Unduh Aplikasi
12% Essence Meta CYOA / Chapter 3: Essence Meta CYOA Part 1

Bab 3: Essence Meta CYOA Part 1

Authors: Triggerhappy Jaberwocky, NorthSouthGorem, Cliff999, TroyX, OverReactionGuy, Kinglugia, Zediekiel, Jus4532, Wheenesss, and Celestial Dragon. (THE REAL AUTHORS. (I AM JUST THE COPY PASTER HERE).

The link to Essence Meta CYOA Part 1-https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EkFdQvGP6ubEo7dDWkdb6r0-kzdNq3EQy-adsOBlDQM/edit

Essence META CYOA Part 1

You find yourself before a shrouded figure standing behind a table. On the table are many potions, choose as many as you want or none. The choice is yours. In addition pick additional CYOAs or none to add on to this if you want some adventure.

Each one infuses you with a variety of effects which cannot be taken from you unless you willingly allow it.

Note: exact effects in different ones such as perfect memory, intelligence, etc. do not stack. [fanwanking helps]

Optional Features

Essence META is designed with the assumption that there is one player that is the 'self insert.' There are of course other ways of playing but if you just want a few more options or suggestions. Feel free to do your own thing if none of these appeal to you. Not like I can stop you.

OC Doughnut Steel

You are not the star of the show, it is in fact some other poor schmuck or perhaps someone who dances to your tune. You are free to design this new person however you like with whatever history, background, occupation and whatever else as long as they are not significantly supernatural. You may use another CYOA before Essences are applied to facilitate this process.


It is not your self insert or an OC but an existing fictional character that receives their essences either by those you selected or them being presented the options as if they were playing the CYOA itself.

Mexican Standoff

Either as a Self Insert or OC Doughnut Steel option but you are not the only entity with Essences. There are in fact multiple Essence holders with a variable level of strength. The strongest Essences are barred from use from anyone as the cosmic energies would probably reduce existence back to null, that wouldn't be fun for anyone.

Oh God Its Another One

You have friends! You and at least one more person have access to the Essence META selection and also access to all of the Essences. This is probably a really dangerous option if you choose people who might not have your best interests in mind. You can for peace of mind require all participants have a mutual Geas placed on them that prevents any intentional harm to each other directly.

Essence Companions (Can take as many times as you want) (incompatible with Mexican Standoff and Oh God Its Another One)

You may use this option to create companions who are created based on the Essences you give them. Essences that offer companions can be instead given Essences as an upgrade while filling out your build. You can design your companions any way you want within the realm of what is possible for them. Note that you can give them Essences you do not have.

Triggerhappy Jaberwocky

Essence of the Warlord

By consuming the essence of the Warlord you are granted several boons.

A body just above peak of your species in ability, one sculped to your tastes.

Infinite willpower to tackle any foe, even bloody and broken you will not stop.

Endless endurance, stamina, and immunity to pain.

You possess potent regenerative abilities, otherwise fatal wounds like getting impaled through the heart or having your intestines torn out is a minor inconvenience. Organs will right themselves and heal back as they were, severed limbs will come back and reattach themselves, and any unwanted or hostile foreign contaminants will be expelled with extreme prejudice. Even decapitation is not the end as long as your brain or body is relatively intact. Anything too damaged or completely destroyed will otherwise simply spring forth anew where it should be.

Supernatural mastery of many weapons and unarmed styles, even just plain old brawling.

Immense skill conducting war on a strategic and tactical level.

Good handle of logistics and how to raise and train a force from a small band of soldiers to entire armies.

Charisma to lead and inspire said armies even at your darkest hour.

The ability to call forth homunculi troops that are trained and equipped (including mounts, beasts, or vehicles up to a certain size) to at the very least of the standard of whatever world you find yourself in. Should you have different tastes or the requisite skills these forces may be called forth with equipment that is produced by yourself such as enchanted weapons and armor for your elite troops. The number of homunculi you can call forth is determined by your power, the stronger you are the more homunculi can be called forth. These homunculi are absolutely loyal and cannot be turned on you through normal methods. The upkeep and Logistics of these homunculi are taken into account when summoned the necessary supports summoned with them.

Essence of the Scholar

By consuming the essence of the Scholar you gain several boons

Perfect memory with infinite storage

Beyond genius level intellect, do calculations and process things faster than super computers.

Immunity to insanity and memetic hazards. "Things Man Was Not Meant To Know" becomes more of a guideline than a rule

Mastery of many sciences, even ones man has not discovered yet

Can reverse engineer anything with enough time.

Gain practically infinite trains of thought and ability to multitask.

Gain knowledge of any data storage device or book just by touching it no reading necessary, this effect can be turned on and off.

Essence of the Mad Doctor

Perfect memory with infinite storage

Beyond genius level intellect

Can make potions that can do almost anything, from immortality, to regeneration or even cause someone to fall in love with a specific target.

Immunity to disease and poison mundane and magical

Immense knowledge on occult and alchemical lore that updates itself should you find a way to travel to different worlds.

Supernaturally skilled at medicine, can cure just about anything with some research, already know how to tackle most ailments already.

Master of life and biology, able to create homunculi that are superior to regular versions of their species in all areas including being ageless and perfectly loyal to you.

you may also create other creatures like sewn together Frankenstein abominations, chimera, or other mutated beasts.

Can conjure ingredients from thin air.

Essence of the Crafter

Master craftsman, able to design, build, and maintain anything from machines to a simple shovel.

Flawless work, anything created will never rot or rust only able to be destroyed through violence. These creations are extremely durable as well.

Creations work better than one made by someone else.

Can conjure dead or inorganic materials needed to work with from thin air.

Ability to craft items on par with those in myth and legend, spears that never miss, swords that can cut through anything, invulnerable armor, etc.

Can force specific abilities onto items through sheer skill and ability to craft on a conceptual level.

Essence of the Assassin

A body just above the peak of your species in ability, one sculpted to your tastes and tougher then it should be. This body can grow in ability and durability through training.

Granted some sort of innate energy like Ki, Chakra, or something like that you can use to empower yourself in different ways such as body reinforcement. Perhaps even develop techniques with it as well.

Supernaturally skilled at stealth, sneak successfully even through powerful magical wards or the toughest mortal security.

Can mimic people down to their looks, voice, personality, with study and even get their memories if you manage to touch them. Also a masterful actor able to fall in and out of a roll or mask without fail and on the fly.

Able to conceptually kill anything no matter how immortal.

Supernatural mastery of many weapons and unarmed styles, even just plain old brawling.

Supernatural senses, able to see miles away, hear a rodent fart in a quiet field, etc.

Can travel through shadows as well as turn invisible.

Able to create corporeal clones that are absolutely loyal and have all of your powers and abilities. Just as tough as you as well. Limited to three initially but this number will grow with practice.

Essence of the Binder

By consuming the essence of the binder you gain several boons

Have the ability to mark targets with a sigil of your own design. This sigil manifests wherever you want on their body and may even be full body tattoos should you wish. The Mark can become invisible without active use. At its base lets you telepathically speak to each other and know the exact location and status of whoever marked. This mark is completely immune to any sort of tampering save yourself and is otherwise permanent though you may remove any mark with but a thought.

Those bound by the mark gain access to weaker versions of the essences you have, even this one. You may choose which essences they are empowered with. They may also be granted weaker forms of other powers you may possess at your discretion. If the mark is removed they will retain some but not all of this power just wisps of it.

Marked beings who mark others will give weaker versions of their own powers to their marked

Marked beings have infallibly loyalty hammered directly into their mind, body, and soul. They will not and cannot consciously or unconsciously choose to hurt you or go against your will unless you allow it or outright order them to. This loyalty may be dialed from slight trust all the way to complete and total devotion. This function only rests with you and those you explicitly give it to. You may optionally discard this function permanently this once.

The Binder has the ability to invoke 'commands' which are absolute orders the marked is compelled to follow to the best of their ability even temporarily ramping up abilities or forcing their body to do something it isn't normally capable of to achieve it. This function only rests with you and those you explicitly give it to. You may optionally discard this function permanently this once.

Those marked may be summoned and dismissed by you at will and even stored away in a void inaccessible by all but you for safe keeping when not needed. They will be in a sleep like stasis when in storage and will not suffer from the passage of time or basic needs.

If a marked individual is killed even down to the soul they will instead respawn safe and sound inside your storage. Dead beings can be marked if you have remains, a object heavily associated/meaningful to them, or a soul to interact with, they will reform alive as if they had died as one of your marked.

You and others marked may set conditions and requirements for certain powers or essences, even restrictions that lock down powers should they violate a restriction or other punishment.

those marked can have their appearance, traits, attributes, and mark changed by the binder to anything possible within the limits of their species or abilities. You can reset any changes made or revert to an earlier change.

Essence of the Archmage

By consuming the essence of the Archmage you gain several boons

Perfect memory with infinite storage

Beyond genius level intellect

Capacity to learn any 'magic' even unique ones upon seeing it once or understanding enough about it. This also includes things like Ki, Chakra, soul power, etc.

Possess a supernatural reactor that can adapt to any supernatural energy to fuel spells, enchantments, powers, etc. this reactor provides a steady supply of power that will grow over time, right now you could use high consumption abilities with wild abandon and still not make much of a dent after a few hours.

Can teach others systems even if they previously lacked the capacity.

Manipulate entire systems or combine then with experimentation.

are capable of casting any spell as long as you have the energy not requiring any extra element like a focus or materials. The time required to cast if any remains however.

Essence of the Echidna

You gain the body of a monster that stands at the apex of what is possible to be born from the world and then some. This monster body is of your own design and includes a host of thematic powers which you also may decide upon. This form at minimum is able to take on an army of mortals and could stand up to modern military units and have a good chance at triumphing. That is if you choose mundane earth to be born from. You may pick a different world to be born of, this choice is permanent once made but will strengthen you to the apex of that world or close enough to it. Any particular world can be chosen whether it be one from fantasy, science fiction, or a from the ground up creation of your own.You can transform into your monster body at will and near instantly and have a hybrid for that sits in between your human and monster forms.

Your monster form has the ability to create and manipulate a variety of supernatural substances that can bind and trap things. Slime, silk, oil, even mud is something you might use. Anything encased within will be preserved indefinitely unless released needing no sustenance. This material is supernaturally strong and will never decay.

You can shift the monster form and tinker with it by having it undergo a metamorphosis to change itself. During this you or the monster form will surround itself with a cocoon and shift over several hours or more depending on the changes made. This cocoon is obscenely tough but not invincible.

You have a complete genetic archive of all life of the world you chose through its entire history up to its present. This archive grows and updates the more species you encounter and take samples of. You have a mastery of life and can mix and match parts, genes, species to your hearts content and produce them without a partner or implant them in a target who can then be bred to create more. You do not require a partner to reproduce as you are able to spontaneously create any of your creatures through some method. You can obtain more forms of life by encountering them and sampling a member of a given species. You will never encounter any issues with absorbing genetic material that might otherwise be hazardous.

These creatures need not be restricted to what is naturally possible. In the same vein you are able to develop Biotech with the same ease and sophistication as a civilization might build a machine. You may if you desire be biomechanical in origin offering the best of both worlds. In that case your dominion over life is extended to technology as well and is capable of being as advanced as whatever you chose as the world you chose is. These creatures are innately loyal to you and cannot be willingly turned against you, that includes converted life. Any that are killed you can decide to preserve their essence and bring them back reborn anew. If you wish you can have the creatures you produce as extensions of yourself rather than fully fledged entities or pick and choose.

You are able to turn others into monsters that you have made or have the genetic data for.

You can with an amount of effort create lesser Echidnas which will have all of the powers and form you have as an Echidna on a weaker scale. They and their children regard you the same as any spawn you might have created personally.

Essence of the Dragon

Gain a dragon form of your own design. This form regardless of design is supernaturally strong and durable, maybe even other attributes depending on the exact form as well as secondary powers aside from its element and sub elements like some weather manipulation or supernatural ability to dig through stone. In dragon form you can lay waste to entire armies, and kingdoms in short order. You may switch to and from this form near instantly but can also partially manifest different parts of your dragon form while in human form though they will be somewhat less effective. You grow larger the older you get which in turn amplifies your powers with no real limit though it is slow, taking centuries for great growth.

You are immortal and undying, requiring neither food nor water or any other thing needed by regular creatures to survive, instead relying on your own innate energies.

Your mind is similarly a bulwark against the fog of ages, giving you perfect memory with instant recall. Mind based abilities and illusions bounce right off of your superior draconic mind. Your draconic blood means that learning magic is extremely easy and any internal reserves seem to always be massive compared to mortals.

Your body is exceptionally durable, your scales especially able to shrug off immense punishment in addition to causing supernatural attacks such as magic to slide harmlessly off of you like water does with a duck, some might even bounce back at the caster. Your bones, teeth, and claws are nearly indestructible.

You have extreme endurance and stamina and can fight for weeks without rest on the most brutal battlefields that could be offered to a dragon such as yourself. You do not feel pain but are alerted just the same if you suffer any damage.

Regenerative and resurrective ability that will steadily return you to perfect health and capability no matter the damage, even if reduced to a skeleton and buried you will eventually get back up. The best most mortals could hope to do is to disable you.

Gain power over one or more element(s) able to manipulate, control, and generate it and several sub elements, said element(s) can be intrinsically tied to your biology, fire might give you black scales that look like volcanic rock and lava blood or just supernaturally hot fire that acts as blood. You are immune to your elements and resistant to others.

Confers lordship over dragons, and draconic creatures. As long as they aren't more powerful than you, the being in question will feel the urge to serve you as you are their sovereign by birthright. Optionally you can be a dragon of actual royalty being recognised innately as a dragon of higher quality and standing then others. Your spawn will always consider you their lord over everyone else.

You wouldn't be a very good dragon if you weren't capable of doing as dragons are known and sowing seed or receiving it depending on your equipment. Your virility or fertility is off the charts and practically anything with the proper sex organs can be bred. Gestation and birth is always successful and the spawn is guaranteed to be free of genetic flaws or abnormalities.

Can bring other dragons into existence, or lower dragon type creatures the lowest of which being kobolds which make for surprisingly effective servants. This extends to greater examples of draconic creatures but not limited to dragonborn, wyverns, wyms, lindwurms, drakes, and of course dragons. The stronger the spawn the longer it takes, all of your dragon children will be perfectly loyal from hatching/birth and worship you even. All have genetic memories that makes them more suited to different tasks or roles like being natural builders, scholars, or soldiers. The most versatile aspect of this is that you can gain templates to create a half dragon from anything you consume or copulate with.

Dragon blood however is extremely powerful, by giving another mortal blood you may impart a fraction of your might. They gain a large measure of endurance, stamina, vitality, and may develop more draconic traits later down the line. Perhaps even become a dragon should they live long enough. Or you could dunk them in a pool of your own blood. That would speed it up immensely.

Can sense treasure, gold, and potential mates for miles, even deep underground.

Essence of the Lich

You no longer require the basic needs of living creatures such as eating, drinking, sleeping, etc.

Your body is that of an undead meaning any damaged suffered is not fatal unless your whole body is destroyed. Should it be destroyed your body will be rebuilt from a nearly indestructible phylactery that houses your soul.

You are tireless, lacking any sort of limitations to your stamina and feel no pain.

Immunity to disease and poison.

Can manipulate spirits/souls and consume souls to increase your power in various ways.

Gain the ability to generate, manipulate, and control a miasma of death that has extreme entropic effects on anything it targets, even immortals.

The ability to raise, summon, create (from nothing), and command the dead and undead. You are capable of bringing back any dead entity as long as you have its corpse even very small fragments, or just the soul. These undead are absolutely loyal and can never be turned against you or wrestled from your control. Hostile undead either first must be overpowered or slain before you can control them. You can even use your powers to animate vehicles, objects, and even buildings even if they are utter wrecks.

Essence of the Bright Lord, Grey Lord or Dark Lord

This essence has branching paths, you may either embrace the purifying essence that is the bright lord or the corrupting essence that is the dark lord. Differing options are marked with (BL) (GL) or (DL) Pick either one to receive its benefits but not the other.

Gain a superhuman body that is sculpted to your specifications. At its base you can throw fully armored men with little effort, punch large beasts unconscious with a single blow. Your body is similarly tough as well as swift in comparison.

Very intimidating and can instill fear even into the bravest of souls, even make the cowardly fall over dead from pure shock and fear from your presence.

Can manipulate spirits/souls and consume souls to increase your power in various ways.

(BL) Mastery over extremely pure power that has a variety of uses ranging from curing any disease, restoring the target back to their true form, blessing warriors with holy abilities, slaying demons and binding angels, and purifying or enchanting items, buildings, and even land. There are bound to be even more possibilities if you just look hard enough.

(GL) Mastery over a more neutrally aligned power. This power can do healing or curses, enhance warriors and bind creatures among other things. What it lacks is the extremes and bonuses granted by the pure and corrupt powers from the bright lord and dark lord. So while it is not better at binding angels or demons or does more damage to a particular creature beyond its raw potency it lacks the inherent weaknesses of the bright and dark lord.

(DL) Mastery over extremely corruptive power that has a variety of uses ranging from creating horrifying mutations on a target, cursing people with crippling ailments, empowering warriors with dark gifts, summon forth bound demons, corrupting items, building, and even the land itself into a twisted parody are just a few things it can do. Who knows what you might discover in time.

(BL) can sense any corruption or infernal power within something or someone even if they are suppressing it.

(GL) can sense supernatural energy in general but lacks the fine differentiation that the bright or dark lord specialize in.

(DL) can sense any purity or divine power within something or someone even if they are suppressing it.

Quite capable at taking someone and breaking them down as a person and rebuilding them into whatever you wish.

Can find willing henchmen/troops even in places where it might not seem probable and in decent numbers.

Superhuman skill at economics, logistics, politics, and other things needed to run a functional power.

Essence of the Kyuubi

You gain the power of a nine tailed fox, having a fully manifested form that may be very large, a hybrid form as something in between such as just revealing your ears and tails and a regular human form.

Superhuman body with all aspects enhanced with the benefits increasing to full if you take on your full form. Senses are especially enhanced and cannot be overloaded by stimuli.

Immortal and will not die of old age, also perfect memory with infinite storage and immediate recall.

You can easily shapeshift into anything you can think of but will always show some of your true nature as a Kyuubi some way.

The ability to weave very complex and powerful illusions such that they can with enough effort manifest in reality.

Can call upon fox fire which can burn almost anything.

Can put a variety of curses upon people such as bad luck, injuries, or other afflictions.

Great control over the elements.

Space and time bends and warps to your whims

Essence of the Admiral

You gain a body at peak physical condition with whatever particular aesthetics you desire.

Obtain the mind of a tactical and strategic genius for warfare the likes of which rival the great admirals of the past like Nelson, Togo, and Yi Sun-sin.

Also receive the skills and ability of an expert captain, able to command and wield your flagship like a fine instrument of death.

Ability to call upon vessels from across the multiverse to serve you. These vessels will have crews that are loyal to you no matter their origin. Upon summoning them you understand how to use them for maximum effect. You may determine the crew composition.

Similarly you may chose a particular ship, class, or design your own and you will receive it as a flagship.

Can awaken a vessels spirit and give the vessel full sapience. Vessels may also be summoned like this being manifested with the ship in control of themselves and utterly loyal to you.

You may also give vessels avatars so they may experience life as a living being as well, this also comes with a choice of converting their hull to make them mecha musume. You may also chose to become whatever you chose as your flagship to feel the same power the rest of your vessels experience.

Any vessel that falls in the line of duty can be resummoned though the stronger it is the longer it takes. Existing wrecks may be added to your fleet and will be repaired once the appropriate amount of time it would have taken to resummons them has passed.

Supplies for any vessel in your fleet will slowly regenerate over time ensuring you are never totally out of resources.

Essence of the Primordial

The vestiges of a fallen primordial titan are infused into your being. Whatever the original titan was is gone but the essence has caused you to develop into a nascent primordial being. With time, effort and will you will grow into a mighty being.

By your very nature you are now immortal and immune to the ravages of time, disease, and poison except of the highest caliber.

Your mind is vast and eternal having perfect memory with no limit to storage

You have several concepts that are under your purview, this could be things like war, fire, earth, etc. Your power over these concepts grows with training, experience and age.

You gain several different forms a primary form which can upwards the size of a planetoid to start with, smaller forms to interact with others better Based on these concepts decides on how your different bodies function and are formed. A primordial of nature might be made from plants, rock, water, magma and other natural things.

You can create a separate dimension to reside in or stow away your giant body when not needed.

You can shunt off chunks of yourself to create subsouls that are utterly loyal to you. Organization and nature of these subsouls are up to you.

As a primordial being the strangeness of being forged from concepts affords you the ability to warp and twist your surrounds such as bringing forth matter where there was none or creating events where it should normally be physically impossible to occur. This ability gets more powerful and versatile like your concepts and in fact works better if the action is tied to your concepts.

Essence of the Dungeon Master

You gain control over the creation and manipulation of dungeons.

Have a dungeon core that leaves you ageless until it is destroyed and generates a hefty amount of energy to supply your dungeons functions.

Should you die you will respawn as long as your dungeon core is intact.

Gain supernatural skill in architecture, engineering, puzzle crafting, trap making, enchanting, and building dungeons.

Can summon dungeons of your own design that are small to start with but with time and effort you can make them larger and larger by expending energy. You can de-summon and resummons these dungeons in different locations.

Can summon monsters, people, and items you encounter from generic templates to populate your dungeons. These beings will be loyal to you and respawn eventually if killed or be replaced by similar beings like themselves.

You have perfect awareness of everything that occurs in and around your dungeons, can turn this on and off at will.

Can emit a sort of call that will lure in monsters and adventurers to your dungeons. Can filter certain things like how powerful the beings attracted by the call will be. The lure is only a call though, not an irresistible compulsion.

Capturing or killing adventurers in your dungeon gives you more energy to play with.

Essence of the Giant

The blood of giants of old flows through you. You gain the body of a gargantuan giant strong enough to take on armies with little trouble and tough enough that even unconventional weapons aren't highly effective as they should be. Even magic is somewhat dimmed against your hide.

Capable of going into a berserking rage that empowers you to even greater heights, you are in full control even under the influence of this rage.

You heal incredibly fast, wounds sealing up in moments, and even missing limbs restoring themselves after a little more time

You are able to spawn lesser versions of yourself in the form of smaller giants, oni, trolls, ogres, etc.

By sharing your blood with others they can gain traits of giants.

Essence of the King

A body just above the peak of your species in ability, one sculpted to your tastes.

Infinite willpower to tackle any foe, even bloody and broken you will not stop.

Endless endurance, stamina, and immunity to pain.

A signature bloodline with several benefits up to your discretion. Can pass onto your descendants.

Perfect memory with infinite storage

mastery of many weapons and unarmed styles, even just plain old brawling.

Immense skill conducting war on a strategic and tactical level.

Good handle of logistics and how to raise and train a force from a small band of soldiers to entire armies.

A mastery of economics, logistics, politics, and other things needed to run a functional power.

Charisma to bend the will of entire nations and the sheer presence of a monarch that others would describe as divine.

Optionally begin with a kingdom of your own design, from its general people, cultures, customs, military, etc. Its initial size can be up to that of a proper continent. The Kingdom can retroactively insert itself into any new world you visit or be housed in its own shielded pocket dimension. Most entities will be unable to pass to your realm freely unless they are significantly powerful such as gods.

Essence of the Colossus

You have the body of a gargantuan colossus, inorganic yet aware beings that have more in common with statues and architecture then any living creature. Whatever materials it is formed of and its design in general are at your discretion it may even have alternate modes. You can switch between this form in in instant.

You are ageless, have limitless endurance, stamina, and are immune to pain.

Your mind is eternal and you will no longer get bored.

You have the capability to produce smaller beings like yourself that act as servants or garrisoning forces, whatever you prefer.

Any damage you sustain will automatically repair at a glacial pace as long as you are even somewhat intact. You can repair yourself actively though if you need to be quick about things though.

Essence of the Commander

You either gain the body of or have access to the body of a commander. This commander is a massive robot/mecha that can rapidly construct technology, reverse engineer nearly anything it encounters with enough time, fight wars on a mindboggling scale with little difficulty and numerous other things. The exact technology and powers held within this extremely complex machine are up to your discretion, perhaps it even runs on magic. You may freely apply essences directly to the commander specifically to grant it additional function or protection.

Your technology and any you collect and modify is blackboxed so that it is extremely difficult to reverse engineer without help on your part. You may choose to disable blackboxed tech for things you want to share or don't care not to share.

Infinite willpower to tackle any foe, even bloody and broken you will not stop. Any previous mental damage or trauma will be repaired and further trauma and damage is extremely tough to inflict upon you.

Basic training, enough to fight and defend yourself against most regular foes.

Immense skill conducting war on a strategic and tactical level.

A mastery of economics, logistics, politics, and other things needed to run a functional power.

As the commander you gain perfect and infinite memory with instant recall. Furthermore your mind is able to process and successfully handle the multitasking and management needed to keep your forces in the fight at a massive scale.

Any units you create are unwaveringly loyal, they cannot be turned against you save with unwilling subversion.

Essence of the Home

You gain a personal home that exists outside of reality and beyond the reach of most entities. This home is practically impenetrable to any being you do not want inside, even a supreme deity could not pierce the barriers in place on this property.

The home can be of your design or you can let it surprise you by generating itself based on your needs and wants so it fits itself to you perfectly. As your needs change and grow the home will expand with new facilities as needed.

The home takes care of the basic utilities automatically and requires no connection to any preexisting infrastructure to function. In addition it has functionally infinite supplies of whatever mundane food and drink you could desire.

While inside the home you and anyone you bring will not age, have any basic needs, or suffer from illnesses.

You may optionally have the home create servants to tend to it while you are gone, you also may give the home sapience to manage things. The home is utterly and unwaveringly devoted to you. It cannot be influenced to change its mind otherwise.

This home has the capability to travel through the multiverse and can give you passage practically anywhere. It can insert itself into these places or simply open a portal for you to travel through.

Any additional essences will add functionality to this one in the form of additional rooms and facilities depending on what the essence was.

Essence of the Demon Emperor

You gain the form of a demon emperor, ruler of Hell with a design generally up to you. This form is supernaturally powerful and outstrips almost any mortal or immortal for that matter in raw attributes and a host of other abilities up to you based on the form you take. Regardless you could beat gods to a bloody pulp as you are now.

Perfect memory with infinite storage as well as agelessness.

Gain dominion over the seven deadly sins, can use them in a variety of ways including conceptually.

You are a font of pure corruption, a walking source of impurity, disease, pain, misery, all the evils of the world are at your disposal. You are able to twist, corrupt, taint, and pervert anything you get your claws into to your hearts content. As a side effect you are immune to corrupting or purifying effects.

Able to create and summon all sorts of demons to serve you, whether they be Imps to the lords of hell themselves. These demons are oathbound to be loyal. You can corrupt others into demons and resurrect the dead into demons. You can have any demons you create able to access your Hell. Other demons and demon like creatures will see you as something of profane divinity on an instinctual level.

Have your own personal Hell that you have total control over. Whether it be a classic fire and brimstone with wailing souls of the damned, or just a blank void. You can transport yourself too and from it instantly and appear anywhere within said realm. Things brought into this hell can be imprisoned and sealed away or tormented by your demons, really whatever fate you may wish upon those unfortunate enough to fall into your grasp.

If you manage to be slain somehow you will revive a day later within your Hell.

Essence of the Sorcerer Lord

A body just above the peak of your species in ability, one sculpted to your tastes.

Endless endurance, stamina, and immunity to pain.

Infinite willpower to tackle any foe, even bloody and broken you will not stop.

Perfect memory with infinite storage

Know much magical lore with mastery of several schools or types of magic. These may be existing types of magic or of your design.

mastery of many weapons and unarmed styles, even just plain old brawling.

Immense skill conducting war on a strategic and tactical level.

Good handle of logistics and how to raise and train a force from a small band of soldiers to entire armies.

A mastery of economics, logistics, politics, and other things needed to run a functional power.

are intimidating, and can put fear in the gut of even hardened soldiers or suicidal fanatics.

Are skilled in the creation of items and servants. Whether it be magical swords, golems or growing terrible monsters to serve you.

Essence of the Dragon Rider

You become a dragon rider, an individual that has somehow made a mighty dragon bend to your will.

Receive a dragon with a design and abilities up to you. It is at the very least somewhat intelligent, powerful enough to destroy sturdy medieval castles in short order, unbreakably loyal to you, and immortal. As long as it lives you will not die of old age or age past your prime.

The dragon is bonded to you, both of you can tell what the other is feeling and generally have a understanding of what you each want and act accordingly.

The bond between you and the dragon has pushed your body to just above peak human and given you minor abilities based on its own.

Have basic martial training in fighting on foot as well as mounted whether it be on horseback or dragon.

Essence of the Grandmaster

By consuming this essence your stats, skills, attributes, powers, and anything that can grow are instantaneously pushed to their natural peak or when your theoretically most able state would be. An Exalt would find themselves at Essence 10 with many charms and possibly millennia of new 'memories' for example. This does not grant an infinite perpetually improving boost if paired with anything that breaks these natural caps.

Any new skill, attribute, power, or ability you gain will near instantaneously mature to mastery or its most potent state.

You gain an archived and indexed library of all of that you know. This may be a mental space like a mind palace or a literal space like a dimensional archive. Its nature is totally up to you.

Anyone you train will be able to grow in ability extremely quickly then they would be able to otherwise.

You can at will get a general sense of the potential of someone as well as individual destined to be great or terrible.

Essence of the Harem Protagonist

There is something about you that can attract anyone, even strange alien beings beyond the comprehension of mortals and gods alike. What it is that attracts these individuals will vary from person to person but there will always at least be something that will pique their interest. Their interest can easily blossom into fondness, a desire for friendship, or even genuine love if given some time to interact with you in some way whether it be in person or through hearing about you.

Are quite a bit tougher, enough that you could survive the rather destructive results of typical harem shenanigans. You will never suffer crippling or lethal wounds from any of those in your harem.

You will passively draw towards you individuals that have significant power, importance in their world plot wise or some other reason, grand destinies, and this such as that. Toggleable.

Granted infinite stamina and vitality, you are a quite able lover, able to please a mind boggling amount of people into bliss.

Any individuals that become part of your harem will be more willing to put aside differences and grievances to work towards your happiness and their own if circumstances permit. The feelings and loyalty they have for you will remain eternally strong unless you do something terrible to change that.

Fate, Destiny, and coincidence will bend, twist, warp, and maneuver to keep those in your harem yours. That doesn't mean they are bound to you forever if they honestly want to move on, just that things like individuals with mind control abilities, infernal lust powers, or a dirty monster tries to claim them these attempts at taking them will fail quite spectacularly. You can sense any who try to claim what is yours and who they are.

Essence of the Hivemind

You are now a hivemind, a collective of minds bound together in unity. How this takes shape is up to you but by default you are the central and dominant intelligence of the hivemind but start out with no other minds linked to you.

All that are part of the hivemind have a mental link to you that cannot be severed and can talk with you or each other through it.

Infinite multitasking, memory, and memory storage to handle the load of the hivemind. You will always have access to the collective might of the hives knowledge, skills, and any memories added to it.

You can spawn bodies either direct copies of yourself or customized ones. Everything about them from their looks, personality, attributes, and powers can be changed or modified when they are first created. Anything that places them above that of regular mortals has to be something you possess or have added to the hive. As long as at least one body is intact you and the collective cannot truly die.

Other individuals join either with their consent or by overpowering their will with your own. Those absorbed will have their memories, skills, and knowledge added into the collective. Their consciousness will remain if desired and will be loyal unto its total destruction.

Essence of Apotheosis

The ichor of the divine flows through your veins. By consuming this essence you have ascended to godhood.

You have the mind, body and soul of divinity and exist beyond the frailties of mortals. Your memory is infinite with perfect recall. your body, skills, and abilities will never degrade even if you languish for eons. Even without using any of your powers your body is a weapon of mass destruction on its own, enough to slay lesser gods just using your raw strength. Your soul is eternal and will eventually reform you whole should you ever somehow be killed.

There are a number of domains that fall under your purview, these could be classic ones like the Sky, Earth, Death, or others. You can manipulate these domains as befitting one of your station bordering on the conceptual. Regardless you can perform miracles that have the themes of your domains, acts that defy convention and even fate, such as burning out the illness of the faithful or killing their fear in times of desperation.

Can hear the prayers of any of those who worship you or any calling out for intervention. Similarly you can empower mortals who worship you with abilities based on your own domains. These powers can be revoked or restored as you see fit.

You can create a personal afterlife for you worshipers and to serve as a home it can be one realm or multiple depending on your tastes. Any faithful or those you claim that die will automatically have their soul sent to it.

By expending some of your might you can raise up mortals to divinity either as fully fledged gods or weaker but still mighty demigods.

Able to create servants whose form and function are up to you whether they be humanoid angels or terrifying chimera that punish sinners. These servants are utterly loyal to your will.

Essence of the Dominator

Gain a new body that sits at the peak of your species in capability, you are free to customize your appearance within the realm of what is possible.

Have a very noticeable and commanding presence, weaker beings cower or are in awe of you more often than not. Stronger beings will at the very least treat you with a degree of respect even if they wouldn't otherwise.

Very good at subduing opponents and keeping them restrained, you can even seal any powers they have leaving them helpless while bound through some method up to you. If desired, they can be given a humanoid form that they can switch to or be forced into for easier access.

You are also capable of summoning a variety of bindings to keep opponents restrained, rope, chain, ribbons, pillories, bondage suits, and more elaborate still. These restraints are extremely difficult to get the person out of without your aid and the restrained target is completely incapable of escaping. You can inflict on those restrained a variety of sensations ranging from the full pleasure you could grant them if you were attending to them directly, unending pain, or just leaving them unable to sense anything. Those restrained won't require anything to sustain themselves while locked up and will have their sanity preserved if you wish.

You can change and reshape the powers of anyone the more you plow them.

You cannot be dominated against your will, any attempt to do so will backfire catastrophically for the wannabe dominator. You are furthermore immune to fear, manipulation, or otherwise subversion of your indomitable spirit.

Unmatched in the realm of sexual activities, even the most ennui stricken succubus or goddess of lurid passions could be left a mewling mess. This bypasses any passive or active resistances and immunities that might stop it, your hands are the doom of any sapient creature you might care to lewd.

All of your fluids are like a supercharged aphrodisiac, even the iciest composed soul would be reduced to an utter slave begging for another taste. Luckily no one can overdose on it. You can toggle this effect or only have it affect certain fluids. This effect bypasses any passive or active resistances and immunities that might stop it.

Your sexual organs are similarly mighty, whether it is a sword that Aphrodite would swear devotion too or sheath that could tame the flighty Zeus himself. You would be hard pressed to find any being that wouldn't utterly submit their being to you after a round of sex. Even beings that would normally be extremely resistant if not immune will find themselves defenseless to you.

You have perfect control over your fertility/virility, your line will never suffer from any issues of inbreeding or unwelcome mutation.

Possess inexhaustible stamina

Heart shaped pupil effects optional.

Essence of Progenitor Human

Become the origin point of humanity, the first and greatest human. Gain a body that is vastly superior to that of any normal human in all attributes. You can develop any ability innate to other versions of mankind such as those that are from alternate universes if you come in contact with them. Things like bloodlines, strange powers that can develop naturally and so on. These abilities will grow to match your level with enough time and effort.

Immune to poison and disease. You are also ageless.

You can create resources from nothing and how they manifest, such as forcing pillars of gold to shoot from the ground as massive landmarks or flooding a depression with fresh untainted water turning it into a pond. Even plants and animals except other sapient beings may be created in the same manner.

Extremely charismatic on the level of whipping up strangers into a frenzy with a few choice words and easily gaining die hard loyal supporters with little effort. Humans especially will see you as a symbol of the species and rally to you should you take up a cause. Even beasts and monsters are not immune as any may be overwhelmed by your mandate to rule nature.

You learn extremely quickly, taking in months of experience in days, years of experience in weeks and decades if not a century of experience in years.

Can survive and thrive in desperate situations and adapt accordingly even if logically you would most likely die an ignoble death.

Can learn and understand anything with enough study, even reverse engineer and reproduce strange alien devices or magical artifacts with human sciences.

Similarly you can uplift more primitive groups of humans to the standard of science and technology that you understand.

Can breed with anything and still somehow result in a viable half human hybrid that takes more after their human side then alien. Toggleable

You can produce several distinct types of humans depending on the quality of your partner. Regardless all types are immune to mundane diseases and poison. Men of Gold, Silver, and Bronze are resistant to supernatural poison and disease.

Men of Gold, the closest to you in abilities and can generate resources/life and learn just as you. They do not visibly age and their lifespan is many times that of a normal human. Unfortunately they are rather difficult to breed. Men of Gold are natural leaders and can organize themselves and their lesser brethren effectively for whatever purpose you desire.

Men of Silver, who are smaller and inferior to Men of Gold but still vastly superior to those of lesser men in ability and hold the same that Men of Gold have from yourself but weaker still. But they are much easier to breed then Men of Gold and can act as effective seconds to the Men of Gold

Men of Bronze, are very physically powerful and aggressive, they only retain the ability to learn quickly from yourself. War is in their blood and they will very quickly develop strong combat abilities that allow them to roll over even Men of Gold or Silver if they outnumber them. They can be bred in large numbers and work well under a Man of Silver or better under a Man of Gold.

Men of Iron, or more or less enhanced mundane humans. They are closer to the peak of humanity but lack anything else in regards to inheritance. There are the bare minimum that you are capable of breeding and extremely easy to do so if not easier then what you know as humanity.

Essence of the Developer Console

Drinking this gives you access to the developer console of every universe you may find yourself in.

Every single facet of the universe from individuals, events, and objects can be changed through using console commands. You can even write and install 'mods' to make sweeping changes to the universe and turn them on and off as you wish through a handy mod manager. Universes retain any changes made to them unless reset. You can travel to new universes using the console. You can even choose to have the console create mods that you would like automatically and update or remove them as you desire or 'download' them again using the console interface.

The console also comes with a handy save and load function allowing you to take snapshots of a specific instance and reload however many times you wish even if you are killed somehow. Even rendered helpless you can still load any existing save you might have.

Essence of Overwhelming Infinite Cosmic Might

Whenever used in conjunction with a CYOA all possible resources choices and possibilities are rendered infinite.

Any of your powers, skills, and abilities can never be drained, reduced, or otherwise limited in any form or fashion unless you will it so.

Any drawbacks that are a result of your choices in a CYOA or required complications may be nullified at will. Further restrictions may also be disregarded as suggestions rather then concrete iron clad rules.

Essence of the Magic Contractor

Gain the ability to grant magical powers to others of your own specifications like creating magic girls of various types, creating d&d like 'classes' that people can advance in. You have control over everything from abilities, skills, specific powers, or drawbacks given to each type and can create as many as you want. The stronger the type is the more energy and time is required to successfully create it. Creating a stereotypical fighter class would be fairly easy, creating a class that grants near omnipotence would be nearly impossible and very resource intensive. You may automate the creation of these types by setting a general theme and suitable types will be created based on the world in question and theme chosen. Time and energy are still required to be expended to create new types even with automation.

Can create dungeons to your specifications including the layout, rewards available, traps, and things found within or leave it randomized which will generate a range of dungeons appropriate for the world and location based on how much magic there is and how 'strong' that world is. A normal would see bottom of the barrel dungeons with mostly mundane creatures and slightly magical items.

Able to introduce magic to worlds without it or strengthen it with a massive jolt of raw power. The world will quickly change into a magical one with beasts of legend rising and perhaps even gods if the magic is strong enough. Mortals without a doubt will gain magic some more likely than others and able to pick up whatever powers you set up to be available. Worlds with existing magic will find it stronger, enriched, and overall much higher quality then it had been previously. This can also serve to reawaken or revitalize a world that has seen its magic diminish.

Essence of Vessels

You are able to separate your soul from your body and interact with the world as a spirit. Should you suffer a physical death your soul will persist instead of being forced into the next cycle that it might otherwise be placed into.

Your soul is immortal and can restore itself from complete oblivion or erasure from existence after some time.

While not inhabiting a physical body you can attempt to possess another body even if there is already another soul within by overpowering their will. Even corpses can be possessed though any damage they have suffered will remain unless you have a method to heal them.

Any physical body you have successfully possessed is added to a pool of vessels that you can at will summon and inhabit. These bodies are perfect copies of the original at their greatest and will possess all the knowledge, memories, skills, abilities, and personal items that they had at their disposal. Any damage to them all the way up to complete destruction will be slowly repaired automatically. None of these copies have a will of their own and are on their own empty shells. You may begin with a body of your choice should you desire.

Essence of Essences

You can grant essences to others but cannot grant yourself any Essences. This does not restrict you from having another essence to allow this. However you cannot give others the Essence of Essences.

Any companions you have from another CYOA can be automatically upgraded with the Essences you desire them to have either when they join you or retroactively. This will not disturb their life experiences unless you wish for it to change them.

Receive a dagger that can remove or suppress the Essences of anyone you have granted them to. The dagger cannot effect the Essences of those you did not have a hand in giving to said individual nor can it work on yourself to remove any Essences. Said dagger is indestructible and can when desired pierce or cut through nearly anything or selectively target things like someone's magic or soul. The dagger can shapeshift into other melee weapons if desired, you can summon it to your side at an instant.

Receive a cloak or set of robes that makes you immune to the essences of those you have granted to others. The cloak is nearly indestructible and regenerates if damaged It can also sustain you indefinitely as long as it is worn, you can summon it to your side at an instant. They can shapeshift into other clothes on demand.

Essence of the Golden Wrought God

Your soul is transplanted into the body of an ancient forgotten artificial god, forged by the greatest smiths and mages for a war lost to the ages.

The Golden Wrought God body is built on a skeleton forged of nearly indestructible enchanted Orichalcum further inscribed with runes and spells that laugh off magic, reality-warping, time manipulation, and other exotic abilities. Your body now has limitless stamina, can regenerate from your skeleton in seconds, and continue to fight even if reduced to a skeleton albeit with more limited mobility. Should your skeleton manage to be damaged it is easy to put it back together and even if your very bones are scattered through creation or beyond you can unerringly track them down and easily reclaim them once you find them. Should your skeleton be reduced to a state where it cannot self-repair it will simply create itself anew, meaning even if you are reduced to a Divine Core you will eventually be restored.

Your muscles, organs, and skin are also tough, able to survive any conventional weapon short of a nuclear bomb or similar level weapon. Your flesh is just as enchanted and inscribed as your skeleton giving you golden runes and spells engraved across your body.

Your physical attributes match those of heroes, the strength of Hercules, the speed of Achilles, and the intellect of Chiron.

Your body takes the shape of your ideal self or what form you would find most aesthetically beautiful for yourself. This beauty enhances any charisma or intimidation factor you have.

You have limited shapeshifting within the bounds of the human form and can assume any sex or in between at will.

Your Willpower is functionally infinite, can shrug off any influence and will remain unchanging in the face of all opposition save for those that come from the self. You cannot suffer guilt, trauma, or any negative mental effect under any level of stress. Your emotions are mostly intact but any sense of fear, guilt, shame, or similar negative mental influence has been rendered null but still registers as what you would otherwise be feeling. This can be toggled either in full or for specific feelings.

Your mind is forever augmented by this implantation giving you immense intelligence, Infinite Multitasking, perfect memory, infinite capacity, archiving and indexing. The works of those that created the god body are known to you, as is the knowledge, wisdom, and esoteric concepts that come with it. You have the ability to detect any divine influence whether it be a blessing, a mortal avatar, and can recognize and dissect the nature of the divine source with but a glance. This sensory ability works on other powers and abilities but is specialized towards the gods. You are further immune to illusions and can easily pierce them or outright destroy them by overpowering them if you have access to divine energy. Accurately predicting enemy movements or strategies from the level of personal combat to highly complex campaigns or the political theatre will be easy once you have some contact with your opponent or are familiar with them. Such is a mind required of a being created to fight reality itself.

Have a Divine Core where your heart would be, a very powerful artifact of magically forged crystal and Orichalcum thrumming with divine energy it supplies all power to your godly abilities. Your Divine Core holds your soul and consciousness and is completely invulnerable to damage no matter how powerful or strange the foe, such is the power of the magic weaved into it. Your body will regenerate from destruction in seconds regardless of the damage or where it might have been cast into. If desired you can simply go dormant and wait inside your divine core, then regenerate.

Divine power is that of the gods, pure and full of power. Mortals, many monsters, and demonic foes are poisoned by too much raw divine energy without being accustomed to it. Gives immortality, superhuman attributes, and immunity to most effects like poison, disease, curses.

Divine energy can be used in a variety of ways such as performing miracles, slaying entities through smiting them. You can hear the prayers of anyone towards you or just in general if not specific. Prayer gives more energy then can be generated but is not needed to live. It can also enhance abilities such as boosting physical characteristics or empowering a lightning bolt. You can only begin using Divine power upon activating your Dreamer state.

Soul is refined and reforged to become completely indestructible and immune to any influence one could throw at it. The temptations of the vilest beings and the evils of man are but a ticklish wind onto your shining existence.

Immune to and exist outside of Fate, destiny, and prophesy. They will actively unravel around you as desired, and do not even register to someone with foresight or clairvoyance. This includes similar abilities.

Nothing of yours can be reduced, stolen, sealed, or altered in any shape or form except when you desire. Once you are in this body not even the mightiest of beings could hope to dislodge you or warp you, not even the random and often cruel omnipotent kind.

The Golden Wrought God has several stages of activation that determine how much of its power can be accessed. Sleeper is the passive form that is always active for the Golden Wrought God. Divine power cannot be accessed while the Sleeper form is active and most functions are also dormant. You gain access to higher levels of Divine Power as you familiarize yourself with your body and settle into it unlocking greater levels with enough time and or experience.

Sleeper: You can defeat powerful demigods using just your base attributes and the passive levels of energy and abilities provided by your new body.

Enhanced ability to learn and master skills and abilities. Skills can be learned and mastered in days, no teacher is required, and everything that develops will unconsciously be self-correcting to perfection and beyond. Pick up a sword and be fighting with masters in no time, actually fight a master? You can easily absorb their techniques into your own. One thing you have in spades already is raw combat abilities and can intuitively pick apart mortal combatants with your base martial affinity.

Enhanced ability to teach and pass on any skills you might possess to those able to learn them.

You can manifest a set of equipment that is self-repairing. This equipment consists of a base undersuit that emphasizes your form and acts as the anchor for future levels of armor and a limitless variety of clothing and accessories that you can switch to with but a thought. The base suit is protective enough to completely shield you from multi-megaton nuclear blasts. You also have access to a variety of divine weapons in the form of melee and ranged weapons, guns, knives, hammers, it is all there. All of these items are divine in nature and will refill their ammunition very quickly. They are all around the same level of power able to carve up the flesh of demigods and divine beasts with little difficulty. You can summon and dismiss these as needed but they will lose most of their power in the hands of mortals.

Dreamer: You can defeat most normal gods by engaging the first level of your divine power. This level can be accessed within years if you are doing nothing.

Dormant systems come online and let you use divine energy to make non-magical objects and materials of excellent quality. The creation of life or magical items or materials without miracles is beyond you yet. You are able to manifest a golden suit of armor that can absorb attacks and protect you from anything short of a continent-shattering weapon without being scratched. Your divine weaponry is now able to deal out damage on the same level with little difficulty, turning Australia into an archipelago has never been easier.

You can actively make use of your divine energy. Basic uses include channeling it into attacks or crude barriers for defense. You can use your divine energy to turn any action you take and turn it from a failure to a success, a success to a feat of legend, and a feat of legend to simply violating reality and doing the absurd like strangling a cloud to death or singing so well it causes mountains to weep. The energy cost scales with the feat in question.

You can now cast miracles to enact your godly whims though not on a global scale yet. Making it rain or curing cancer for a person is as simple as some energy and the will.

You can create lesser Avatars of yourself that you can control directly or set off to act autonomously as you would. They have an unbreakable connection with you and can network between you and each other. These avatars are always able to only reach a level of Divine Power below yours and cannot create their own avatars.

Able to enforce your will on objects, places, and individuals by overwhelming them with your energy. Those that submit or overpowered are then bound to you for eternity unless released.

These Bound cannot resist commands or compulsions set down by you even if they otherwise would rage against the control for eternity.

This ownership carries the conceptual weight of your authority and power thus protected from any foreign influence that could possibly challenge this ownership.

Bound individuals can be 'blessed' with the ability to create miracles on a smaller scale with borrowed divine power.

Powerful entities such as gods, divine beasts, and others when overpowered can be added to or create a pantheon as a subordinate god.

You can now shapeshift into more absurd forms like animals or other races. Returning to your original form when you so desire.

Awakened: You can defeat skyfathers and groups of regular gods at the second level of divine power. This level can be accessed in centuries if you are doing nothing.

Your body unlocks your Battle Regalia, hulking fully enclosed power armor made of orichalcum that amplifies your attributes, powers, and energy by several times. Comes with combat-capable multifunctional tentacles. It would take damage capable of obliterating solar systems to scratch the armor. Your divine weaponry gains the ability to leave wounds nearly impossible to heal and can kill things permanently or prevent them from manifesting bypassing any forms of immortality and restoration. Your weapons can casually sunder solar systems.

Innate conceptual mastery of creating life or modified from nothing or transmuted from existing materials/bodies. By using more energy the likes of divine beasts or beings can be created. Anything created can be given a soul or left a hollow but functional construct. This includes beings like angels, divine beasts, and other supernatural entities. The most basic of your creations come out as living divine clay and orichalcum constructs with some sentience and the ability to follow basic commands.

Innate conceptual mastery of forging items whether they be constructs or weapons. The stronger or more complex the object the longer it will take to craft. You can determine what was used and what will be required to produce, repair, or create an object instantly.

Your capacity for miracles grows to the level where affecting a solar system at once is a valid strategy. You can do greater still with more energy scaling at higher and higher costs as the range and power of the miracle increases.

You know how to create or convert others into pale reflections of yourself: Golden Demigods. They all have the benefits of your base attributes and sleeper state but gain weakened forms of all of your Divine Power levels through Dreamer. They cannot turn against you and are bound to you automatically via your divine power. Golden Demigods of a converted origin will have their body reformed to be more idealized in your eyes removing any scars, previous injuries, or defects. Similarly they gain a set of magical tattoos that appear on their body representing their newfound bond to you. You may have other aesthetic changes such as their eyes turning gold or a change in skin tone.

Ascended: You can defeat primordial gods or cosmic entities at the third level of divine power. This can be accessed in thousands of years if you do nothing.

Your battle regalia connects to a dormant outer shell summoning a massive mecha around you to pilot with a visage similar to yourself though its form is up to you for the most part. This mecha enhances your already enhanced powers many times. Your mecha can extend tentacles that will bore into the metaphysical framework of that universe or multiverse if you have access to its center and usurp control over it from its original master. If the world exists as a dream of a godhead or similar existence you will have to bore into the godhead directly to assume direct control. Once connected you gain access to that universes or multiverses Akashic Record which is the information for every single bit of that particular verse. The more powerful the setting or the more resistance there is the longer it will take to bore into the framework of the verse you are looking to usurp. This is also theoretically possible with Omniverses but not recommended due to the sheer effort and dangers in doing so. Once connected you can use this connection and your Divine Energy to weave changes on a mass scale rewriting the universe or multiverse and molding it to your whims. Even when not connected you can subvert control over reality in localized areas and still affect worlds and larger still assuming no one or thing tries to stop you. This is only limited to as much Divine Energy as your core produces. You can construct pylons to maintain this control even if you are far away. The divine weapons you can produce are world-shattering or greater with more time and energy spent. Mass-producing galaxy destroying throw-away weapons is trivial at this level. Your armor can also shrug off this level of punishment easily, it would take absurd levels of destruction to do serious damage to you while in your mecha state.

Your ability to cast miracles is easily able to range multiple galaxies and beyond and powerful miracles are much easier and efficient to cast.

You are now able to make Golden Gods. Like Golden Demigods Golden Gods can be made from existing individuals or a Golden Demigod outright. Golden Gods require you to construct a God Egg which when the golden sphere is completed will begin work on making a Golden God. A God Egg is one use as it is cannibalized by the Golden God upon its completion. Golden Gods have all of your powers up to the Awakened phase and are bound similarly as the Demigods are. You can give a Golden God access to the Ascended state with a ritual of activation that requires a large amount of additional divine energy. It is possible to network yourself with Golden Gods who have taken control over different Akashic Records to achieve larger effects when working in conjunction.

Essence of the Fallen Angel

Gain the form of a Fallen Angel, cast down from heaven. You stand between the celestial light of Heaven and the darkness of Hell. Given your strange nature you may redesign your body to look however you wish whether it be a beautiful human or flaming wheel covered with eyes. You stand equal with the greatest of angels in power, beauty, intelligence, wisdom, among other attributes and retain this might even with your fall. The pagan gods of the world would hesitate to even raise your ire let alone fight you.

Knowledge of creation is yours for you witnessed its forging, the secrets, the fundamental concepts, and its nature are all laid bare to you. Whether it is used to rebuild it in your own image, empower mortal thralls with supernatural abilities or just destroy it remains yours. This is without going into your thousands of years worth of experience fighting, ruling, scheming, and practically every other skill one could think of would be expected of by an angel of the highest station or a major figure of rebellion. Your charisma and ability to manipulate are also rather astounding, it is very difficult for even saints to resist you in person.

You know the sins and while not their embodiment can still give it a good go. Whether it be channeling wrath to overpower a superior foe or using lust to boost your already magnificent appearance to blinding levels of beauty you can do it.

Despite giving a really good fight to heaven you still lost, and were tossed into the deepest darkest dimensional pit they could find to languish there forever. Luckily you are free thanks to the essence and are not in any danger of being trapped forever anymore. Not that it would work again because any prison or seal on you will slowly and steadily erode and break down to ruin. Even then if they managed to kill or heavens forbid erase you all together you would be back eventually, all nice and healthy like nothing happened.

Many angels fell alongside you and were bound to the same prison you were including your incredibly powerful and faithful lieutenants. Due to your circumstances they came along for the ride prison and all. You can summon entrances to this prison with but a thought. They remain unaware, sleeping after such a long imprisonment but can be awakened and summoned to your side with but a command. For all their issues they remain your loyal host, almost worryingly loyal if the looks some of them give you are anything to go by. If you stuff an uncorrupted angel or heavenly servant into the prison the spirits of the fallen will descend upon them and 'free' them of their duties to heaven converting them to your side as another fallen. Any fallen killed will resurrect inside the prison fully restored to their pristine state as a fallen.

Essence of the Underworld

You become master of the Underworld, the keeper of all that is imprisoned and bound to that wretched place. While in the Underworld you are immortal and invincible to anything can freely teleport anywhere within the Underworld. If you are somehow killed you will resurrect in your palace after a day has passed.

Have a palace at the center of the Underworld filled with all the luxuries you could ever ask for. Inside of it there is a throne room and while sitting upon this throne you have an omnipresent view of the Underworld and can see through or control any being trapped in the Underworld.

You can detect, manipulate, or conjure any element found in the earth from the earth in massive amounts particularly metals. Additionally you are strong and durable enough to survive brawling with the likes of Hekatonkheires and drag them to the underworld.

Can open doors to the Underworld anywhere you care to, whether it be to conjure massive doors or crack the earth in two to open the pits up. Permanent gates can be established if you want others to be able to come and go, you can lock down these gates at will.

Have the ability to summon infinite amounts of indestructible profane chains in a variety of ways. These chains can be used to restrain the gods and pin them down, they suppress any powers or abilities and will drain them if left attached for too long. The chains can be used to drag any targets into the Underworld and trap them there for eternity, similarly they can be used to target souls. Powers will return if the chains are removed long enough though anything summoned will have all of their power until they are returned to confinement. You can manifest other objects on the ends of any chain like daggers, claws, or beartraps.

The inhabitants of the Underworld are bound to your commands and cannot rebel or twist the spirit of any order given. Any soul that is not automatically taken to a specific afterlife or destroyed outright will wind up down in the Underworld. Copies of objects, vehicles, ships, or even cities can end up sinking into the Underworld if there is enough death involved in their destruction or loss. You may have your Underworld filled with anything that meets these prerequisites up to the point when you first arrive in a setting or take one loaded down with the legends and history from your world. Either way it is a lot of souls and treasure.

You can summon anything that has been subjugated to the Underworld by opening a door to the Underworld and calling them forth. If killed the damned being will be pulled back into the Underworld and be resurrected right back into wherever where they were interned. No matter the method used the profane chains will never fail to drag them back to the Underworld even if they manage to get to another realm.

Essence of the Supernatural Organization

You gain ownership of your very own supernatural organization that is dedicated to whatever goal you may have in mind whether it is the protection of humanity, keeping the supernatural a secret or simply being your own band of fanatical minions.

This organization starts out with a single headquarters with no other holdings beyond it. The headquarters is a sprawling complex fitted with advanced manufacturing facilities, cutting edge labs, medical facilities, well stocked armories and supply storage, and other vital sections you would expect. This headquarters can take the general form of what you prefer whether it be out in the open, a hidden bunker complex, or a well disguised front. The headquarters is protected from effects that might destroy or effect it such as reality warping, magic, psionics, and any other exotic thing you can think of. It is similarly hardened against conventional attack or indirect such as cyberwarfare.

The organization can supply all the manpower required for itself by default all personnel being highly skilled clones that are educated to the top of their fields within the range of what is humanly possible. Any killed including you can be recovered as they can be re-cloned with the memories, soul, and other essential bits they had up until death with any damage no matter how exotic repaired. So fret not, anyone re-cloned unless you create a new clone will indeed be the same entity that bit the dust. All personnel will be loyal to you even more so depending on the nature of the organization. You can even have the whole organization be semi autonomous drones with you controlling them like an Overmind if you are really paranoid. The machinery used can also give pre-programed skill packages just in case you wanted to learn how to do mongolian throat singing. The only restriction is that the skills are things humans are capable of, as you add more races or capabilities to your organization this can be rectified.

Your organization has already developed or acquired several key capabilities.

The first is your organization has a way to accurately plot and teleport or open portals to different locations and entirely different dimensions or universes. It can bypass any defenses or protections that would otherwise stop this travel unless it is overwhelmingly powerful. The organization can build stable portals for easy and continued access to these locations.

The second is that your organizations scientists can develop and rapidly reverse engineer technology, supernatural abilities, items, magic, psionics, and races if they have access to samples. The larger the sample the easier it is to replicate but the more powerful it is the longer it will take. These breakthroughs can be used to upgrade your personnel or develop new technology based on these powers and races, even creating your own superbeings. With enough effort you might even be able to rid any major vulnerabilities from whatever you managed to get a hold of. It has already developed top of the line technology decades ahead of your world such as honest to god fully enclosed power armor, man portable fusion reactors, reliable and mass produced cybernetic augments, gauss and railgun technology and autonomous drones among other things.

The third is that your organization has developed shielding that can block the strongest of supernatural powers. Devices that project fields that cancel reality warping or chaotic magic and restraints that can reduce beings of middling power to being just as helpless as an average human. Study can improve the effectiveness of these restraints. The organization can further safely store otherwise volatile or supremely corruptive individuals or items without issue once.

The fourth is your organization and you by extension are filthy stinking rich. You always seem to have more then enough money and it practically falls into your lap. The economy never seems to go wrong whenever your organization interacts with it, any outside interference is not covered. Your organization can change its currency as required converting in part or whole its money for whatever locality it is considered legitimate.

Optionally you can send you and your organization to a different world then your own, retroactively if you prefer.

Essence of the Biotech Space Dragon

Gain the body of a Biotech Space Dragon, immense godlike creations that can traverse the heavens.

Space Dragons are anywhere from the size of a skyscraper to dwarfing the largest of mountains stretching upwards of tens of kilometers in length. Space Dragons have a wide range of looks and can resemble anything from a classic eastern or western dragon to an elongated tentacle mass. Despite this size Space Dragons have no difficulty getting around and can land on planets no issue. They have absolute control over their bodies with every cell present actually being a fusion of biology and nanotechnology.

Shapeshifting is a simple thing as Space Dragons can arrange their bodies on demand such as disguising themselves as an asteroid or growing great blades to slash enemies with. The biotech nature of their existence allows them to absorb DNA and new technology that allows them to understand and integrate it into themselves or any drones. Any beings they absorb they can take the memories, skills, and experiences of and recreate them as a drone.

Their body is durable enough to shrug off attacks that would destroy planets with only a moderate amount of damage and have the strength tear planets to bits and turn mighty battleships to space fragmentation hazards. Additionally they are capable of FTL and can teleport shorter distances or tear open portals to distant stars, galaxies, or realities.

Space Dragons can regenerate from nearly nothing as long as a few nanotech cells survive, taking weeks to recover if the damage is bad enough. They are shielded from temporal or exotic effects thanks to powerful shielding and systems designed to thwart the likes of reality bending entities.

Space Dragons are immense computers and have the processing power and intelligence to dwarf about any other entity. They cannot be hacked or infected by others and their nature makes corruption impossible against them or anything they have their nanotech cells implanted or integrated into. Space Dragons can normally brute force and overwhelm all but the strongest of AI.

Space Dragons have control over the fundamental forces of the universe able to manipulate things such as gravity and electromagnetism with near impunity. They have infinite energy generation at their disposal that is internally produced but not infinite in output. Utilizing their built in systems they can convert energy to matter in finished forms like a replicator. These replicator functions can be used to mass print smaller forms of drones that can take care of tasks the Dragon could not otherwise thanks to its size and bulk. The Dragon can take over a drone at any time and use it as an avatar or control all of their drones.

Space Dragons can reproduce asexually or sexually by gestating an egg in something to develop into a new Space Dragon. This new Space Dragon can be a simple extension of the parent and function as parts of a hivemind or be a completely new entity. Newborn Space Dragons are microscopic compared to a full adult Space Dragon beginning at the size of a human child. During this time the Space Dragon can rapidly consume matter to grow larger and larger until it reaches the size of an adult, a process which can take years.

Essence of the Sovereign

Become a Sovereign, a monarch born from the remains of a long dead kingdom or empire. You may pick a single kingdom or empire from your reality or elsewhere to take on the legacy of you may fabricate one but it then becomes fact in whatever place it supposedly resides or resided. This includes its history, culture, technology, and other essential elements that make it up.

If you are killed or incapacitated you will be revived within your kingdom the next day even if it has been reduced to ruin. Should you not have a kingdom you will simply reconstitute at a nearby safe place.

You are the peak example of your species able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the greatest heroes your people have ever produced. Everything that makes a legendary ruler are qualities you possess, inheriting or being imbued with the knowledge, supernatural powers(if applicable), attributes, and skills to match these famous individuals.

As a Sovereign you know no fear or weakness of will, your determination is that which will break the earth and heavens to accomplish you goals if need be.

You have a unique supernatural energy that fuels your abilities. You can use it to form fully mature adults of your kind from it that are skilled in a particular area like farming, carpentry, or soldiering. These individuals are living breathing examples of their kind but their loyalty is to you and any descendants they might have later down the line. This loyalty manifests as an inborn unbreakable rabid fanaticism that cannot be extinguished when it comes to their monarch and nation.

This energy can further shape the environment, spontaneously generate domesticated animals or monsters that existed with your people, creating buildings, warping the land into a more desired shape and collecting resources. You can use this energy to actively manage all of your subjects, resources, structures, and can view areas you control as an 'eye in the sky' able to project your vision and move around like you were in a strategy game as well as look at information or statistics related to it.

Any resources your civilization needs to function like a particular metal or mineral can be found in any worlds you travel to. Alternatively you can create the required resources via specific structures that can take other material and refine it into said resources.

By conquering other civilizations or taking in the remnants of fallen or lost ones you gain access to their own aspects of culture, technology, history, etc and can use them as you would your original. This includes the ability to create the peoples of that civilization.

Essence of the Human Science God

You are not an actual god, but you are the peak of humanity in how comic book captain america is a peak human. Your intelligence and understanding dwarfs any of your physical attributes however. You are the super genius, the one who builds an advanced suit of power armor in a cave with scraps, the one they call to fix a hole knocked in space time by an experiment gone wrong. You are probably the smartest person in the room in almost any given situation.

You are the equal and likely superior to just about any super genius you could care to name with a few exceptions in knowledge and skill. The technology you can make is beyond the wildest dreams of what any normal scientist could even comprehend. Advanced A.I., earth shattering power armor, reactors that generate cosmic energies, power nullifiers and more. You do however not have a limitless font of wisdom to make sure that knowledge gets put to good use. Your ability to make the 'right' choices in a given situation remains as it was before your apotheosis. You can further reverse engineer magic, psionics, and other things as a technological equivalent.

Optionally you could get this and also be as equally as capable a magic or psionic user making all of your tech magitech or even psitech, hell have psimagitech.

Perfect memory with infinite storage

None of your technology can be successfully corrupted or subverted by another force unless you build or modify it to possess such a weakness.

You are skilled in combat and can defeat anyone less then a supernatural master of combat or someone so strong you just cant hurt them.

Gain ownership of an Earth sized megastructure that serves as your home. It is hidden away in a pocket dimension and safe from most tampering or attacks. It is defended by billions upon billions of absolutely loyal robots. The strongest of these robots are capable of fighting and utterly dismantling individuals with city destroying capability. The megastructure and you are linked with an unbreakable connection and can command it anywhere, at any time, the megastructure is incapable of turning against you.

The megastructure can create and manipulate matter and energy giving you functionally infinite resources as you require. It has factories and matter forges that can create as much equipment and other tech then you could ever ask for.

It has its own habitats for other life if you want to do any collecting.

The megastructure can theoretically hold billions of people to live and work without issue. It is currently uninhabited except by you and your robots.

The megastructure has a gargantuan palace for yourself and anyone you take in, it is beyond luxurious.

It can resurrect any individual if it can scan something of them, i.e. their soul or some physical component. It will automatically resurrect you if you are somehow killed without fail.

It posesses weapons that can shatter fleets of alien starships or make Galactus fuckoff if he is getting hungry. It is tough enough to survive the omniverse imploding with a lot of dents and systems fried afterwards. Don't worry it can self repair, just very slowly if the damage is bad enough.

If you really need to it can move around and act as a FTL capable battle station of doom if you want to go full galactic warlord. The Megastructure can freely open portals or teleport to different locations, universes, dimensions, multiverses, and Omniverses if you aren't wanting to deal with the local Omniverse creator.

It has a one of a kind forge called the Relic Forge onboard which can let you manufacture extremely potent pieces of technology to put fear into cosmic entities. For when you want to arm your Gods with a Mjolnir or Infinity Gauntlet, just in case.

The God part comes in that the megastructure has an additional function. Using its systems it can create transcendent beings that stand head and shoulders over the normal super robots or AI you can make. The God Anvil can let you build or turn others into your own personalized super beings. Making these Gods is not for the faint of heart, each one represents a ripple of power that could destabilize entire settings, they are walking apocalypses. That said they are programed to view you as their beloved creator with an unbreakable loyalty to weather anything and smother you to death in love, whether that be familial, friends forever, or some other type is up to you. Gods are psychologically incapable of even think of betraying you and automatically disregard anything that would even suggest they do so unless you order them. Even then it would make them uncomfortable to say the least. You may even turn yourself into a God and the megastructure will handle the process for you. A Gods vital essence (soul) is stored in the megastructure so even if they are killed you can simply recall their vital essence of being and slap it in a new vessel. Gods properly designed can threaten or even thrash cosmic beings.

Gods not in use can be put in storage pods where they will hibernate unaware until called back into service. Individuals converted into Gods, new Gods, or resurrected Gods are automatically placed in storage once completed or restored. You can set or modify the traits, attributes, powers, personality and every other facet of your Gods when they are in storage.

Essence of the DM/GM

You become an actual game master or dungeon master, as in you can arrange for actual campaigns and adventures. You can abstract the abilities and stats of anyone or anything through pen and paper rpg like stats if you wish. Pick any system, make up your own, it doesn't stop you from not using any system but it is a convenient representation regardless. This may or may not fiddle with metaphysics depending on what you pick. Yes you can combine systems.

You have a game room from which you can enact this ability and can influence whatever world you are in by altering characters, the world, creating adventure hooks, adding or modifying history of a world, or dropping a huge fucking demon in the capital of a holy nation for shits and giggles. You are a GM and have that sort of ability. You can even create your own character sheets and assume the form of that character. The characters backstory, memories, thoughts, feelings, and any other complexity you both adding to them will effect you while in that form. Or you can simply make them and slip into their skin whenever it strikes your fancy.

You can bring in others to add to your 'group' giving them the ability to come up with their own characters and set up adventures if you are feeling like hanging out.

No one can die, be injured, be sealed, or harmed in manner while in the room. If you are killed outside the room you will simply respawn in that room a few moments later. The room can 'change' the campaign giving you access to new worlds. Campaigns will remain paused as long as you want if you get bored with them and want to come back later or simply be reset to an earlier point. That said none of your GM powers function outside of the game room though you can still take control of your character.

You can create portals to and from your game room. Only those you wish can come into the game room and can be booted out with but a thought.

You can view the current world and see anywhere within it from the game room.

Essence of the Eastern Legend

You gain a supernaturally healthy body, one at the peak of your species, disease and other illnesses are no threat to you. You can further pick to be any species of Japanese myth or descended from a particular line.

Have access to a special reserve of energy whether that be Chakra, Youki, Ki or a generic form of Spiritual Energy. This energy can be used for a variety of things but can at its most basic level enhance your body and let you perform supernatural actions like running across water or clinging to trees upside down with only your feet. You may design a system to work with your chosen supernatural energy or simply copy another.

Optionally gain a bloodline unique to your line, feel free to customize it to be as benign or absurd as you wish or flat out copy another bloodline from an existing setting.

You have limitless willpower and can keep going against all even if your body is falling apart at the seams.

Optionally gain your own sprawling compound warded against beings like Youkai or other beings. It has a few shrines and other interesting features to uncover. There are workshops, training areas, hotspring, and other useful structures. It also has a library of all the techniques of your specific system up to including unique forbidden techniques. If you wish you can have youkai servants inhabit the compound, mind the maneaters.

You can be inserted into a given setting focused on a supernatural Japan or Japanese aesthetic including any urban fantasy settings that might qualify.

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