[Author’s Note: I should have mentioned this in chapter seventeen, but I forgot to. For anyone not familiar with the D-(number) in the kpop industry... It’s a countdown for an event, while D-Day is the actual day of the event. So here is D-34, which is 34 days until the tour begins and so on!]
(Content Warning: This chapter contains mature themes and content. Dreams/Nightmares.)
[ Webnovel ©Lynnifer Ice ]
_________________________ ~ D-34 ~ {Sunday, March 5th}
3 A.M. - That’s what the clock said......only it wasn’t my clock that I was looking at. I felt a warm breath against the back of my neck. I froze, a chill shooting down my spine. My heart started pounding in my ears; I felt scared to turn around or even move a muscle.
What the hell happened? Where am I? Who is behind me? Wait...