Over the course of the next twenty-four hours, Caden was swamped with a ton of work. Interfering with the daily life of the entire empire was no simple thing.
What was more was that he had to spread this information across the two empires to ensure a total world lockdown.
For the sake of everyone's safety, he had to do it.
It seemed like he was acting rashly at first, but after a few phone calls, he came to the realisation that the same thing was happening in many other places.
There seemed to be violent incidents similar to his description going on across the two empires, random acts of aggression which were followed by feral transformations that had—until only recently— been considered a thing of the past.
It went without saying that he had to deal with the whiplash that came with this decision. Offering solutions to each and every problem that was sent his way took a toll on him… but this was what he'd been training his mind for.
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