The hell?
Skullius looked intently at the figure laying on the ground.
It really was Fore, dead as a door nail with his eyes closed while splatters of blood were painted over his face and armour.
What in the world had happened?
Skullius walked closer but first took a glance at himself, the hanging flesh that bled making him hesitate to just stroll over to his partners like it was any other Tuesday.
Wouldn't they ask questions?
Flesh questions!
He didn't have any mana to use [Luminant Healing] on himself so why bother.
It didn't matter anyways.
Stylla infused her sword with mana and plunged it into Guddhar's eye socket!
The swaying, seemingly out of it Cluster General barely reacted, the most it did from receiving a killing blow being to open its mouth wide and grunting softly.
Stylla grit her teeth as she pushed her saber deeper into the creature's head before it finally breathed its last.
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