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35.48% Pokémon : An Unexpected Odyssey / Chapter 11: Chapter no.11 Vee: The Anomalous Eevee

Bab 11: Chapter no.11 Vee: The Anomalous Eevee

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"Shut up!" Jessie snapped, hurling a rock at a cluster of Pidgeys that scattered into the early morning sky. Her frustration echoed through the clearing as the flying types flapped away hurriedly.

James groaned awake, the discomfort evident on his face as he uncurled from his makeshift bed on a tree branch. Sleeping on such uneven surfaces was always a nightmare, and he could feel every aching muscle protesting as he tried to stretch.

I can't believe we were beaten by a stupid kid in a paper bag, Jessie growled repeatedly, her annoyance simmering with each repetition. Neither Meowth nor James had the energy or the desire to calm her down, especially not first thing in the morning.

"Hey, there's a message from headquarters," Meowth announced as he brandished an R-shaped phone. "All Team Rocket personnel have been issued a command from the executives to find an Eevee currently hiding in the Viridian Forest. Any operative that succeeds in capturing this Eevee will be granted an apprenticeship under an executive."

Jessie and James's jaws dropped in unison, their earlier irritation quickly replaced by a surge of excitement. This could be our chance at redemption.

"This message was sent an hour ago," Meowth added with a sly smile, watching as excitement practically bubbled over in his companions.

"Most of the operatives will be here in about 20 minutes to an hour," James estimated, trying to calculate their advantage over the others. The urgency of the situation was clear.

"Come on, we have to find this Eevee and get our deserved promotion!"


Austin was enjoying a cheerful morning, making breakfast in the open air. His task was simple: whip up some pancakes using a store-bought mix that required just a bit of water. However, his morning took a slight turn when he tried to flip a pancake too enthusiastically and ended up splashing hot butter on himself. "Ouch!" he exclaimed, wincing from the minor burn.

His Pokémon—Pikachu, Rattata, and Spearow—were momentarily distracted from their berry appetizers, exchanging curious glances over his mishap.

"I did it!" Austin cheered as he successfully placed his first pancake on a plate. But as he reached for the batter to make another, there was a sudden clatter. Everyone turned to see the plate mysteriously sliding across the flat rock, as if the pancake had been snatched up swiftly.

Austin frowned and peered over the rock, searching for any signs of a wild Pokémon that might have taken the pancake, but all he found was a small puddle of water beside the rock.

With a smirk, Austin decided to try again, placing another pancake on the plate to see what would happen. When nothing occurred immediately, he mused, Hmm, do you want to play it like this?

He motioned for his Pokémon to turn around, ensuring their eyes were elsewhere to not scare off the mysterious thief. Pikachu and Rattata reluctantly grabbed their berries and turned away, while Spearow appeared merely bored with the proceedings.

"Spearow," Austin called, capturing the flying type's attention. He then flicked a snack towards Spearow, who perked up and caught it eagerly. Pikachu and Rattata made motions to join in for the snacks, but a firm stomp from Austin kept them in place.

Just then, a blue paw stealthily reached out and grabbed the pancake. Austin caught this sneaky movement reflected in his Pokédex screen. He lunged towards the rock, only to see pancake crumbs floating on the surface of the puddle.

Grabbing a nearby stick, Austin gently prodded the puddle. He was met with a pair of black eyes staring back at him through the water. "What?" he gasped in surprise.

The water around the eyes stirred, then began to reshape into a distinctive form. A Pokémon emerged, one that blended traits of both aquatic and land animals. Its body was light blue, marked with dark blue around its head and a spiky ridge down its spine. It had black eyes and a tiny black nose. A white fin encircled its neck, and three fins with cream-colored webbing adorned its head; two on either side like ears, and one directly on top, resembling a dorsal fin.


Pikachu, reacting swiftly, launched a Thundershock at the water-type Pokémon. The Vaporeon was suddenly enveloped in a distinct white glow, startling everyone present. Austin watched in awe, half-expecting the glow to be a Pokémon move rather than evolution.

However, as the light faded, a new form emerged: a quadrupedal, mammalian Pokémon covered in yellow fur, with a spiky fringe around its tail and a white ruff around its neck. Its large, pointed ears and the black interiors contrasted sharply with its bright eyes and small nose.

"Jolteon?!" Austin gasped, his eyes widening in disbelief as he saw Pikachu's thunderbolt absorbed by Jolteon's spiky fur as if they were lightning rods. Austin took a deep breath, trying to process the sight before him.

Being able to use Jolteon's Lightning Rod ability, being able to turn into water like Vaporeon... This isn't a Ditto or a Zorua; this was Vee.

Austin paused as he realized he had just encountered the special Eevee from the Pokémon Adventures manga, who had been experimented on by Team Rocket, possessing the unique ability to evolve and devolve into the three Kanto Eeveelutions.

Why is Vee here in the anime? Why am I encountering him? Doesn't Red catch him in Celadon City? Is Red in the anime world? What the hell is going on?

His contemplations were abruptly cut short as Jolteon, now on the defensive, launched a thundershock towards Spearow. The bird Pokémon wasn't quick enough to dodge; it attempted to veer away, but the electric shock caught it, sending Spearow tumbling to the ground with a thud. Pikachu and Rattata, sensing their companion in distress, looked ready to leap into the fray.

"Stop it!"

The duo froze, their bodies tense and ready, as Jolteon underwent another transformation. The light of evolution engulfed it once again, and when it subsided, standing before them was a Flareon. The new form boasted short, reddish-orange fur, long ears with black interiors, and dark, intense eyes. Fluffy yellow fur adorned its head, bushy tail, and a mane around its chest and neck.

Austin, Vee, and the Pokémon trio faced each other, each waiting for the other to make a move. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation, every muscle taut and ready to spring into action.

"Cover me!" Austin shouted, instincts kicking in as he noticed Flareon gearing up for an attack.

Quickly, he retrieved Spearow's Pokéball, just as Flareon's embers clashed mid-air with Pikachu's thundershock. The attacks met with a bright flash and a loud sizzle, canceling each other out in a burst of scattered sparks.

Seizing the moment, Rattata darted forward to tackle the fire type.

Meanwhile, Austin turned his attention to Spearow, who was showing signs of distress from the earlier shock.

The bird Pokémon murmured weakly, "Spear," its feathers slightly singed and its movements sluggish.

"Don't worry, buddy, you did your best. Just leave the rest to us," Austin reassured the weary Pokémon, gently spraying some potion on him to soothe the mild injuries. Once Spearow seemed more comfortable, Austin returned him to his Pokéball, his focus shifting back to the unfolding battle.

Austin stood, his eyes tracking Rattata's every move.

Flareon unleashed a Swift attack, opening its mouth to shoot out yellow stars.

Rattata dodged to the right, narrowly avoiding the initial barrage.

The stars, however, boomeranged back towards her.

With a nimble flip, Rattata caused the stars to collide into each other, creating an opening to tackle Flareon directly.

"Wow!" Austin thought, impressed by his little lady's speed and cunning. He hadn't expected such agility and tactical acumen from Rattata.

Just then, distant voices carried over the wind.

"James, do you hear that? The sound of battling. Eevee might be there."

It was Jessie's voice, tinged with excitement and urgency.

Everything suddenly clicked for Austin. Initially, he thought he wouldn't encounter Team Rocket in Viridian Forest because he was two days later than Ash. But now, it became clear that Team Rocket was here to catch Vee. Whether this was a mere coincidence or the world experiencing a butterfly effect to maintain the anime's plot, Austin didn't know and frankly, didn't care.

Austin turned to Pikachu; his expression serious.

"Pikachu, hide in the tent and don't let Team Rocket see you."

Keeping Pikachu out of sight was his first priority. He didn't want Jessie and James to recognize him as 'Bag Boy'.

Vee looked anxious, glancing around for an escape route now that the anomalous Pokémon knew Team Rocket was near. Taking a gamble, Austin spoke softly, "Come with me, I can keep you safe." He quickly grabbed the thermos, emptied it, and mixed some potion into it. "Look, you are currently in a lot of pain. This should help. Just do the Vaporeon water thing," he coaxed, locking eyes with Vee to convey his sincerity and goodwill.

Vee recalled how this human had offered a berry to a defeated Pidgeotto, rushed to aid his Spearow, and now tried to help him. There was no greed or lust for power in Austin's eyes, unlike the scientists who had tried to understand Vee. Moved by this, Vee decided to place his trust in Austin, at least for now.

In response, Vee evolved into Vaporeon, transforming into water and slipping into the thermos. Austin secured the lid, holding it tightly.

"If things go south, I want you to run away as quickly as you can, I'll hold off Team Rocket," he whispered to the thermos. Vaporeon's eyes, visible through the clear water, widened in shock.

"I have a plan, trust me," Austin reassured, just as he heard a voice shout.

"Hey, you!"

Austin's heart raced as Jessie, James, and Meowth appeared before him, looking utterly exhausted, entangled with Misty's bike.

"Have you seen an Eevee around here?"

"Yes," Austin replied coolly, one hand covering his face and his other hand subtly steadying the thermos that sheltered Vee, which trembled slightly from the anxiety of the situation. He whispered a plan to calm the frightened Pokémon inside.

Austin then sat down on a nearby rock, attempting to maintain a confident facade while internally, he was a bundle of nerves.

"Tell us," Jessie barked, her patience wearing thin.

"What do I get in return?"

Jessie and James exchanged a weary glance, their desperation evident.

"What do you want?"

"How do we know you ain't pulling our leg?" Meowth interjected.

Austin motioned for Rattata to join him, a small chuckle escaping his lips.

"You know, the Eevee I fought was about to evolve and devolve itself into a Flareon, Jolteon, and Vaporeon," he claimed, waving his arms excitedly. In his enthusiasm, he accidentally knocked over the thermos. "Dammit," he muttered, quickly righting it before the Team Rocket trio could notice anything amiss.

Jessie invaded Austin's personal space, grabbing him by the shoulder. Rattata's ears and tail bristled in anger at her proximity.

"Tell us?!"

"How about that bike?"

"James," Jessie commanded, and James reluctantly handed over the bike. Austin pointed to the right. "That way."

"How do we know you ain't just yanking our chain?" Meowth questioned.

Austin merely smiled under the hand covering his face as, right on cue, the call of an Eevee echoed from the direction he had indicated. The Team Rocket trio vanished in pursuit, leaving Austin to swiftly pack up his belongings.

Austin's plan was simple; he would distract Team Rocket just enough for Vee to sneak away and lead them on a wild chase. As planned, Vee would circle back to him. Right on cue, as Austin glanced back, he saw the familiar form of the small, mammalian Pokémon—Eevee, with its brown fur and cream-colored bushy tail and collar, emerging from the bushes.

"Welcome back," Austin greeted Vee with a slight smile as he placed Pikachu into the bike's basket. Vee paused, uncertain of what was next.

"Jump in, we still have to make some distance between them," Austin urged, and without hesitation, Vee hopped into the basket beside Pikachu.

"Let's ride." With that, Austin began to pedal as fast as he could. The wind whistled past them, rustling through the leaves and the fur of his Pokémon companions. Pikachu's ears flapped in the breeze, and Vee looked ahead with wide, curious eyes, both Pokémon enjoying the rush of cool air as they sped through the verdant forest.

Two hours later, an exhausted Austin slowed down, stopping to rest. He sat down on a fallen log, pulling out some dehydrated lemons and a bottle of water.

Vee looked on curiously, and Austin, noticing his interest, offered him one of the tangy fruits. Seeing Pikachu's envious glance, he chuckled and handed one to his partner as well.

Their reactions to the dried lemons were comical—Pikachu's face puckered up immediately, and Vee blinked rapidly, unaccustomed to the sourness. Austin laughed heartily at their expressions as he continued to drink his water.

After a moment of lightheartedness, Austin turned to Vee, his expression becoming serious. "Do you want to join us?" he asked. Vee's eyes narrowed, and his body tensed, a clear sign he was considering fleeing. Sensing his apprehension, Austin added softly, "I can help you cure your pain."

Vee froze, his attention caught.

Pikachu, although looking a bit lost in the gravity of the situation, stayed quiet. "Eevee!" Vee barked out as if demanding answers.

Austin placed a Pokéball in front of him, explaining further, "Your body is unstable, which is why you can evolve and devolve at will. But with that instability comes pain. If you join me, I can help you."

Vee studied Austin, then the Pokéball, and finally glanced at Pikachu, who gave a reassuring nod. It was a silent endorsement that this human was different, kind, and trustworthy. With a decisive click, Vee touched the Pokéball, allowing himself to be captured. Everything went dark for a moment as he was pulled into the Pokéball.

This was Vee's gamble, and deep down, he held onto a small hope. Maybe this choice would take away his pain, keep him safe, and perhaps even give him the home he had always wanted—a place where he felt loved and belonged, not just used.


[ Author's Note ]

A bit of context for anyone who might not be familiar: Vee is an experimented-on Eevee with the unique ability to evolve and devolve into any of the three Kanto Eeveelutions. This character originates from the Pokémon Adventures manga and is part of Red's main team. In the manga, Red helps Vee evolve into an Espeon, which causes it to lose its ability to devolve and evolve further.

Now, my question to all of you is: Would you prefer that I follow what Red did in the manga, where Austin helps Vee evolve into an Espeon, Umbreon, or Sylveon, causing it to lose its unique abilities? Or would you like me to take a more unique route where Austin helps Vee maintain the ability to evolve and devolve into all Eeveelutions, from Flareon to Sylveon?

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