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68.42% BROKEN FLOWER ( BL ) / Chapter 52: 51 : Is it still too soon…

Bab 52: 51 : Is it still too soon…

Aurore bit her fingernail tapping the ground with her high heels. She had been coming to Arnold's hotel early for a week already, hoping to see the man. But each time, the receptionist would tell her the same thing: "He's not here."

Either the man was avoiding her or he wasn't there for real.

Even though she had seen the omega with her two eyes, she wanted to hear everything from the alpha himself. Arnold owned her an explanation.

She sighed. She was in the lobby since 8am and it was already noon. She stood up and was about to leave buying herself something to eat when she heard a woman asked for Arnold at the reception.

She turned around to see a beautiful young lady with long blond hair like sun and multiple strand of bronze hair. She was pretty with her almond eyes and her pinkish lips. At first glance, Aurore could tell she was an omega.

" - The President isn't here for the time being," the receptionist said. The same answer she had given to Aurore.

The omega smiled as if she understood something.

" - Then leave a message. Tell him an old friend was here to see him."

" - Of course," The receptionist replied with a small smile.

She remembered this woman. When Mr Williams was still in university, this young lady was always following him everwhere. Many people thought they would eventually be together with the time. After all, Mr Williams was known to not befriend omegas. It wasn't that he hated them but more like he couldn't stand their strong scent. But this woman had been the exception.

However, before he graduated, Mr Williams suddenly told the receptionnists to never let this young lady see him even when he was here.

After so many years, the receptionist was surprised to see her again. She had never liked her. Not because she was an omega but because she was cunning, sly and her smile seemed so fake unless she was in front of Mr Williams.

Aurore followed the omega outside of the hotel. Before she could make a call, Aurore stopped her.

" - Who are you ?"

The omega crunched her eyes as if Aurore was an eyesore.

" - And who are you and what do you want ?" The omega asked her, annoyed.

" - Why are you asking for Arnold ?" Aurore got worked up.

The omega peeked at her from head to toes then let out a weird smile.

" - We are friends," the omega replied.

Aurore sighed in disbelief, making the omega frowned.

" - I'm… his… I mean I was his girlfriend," Aurore finally said. " He never told me he was friedn with an omega. He hates them !"

After a moment of silent, the omega laughed.

" - Really ? You ? His girlfriend? You sure you were not dreaming ?"

Aurore furrowed her eyebrows.

" - I was ! "

" - I know Arnold for years and I can recognized his lover or former one from… a simple booty call."

Aurore saw red. She was about to shout when a car stopped next to the omega.

" - I have to go. Well… it was a pleasure. But really, stop dreaming. You're going to hurt yourself," she laughed.

" - Who the fuck do you think you are !?" Aurore growled.

" - Me ? The next Mrs Williams ?"

Aurore paled.

" - You're crazy," she whispered when the omega entered the car.

Aurore watched the car drive far away and shook her head in disbelief. First this omega boy now a fucked up omega girl ? She really needed to talk to Arnold.


" - So…" Gisele sighed again for the umpteenth time.

This morning, her younger brother had called her after a week of silence. She immediately went to see him at a coffee shop.

The SS Club was closed during the day anyway, so she had time to have a talk with her brother.

She had been concerned since she knew he had vanished. When Yuto came four days ago to tell her about Gordon's disappearance, she almost freaked out. She had spammed his brother with so many calls, but every times the call would be disconnect. She then called his clinic in the countryside only to hear from the secretary that he didn't come back since he went to visit Yuto.

The latter told her that they had a fight a week ago and after one week, Gordon asked for a divorce.

To tell the truth, Gisele suspected that Yuto was probably at fault. Because her younger brother was so infuated with him that he would never think about divorce even if one day Yuto became poor and stupid.

But honestly, she was not prepared for what she just heard.

" - He cheated on you for two whole years and when you confronted him about it he assaulted you. But you ran away and now, you're living with Zaizen… That explain a lot." She summed up.

" - What do you mean ?" Gordon asked.

" - I wanted to call the police but Zai told me not to. He said you were a grown up man and that he was sure you were okay. Now that I know the truth I can say he told me that because you were with him all this time," Gisele sighed. " You traitors ! I was so worried about you I almost called our moms !"

" - I'm sorry… I needed time to think…" Gordon said, feeling bad.

" - So… What about the divorce ? I don't think Yuto will agree. He comes every day to the club to see you. And he almost caught you yesterday… "

" - I'm not going to back down," Gordon said. " Twelves years… I spent so much time with him but in a second, he threw away all of this. I tried to understand why he did it but… I'm.."

" - He's a jerk. That's all."

Gordon looked up to see Zaizen, Akihito and a pretty boy.

" - Mama !" Haru exclaimed happily when he saw Gisele.

The latter hugged him, really glad to see her little protégé.

" - Aki," Gordon said when the alpha came to hug him.

" - You're still so small," Akihito joked then.

Gordon threw a little punch on his shoulder. They laughed.

" - My love. Come here," Akihito said towards the pretty boy. " Gordon, he's my wife, Haru. My love, Gordon is one of my childhood friends and Gisele's younger brother."

" - Gisele told me about you before," Haru said shyly as he shook Gordon's hand.

Gordon couldn't help but admire the omega. Haru was truly beautiful. He had always thought Florence was real pretty but Akihito's wife was something else. He looked like an angel.

" - Oh…" Gordon made a strange voice of surprised when his fingers brushed Haru's pulse. " Your baby is healthy."

Haru's eyes opened wide. A smile creeped on his lips and he asked :

" - Really ?"

" - Gordon is a physician. A really good one. He's probably better than Pam," Akihito explained to Haru.

They all sat back at the table and ordered coffee and fruits smoothie for Haru.

" - So you're Flore's best friend ?" Gordon asked.

Haru smiled shyly. He didn't know what it was like for his fellow omega, but to him Flore, Lola and Gustave were his precious family.

" - He was sad that you didn't tell him about the baby," Gisele said.

" - I… I'm… I wasn't sure if I could keep it," Haru whispered, embarrassed.

" - Did you hurt him ?" Gisele said coldly to Akihito.

" - No !!" Akihito whispered yell. " I was incredibly happy when he told me he is expecting a baby. "

" - I'm kidding," she chuckled. " I'm really glad for both of you. "

" - Can I meet Flore ?" Haru asked Akihito.

" - Oh boy, he's not in the club anymore," Gisele interrupted before Akihito could reply. " He met his fated partner and he's living with him now."

" - You mean… the alpha he met five years ago ???" Haru asked genuinely interested.

Gisele sighed in relief and smiled. She was afraid to tell this to Haru. She feared his reaction, knowing that for him, meeting his fated pair had been a misfortune.

Nevertheless, she wasn't going to tell the boy that Flore's fated partner was Silas' childhood friend.

Though Silas had been a monster to Haru, Arnold was a real savior to Flore.

" - How is he doing ?" Haru asked.

Akihito noticed his omega's anxiousness. So he gently grabbed his hand under the table and stroked it with his thumb to soothe his worries.

" - Flore is the master and his alpha the slave," Gisele said.

Though she was serious, they all couldn't help but laugh.

" - Don't worry. His alpha is a real gentleman with him. Flore is loved. You know how he is ? If he was unhappy with the man, he would pack his stuff without hesitation. But some days ago he called me to say he wanted to keep living with the man. His alpha brings him to us from times to times and with the passing days, Flore is happier. He's as shiny as you are now," Gisele smiled.

Haru sighed, relieved before he exchanged a loving look with his husband.

Gordon smiled affectionately by the view. He was happy for Haru. He didn't know all the details but by the motherly look his sister was giving to Haru, he knew Haru had a difficult past just like Florence. Gisele was really protective towards these two boys.

" - Do you want a slice of cheesecake ?" Zaizen asked him in his ear while the other three were discussing.

Gordon had flinched, surprised by Zaizen's closeness. Like always, the alpha didn't know what was private space.

" - You like cheesecakes right ?" Zaizen asked as he was reading the menu.

" - You remember it ?" Gordon said, flattered.

" - How could I forget ? During my first year at university, you would always ask Aki and me to buy you the special cheesecake every Friday morning," Zaizen said nonchalantly.

Gordon's cheeks glowed from embarrassment. He had been really burdensome for both his juniors back then.

" - I… I'm sorry," Gordon apologized.

" - Running errand for a senior is normal for juniors," Zaizen said. " Plus, I know you were trying to protect us from the others seniors. "

This time he looked into Gordon's eyes.

" - You did well."

He patted the beta man's fluffy hair before he called a staff to serve them two slices of cheesecakes and another cup of strong coffee.

Gordon couldn't utter a word. He stroked his own hair, feeling a little giddy and stunned.

" - I never liked Yuto," Akihito said, bringing back Gordon from his daydream.

" - Since the beginning I found him…"

" - Weird. We know," Gisele and Gordon said in sync.

" - Did you call Thomas ? I'm sure he could help you," Gisele asked her brother.

" - I didn't want to worried him. He is also Yuto's friend." Gordon said.

" - He's your best friend. He will never be on Yuto's side. And you know it. Thomas will always choose you. You're like his little brother." Gisele said.

She then pinched Gordon's cheek, earning a small cry from the beta man.

" - But you're my baby bro first. Call Thomas and asked him his help. He will find a solution." She said then.

" - Are you going to live with Gisele now ?" Akihito asked while he wiped his wife mouth from the smoothie he just spilled by accident.

Haru chuckled.

" - I can do it," he said with a smile, earning a tender smile from his husband.

" - I… " Gordon glanced towards Zaizen who was reading something on his phone.

" - My house is too dangerous," Gisele said. " Yuto know where I lived and you can't stay in the club. Our moms will kill me if they know."

" - My wife and me we're both living with our parents now. You can come and stay with us. Mother will be happy to see you after all these years. She has always doted on you. " Akihito offered.

Gordon smiled when Haru's eyes widened from excitement. So the omega was glad to have him there with them.

" - It's okay. I can't just intrude in your life just like that. " Gordon said however.

His statement made Haru a bit sad.

" - I will find…"

" - He will stay with me." Zaizen interrupted Gordon.

Everyone looked at the dominant alpha.

" - My place is safe. And I can protect him." Zaizen explained.

" - Are… you sure ? I don't want to impose myself more than necessary…" Gordon said.

" - Stay." Zaizen simply replied.

Gordon nodded slowly.

They continued to eat while talking about work and their life. Then they all went to Zaizen's.

Gordon took time to do a check up on Haru. Haru and his baby were both healthy. However, he noticed a small issue about Haru blood pressure but it was still too soon to state anything. But just in case he told Haru to rest a lot and to avoid stressful situations.

When it was 10pm, Akihito decided it was time for him and his wife to go. The little Omega was tired and was dozing off since they had dinner - Pizza and salad.

Gisele was already gone since 9pm. She had to open the club, though she wanted to take a day off.

Gordon was cleaning the kitchen. Zaizen was showering. The beta man looked at the clock. It was almost time for Zaizen to call one of his partners.

Gordon hurried to finish the dishes. Then he thrown the pizza box and stored the rest of the salad inside the fridge.

" - Zai ! Can I use your laptop tonight ?" Gordon asked.

No answer.

" - Zai ?" Gordon asked again.

He was about to knock on the bathroom door when it opened. Gordon stopped breathing. Zaizen was shirtless with only a towel deep down around his waist. His hair was wet and he was wincing in pain.

" - What happened?" Gordon asked worried.

" - My contact lens. I forgot to take it off. It hurt now." Zaizen explained with one of his eyes closed.

Gordon dragged him toward the couch and asked him to let him take it out. Zaizen complied.

" - I didn't know you were wearing lens." Gordon said, still doing his task.

" - My eyes are always dry because of the lack sleep. Slowly it became hard for me to see. They said my eyes are tired and that I need temporary glasses. But I always misplaced them or lost them, so I asked for contact lens."

" - It… It's the first time you talk a lot…" Gordon said.

He was able to remove the lens. He helped the alpha to pour a droplet of eyedrops on his eye and then he stayed silent next to the half naked alpha who was resting his eyes.

" - Why do you need my laptop ?" Zaizen asked after a while.

" - To watch a movie." Gordon replied.

" - There is the TV," Zaizen said.

" - You… It's hard for me to concentrate when you're doing… stuff behind… " Gordon explained embarrassed.

" - I'm not going to do it anymore," Zaizen sighed.

" - Is it because I'm here ?"

" - Yeah. But not only that. I can still have fun outside. But I'd rather do it in my own house. Less things to do and to take care of. Plus, it's my territory. So my rules. When I do it with them outside, they became clingy."

" - Say the man who doesn't know what personal space is," Gordon chuckled.

Zaizen looked at him.

" - Want me to go ?"

Gordon froze. By the look on his face, he knew it was a genuine and worried question. Zaizen wanted to put him at ease.

Gordon shook his head and said :

" - I don't mind… sharing a bit of my personal space with you. I'm in your territory. Your rules, right ?"

" - They don't apply to you. "

" - I know… It's just, I feel a bit bad."

" - Just a bit ?"

Gordon chuckled.

" - You know what I mean. If I can help you, let me know. I want to be there for you too…"

Zaizen and Gordon looked at each other for a long time. Gordon cleared his throat when his cheeks started to heat up.

" - Is it still too soon to kiss you ?"

Gordon froze again. He had to repeat the question in his mind to be sure he heard well.

" - What ?" He asked nonetheless.

" - Kiss. Is it still too soon to do it ?" Zaizen asked again.

Gordon couldn't read his expression.

" - I… I'm a beta you know. It's…."

" - It's not my question," Zaizen chuckled.

His soft laugh made Gordon's heart skipped a beat.

He looked down.

" - I don't know… I… think it's too early for me…" he whispered practically.

Gordon felt Zaizen's breath on his nose. He looked up to see the man in front of him. He knew he should move but a part of him didn't want to. So he stayed put and receive a tender kiss on his forehead.

" - This will do it for now," Zaizen whispered this time. " When you're ready, you know where to find me."

" - What are you playing at ?" Gordon said with a pained voice.

" - I don't play. If I want something casual, my partner knows it. If I want to be serious they will know it too."

" - Where I'm standing in all of this ?" Gordon asked.

" - Where do you want to stand ?"

" - Zai…"

" - If you want something casual I'll do it, if you want more I'll do it too."

" - Why ?"

" - Am I so difficult to read ?" He chuckled.

" - You… you like me ?"

" - Took you long to notice."

" - Since when ????" Gordon asked stunned.

" - Just so you know, it's not a passing feeling. " Zaizen sighed.

" - So that's why you let me stay with you ?"

" - It has played a part, yes."

" - What if… I'd went back to Yuto?"

" - I told you. I'll support you whatever your decisions."

Gordon hid his face.

" - You're so unfair," he whined softly.

" - Do you hate it that much ? That I have feelings for you... "

" - That's the problem ! I don't hate it at all !" He exclaimed as he looked up at the alpha.

Gordon's heart was thumping loud. He felt his cheeks warm up.

" - I'm counting to three. If you don't run, I'm going to kiss you."

Gordon stopped breathing again for the second time this night.

" - One."

He hesitated. Should he stay or go ?

" - Two."

He started to panicked. When Zaizen opened his mouth, he ran away and locked himself in the bedroom.

He then heard Zaizen laughed out loud.

" - Big dummy !" Gordon shouted out with a laugh in his voice.

WndyButter WndyButter

Hello !

How are you all ? I’m really sick these days T-T I can’t even move from my bed. I’m coughing so much that my throat is sore now T-T I just want to cry. I hate being sick… But I tried to progress in my story while being in bed :3 I wrote some chapters so I’m pretty proud of myself :P

Have a nice reading !

PS : Sorry for the mistakes :((

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