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Chapter 45: It's Hero Time

All of Stryker's former prisoners having agreed to joined the Guardians, I nodded my head in satisfaction.

Stopping after a few seconds I looked at Sage.

"Since all of you have decided to join us, please follow my little sister here and she will get you settled and answer any more questions you may have." I explained. "If you would be so kind Sage."

"No problem bro." Sage replied.

Right after she did so I snapped my fingers and opened a portal to the first floor of the Command Center.

"Everyone, please follow me." Sage spoke.

She then stood up and walked through the portal.

The former prisoners following right behind her.

As soon as everyone was through I closed the portal.

I then did a bit of magic to clean up the hangar.

After I was finished I gave a mock salute to everyone else before opening a portal and leaving the hangar myself.

Since there were still some things I needed to take care of before completely closing the book on William Stryker.


Stepping out of the elevator I found myself on the tenth floor of the Command Center where the holding cells were located.

Once I saw I walked straight to the holding cell where I portal'd Jason too earlier.

Arriving in front of it I stared at him.

The broken man staring right back at me.

We held each others gazes for a few seconds before I broke it.

I then moved and entered his cell.

The moment after I did so I walked right up to Jason and injected him with the syringe I held in my left hand, which held the simplified Extremis Serum Maya and I had developed.

(A/N: The simplified Extremis Version is only a one time healing cure. It doesn't off any powers like the original Extremis Serum does. For those who were confused.)

After I dosed the young Stryker I stepped back and watched as the serum did its work.

Jason's body began glowing internally with a strong orange light, and wisps of smoke started rolling off him as well.

This continued for at least five minutes before it stopped, and once it did Jason looked the picture of health.

All the damage daddy dearest having inflicted on his body completely and utterly gone.

"What. This is...I'm back." I heard Jason mutter. Watching as he stood up from his wheelchair and started running his hands across his body.

A minute after he began doing so I saw tears start to stream out of his eyes and roll down his face.

I said nothing and let Jason have this moment, for if I was in his shoes I would be doing the exact same thing.

A few more minutes passed before Jason finally calmed down.

Once he did so he turned to look at me.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." Jason repeated to me over and over again.

"It's no problem." I replied to him. "My name is Roman by the way. And there are some things we need to discuss."

"Yes, of course." Jason replied.

Once he did the two of us then began having a nice long chat.

Which focused mainly on me asking Jason details about his father and what he wanted to do now that his father was dead and he had his life back.

In the end Jason wanted a new life, free from the memories of his parents and his powers.

"Ok. I can do that." I spoke.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." Jason said.

His eyes meeting mine when he did

The second this happened I felt Jason trying to infiltrate my mind.

But my defenses were too strong and he got nowhere.

The second after I realized what he tried to do I didn't hesitate. I grabbed Jason by his throat, lifted him slightly into the air, and then squeezed until I heard a popping noise.

The noise in question being Jason's neck snapping.

'Looks like he took more after his father than I thought.' I thought.

Dropping Jason body to the floor as I did.

Once I did I summoned a spell circle on my left hand and sent magical flames to burn Jason body.

After a minute he was nothing but ash.

Stopping the fire I summoned a portal under the ash which led to the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

When all of it had fallen into the sea I closed the portal and left the cell.

Hoping my second prisoner wouldn't try and back stab me as well, forcing me to kill them.


My hopes came to fruition.

Yuriko didn't attack me when I entered her cell and woke her up.

In fact she even apologized for her actions towards my people and the metahuman prisoners.

Reading her mind I knew she was telling the truth.

So with that I decided to offer her a job.

Which she accepted.

Once she did I called a meeting of everyone and explained the situation to them.

Naturally Stryker's former prisoners didn't take the news well.

But after Yuriko apologized directly to them, and Kurt vouching for her personally, the others in the group settled down.

Allowing for Yuriko to officially join the Guardians.

Though it will take some time for the former prisoners to trust her.

But I'm sure it will happen in due time.

And if not...well I have some methods I can use to make it happen.

For I will not allow infighting on my team.

At least not to the level it will affect their performance on missions.

So they all better come to terms with the way things are or else.


Standing in my personal lab, 'Earth, Wind & Fire' blaring in the background, I wore a satisfied smile on my face. As I stared at the first completed version of my superhero suit.

[Image Here]

I don't mean to toot my own horn, but I think this suit is one of my greatest creations to date.

But to truly make sure it is as great as I think it is there is only one way to be sure.

I need to use the suit in action.

Meaning its time to take this baby for a test drive.

Opening the clear glass case I put the suit in I touched it and then it glowed with several spell circles before it was absorbed into me.

Because I enchanted the suit with magic.

"Ok, so at least that part of the magic works." I mused. "Now let's see if the rest does too." I said.

I then pictured myself in my super suit and the second after I did so it materialized perfectly on my body.

Since one of the enchantment's I placed on the suit is that I call it mentally, and when it's not in use it stays in a personal pocket dimension I created myself.

"Ok, the magic looks good." I said. "Now then, time to go to work. It's Hero Time!" I exclaimed.

I then portal'd to the top of one of New York's skyscrapers.

Immediately after I did so I had my suit tap into the NYPD communications network.

The moment after I did so I heard of a crime perfect for me to use to introduce myself to the world.

"Robbery in progress, offenders have hostages. I repeat, the offenders have hostages. I need backup and SWAT rolled to my location ASAP." A male officers voice spoke with urgency.

Once he said the name of his location I was off.

Using my telekinesis I lifted myself into the air and started flying towards the location the officer mentioned over the radio.

Arriving I descended and landed in the ground superhero style.

Kneeling on my right knee with my right fist in the ground.

Man, did that feel good.

"Hey, who the fuck are you?!" One of the NYPD officers yelled at me.

But I ignored him.

Standing to my feet I quickly took in the situation before me.

A convenience store.

Heading inside, despite the numerous officers yelling at me, I heard the doorbell jingle.

Then I immediately saw a gun pointed at my face out of the corner of my eye.

Turning in the direction of the gun I saw its holder.

As well as another gunmen behind the counter, holding his own gun to the clerks head.

I also noted several people cowering in fear on the ground.

But there were no other suspects to be found.


"What the fuck are you supposed to be?!" The gunman in front of me snarled.

"You're worst nightmare." I spoke.

I then used my telekinesis to pull the guns out of both gunmen's hand.

Once I did so I sucker punched the gunmen in front of me before closing the distance to the one behind the counter and doing the very same thing.

Getting myself a double knockout.

When this was done I brought both guns to me using my telekinesis and crushed their barrels.

I then looked at all the hostages.

"It's okay. All of you are safe now." I said.

A few seconds after I did so everyone started standing to their feet.

Then one little boy who did looked right at me. "Mr. who are you?" He asked.

"You can call me Sentinel." I replied.

Having chosen the name for my hero persona long ago.


A name that holds a very special meaning.

Bolivar Trask names his mutant hutnting Robots Sentinels, and since I am here and will never let those things become a reality I decided to steal their name for myself.

Plus I think it's a cool name.

"Oh, thank you Mr. Sentinel." The boy said.

"No problem kid." I replied.

I then exited the store and found a bunch of NYPD officers pointing weapons at me.

Ignoring like before I used my telekinesis and flew into the sky.

I then started flying superman style.

Getting ready to stop a few more crimes before heading home.

Since by tomorrow morning I want the entire world to know Sentinel exists.

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