were the Emperor of Daqing Kingdom?
Oh, now that you've been poisoned and your life is threatened, you remember that you're the Emperor?
Dog of an Emperor, you really are lucky, caring only about your own life, aren't you? Do the lives of others mean nothing to you, mere weeds in your eyes? Or is it that this throne is really so comfortable to sit upon?
Not knowing how to govern the nation, only threatening others with their lives, is this what you call being an Emperor? That everyone must listen to you?
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