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78.57% Urban Primordial System / Chapter 88: Chapter 91:Never Alone: Countless Beings Follow You in Triumph and Tragedy

Bab 88: Chapter 91:Never Alone: Countless Beings Follow You in Triumph and Tragedy

<Initiating process...>

<Supreme Bloodline detected...>

<Process failed... Reinitiating...>

<Process failed... Reinitiating...>

<Process failed... Reinitiating...>

<Sacrificing Demigod Blood Essence...>

<Stable frequency between bloodlines found... Adjusting current affinities...>

<Optimizations complete... First phase of process complete...>

<Initiating second phase... Transformation...>

<Host may experience pain during the beginning of second phase... Please prepare yourself.>

"AAhhh!!!!" Agonizing screams pierced the air as Long Shin felt the very essence of his being, being torn apart from within.

Long Shin's agony was so intense that it overwhelmed his senses, causing his soul to shut down all brain and bodily activities, including his consciousness.

<Ding! Essence destruction complete>

Upon the system's announcement, Long Shin's physical body vanished into thin air, leaving behind only an astral projection of his soul and origin.

<Initiating Reshaping Process...>

As the system spoke, a cocoon of energy enveloped Long Shin's astral projection. The size of the cocoon was massive, towering above even the tallest buildings at a height of a hundred stories. The cocoon was comprised of pure universal energy, pulsating with unknown power.

<Ding! Transporting host's soul to "Chaos Realm of Absolute Beginning" ...>

Long Shin's soul floated in a dark space, weightless. It was as though it was suspended in a void, The darkness seemed to stretch on forever, and it was difficult to discern any direction or sense of movement, the absence of light and matter made it seem as if he existed in a space devoid of all creation. As if the universe had once again come into the beginning of time where the concept didn't exist.

Long Shin's soul remained unconscious in the void, a dark and endless space that seemed to stretch on forever. Suddenly, a voice filled the void, emanating from all directions at once. It was calm and majestic, carrying an air of authority that was undeniable. "So, you have finally arrived, Oh Successor of Primordial Chaos," the voice spoke, causing explosions to occur in the void. If Long Shin's soul had been conscious at the time, the sheer force of the voice's sound waves would have been enough to destroy it completely.

Another voice boomed through the darkness; its regal tone filled with ancient power. "Indeed, we have been awaiting your arrival for quite some time, young Successor of Primordial Chaos," the voice spoke with a commanding presence that seemed to shake the very foundation of the void.

Long Shin's astral form remained unconscious, unaware of the powerful beings speaking to him. Yet, their voices reverberated through the void, their words carrying a weight and importance that could not be ignored.

Abruptly, a pair of colossal golden eyes materialized before his astral form. The sheer magnitude of the majestic eyes was unfathomable, dwarfing even the largest structures and celestial bodies in the physical realm. One could hardly imagine their colossal size, as they seemed to peer into the very depths of Long Shin's soul.

The surrounding void began to shimmer and quiver in response to the appearance of the colossal golden eyes. The sheer magnitude of their presence was overwhelming

Next to the golden eyes, another pair of eyes appeared, equal in size and just as magnificent. These eyes were different, though. They held a regal beauty and a baleful flame that threatened to melt the very nothingness of the void. Long Shin's unconscious soul trembled as the eyes seemed to stare directly at him. The flames from these eyes were so intense that they lit up the entire void, casting a red glow on everything around them.

The void was now filled with a multitude of eyes, each pair emanating an incomprehensible amount of power. Some were majestic, others noble, and still others beautiful, but all shared the same awe-inspiring force that could rip apart the very essence of existence. The sheer presence of these eyes was enough to make one feel as if they were standing before the gods themselves.

As the pressure and power of the countless pairs of eyes increased, the void began to tremble and shake. Suddenly, a burst of light erupted from the eyes, and the darkness was dispelled. The light illuminated the void, revealing countless particles of cosmic dust floating in the vastness.

As the light continued to shine, the cosmic dust began to gather and form into clusters. The clusters grew larger and larger, and eventually, they formed into celestial bodies, such as stars, planets, and moons. The stars emitted bright and radiant light, while the planets orbited around them.

As the celestial bodies took shape, the elemental forces began to emerge. Primordial elements, such as fire, water, earth, and air, began to coalesce and interact with one another. They fused and separated, forming new combinations and compounds.

The interplay of these elemental forces gave rise to the creation of a myriad of life forms, from the smallest bacteria to the most complex organisms. This was the birth of the cosmos, the creation of the universe as we know it.

In a way, it was like the birth of Ying Yang from chaos, as the fundamental forces of the universe came together and interacted, creating balance and harmony in the universe.

As the darkness dissipated, the figures that had been shrouded in obscurity gradually came into focus. Each one was a towering, majestic being, emanating a divine aura that seemed to shake the very fabric of reality. They were the Early Borns of creation, the architects of the cosmos, and their presence was enough to instill awe and reverence in even the most jaded of souls. Their forms were like nothing that had ever been seen before, yet somehow, they felt familiar, as if they had always been a part of the grand tapestry of existence.

The golden eyes belonged to a huge majestic cosmic dragon, his whole body from head to toe was wrapped in shiny scales that glinted with the radiance of the stars. His massive form was awe-inspiring, and his presence commanded respect and reverence. The cosmic dragon's presence alone was enough to make one tremble in fear and awe. His massive body was covered in shimmering draconic scales, radiating an aura of supreme power and authority. His sharp claws could tear through space itself, while his piercing gaze could freeze the hearts of even the bravest warriors. The very air around him crackled with energy, and the sheer force of his presence caused the surrounding void to tremble and distort. He was the embodiment of domination and sovereignty, one of the true rulers of the cosmos.

The fiery eyes belonged to an equally large phoenix, whose beauty was matched only by the intensity of its baleful flames. The very rules of reality seemed to melt under the searing heat of its power. Its feathers were a kaleidoscope of colors, each one more brilliant than the last. The phoenix's form was elegant and graceful, but at the same time, it exuded an aura of danger and power that was impossible to ignore. The cosmic phoenix was a sight to behold. Its feathers blazed with an otherworldly fire, so hot that it seemed as if they would melt the very fabric of the universe. The flames were a rainbow of colors, ranging from bright yellow and orange to deep red and purple. The phoenix's wings spanned an incredible distance, stretching out so far that they seemed to touch the edges of the void. Its body was sleek and graceful, with every muscle rippling beneath its fiery feathers. The phoenix's eyes glowed with a fierce intensity, as if it were constantly fueled by the cosmic power that surrounded it. Despite the beauty of its appearance, there was an undeniable sense of danger emanating from the phoenix, as if it could incinerate anything that dared to cross its path.

The dragon and phoenix were not alone in the vastness of space. They were surrounded by a myriad of primordial creatures, each one more fearsome and powerful than the next. Giant serpents slithered through the darkness, their eyes glinting with ancient knowledge. Great beasts with fur as black as the void prowled the edges of the space, their razor-sharp claws leaving deep gouges in the fabric of reality.

There were creatures that defied description, writhing masses of tentacles and eyes that seemed to absorb all light. Their very presence was enough to warp the fabric of reality around them, and Long Shin's unconscious soul was caught in the middle of this maelstrom of power.

A cosmic wolf stood tall and proud among the other primordial creatures. Its body was lean and muscular, covered in midnight black fur that seemed to shimmer with a faint starlight. Two massive wings, black as night and tipped with silver feathers, protruded from its shoulders, seemingly able to carry the creature through the void with ease.

The wolf's most striking feature was its large, curved horns that adorned its head, reminiscent of a dragon's. They shone like polished obsidian and seemed to emit a subtle aura of power. The wolf's eyes were an intense yellow, filled with an intelligence that could rival even the most ancient of beings.

Its long tail, tipped with a tuft of silver fur, swayed gently behind it as it stood tall and regal. Every movement it made was fluid and graceful, belying its immense strength and power. It was a creature that demanded respect, and those who dared to cross its path would surely come to regret it.

As the cosmic wolf with wings, large tail, and draconic horns appeared, the surrounding void was violently destroyed. The elements began to run amok in their presence. Flames roared into existence, ice shattered and cracked, thunder boomed, and wind howled. The very fabric of reality itself seemed to warp and twist, unable to contain the overwhelming power of the cosmic wolf.

With every breath, the wolf exhaled energy that shook the very foundation of existence. The wings on its back spread wide, and a powerful gust of wind blasted out, shattering the darkness and revealing the full extent of the destruction around it.

But even with all this destruction, the cosmic wolf exuded a sense of regal strength and majesty. Its body was massive, covered in thick fur that seemed to shift and shimmer like the stars themselves. The horns on its head were curved and razor-sharp, gleaming with a dark, unearthly light.

In the midst of this chaos, the cosmic wolf seemed to be a calm, steady anchor, holding the surrounding void together even as the elements raged around it.

A cosmic behemoth appeared, it was a massive creature that stood taller than mountains and wider than the horizon. Its skin was thick and leathery, with a rough texture that looked like it could withstand the most devastating of blows. Its eyes were like orbs of molten lava, glowing with a fierce intensity that could incinerate anything in its path.

The behemoth's body was covered in jagged spikes and horns that glinted in the cosmic light. Its limbs were like tree trunks, thick and powerful, each ending in sharp claws that could tear through the fabric of space-time itself. Its massive tail whipped through the void, leaving trails of destruction in its wake.

As it moved, the very fabric of space-time seemed to warp and twist around it, as if struggling to contain the sheer power that emanated from the behemoth's form. The elements themselves seemed to run wild in its presence, bending and warping at its will.

Despite its immense size and power, there was a certain grace to the way the behemoth moved, like a dancer performing an intricate and deadly dance. It was a fearsome sight to behold, and one that filled all who saw it with a sense of awe and terror.

The creatures present in this space were not merely ancient and powerful, but they exuded an aura that left no doubt in one's mind that they held the power to destroy entire universes. They were beings that had existed since the beginning of time, their forms larger than life and their presence overwhelming. Each one of them emanated a unique energy that seemed to encompass the very essence of creation and destruction. One could feel the raw power they possessed just by being in their presence. It was as if the mere act of existing was a testament to their power, and any who dared to challenge them would meet with certain destruction.

The colossal Dragon gazed upon Long Shin's astral form with a regal air, his majestic eyes radiating a hint of benevolence. "We are filled with boundless joy that you have chosen us, the Primordial Dragons, to guide you. However, we also feel a deep sense of sorrow, for we know that the path ahead of you will be arduous beyond measure. The Heavens, the Earth, and the mighty rivers of Karma, Fate, and Destiny will test you at every turn of your life."

The Primordial Phoenix looked down upon Long Shin's astral form, its fiery eyes shimmering with a fierce yet gentle intensity. It spoke in a voice that sounded like a thousand flames crackling at once. " Don't be fooled by the forces of the existence young successor of the chaos, for we too have faced great trials and tribulations in our existence. You must be prepared to face the flames of adversity and emerge stronger from them." Its wings spread wide as it continued, "The path you have chosen is not an easy one, but we will be with you every step of the way."

The Primordial Phoenix continued; its fiery eyes fixed on Long Shin's astral form. "We will light your path with our nirvana flames," it said, its voice booming yet soothing. "And should darkness ever threaten to overwhelm you, we will rise from the ashes and guide you back to the light." The cosmic beings around them nodded in agreement, their solemn expressions conveying the weight of their commitment to Long Shin's journey.

The cosmic wolf spoke with a deep, resonant voice, "No matter how tough the times are, we will stand by your side, our lives connected with yours." Its wings flapped powerfully as it stared at Long Shin's astral form with piercing blue eyes.

The cosmic behemoth followed, its voice rumbling like thunder, "We are the ancient guardians of the Nine Heavens, and we have witnessed the rise and fall of countless races and civilizations in the long river of time. We have seen the strongest of warrior's crumble under the weight of their trials, but we have also seen the weak overcome insurmountable odds. We will be here to guide you, to protect you, and to help you find the strength within yourself to overcome whatever challenges come your way."

As it spoke, the behemoth's massive form radiated a palpable aura of strength and power, its eyes shining with an otherworldly light.

The dragon extended his massive claw towards Long Shin's astral form, and a golden glow emanated from it. The glow coalesced into a swirling ball of light that pulsated with the raw energy of creation.

The dragon spoke with a powerful voice that resonated throughout the void, "I the Primordial Dragon Emperor, bestow upon you the purest of our soul origin and bloodline, the very essence of our being. This is the purest of our soul origin and bloodline. It contains the essence of our power, our wisdom, and our will. We offer it to you. Take it and become one with us."

With eyes filled with boundless pride he said. "We have faith in you, Successor of the Primordial Chaos. May this gift be a reminder that you are never alone, and that the power of the Primordial Dragons flows through you always."

As the Primordial Dragon Emperor backed away after bestowing Long Shin his gift, another dragon stepped forward. Its powerful presence caused ripples in the surrounding space, and its eyes glinted with an intense crimson light.

it spoke with a booming voice. "I am the War Dragon Emperor, one of the most powerful dragons within the Primordial Dragon clan. I shall bestow upon you, my power."

The dragon raised its massive, clawed hand and placed it on Long Shin's chest. A surge of energy flowed from the dragon's body into Long Shin's unconscious soul, causing it to stir.

"You will wield my power as if it is your own," the dragon continued. "And with it, you will become an unstoppable force that can conquer any obstacle that stands in your path, become one of the mightiest beings in all of existence."

He spoke once more, "You are now one of us Use your power wisely, and always remember that you are part of a greater whole."

The Primordial Phoenix Emperor approached Long Shin's unconscious astral form, its fiery wings stretching outwards. Its voice boomed through the void, "I, the Primordial Phoenix Empress, will bestow upon you the traits of my Phoenix flames. May they burn with the intensity of a thousand suns and grant you the power to rise from the ashes like a true phoenix."

As it spoke, the fiery aura surrounding the Phoenix grew brighter and hotter, until it enveloped Long Shin's form completely. Long Shin soul was with heat, intense but not painful, seeping into his very being. The Phoenix's power flowing through him, igniting his own soul with its flames.

The cosmic beings surrounding Long Shin's astral form stepped forward one by one, each bestowing a gift upon him.

The Primordial Dragon Emperor bestowed the purest of their soul origin and bloodline upon him, allowing for his transformation into a Primordial Dragon.

All the gifts had been bestowed upon Long Shin's astral form and the time for their meeting was drawing to a close. The cosmic beings, who had bestowed their powers upon him, looked upon him with a sense of reluctance as they prepared to depart.

Long Shin didn't know it, but they had been watching over him since the moment he was born. They had seen and felt every moment of his life.

The Primordial Dragon Emperor spoke with a deep and solemn voice, "Remember, you will never be alone. Wherever you go, countless beings will follow you, watching over you. Whenever you face setbacks, innumerable beings will mourn for you, and whenever you take a step forward, countless beings will cheer for you." His words carried the weight of centuries of wisdom and experience, and they echoed through the vast expanse of space.

The other cosmic beings nodded in agreement, their expressions filled with determination and loyalty. They too pledged to always watch over Long Shin and stand by him in his journey.

As the time for their parting drew near, there was a sense of reluctance in their eyes. They knew that they had to part ways with Long Shin, they knew that their paths would cross again, but for now, it was time for Long Shin to continue his journey alone, armed with their gifts and the knowledge that he was never truly alone. He was destined for great things.

"The fate of the Nine Heavens rests upon your shoulders, successor of the Primordial Chaos," said the cosmic wolf with a sense of urgency. "We humbly request your aid to save it once more. Though we are ashamed to ask for your help again, know that this time you won't be alone. We shall stand by your side and lend you our strength, our people will be your loyal soldiers" the wolf continued with determination.

This time, every cosmic being present spoke in unison, their voices resonating and causing a disruption in the surrounding space, creating a cosmic cataclysm. "We shall eagerly await the time when you will lead us into the war that will soon shake the very Nine Heavens to its core," they said with solemn determination.

As the cosmic beings finished speaking, their presence slowly began to fade away.

Unknown to anyone in the Nine Heavens, an important discussion had just taken place, one that would soon change everything, something that would shake the very foundations of the Nine Heavens.


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