Monday. Unknown.
QUENTIN KNEW TRYING TO see through the black hood was pointless. It didn't stop him from trying.
Who were these people? Were they associated with Metis? Or were they Nadine's men? Had she finally caught up to Quentin?
The half hour or so they'd spent in the van hadn't told Quentin anything. There were at least five men, and if he so much as twitched, one of them was on him. They hadn't, however, been as rough with Candi. Gender bias, or was this an order?
That point alone made him question if Nadine was involved at all. He didn't picture her as the forgiving type given the grudge she must have against Candi for almost uncovering her.
"Put them in here," a new voice ordered.
"Together, or...?"
"Put them in here."
"Alright. Shit."
So not a well-oiled team.
That could work in their favor.
How the hell was Quentin going to get them out of this?