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24.29% Zero Fate against the world (Old Version) / Chapter 22: Philip, the Warden, joins the Academy

Bab 22: Philip, the Warden, joins the Academy

A little late but here it is.


https://www.p@tr3on.com/AbadomWriter or this one if you are having trouble https://www.p@t3eon.com/AbadomWriter?fan_landing=true





'Philip stepped out of the Ring's branch and into the open.'

'The sun now shinned on his face, his eyes squinted a bit due to the sudden change.'

"Alright… Where am I?" Said Philip as he looked around the place

'He had just finished his scary encounter with lady Iu of the Rings, and now, he had to wait until his identity was ready so he could proceed with the plan.'

'But what surprised Philip was the fact that he had actually been teleported straight towards the center of the city!'

'He knew that due to the immense statue and fountain located in the center of an immense plaza, it was the statue of the founder and a very well know tourist hot spot.'

'He looked behind him, the dark shop he had just left seemed just like any shop in the street, there was even a glass wall so he could see inside.'


They are hiding in plain sight, if someone was to enter the shop, they wouldn't even realize that this place is actually one of the main branches of the Rings…

Impressive, magic is truly incredible… Or whatever they are using to hide this.

'Turning around once again, Philip gazed at the many shops around the plaza, they all looked rather expensive, and for a reason!'

'This was probably one of the most valuable areas in the entire city! It was its very center where the statue of the city's founder was located.'

(Imagine a circular plaza with a circular street around it, many shops were on the side of the street and there was a massive statue in the middle of the plaza)


I can't just wait for my documents to be made, it would be too much of a time waste.

'Philip sat at a nearby bench as he thought.'

"Hahaha!" Screamed a child

"Come back here! You are cheating!" Screamed another child as he ran after the other

'As Philip thought, he could hear and see the peaceful sight of children playing around.'

'He could see tourists looking around the place and couples relaxing everywhere.'


It is sad and hard to think that in a few years this place would turn into a battleground due to war.

'Philip shook his head as focused.'

I can't just enter the academy with nothing on me, so it would be appropriate if I bought something like a briefcase.

After all, I can't just store everything in my inventory. Even though I could disguise it as space magic, a storage tool or something of the sort, such items are rather rare and they wouldn't fit with my current objective of laying low while I gather my stuff.

I can't be complacent, nobles and other influential groups have their eyes, hands, and ears everywhere after all.

Even more so when you consider what I have to do…

Apart from a briefcase, it would also be good for me to spend some time in the library.

I need to learn more about the nobles and history of this place so I don't end up offending someone for no reason.

"... A briefcase comes first." He said as he got up

'Philip looked around the place before he set his eyes upon a nice shop with several things such as the briefcases he was looking for.'

Considering it is within this area… It must be a high-class shop.

'His eyes locked on a small price tag.'

"3 Silver and 7 Big Copper…" He said as he scratched his chin

That's absurdly expensive.

Going quickly over the economy of the continent…

Each nation has its own currency, that's obvious.

Even in some countries, there are cases where a territory has its own currency as well.

Just like feudal times on Earth.

However, there is a standard that is used across all nations, and that is the 'Big Three' Law.

Copper -> Silver -> Gold

In almost every nation you go to, you will always find their currency to be balanced in this way.

They may have different ratios, but thanks to the modernization of communication and transportation, things like buying cheap silver in a country and selling it in another country have greatly diminished.

Since it isn't as easy nor as profitable to do, it can be even considered illegal in some countries...

Also, because of the extreme importance of this city, many surrounding nations have adopted the city's currency as their main one.

It goes like this:

Copper pieces -> Small Copper -> Big Copper -> Silver pieces -> Silver -> Gold pieces -> Gold -> Big Gold -> Gold Bar…

There are a few more layers to this…

As for how valuable they are, 10 Copper pieces make one Small Copper, and so on.

Meaning, 1 Silver is around 10K Copper pieces.

To put into perspective… A normal family of 4 inhabitants and 1 pet with an average house of around 2 floors and a basement in a medium housing district will spend around one Big Copper daily.

This includes monthly tax and rent upon other things.

For this average family, this one briefcase will cost 37 days worth of expenses, which can be around the monthly salary of one of the parental figures…

This may be huge for something like a briefcase, but isn't the same thing happening on Earth?

Although in there, the big things would normally be jewelry and other things such as… Online images…

Each culture has its own values.

Some people live with 1US Dollar a day while some others gain 100K US Dollars a day.

It is the same here.

"And in any case, this city is quite balanced, at the very least, there aren't any homeless since the treatment for the poor is quite thorough…"

Finding a job is easy and you can always rent/buy a house with enough effort even if it's in the poorest district.

And despite that, there is a fully functional sewer system and other things in there, something you might not even find on Earth if you were to draw a comparison.

The problem is not on the distribution of riches per se but the racial problems…

The crime rate for things like robbery is low, but hate crimes are rather high...

'It was very subtle due to the concentration of people on the Plaza, but Philip could see that the majority of people were Humans.'

'Although Humans may be the majority, out of 10 people he saw, 6-7 were Humans while the rest were of other races.'

'He could see that from time to time, some people would take glances at other races and vice versa.'

'Although, it was mostly estrangement rather than anger and disgust as he saw from most of the Elves.'

'In fact, the Elves aren't showing disgust towards Humans but towards other Demi-Human races such as Orcs.'

'As he discussed before with Dae, most of the young and juvenile Elfs, those from the most recent generations don't really show the same disgust and resentment as that of the older Elves.'

'However, Elves are still pretty racist towards these 'beast-like races' due to their territorial and political problems…'

'Overall, this world has its own problems, issues, and specialties.'

'It might be a fantasy-like world, but it was by no means, a Fantasy…'

'Philip walked into an alley and took out a few things from his inventory.'

'A small sachel to store a few Gold and Silver coins he got from Iu and a black cane.'

'Why a cane? Because it looked stylish, and also…'

[Threaded Cane +9

One of the trick weapons of the workshop, commonly used by hunters on their duties, this particular cane has been greatly modified and rebuilt from the ground up to perfectly suit a particular person's twisted needs.

Sufficiently deadly as a rigid-bladed cane, but also serves as a whip when its blade is split into many.

Its deadly razors have been changed towards a slimmer variant that focuses on sharpness rather than tearing.

Its mechanism has been greatly improved, enhancing the strength and hardness of the materials that compose the cane.

Many engravings were etched upon the body of the cane; what they mean is unknown as they may not mean anything at all.

Concealing the weapon inside the cane and flogging the beasts with the whip is partly an act of ceremony, an attempt to demonstrate to oneself that the bloodlust of the hunt will never encroach upon the soul.


[Sewed Satchel

A small Satchel that was sewn by a Hunter between his many hunts.

Sometimes, even a battle-hardened Hunter may get bored of the brutal battlegrounds.

Each Hunter finds their own way of passing time; this particular Hunter has discovered solace in the art of sewing.


'With everything in hands, Philip left the alley back into the plaza.'

'Nothing had changed, everything was still the same.'

'What did you expect? Philip left for less than a minute…'

'Without any more distractions, Philip entered the shop…'

/Cling ding ding…/

'The classic ring of the doorbell sounded as Philip entered the shop.'

'From the outside, Philip had the impression this was a shop specialized in briefcases but he was wrong as the shop sold all sorts of clothing.'

'Expensive clothing…'

"Welcome customer, how may I help you?" Said a man on the side

'Philip turned around and looked at the man, he was wearing a brown suit and pants.'

'His long hair was tied to a ponytail behind his head, and he had a small rectangular metal insignia on his chest with his name on it.'

"I wish to buy a briefcase, this is my budget, get me one that goes well with my current clothing." Said Philip in a solemn tone

'Philip didn't want to cause any misunderstandings or awkward situations, so he just cut straight to his objective.'

'He gave the man the sachel with 5 Silver coins inside of it.'

'Upon seeing this, the man smiled and pointed towards the back section.'

"Please follow me, mister, I know exactly what you want." He said as he bowed

'Philip followed the man and started to hear his suggestions.'

'All of them fit into his condition, in fact, the man seemed to have gone beyond that, offering products that were also resilient.'

'Most likely, the man recognized that Philips clothes, despite being fashionable, were actually rather resistant.'

'Since they were made to be used while hunting…'

'Nevertheless, Philip left the shop 4 Silver coins poorer… And with a cool briefcase.'

"It's big." Said Philip as he gazed at the building in front of him

'After buying the briefcase, Philip went on a stroll around the city and soon found out the location of the library.'

'After around an hour walking around the place, he finally arrived.'

"Now… How do I enter?" He asked himself as he looked around

'He noticed that there were no doors in the library, in fact, there weren't even windows in there…'

'After a while, he asked someone and the person pointed towards a strange object near the library wall.'

'Ít looked like an oversized trash bin… He did think this was some sort of magic item, but not this…'

"5 SMALL COPPER PLEASE!" Said the strange machine in front of the library

'It was a ticket machine…'

"Rather expensive…" Said Philip as he opened his satchel

"YOU CAN ALSO PAY 1 SMALL COPPER FOR 3 HOURS!" Said the ticket machine in its robotic tone

"I will have the 24 hour pass." He said as he placed the coins inside a small compartment

"CALCULATING…. CHANGE…" Said the machine

/Cling cling cling…/

'A small opening appeared and several coins rolled out into a small compartment.'

'Philip didnt have coppers on his hand, so it was good to get some small change.'


'With a bit of white smoke, a small card was ejected out of the Machine, Philip picket the card and…'

"What do I do with this now?" He asked the machine

"JUST WALK INTO THE WALL." It replied with its emotionless tone


'As the machine did, Philip walked into the wall with his left hand forward.'


'The wall gave in like water, and out of nowhere, a suction force sucked Philip inside.'

'Or at least tried, Philip easily resisted the force and entered the library calmly.'

'The people who were watching the scene were rather disappointed, it was always a small show seeing someone new entering the library.'

'It was very fun seeing people scream in fear as they were suddenly sucked in…'

"What a novel feeling." Said Philip as he stepped out of the wall

It feels as if… If I were to swim in gelatin?

What if I tried to breathe?... Better to not find out.


'Suddenly, a small light flashed on top of Philip and a small creature appeared.'

'It looked like a small Human, but it was the size of Philip's hand, green, and it had a pair of small antlers on its head.'

'It also had insect wings on its back.'

"Welcome to the library! I am Piti, your assistant for the day!" Said the small creature in excitement as it pointed toward the ceiling

'The library was beautiful and magnificent.'

'Although it didn't have any windows, the place was not dark in the slightest.'

'It was composed of 4 floors, and from the first floor you could see all the way towards the ceiling that was actually made out of glass, allowing the light of the sun to enter.'

'The place was completely silent however, it was filled to the brim with people.'

'Young and old, all were reading books quietly at their own tables.'

'It was rather faint, but Philip could feel the presence of people hiding in the shadows, perhaps they were the guards?'

'Otherwise, it would be rather strange for this place to have no guards.'

"Nice to meet you Piti, can you lead me to the history section, if there is any?" Asked Philip in a straightforward way

"Of course!" Said the little creature as it started to fly

'On the way, Piti never stopped talking…'

'It talked about the overall structure of the library, its history, and who manages the place.'

'Philip also noticed the fact that he couldn't see other creatures similar to Piti, but the small creature replied saying that they would appear to the people assigned to them.'

'That is in order to not oversaturate the area with them due to their light…'

'Also, Philip is the only one who can currently hear Piti.'

'Eventually, Piti led Philip towards a table on the second floor of the library.'

"This is the place! Most of the history books are located in this area just tell me what you wish and I will bring it to you!" He said as he patted his chest

"You said it was most, what about the other books?" Asked Philip

"Hm… They are on the third floor, however, you need to pay extra to go there…" Said Piti in a sad tone

"I understand… Then, shall we start?" Asked Philip as he sat on the chair

'Piti saluted!'

'The hours passed as Philip continued to 'read' the books.'

'Piti was rather confused as Philip just skimmed through the books at high speeds before asking for another.'

'He felt rather offended since he loved the books, but when he discussed with Philip, he realized that the man had actually understood the entire book!'

'The man in front of him wasn't just any customer! It was certainly… A master reader…'

"... Will do!" Said Piti as he left to get yet another book

"... He has left, how about you appear." Asked Philip as he looked toward a shelf


"My apologies, I did not intend to creep on you like this. Its standard protocol." Said a man wearing some casual clothes

'He had a large pointy hat on his head.'

'His hair was orange and his eyes were also orange, quite unusual.'

How did he notice me?...

I guess this isn't a VIP for nothing.

"I imagine this is about my previous request?" Asked Philip

'The man nodded before taking out a small box from a hidden pocket of his jacket.'

"Everything is here, inside this storage device… You can stay with the space tool, a small gift from our side." Said the man as he carefully placed the box on the table

'He removed his hat and sat on the table.'

'Philip didn't say much as he accepted the box and placed it inside his briefcase.'

"Also, I have a message from the branch manager: I hope this is to your liking Mr.Philip, you will always be welcomed as a VIP in our branch." Said the man

"The message is rather brief." Said Philip as he chuckled

"She's like that, don't take it personally please." Said the man

"... I understand, send her my regards as well." Replied Philip

"Inside the box you will also find other small pieces of information such as the method to contact us in case you are in need of our services." Said the man as he put on his hat once again


'After a few more words of explanations, the man left.'


'Soon enough, Piti returned with a book in his hands. The book was bigger than its body…'

"Piti, can I ask you something?" Said Philip

"Huh?... Of course!"

"How do I apply to become a professor at the Parad academy?" He asked

"What?… At the extreme North of the city, you will find a large building, that's the Parad Train Station, in there, you will find all of the information you want."

'Piti thought for a bit more before he said:'

"The school has resumed classes after its recess period, however, that doesn't mean you will be able to get a job."

"It's already hard to become a student there, much less a teacher, the qualifications are… Very big."

"I heard that even thee assistants there are 4th Circle Magicians or Warriors of the same rank…"

'But Philip just smiled.'

I already know that little thing…

'He got up from his table.'

"Eh? Are you leaving?" Asked Piti

"I imagine they are still open right? I can't lose time." Said Philip

"... I understand, in that case, have safe travels, Philip!" Said Piti as he saluted cutely

"See you next time little friend…" Said Philip as he went to the stairs

Piti is a Woodlander.

The Woodlanders is a race of creatures similar to fairies but they are not fairies in any way whatsoever.

They are a very weak race that had to rely on others to survive, but the truth is that Woodlanders have a great affinity with nature.

Thus making them the best gardeners… They also live very long.

But does living long matter when you can be killed with a sandal?

'It hadn't been long since the sun set, as such, many shops were still open.'

'The Magic city was still just as bright as day thanks to the many light poles on the streets.'

'They were pretty similar to those on Earth, but the essence was completely different.'

'Inside them were strange yellow marbles releasing a strong light into its surroundings.'

'The yellow light gave the city a strange feel. Under it, the city's strange architecture reminiscent of the Victorian era seemed almost magical.'

"I guess this is the place." Said Philip as he gazed forward

'In front of him was a large skyscraper building, built using the tall walls of the city as a foundation.'

'From this perspective…'

"It looks like a cock…" Said Philip

A rectangular base and a tall rectangular tower…

It might look incredible, but my mind can't help but identify it as a massive dildo.

'Purging his childish thoughts from his head, Philip entered the building.'

"Fancy." He said the moment he stepped inside

'It has a rather modern look.'

'Movement was rather small, but he could still see many young people entering the building.'

'They were the students who were returning to school… Albeit late, they were still returning.'

'But there was one thing in common that every one of them had, it was a person or two following behind them.'

As expected, the students from this place are mostly rich kids.

Be it the descendants of influential people or nobles…

'Philip also saw things that seemed like robots walking around the place.'

'But he knew those were most likely golems. Precisely engineered constructs given life by magic or whatever.'

'Without wasting more time appreciating the scenery, Philip made his way to the Job application area by following a series of well-positioned metal signs.'

'From magical escalators to strange elevators, Philip continued to traverse this strange and complicated area that would make someone with bad directions meet Zoro.'

"Is this it?" He said after he got out of the silver floating plate

'As soon as he stepped out of it, the silver plate started to float back towards the first floor.'

/Job Application Area/ Said the sign on the ceiling

"This is it."

'As he looked around, he actually saw many people, way more than he expected.'

'After all, he knew very well that these people were either here for one of two jobs…'

Jailor and Warden.

A Jailor is a very simple job, but one that requires a certain degree of aptitude and experience.

Your requirements are to be good enough at Magic engineering so you can fix something when it breaks and to maintain most of the systems on the school and its affluent facilities.

Simple job for simple pay.

'He looked around and found the waiting line for the Warden application.'

'It was twice larger than the other one…'

'He continued to think as he waited.'

But Warden…

Warden is different because you have zero responsibilities.

So what do you do?

… You are a living punching bag.

More exactly, you are an all-rounder worker, something similar to a paid slave.

A Warden's main objective is to serve as a sparring partner for the students and to be an assistant for a teacher in case the already assigned assistant is not present or unavailable.

You also act in accordance to any miscellaneous requests such as fixing a problem in the magic elevators for example.

That's why the requirements state that you need to be at least a 1 Circle magician or have the capabilities of one.

However, the problem is that this is an academy of Nobles… Arrogant Nobles and teens on their puberty where their fucking Hormones are at 300%.

Add the spice that is their overflowing nationalism and their racism to other races, the tension of War in the air and you have…

The death rate of a Warden is of… Over 90%.

You can already imagine why...

And from that 10%, 9/10 will retire after their yearly contract ends.

Either due to a debilitating injury or due to fear.

However, being Warden has several benefits.

An incredible pay of around a Silver coin daily and free access to many areas within the school campus depending on your rank.

Wardens have several ranks, from 1 to 5, each correlated with the wizard ranks.

Meaning that, if you somehow manage to reach Rank 5, you would be equal if not higher in authority than a teacher, who at their lowest is a 5th Circle wizard.

Your pay and freedom would be unmatched, a true fierce being…

An insane pay of one Big Gold per day plus access to pretty much all areas of the academy.

But you can only enjoy those if you aren't on duty or if you are well… Alive.

As a Warden, the best way to survive is to stay low, that way, those arrogant students won't pull your leg and kill you 'accidentally'.

After all think, if you piss off a student, he can do everything possible to make your life miserable while you can't do anything to them…

A Warden has no responsibilities, this means, no work. If you somehow manage to stay low, it is possible to stay weeks in the library reading and studying while being paid without doing a single thing.

But it is also possible to spend every single moment from 7Am to 10Pm working and fighting…

One day, you would fall and… Die.

Thankfully, even wardens have work hours, else, I wouldn't be surprised if some were to work full 24H.

Each rank of Warden is assigned towards a specific year.

Meaning, a Tier 1 Warden is assigned to the first year, while a Tier 5 is assigned to the last year students.

I only need to reach Tier 2 so that I can get access to a few areas… And since my strength is already more than enough, there is no pressure at all.

"Next!" Said the receptionist


My turn.

'Philip made his way towards the woman, who gave him a small piece of paper with several things in it.'

'It was a contract.'

"That's a contract example, make sure to memorize it and see if you are apt for the conditions stated in it."

"You will see a number on the top right section, please, go to the waiting area on the side and wait for your number to be called so we can do a personal interview." She said as fixed her glasses

'She also pointed towards a spot on the air and Philip saw numbers.'

/234… 235/

"I am… 248." Said Philip as he nodded to the girl and made his way towards a seat

For a Human butchery, this place is quite formal.

Well, I do understand people are coming here at their own volition, but they don't know how cruel the people at the other side of the academy can truly be.

They only know the death rate is high due to the people not being able to keep up with the work and dying of exhaustion.

But the pay is so high that for these workers…

Most of them will probably be eliminated since they don't meet the requirements.

But that's truly sad.

What makes a first Circle wizard desperate enough to have to do this?

'Philip closed his eyes and relaxed as he waited for his turn.'

'The others around him looked at him with weird gazes.'

'How can he relax in a place like this?'

"Number 248" Said one of the workers in the counter

"Finally." Said Philip as he got up

'As he made his way to the counter, the female attendant pointed towards a door on the right.'

'There was a massive guard standing next to the door.'

[Lv ??]

'As expected, his Level was beyond 40.'

'The guard opened the door without any sound and Philip entered the room.'

"So… Number 248, nice to meet you, I will be your interviewer this time, you may call me Mr.Polish." He said as he gazed at Philip

'The man looked rather young, having long hair tied to a ponytail and a chubby beard.'

'He seemed quite easygoing since his shirt was half opened, even though this was a place where he is required to be formal.'

'And Philip knew that, if he wasn't being scolded, it was because there was no need to… This meant he was either very professional…'

'Or that he was very influential. Since this code of conduct wouldn't have been accepted in this place otherwise.'

"Nice to meet you, my name is Philip." He said as he grabbed Polish's hand and did a handshake

"You aren't really that nervous Mr. Philip. May I ask why?" He asked

"Because I came here with a purpose." He replied

'The man's eyes frowned a bit, but he smiled as he asked:'

"May I have your documents?" He asked

"Of course." Said Philip as he opened his briefcase and took out the papers

'But only the essential ones.'

'For the next few minutes, Polish continued to go over the papers…'

'He used some tools and other things in order to check the papers, but in the end, he said:'

"Everything is in order." He said as he carefully organized the documents and gave them back to Philip



'Suddenly, the pencil on Polish's hand turned into an afterimage as it flew directly towards Philip's head.'


'But Philip easily grabbed it in the air.'

"What's the meaning of this?" Asked Philip, but he knew what was happening

'The man smiled as he said:'

"A small test, if you can't even evade this, then it's better for you to leave this place with only a bleeding forehead rather than losing your life in there." He said as he wrote something else on a paper with another pen

"Tell me Mr.Philip, what is your motive in entering our academy as a Warden when you already have these capabilities?" Asked the man

"... I need to improve myself, and I can't do that as easily as inside the academy." He said

It is not a lie, but it's a half-truth.

I need to do way more than just improve myself inside the academy…

"So it's a question of resources… It is true we can provide you with what you seek, however, I am sure there are other institutions out there that can provide you similar results in a much safer environment." He said as he continued to press Philip

"And what other options do I have? All of these institutions you speak off would in a sense, deprive me of my freedom for many years in exchange for said resources." Replied Philip

"And in what way is our academy different from them?" Asked the man

"Because here, as long as I rise in the ranks I can achieve a freedom much higher than those organizations."

"That would be a dangerous path." Said the man as he laughed


'The man suddenly disappeared as he reappeared behind Philip and struck his neck with the sharp end of the pen.'



'But Philip pulled out a small knife from inside his briefcase and deflected the strike.'

"You blocked that… It seems your ability is a bit higher than what is said in the documents." Said the examiner as he smiled

"They may be a bit outdated." Said Philip in an ironic tone


'The man returned to the table and took out a small piece of paper.'

"This is?" Asked Philip

"The contract of course, make sure to read it thoroughly since it will be binding on you for the next year."

"I imagine you already know the terms and conditions, so I won't repeat them here."

'After reading the contract and analyzing it from top to bottom, Philip signed his name with his blood at the end.'

[The Contract has been signed]

'Ignoring the system notification, Philip locked his gaze on a small circular badge on the hand of the examiner.'

(Normal people wouldn't receive this notification, but the Mc is part of the heroes who can see the system at all times)

"I already passed most of your information into this, but the rest will be done at most until tomorrow's night."

"This is your identity badge, and it will be what the students will use to identify you, make sure to wear it at all times within the academy grounds, else, you will receive a penalty."

"Some things will not be counted if the badge is not on your either..."

'After that, he caressed the badge, it started to shine before releasing a light into the air.'

'The light took the form of several words and information…'

"This is your… Curriculum. Here, you can monitor your academics in real time."

"See that number below your name? Those are your credits, if it ever reaches zero, you will be expelled after one week from the academy unless you finish a certain task within that time."

"No matter how much time is left until the one year end, that will count as a violation of the contract and you will be forced to pay for breaking it."


Sigh, I knew it but… This is really brutal.

"As you can see, every Warden starts with 50 credits, but I gave you 100 more since you are rather strong. Unfortunately, I can't give you more, nor can I promote you directly to Rank 2."

Since with 200, you can apply to become a Rank 2 Warden, gaining way more benefits.

If Rank 2 Wardens are treated as normal workers, Rank 1 aren't even people…

"Work hard so you can gather that remaining 50 points as fast as possible, trust me, that's the way to go." Said the interviewer

"Bellow that is your achievements, pretty much, they are special accomplishments that can be given by both students and teachers alike, they are very important in some scenarios."

"And below that are your penalties, the contrary of the Achievements but they work in the same way." He explained

"The rest is self explanatory, you will learn with time." He said as he gazed at a strange object on the ceiling

'It looked like a large balloon, a blue balloon.'

"Time's up." He said

"One last question." Said Philip

"Ask away."

"How do I enter the academy?"

"Eager to work are we?" Said the man as he took out a small piece of paper from the drawer beneath the table

"Here's your ticket, normally, you would receive one within 1-3 days, but I always have a few in case the situation arises, just go to the main area on the first floor and follow the students, that will lead you to the Sky elevator."

"Thank you." Said Philip

"My pleasure." He said


'The door closed with a clicking sound, sounding the end of his interview.'

"Phew…" Exhaled Philip

I did it.

Next step… The fucking academy…

I miss the days when all I did was play games in my room…

Although studying magic is also pretty interesting.

'Philip ignored the gaze of the others as he made his way down towards the first floor.'

'He soon found the students. At this time, there were only a few students, so it did take a minute or two until he spotted one thought.'

'If it had taken any longer, he would've gone on his way and asked someone.'

'In any case, he followed them until he arrived at a large open area within the building.

'On the middle of the area, a tall glass tower laid in wait, several people could be seen around it.'

'He soon saw one of the students giving something to one of the guards and the guard allowed the person to walk near the glass tower.'

'And just like in the library, the person passed straight through the glass and started to levitate as soon as they stepped inside, and in no time at all, they went out of his vision.'

"Pretty cool, I wonder how it feels."

'Philip joined the line and despite the looks of the people around him, he ignored everyone until it was his turn.'

"Here." Said Philip as he handed the ticket to the guard

'The guard inspected the ticket and made way to Philip.'


'It was a different sensation from last time, this time, he felt as if he was passing through one of those thin curtains of water, and that his body was being washed by water.'

'Once he entered the glass tower, under the gazes of dozens of people, Philip started to ascend, making his way towards the academy…'





Enough background, start the adventure!

The Mc has entered the academy... Sort of, there is still the train...

In any case, expect some growth in the Mc's strength and a time skip soon.


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Status Power Mingguan

Rank -- Peringkat Power
Stone -- Power stone

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Komentar pada bab

Tulis ulasan Status Membaca: C22
Gagal mengirim. Silakan coba lagi
  • Kualitas penulisan
  • Stabilitas Pembaruan
  • Pengembangan Cerita
  • Desain Karakter
  • Latar Belakang Dunia

Skor total 0.0

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Pilih Power Stone
Rank NO.-- Peringkat Power
Stone -- Batu Daya
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