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2.94% Pokemon: The Trickster / Chapter 1: Chapter 1
Pokemon: The Trickster Pokemon: The Trickster original

Pokemon: The Trickster

Penulis: Asce

© WebNovel

Bab 1: Chapter 1

" Vivillon is unable to battle! The winner is Ash. " the referee yelled.

" Yes! We won Pikachu. " Ash cheered as he went over to his beloved starter who was laying on the ground exhausted but still happy that he won the match, smiling in glee.

" He won! " Bonnie cheered from the sidelines with Clemont smiling in awe after the match.

Serena had a happy smile on her face as she watched the person she had a crush on, smile with his pokemon over winning the gym battle.

" Wow. I didn't expect that. " Viola said as she returned her Vivillon to her pokeball and walked up to Ash.

" Gradulations Ash. You have officially won the bug badge. " Viola said with a smile as she handed Ash his badge.

" Thank you, Viola. That was an awesome match. " Ash said as he shook Viola's hand.

" Indeed it was. " Viola said with a smile.

" You're not wrong. "

Startled by the unfamiliar voice, everyone turned their heads to the front of the gym to look at the culprit. The guy in question had a calm smile on his face as he walked down the steps of the gyms while clapping his hands.

He had golden yellow hair that stepped to the right side of his head, his undercut and eyebrows were born in color indicating that he had dyed his hair. He stood at 6'1, wore blue jeans with a black ND white striped shirt with an orange jacket over it, headphones hanging from his neck. His droopy eyes stared at everyone while he still had his calm smile on his face.

" Who are you? " Viola asked looking at the guy.

" Oh that's right, I hadn't introduced myself yet. " The guy said with a look of ' shock ' before his face gained that calm smile again.

" Names Atsumu, Atsumu Miya. " He said with a smirk this time as he stared at Viola with droopy eyes.

" At least I know your name now. So we are you here Atsumu? " Viola asked.

" You should already know, considering you're profession. I'm here to challenge you to a gym battle. " Atsumu said.

" Alright. It'll be fun destroying that cocky persona of yours, it's pissing me off even though I just met you. " Viola said with a smile of her own.

" Really? " Atsumu asked with a surprised smile on his face, his eyes getting big and round with a shine in them.

" Thank you. That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. " Atsumu said as he shook Viola's hand with a bright innocent smile on his face.

Viola was stunned for a moment before regaining composure, removing her hand from his.

" No problem. Now then, let's begin the match right after I leave my pokemon to be healed. " Viola said.

" That's fine. " Atsumu said, his face switching back to before.

Viola nodded as she walked towards the back of the gym. Most gyms have inbuilt healing devices, the same ones as Pokecenters, as they need to be able to face multiple challengers a day in some cases.

Ash and the gang looked at Atsumu who in turn looked at them with the same calm smile on his face. He walked towards Ash and stared right at Pikachu who was on Ash's shoulder. As looked at Atsumu and wanted to say something but he couldn't find the right words to start a conversation after his ' talk ' with Viola.

" Your Pikachu has been through some tough battles. He's pretty strong. If I wasn't going to have a match with Viola right now, I would have challenged you to a battle with your Pikachu. " Atsumu said as he looked at Ash with a sincere smile.

" Oh, thanks. " Ash said as he regained his bearings.

" My name is Ash and this Pikachu. " He introduced.

" Nice to meet you. You guys are... " He said as he pointed towards the others.

" My name is Clemont. "

" Bonnie and this is Dedenne. "

" Serena. "

" Well, it's a pleasure to meet you guys. " Atsumu said.

" Hey, Atsumu. Where are you from? " Bonnie asked curiously.

" Me? " Atsumu asked as he pointed at himself. " Well, I'm from the Alola region. "

" Alola? " Ash and Serena said.

" Yep. " Atsumu said. " I'm not going to say anything more. It's better if you experience Alola for yourselves than take my word for it. "

" Besides... " Atsumu said as he turned his head towards Viola who walked back to the field.

" I have a match to win. " Atsumu said with an excited smile on his face.

" Sorry, I'm late. Had to do a bit of research. " Viola said.

" The match will be a 3v3 match. Both sides will be allowed to switch pokemon. " Viola said with a serious expression on her face.

" Oh? " Atsumu said. " That's fine then. I accept. "

" You four. Go watch the match from there. " Viola ordered.

" Understood. " Clemont said as he grabbed Ash while Bonnie grabbed Serena and lead them to the viewing area.

" Hey, Clemont. Why did Viola allow herself to switch pokemon? Shouldn't the challenger only have that right? " Ash asked.

" You don't know?! " Clemont said in surprise before calming down.

" To put simply, the only people who are allowed have matches where the gym leader is allowed to switch their pokemon as well is when the challenger has won a pokemon league of their own. " Clemomt explained.

" Wait...so that means... " Serena exclaimed as all of them looked at Atsumu.

" Yeah. He won the Alola league. " Bonnie said as Ash became quiet.

Atsumu stood on his side of the battlefield with Viola on the other side.

" The g battle between Atsumu and gym leader Viola will now commence. Please send out your first pokemon. " The referee said.

" Heracross, picture-perfect. " Viola said as she sent out Heracross onto the field.

" That Heracross looks way stronger than her Vivillon!! " Serena said in surprise.

" That's because it is. In these matches, gym leaders are allowed to use pokemon that are at a much higher level. These are the advanced matches. " Clemont explained.

" He looks so strong! " Atsumu gushed as he looked at the Heracross.

" This is going to be fun. " Atsumu said with a smirk.

He reached for his belt and grabbed a pokeball. The pokeball opened and Atsumus's first pokemon was revealed.

Confusion and tension rose through all the people in the gym. The pokemon that Atsumu sent out was...


Mimikyu stared at Heracross, twitching ever so slightly as he looked around the field slowly, creeping out everyone and making them stand on edge. Heracross stared at Mimikyu with a nervous but determined expression as he studied the anomaly in front of him.

" Is that a Pikachu? " Serena asked.

" No," Ash said. " It looks more like it's wearing a Pikachu costume. "

" That's true. " Bonnie said.

" Do mind if you explain what that pokemon is? " Viola asked as she gestured to the stunned audience.

" Hmm. Oh, you don't know. This is Mimikyu and he is a ghost/fairy-type pokemon. " Atsumu explained, not saying anything afterward.

" Alright. Both pokemon are on the field. Battle begin, " The referee yelled.

" Swords dance. " Atsumu simply said.

" Swords dance. " Viola commanded.

Swords appeared around both pokemon, dancing with each other by clashing against one another.

" High horsepower. " Viola yelled.

Heracross unveiled its wings and rushed towards Mimikyu who just watched as Heracross came straight towards him.

" Phantom force. " Atsumu said.

Heracross went straight past Mimikyu without hitting him at all. He came to a stop as Mimikyu disappeared from the field.

" Phantom force? " Serena asked.

" It's a ghost-type move that allows the pokemon to vanish from the battle. They follow up by reappearing and causing damage to their target as they can't be hit until they reveal themselves. " Clemont explained.

" Heracross be on guard and hit Mimikyu with Smart Strike. " Viola commanded.

" A steel-type move that never misses. " Clemont said.

" Steel is super effective against fairy types. " Bonnie said.

" Hit and run Mimikyu. " Atsumu said as he looked at the Heracross in glee.

Mimikyu reappeared from using phantom force right in front of Heracross. Heracross noticed but couldn't react in time as he was hit with a Will'o'wisp.

Heracross felt the burn but wasn't fazed as his ability Guts activated. He looked at Mimikyu and reached towards him using Smart strike.

Once he hit Mimikyu, the Mimikyu poofed out of existence.

' A substitute! ' Viola thought.

Heracross gained a feeling of dread as he slowly moved his head to the left as Mimikyu appeared next to a leftover flame from Will'o'wisp.

Mimikyu slowly turned its head towards Heracross as the flame grew bigger. The scene caused Heracross to stare as his fear increased from seeing the creepy scene in front of him.

Heracross couldn't move as a purple hew surrounded him.

Heracross screamed in agony as Viola looked in shock before gritting her teeth as she looked at Atsumu's cocky smirk.

" Play rough. " Atsumu said with a calm smile on his face while his eyes drooped as he looked at Viola.

Mimikyu obeyed he appeared next to Heracross in an instant and began to slam into Heracross without much mercy, pummeling Heracross into the ground. Heracross fell to the ground with swirls in his eyes as Viola looked in shock, awe, and annoyance.

" Heracross is unable to battle. Mimikyu is the winner." The referee said.

No one made a sound as Viola returned Heracross to his pokeball.

" Clemont, Ash. What just happened? " Bonnie asked.

" The Mimikyu that reappeared from using Shadow force was a substitute countering the smart strike that Heracross used while getting off a Will'o'wisp. The show Mimikyu put on was actually Astonish, which was used to make sure Heracross was unable to move before using the move Hex and then finishing the Heracross off with play rough. " Clemont explained as he continued to look at the battlefield.

" I see... " Serena said while having a bead of sweat dripping from her face.

' I have no idea what most of those moves are. ' Serena thought.

Ash and Pikachu on the other hand didn't say a word as they watched the battle in silence, looking at Atsumu and Mimikyu who waited for Viola to send out her next pokemon.

" Scizor. " Viola said as she sent out Scizor.

" Battle begin. " The referee said.

" Agility into Iron defense. " Viola commanded.

Scizor began rushing across the battlefield getting faster and faster while hardening his steel body with Iron defense to raise his defenses.

' Alright. I don't know which pokemon he will send in next but this will diffently help Pinsir in the back. After all this setup, Pinsir can finish off the rest of his team after a baton pass from Scizor. ' Viola thought as he looked at Mimikyu, who merely stood still and hadn't moved at all, worrying Viola.

' No. There's nothing it can do that can cause problems for me right now. One Swords dance and then a baton pass. ' Viola thought as she kept her composure to not Atsumu now anything about her mental state.

" Swords dance. " Viola commanded.

Scizor stood at the far corner of the field to use Swords dance. With its mastery over Swords dance and with all the abilities, it can avoid all the attacks Mimikyu could dish out towards it.

" Trick room. " Atsumu said.

Viola's mouth clamped shut as she looked at Mimikyu in disbelief. Mimikyu quickly set up a trick room as Scizor completed his Swords dance right after.

" Burning Jealousy. " Atsumu said.

Viola snapped out of her shock but it was too late to give Scizor a command. Burning Jealousy is a widespread move that hits everything on the battlefield.

The trick room just made Scizor extremely slow due to all the Agilties it set up, making sure that it couldn't avoid the attack.

His bug/steel typing made it incredibly weak to fire-type attacks and with Mimikyu's mastery over the move, Scizor fell to the ground, burned to a crisp, still alive of course, just knocked out.

" Scizor is unable to battle. Mimikyu wins. " The referee said.

When Viola returned Scizor to his pokeball, she had already lost a lot of confidence. It was now a 3v1 battle with Atsumu in the lead, but not only that, his Mimikyu didn't take much damage at all, the only damage was from the substitute it used but that did t hunter him at all.

On top of that, Heracross lost without much effort from Mimikyu as Atsumu played her like a fiddle and Scizor lost immediately after. She had gotten too greedy in going for all that set up to make sure that she could deal with any pokemon Atsumu had in the back.

That cost her dearly.

The icing on the cake, Mimikyu still has its disguise active.

She only had one pokemon left. She looked at Atsumu who had the same smile since the start of the match while Mimikyu just stayed in front of him.

" Go Pinsir. " Viola said as she sent out Pinsir.

Pinsir appeared on the battlefield but one thing caught Atsumu's eye.

" A mega stone, huh. Well, at least I can take my frustration on you. " Atsumu muttered.

" Battle begin. "

" Pinsir, use x-scissor. " Viola commanded.

Pinsir rushed towards Mimikyu, appearing in front of it in no time at all. It slammed into Mimikyu with a powerful X'scissor as Mimikyu landed on the ground safely.

His disguise broke, causing its ' head ' to fall to the side. It merely stared at Pinsir while Ash and the gang just stared, wondering what happened.

" Trick room. " Atsumu said.

" Rockslide. " Viola commanded before looking at Atsumu with a cool head.

' He's using trick room again to remove the one he set up since Pinsir is faster than Mimikyu under trick room. ' Viola thought.

The trick room was removed as Pinsir's rock slide took effect. Rocks fell from the air, about to fall onto Mimikyu who just looked at the rocks.

" Shadow sneak. " Atsumu said.

Mimikyu vanished from sight, delving into the shadows as Viola gave her next command.

" Jump into the air towards one of the rocks and use protect. " Viola said.

" Stay in shadows. " Atsumu said.

Pinsir landed on one of the rocks as Viola raised her hand.

" Pinsir. Time to go all out. " Viola said as she touched her keystone.

Pinsir responded in kind as light erupted from the two stones, connecting and a light shine enveloped Pinsir.

The Pinsir began to change under everyone's eyes, to end up in a completely different form.

Mega Pinsir.

" That's Mega evolution. " Ash muttered as he stared at the mega Pinsir while Serena was just lost.

" T wave. " Atsumu said.

" Quick attack to dodge. " Viola yelled.

Mimikyu appeared from the shadows as it appeared behind Pinsir with electricity surrounding it. Pinsir noticed and used Quick attack to dodge the attack and gain some distance while being in the air.

Mega Pinsir is extremely fast and dangerous while having the ability Aerilate which makes all normal type moves used by mega Pinsir, flying type moves.

Atsumu looked at this and decided his next course of action with a smirk.

" Mimikyu, return. " Atsumu said as he held up his pokeball.

Mimikyu returned to Atsumu as Viola looked at him in anticipation.

Who was he going to send out?

" Dragapult. You're up. " Atsumu said with a wide smile.

Dragapult appeared on the field, making its presence known by letting out a roar as soon as it entered. He looked around the battlefield before seeing Pinsir in its mega form in front of him, wearing a determined look on his face.

Dragapult turned towards Atsumu with a hopeful expression while wagging his tail.

" Yep. This is all on you. Take your time and enjoy. " Atsumu said with a grin.

Dragapult gained a look of happiness as it made joyful noises before looking at Pinsir with a gleeful expression on its face.

Pinsir tensed up as it looked even more battle-ready than before jumping a few places back in the air. Viola gulped as she looked at Dragapult before gritting her teeth.

She can't back down now.

" Quick attack combined with Return. " Viola commanded.

Pinsir covered himself in a light blue glow before rushing straight towards Dragapult. Dragapult stayed still with an excited expression as Pinsir slammed into Dragapult full force.

Dragapult grunted from the attack as he took a lot of damage but smiled all the same as he grabbed onto Pinsir.

" Shake him off Pinsir. " Viola yelled.

" Hold him tight and start spinning around. " Atsumu yelled.

Dragapult grunted as he held onto Pinsir as Pinsir tried to remove Dragapult. Dragapult then began to spin around in the air, becoming faster and faster, letting off a soft dark blue glow.

" Throw him to the ground. " Atsumu yelled.

" Protect. " Viola yelled.

Dragapult grinned as he swung Pinsir around before throwing straight towards the ground, rocketing Pinsir into the ground.

The ground broke to make a creator as Pinsir could still fight using protect to break its fall. It stayed on the ground to regain composure as Dragapult looked down at him.

" Swords dance into Quick attack combined with strength," Viola said.

Pinsir quickly used Swords dance as Fragapult stayed in the air waiting for Pinsir to finish without a hint of fear on its face.

Pinsir finished and disappeared, already flying towards Dragapult with its fist reeled back, arms building with power to slam into Dragapult. Dragapult looked at Pinsir before avoiding the punch with ease.

Pinsir attacked again and again but Dragapult kept avoiding the attacks with ease.

" Sucker punch. " Atsumu said calmly.

Dragapult slammed its fist into Pinsir face, knocking it back several feet in the air before closing the distance and slamming its fist into Pinsir's stomach.

" Slam it down. " Atsumu said with a straight face, no smile or happy expression.

Dragapult flicked his tail and Pinsir plummeted to the ground, slamming into it.

" Dragon Darts. " Atsumu said coldly.

A large explosion took place as Pinsir was hit with Dragon darts. Pinsir lost its mega evolution as the referee made his statement.

" Pinsir is unable to battle. Dragapult wins. The winner is the challenger, Atsumu. "



So this is the first chapter for my pokemon fanfiction.

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Hope you enjoyed.

Have a nice day.

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