The moment he heard her firm, majestic voice, he had an inkling of her intention. As cold as her voice sounded, her heart was as pristine as white snow, clean and untainted. On finding out the villagers' ritual got ruined because of them, his first thought was to compensate them.
She, on the other hand, was compelled to unchain the many innocent girls from the shackles of sacrificial ritual. Crown Prince Lail was already impressed with the woman's magnificent magical abilities. Her kind nature had now earned his respect.
"We will follow your plan." He decisively replied.
Since he planned to stay in the village for a few days anyway, there was no problem in agreeing with her proposal. Besides, this will give them enough time to stabilize their chaotic Realm Heart and recover their elemental energy.
Princess Qamari looked at the bawling crowd and indifferently swung her sword.
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Will be on break after Crown Princess Consort. Updates in Nov.