Seth just walked through the portal and woke up in a cold sweat in what seemed to be a luxury hotel room and instantly was confused, wondering what happened and how he got there then all his memories came rushing into him all at once and the pain caught him off guard and he let out a scream.
When he finally recovered and remembered what happened he got up and walked up to the mirror and was happy to see that even at 25 he already looked super fit probably peak human body shape.
Seth then heard a knock at the door, it was the hotel staff who had heard his scream came to check on him. He opened the door to see a 30 something maid whose uniform did little to hide her shapely behind and curvy body. She was cleaning the room across the hallway when she heard his scream. When he opened the door she saw him standing in the doorway shirtless and glistening with sweat she turned bright red and turned her head away and asked nervously.
"Sir, what happened?"
Seth responded "Sorry about the noise. It's fine, I just had a nightmare." Seth explained.
The women finally turned her head back but couldn't meet his eyes and said
"Oh okay, well if you need help you can call the front desk."
Seth thanked her and closed the door. Just as he turned around, he heard another knock that was so weak that he almost didn't hear it. He turned around and opened the door it was the same maid from before who was red like a tomato like she had been caught red-handed as she didn't think that he heard her knock.
"Sorry, did you need something else?"
"Umm I was wondering if I could get your number?"
Seth looked her up and down shamelessly and said with a wink, "Sure, call me whenever you feel like it."
'Obviously I'm being very uncharacteristically flirtatious as I was never an attractive person in my last life, so I won't deny that I will probably be more shameless and cringey at times'
The girl nodded absent mindedly and Seth closed the door once again and laid down on his hotel bed.
Seth finally had some time to start thinking about the memories that just assaulted his mind and was able to process what happened during his 25 years in this world and now knew that he would be starting at Empire State University in two days and he knew that at this time he doesn't have any powers he just has his own body's strength.
He doesn't currently have a way to get powers so he has to find a way to get him into the main MCU plot. It is currently 2010 so he still has 2 years until the events of the Avengers movie and he has to make himself strong enough to compete with all the rest of the heroes of the MCU and find more about the full breadth of what he is capable of.
It's now Seth's first day at ESU, during the last two days Seth used his perfect recall to remember every fight he had every been in. Every attack move he had ever used or had used against him in his 25 years as well as the 25 he now remembers, and it's safe to say that until he meets Natasha, Cap, or any of the other main martial artists he could beat the majority of anyone he'd meet.
He found in the memories of his MCU counterpart, that during his years in the MCU before his parent's death he couldn't decide what interested him. His parents had gotten him multiple tutors in multiple subjects so with his memories and perfect recall he 'essentially' now has PhDs in multiple fields of science whether it was Scientific degrees in biological or technological sciences, such as varying levels of Physics, Astrophysics, Thermonuclear Astrophysics or simple degrees like History and English.
He only actually had earned degrees in Biochemistry, Physics, and Engineering in this world, but remembered information from all the other subjects he'd learned and was tutored on.
So, suffice to say Seth has to prepare for very boring university life since he knows the majority of what will be taught and he will only gain more knowledge.
His main decision to even go to school again despite his knowledge, was to get to know Peter and find out if there are any differences to the main canon storyline he remembered.
As his MCU counterpart had no meta knowledge, he only lived his life so Seth would have to discoverany changes personally.
He heads to the school, which happened to be a decent distance from the hotel and apparently he had a car already, it was a Matte Black 1971 Plymouth Duster 340, his favorite car in his past life.
Seth thinks back to TOAA 'Now you're just showing off'
Seth gets in the car and in about 25 minutes he pulls into the school parking lot, he gets a lot of looks, both from his car, and how handsome he was.
After ignoring these looks, Seth walks inside and sees a group of kids. A girl with light blond hair, a girl with startling red hair, a relatively muscley guy with dark brown hair, and a relatively skinny guy who was laughing with them as the muscleyguyseemed to have told a joke of some kind.
Seth could already guess that the three in the group were Gwen Stacy, Mary Jane, and Harry Osborne. That means the skinny guy was Peter Parker. The only reason he guessed this is that they had similarities to their actor counterparts but for the most part fit more with their comic looks.
Surprisingly the skinny guy didn't look like Tobey Maguire but instead, more like Tom Holland with his comic character looks added as well.
'Huh I guess that's because this is the MCU and Tobey isn't in the MCU.'
'Well time to do the cliché meeting'
Seth was walking and "accidentally" bumped into Peter and knocked him down. Either Peter didn't have his powers yet for some reason, or he was really good at acting.
I then turned to Peter held my hand out to help him up and said "Sorry about that man, You alright?" He grabbed my hand to get up and said
"No worries, I'm Parker, Peter Parker."
Seth chuckled a little at the Bond like introduction and said "Name's Seth McCauley. I'm sorry to bump into you i was busy looking at my schedule and the map they gave me at the front office."
Peter frowned at the chuckle, believing the guy was laughing at him, but decided to ignore it.
"Yeah, don't worry about it. By the way, I don't think I have seen you around here. Are you new this year?"
Seth dusted off some dirt on Peter's shoulder and said "Yep first year, I was homeschooled before. My parents got me a lot of private tutors but it was so boring haha. So here I am."
Peter gave a half smile thinking that since Seth mentioned private tutors he might turn out to be like that idiot Flash he had to deal with back in high school, some rich kid who treated everyone like crap, and is trying to just use me that's why he's being nice. Seth saw his reaction and gestured to the girls behind Peter
"You don't have to worry about me, I just want to make some friends and enjoy public school. Besides, i don't have any friends here yet and you have two very pretty girls right over there that i wouldn't mind getting to know"
Peter laughed and thought to himself.
'Maybe he is more like a nice guy who also happens to be rich. Although i don't know how the others will react to him. He is slightly arrogant, and he is also kind of weird, but that's not that bad. '
Seth then looked around at the leaving crowd "Hey, would ya mind showing me around this place and my classes?"
Peter perked up after that and said "Sure maybe we'll have science together I'm a bit of a science wiz."
Seth, happy that Peter looked better again said with a huge grin.
"Yeah, you never know. I'm actually something of a scientist myself"
Peter didn't get why Seth had such a huge grin on his face but just attributed it to just being the new guy's personality.
Seth looked to the group of three "So, you gonna introduce me to your friends?"
"Oh right, Guys, this is Seth McCauley, he is new this year. Seth this is Gwen Stacy, Mary Jane, and Harry Osborne."
"Osborne? As in Oscorp?"
The red head and the blond looked walked over to Seth and went for a hand shake.
"Yeah, Norman Osborne is Harry's dad. Mary Jane Watson, nice to meet you. You can just call me MJ."
Seth took her hand and said with a shiteating grin. "Hello There."
"You're a bit of a weird one aren't you?" MJ commented.
"Yeah, but hey, who doesn't have their own little quirks." I replied off-handedly.
"Haha, True. But all of us are a little weird so i think we'll get along great." MJ finished.
The other three laughed at that and the blond walked over with Harry "I'm Gwen Stacy, this is Harry."
"Nice to meet you guys, as you already know I'm Seth, i hope we can get along."
"Same, now let's get going. You don't want to be late on your first day." Gwen replied.
"She's right, especially not to Conner's class" Harry added.
Peter looked confused "Dr. Conner's would be mad?"
The three just laughed and Harry walked over to Peter and put his arm around his shoulder.
"He never gets mad at you Pete, you're his favorite student."
"Ahem. ONE, of his favorites, Harry" Gwen said with a little laugh.
Seth was glad to have met the group and felt like maybe dealing with school wouldn't be so bad.
A couple weeks went by and the group were thick as thieves Seth and Peter especially, got along great. They could actually seem, from an outsiders perspective, to be closer than Peter and Harry were. But that is mostly because of the fact that they can actually geek out about school and science which Harry and Peter can't.
Seth found out that next week they would be going to visit Oscorp which means that Peter would be getting his powers soon.
Apparently, in this universe, which is an AU, Peter is older and more mature, but hadn't received his powers yet.
Also during these past few weeks Seth learned more about his power.
His wish was that he could copy abilities like Peter Petrelli in Peter Parker's case, his spider powers. Those powers are, surprisingly, an ability he could copy. This surprised him since it's not actually an inherent ability that Peter had naturally, but an acquired ability.
As Seth thought more about it, he remembered Peter Petrelli could copy Jessica's power from the show, and her power was an acquired ability.
It was also after he figured this out then when Seth had an epiphany and he felt he was so dumb because he thought he could only get powerful through his copy ability but that's wrong.
He may only be able to copy abilities but that doesn't mean he can't find a way to give himself his own abilities like becoming a Spider-Man with one of the other spiders.
Also things like that and other serums that exist can increase his power even more on top of his copying abilities.
'The wish may not have been as OP as I originally thought but that doesn't mean I can't still be OP.'
I have made some additional changes to this chapter as well, check out the changes and share your thoughts.
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