After a while, Han went down to a knee and brought her head up by her hair. She looked up at him with teary eyes and Han felt his little buddy jolt in pleasure.
Damn. He really was a sadist.
"I already said there can only be one king in this underground and no matter what you do, don't you ever forget that..."
The dealer was shocked. Was he... Going to let her live? She was ecstatic and almost began crying there again until Han dragged her face up and planted his lips on her own.
Her eyes widened and she groaned into his mouth. It was a deep, searing kiss that drove her to madness. What was going on here! She swore to never kiss a man again after what those men did to her! How can she let this happen!
Han broke the kiss and then ran his finger across her lips.
"From now on till I say otherwise, you're my bitch...."
Ah~ Lily. Imma give you guys another +18 chapter soon. Probably tomorrow or the next. See you then!