This idea is pretty simple, though as I write this, that may change later on. The idea is for a post UBW Emiya Shirou, or alternatively Archer, to basically just somehow exist in the world of Highschool DxD, and cause chaos wherever he goes with whatever he does. For convenience's sake, I'm just going to refer to Shirou/Archer as Emiya, so that this explanation can work for both characters.
I want the leaders of every faction to know about Emiya, and be absolutely frightened by him, but for not a single one of the subordinates of the leaders to have a single clue about his existence. I want him to be best friends with Ophis, Great Red, and Azazel, while simultaneously having them also be terrified by Emiya's very presence. Also have him be on bad terms with Serafall Leviathan and Sirzechs Lucifer, and have Serafall become more serious whenever he's brought up in a conversation or nearby.
I then want Emiya to become involved with the plot of Highschool DxD, and dismantle every single enemy that the cast comes across like with practiced ease. I mean this in the sense that he should have no difficulties whatsoever during his fights, or have anything that catches him off guard; Emiya should be well aware of every power in the DxD universe and how to combat them.
Have all of the character's main moments in DxD right in the middle of happening, and just have Emiya swoop in and defeat the enemy instead, leaving them all confused and dejected. Have them initially try to win battles on their own, but eventually get used to it happening, and have them just give up on ever defeating enemies on their own without his help in some way or another.
Have Sirzechs and Serafall threaten Emiya because he's interfering with their sisters' business in Kuoh, but in actuality be too frightened by him to act. Also, just throw in Zelretch throughout the plot, for no reason, just to have it happen.
To summarize, with this idea I just want chaos with EMIYA Shirou/Archer being in the world of Highschool DxD, so have fun with that, if you write the idea.
Other than Fate or Bleach ideas relating to the series, any new Toaru ideas I have will be posted on a newer collection of ideas relating to the Toaru series specifically from now on.
This idea can go either way with what world it's focused on,but I want the same general plot for either one. In other words, I either want Archer in the world of Toaru, or Kamijou Touma in the world of Fate/ stay night. I won't go too much in detail on the specifics of each one; I'll mainly just focus on where I want the plot to end up.
Whatever world you're focusing on, the main characters should be both Kamijou Touma and Archer, not one or the other. I want this story to advance differently from the canon of Fate/stay night, if you chose that world, but I want the Toaru canon to mostly be the same, with minor differences.
I want Kamijou Touma to break Archer's illusion of him being eternally trapped in his role as a counter guardian. I also want Imagine breaker to be able to negate Archer's contract with Alaya, at least while Archer is touching Imagine Breaker. For Archer to really be free, that mainly depends on the world you choose. If it's in the Toaru world, then just touching Imagine Breaker once should be enough to break the contract, but if he's in the world of Fate/stay night, I want him to be transported back to the Toaru world with Touma, while he's holding on to Imagine Breaker.
I want Touma to remind Archer of his past ideals, and for Archer to initially hate him for that. Following the illusion shattering, I want Archer and Touma to coexist in the world of Toaru, with Archer staying with Touma, Index, and possibly Othinus, depending on where you insert this into the timeline of Toaru. You can then continue the story of Toaru from wherever the world has left off prior to the events of this story, only this time with Archer included, or you can just end the story there.
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