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Bab 74: Chapter 74: Kara's Demise

In a sudden turn of events, a swirling portal materialized at the heart of the village, catching the attention of the Yamanaka clan. The members of the clan sensed an immense surge of chakra emanating from the portal, prompting them to swiftly relay the message to the on-duty shinobi, including the likes of Sasuke, Sakura, Shikamaru, Konohamaru, Moegi, Udon, and Sai.

Tension filled the air as the shinobi gathered, their senses heightened, and their guard raised. They anxiously awaited the emergence of whoever or whatever had entered the village through the portal. To their surprise, it was Boruto who stepped out, causing a mixture of relief and exasperation to wash over them.

"Yo, what's going on?" Boruto inquired, his voice laced with curiosity and confusion.

A collective sigh escaped the lips of the gathered shinobi, their expressions a mix of weariness and resignation. Sasuke, taking the lead, approached Boruto and posed a question. "What about Jigen?"

Boruto nonchalantly shrugged, dismissing the formidable foe. "I already erased him. He was too easy for me," he replied, his tone dripping with casual arrogance.

Shikamaru couldn't help but facepalm, his frustration evident. "He's becoming more and more ridiculous as time goes on," he muttered under his breath.

Boruto, sensing the tension in the air, quickly diffused the situation. "So, it seems like a false alarm. Everyone can disperse. My apologies for the commotion," he announced, his voice carrying a hint of remorse.

The shinobi slowly dispersed, their anxiety fading as they realized the situation was not as dire as they initially thought. However, a few Jonin and notable characters remained, their curiosity piqued by Boruto's sudden appearance.

Sasuke leaned in closer to Boruto, whispering in his ear. "Didn't you become a full-fledged Otsutsuki? How did you manage to maintain your normal appearance?"

Boruto smirked, patting Sasuke on the shoulder. "Ah, that's my trade secret," he replied cryptically. "I'm heading back home now, but make sure to prepare. The other members of Kara will likely be heading this way soon. Take care, Sasuke." With that, Boruto bid farewell and walked away, leaving the remaining shinobi to contemplate his enigmatic nature.

"This brat," Shikamaru sighed, frustration evident in his voice. "He never fully explains anything. I guess I'll have to ask Naruto for answers once again."

As Boruto stepped foot into his home, he was greeted by a sight that immediately caught his attention. The house was in disarray, with objects strewn about and an eerie silence hanging in the air. It seemed as though no one was home.

Boruto's eyes narrowed as he surveyed the chaotic scene before him. Without wasting a moment, he activated his Rinnegan, and focused his chakra. With a wave of his hand, the room began to transform. The scattered belongings found their rightful places, the furniture regained its pristine condition, and a sense of order was restored including the vase.

Satisfied with the results, Boruto let out a contented sigh and made his way to the couch. He flopped down onto the comfortable cushions, stretching his limbs and allowing himself to relax. With a flick of his wrist, the television sprang to life, casting a soft glow across the room.

"Good," Boruto muttered to himself, a small smile playing on his lips. "Now, let's wait for them to arrive." He settled deeper into the couch, finding solace in the familiar surroundings as he prepared to unwind and patiently anticipate the return of his family and friends.

Kara's Hideout,

Koji arrived at the designated meeting spot, his footsteps echoing in the silence that enveloped the area. As he approached, he spotted Amado, his ever-present cigarette dangling from his lips, engrossed in a stack of papers held tightly in his hands.

"Jigen has been taken care of by Boruto himself. He made it quite clear," Koji stated, his voice laced with a mix of determination and urgency.

Amado took a long drag from his cigarette, exhaling a cloud of smoke as he processed the information. His eyes flickered with a mixture of curiosity and skepticism. "Hmm, interesting. However, I have my doubts. I believe Isshiki, in his cunning nature, has implanted his own Karma onto Boruto, ensuring his own survival," he mused aloud, his voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty.

Sensing the gravity of the situation, Amado made a firm decision. "We need to leave this place immediately. I must ascertain the existence of Isshiki within Boruto. If my suspicions are correct, I need to find a way to sever their connection," he declared, his tone resolute.

With their course of action set, Koji and Amado began to walk away from the meeting spot. Koji, with a swift hand gesture, summoned a massive toad, its presence commanding attention. The two of them settled comfortably on the toad's open mouth, ready to embark on their next mission.

Unbeknownst to them, their departure did not go unnoticed. Three figures, Code, Boro, and Delta, observed their every move with keen interest.

"Where do you think you're going?" Delta's voice rang out, filled with a mix of curiosity and suspicion, as she confronted Koji and Amado.

A wicked grin spread across Boro's face as he taunted the duo. "You two old geezers, thinking of betraying us, huh? Well, I'll make sure to put an end to that plan by killing you both," he sneered, his voice dripping with malice.

Code, unable to contain his curiosity, stepped forward, his eyes fixed on Amado. "Amado, where do you think you're going?" he demanded, his tone laced with confusion.

Before Koji and Amado could make their escape, Amado leaned in close and whispered something under his breath. Delta, catching wind of the commotion, swiftly turned around and delivered a powerful kick to Boro, sending him crashing into the nearby wall with a resounding thud.

Witnessing this unexpected turn of events, Code instinctively took a step back, putting a few meters of distance between himself and the unfolding chaos.

Seizing the opportunity, Koji and Amado utilized their teleportation abilities, vanishing from sight in a flash of light, leaving their adversaries behind.

However, Delta was not one to be easily deterred. She unleashed a devastating eye beam towards Boro, determined to eliminate him. But in a surprising twist, Code activated his white Karma seal, his body enveloped in a radiant aura. With lightning speed, he blitzed towards Delta from behind, his hand piercing through her, obliterating her core in one swift motion.

As the dust settled, Code's voice filled with a mix of anger and determination. "Amado, Koji, mark my words. You will pay dearly for this betrayal," he muttered, his words dripping with venom.

Boro, his body regenerating from the damage inflicted upon him, mustered a weak but grateful response. "Thank you, Code," he whispered, his voice filled with genuine appreciation for the unexpected turn of events.

"Listen up, Boro," Code commanded with a determined tone. "I need you to track down Amado and eliminate him while I take care of finding Jigen."

Boro's eyes gleamed with a fierce determination as he responded, his voice filled with unwavering confidence. "Consider it done. I'll make sure to crush them and break their spirits," he declared, his words laced with a hint of menace.

Code nodded in approval, his expression hardening. "Good. Remember, we cannot afford any mistakes. This is our chance to put an end to their treachery once and for all," he emphasized, his voice brimming with conviction.

With their roles defined and their objectives clear, Code and Boro prepared to embark on their respective missions, fueled by a shared desire for vengeance and justice.


Uzumaki Household,

Naruto, Hinata, Himawari, and Kawaki returned home to find Boruto busily setting the table with a spread of delicious food.

"You guys are back! I just finished cooking. So, dig in," Boruto exclaimed cheerfully, a warm smile gracing his face.

Hinata couldn't contain her joy and immediately enveloped her son in a tight embrace. "I'm so relieved that nothing happened to you," she murmured, her voice filled with motherly love and concern.

Boruto gently patted his mother's back, a reassuring gesture. "Don't worry, Mom. I'm the strongest. I can handle anything," he reassured her, his voice brimming with confidence.

Hinata let out a sigh of relief, her worries momentarily eased by her son's words. Meanwhile, Naruto and Kawaki exchanged shocked glances, their eyes widening in surprise as they took in Boruto's unchanged appearance.

Naruto couldn't help but voice his confusion. "Boruto, are you using a transformation jutsu?" he asked, his tone filled with curiosity and intrigue.

Boruto shook his head, his expression serious. "No, I'm not" he replied, his words carrying a hint of mystery.

Kawaki and Naruto exchanged puzzled looks, their minds racing to comprehend the enigma before them. Meanwhile, Himawari, the youngest member of the family, observed the confusion with wide-eyed curiosity, wondering why the two men seemed so perplexed.

After finishing their meal, Naruto, Kawaki, and Boruto gathered in the backyard, engaging in a deep conversation.

Kawaki couldn't contain his curiosity any longer and decided to ask the burning question. "Boruto, how is it possible that you still have your original appearance?" he inquired, his voice filled with intrigue.

Boruto smirked mischievously, teasingly replying, "Ah, that's a trade secret, my brother."

Suddenly, a deep voice resonated from within Naruto, catching Kawaki off guard. It was none other than Kurama, the Nine-Tailed Fox. "It's his Rinnegan ability," Kurama revealed, his tone filled with wisdom.

Kawaki's eyes widened in astonishment as he processed the revelation, his mind racing to comprehend the implications of Boruto's unique powers.

Boruto chuckled, acknowledging Kurama's statement. "Bingo," he confirmed, his voice laced with confidence.

Kurama interjected, advising Naruto to keep the secret hidden, considering the presence of other members of the Kara organization who may still pose a threat. "He's right, Naruto. Let him keep it a secret. There are still other Kara members out there," Kurama advised, his voice carrying a hint of caution.

Naruto, taking Kurama's advice to heart, continued the conversation. "Now that Kurama has mentioned it, do the two of you know the names and abilities of the other Kara members?" he inquired, his voice tinged with curiosity.

Boruto pondered for a moment before responding. "Hmm, I believe there are Boro and Code, but it seems like Koji and Amado have betrayed them, especially since Jigen is no longer alive," he revealed, his words hinting at a deeper understanding of the situation.

Kawaki, although aware of Boruto's knowledge, couldn't help but feel a sense of surprise and awe.

As the conversation continued, Boruto delved into more details about the Kara organization and its members. "Hmm, Boro possesses a unique regeneration ability. However, to defeat him, you'll need to destroy his entire body since he has a core. On the other hand, Code should have a white karma seal, which is similar to a normal karma seal but without an Otsutsuki presence," Boruto explained, his voice filled with knowledge and confidence.

Naruto and Kurama listened intently, nodding in agreement as they absorbed the information provided by Boruto.

Kawaki, still eager to learn more, couldn't help but inquire about Amado and Koji's betrayal. "Why do you say that Amado and Koji are betraying?" he asked, his voice tinged with curiosity.

Boruto paused for a moment, trying to recall the details. "Well, from what I remember, Amado had a deep hatred for Jigen, while Koji is a clone of Jiraiya and holds a deep love for this village," Boruto explained, his words revealing the complex motivations of the two individuals.

Naruto and Kurama exchanged surprised glances, their eyes widening in astonishment at the revelation.

Boruto continued, his tone shifting to a more serious one. "They are heading here, and they may even use hostages to get to you, Tou-san. But don't worry, I don't think their plan will work," he assured, his voice filled with confidence.

Naruto couldn't help but ask for clarification. "Why do you think their plan won't work?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued.

Boruto smirked, his mind already several steps ahead. "Because Amado may have interacted with Shikadai," he revealed, his words hinting at a strategic advantage.

Kawaki instantly understood the implications, a sense of realization dawning upon him as he comprehended the significance of Amado's connection to Shikadai.

Taidanotsumi Taidanotsumi

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