*Knock knock knock!*
Knocks echo throughout the Spire just as Michael was finishing up his experiments on Barbas... He'd been using [Necromastery] to... 'Fiddle' with Barbas soul during his free time. While the ability wasn't all that effective on living targets, if he pushed himself he could get it to work somewhat on things massively weaker than himself.
While he couldn't just pluck someone's soul out of their body, scraping, scratching, prodding, and pinching were all viable. Barbas screamed out in agony whenever he did this, but he couldn't less about the mutt's comfort since there were other more important things to attend to.
There was also the fact that Barbas' soul was far more durable than any other he'd interacted with. Indeed, Michael was sure it was denser and more powerful than the dragon soul he'd subsumed, which was a big fucking deal considering that it was a shard of Akatosh himself.
He knew that Barbas was a part of Clavicus' own soul, but he hadn't imaged that he'd contain such a big portion... While Barbas was basically powerless, unable to utilise Claivucs' strength on his own, his soul provided him with some degree of protection against Michael's experiments.
He was tempted to just cut the dog up and absorb his soul immediately, but he knew that Clavicus would retaliate, either by destroying Charlotte's soul, or doing some equally insidious.
"Michael," Tiffania says as she pokes her head into the room, "The Arch-Mage is asking for you, it seems important."
Michael crooks a brow, "So it was him who was knocking?... Fine." he reluctantly gets up, sending a final glance to the spasming and twitching Barbas, "Wait for me here boy, I'll be back before you know it."
"Uh...." the dog mutters in response, mind too frazzled to give a legible answer.
Michael heads downstairs and spots the Arch-Mage pacing back and forth at the door, unable to enter the border of the property due to the extensive wards he'd installed with the help of Rubick... Even the Arch-Mage would not broach them without the proper preparations. "Savos, did you need something?"
The Arch-Mage's head shoots to him as he hurriedly nods, "Michael, I know it might be arrogance on my part, but recent events have led me to believe that you are the root of all the world's evils..." he says, semi-joking.
"I thank you for recognising my talents... Now, stop stalling..."
"Have you been doing anything of note within, say, the past three hours?" the mage asks.
Michael slowly nods, "Has it been three hours? I've lost track of time..." he admits.
Savos lets out a long sigh, "Come here, look." he commands, pointing at the sky, directly towards the moon which seemed to be rippling, the now common sickly green colour dissipating before reappearing as if the curse afflicting it was malfunctioning.
"Huh..." is all Michael could mutter in response, not having considered any byproducts of fiddling with Barbas soul... Since the Moon Sickness was caused by Clavicus, it only made sense though. Funny that the Arch-Mage immediately blamed him for it though.
"Huh, indeed. May I ask what you were doing before I arrived?" he asks, the duo noticed the moon's malfunction returning to normal.
Michael nods, "I was conducting experiments on one of Clavicus' artifacts." he admits with a lie sprinkled in.
Savos in realisation, "I see... Then, the Moon Sickness cast by the Daedra must be linked to his physical presence in the realm. With the veil removing any direct or indirect action from him, you may have just found the solution to the Khajiit's plight..." he crosses his arms, "While congratulations should be in order, keeping this secret, for now, would serve in everyone's best interest. At least, until you can discover and destroy the other artifacts."
"Me?" he asks since he felt like he was having everything dumped on him, "Why can't you do it if you're so invested?"
The Arch-Mage shrugs, "I am currently working with both sides of the war to develop ways to fight off any potential dragon attacks, that take up most of my time now... I sympathise with the Khajiit, but my responsibilities lie with Skyrim. Besides, you're already doing such a good job of things, if that fails you and young Megumin could just blow up the moon." he drawls.
Michael frowns, "You're still just mad because of the bridge, aren't you? Give us a break already! I mean, I've literally ushered in an age without demons fucking people in the arse! Surely that's grounds for forgiveness?" come to think of it, nobody outside of the magical community seems to actually give a shit about his accomplishment...
The Arch-Mage smiles, "To any other organisation, sure, but with half of the College upset at the removal of almost all Conjuration magic, you would likely find your throat slit should you venture within the College walls... Myself as well should I formally align with you."
"So, what. Just dump the task of healing and freeing an entire race on my shoulders before pissing off back to your office?"
The Arch-Mage gives a sagely nod, "That's the plan... I will reveal anything I know of Clavicus' artifacts of course, but that's the extent of my assistance."
"I think I hate you..."
"Considering the events you've been involved with? I thank you for, ah, what did you call it? 'Jinxing' me?" he grins, "Enjoy the rest of your night, Michael." he says before wandering away.
"Smug bastard..."
"Not good news?" Tiffania asks as he slams the door shut.
Michael shakes his head, "No, in fact, it's great news, I just fucking hate the guy who delivered it." he now had a way to save Charlotte. He'd gather all of Clavicus' artifacts and sees if he could simply just pull apart the Daedric Lord. He honestly wasn't sure how much of his soul Clavicus had imparted to his artifacts, so it'd be interesting to see how much of him he could collect.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Faruk Ereng
Saeko pulls her furred hood tighter around her as she and Raiden wade through the thick snow of Skyrim. It'd been a while since she'd come here, and she was excited to see her old friends again, both in the Companions and those that'd originally brought her to this amazing world.
She'd learned so much in such a relatively short amount of time... She and Raiden had slaughtered Thalmor to their heart's content in Hammerfell, continually growing their skills in combat, mastery of forms and techniques that previously evaded them due to their inexperience in true battle, or for never having encountered an opportunity which would force the needed line of thinking to attempt them.
The Moon Sickness had made way for the duo and the other Redguards to counterattack the invading Aldmeri Dominion, allowing Saeko and Raiden to lead the charge and run the elves out of the Province.
She'd killed hundreds, if not thousands of enemies in the pursuit of mastering swordsmanship, and the Way of the Sword. The last remnants of Thalmor in the whole of Hammerfell were those clinging onto their positions at the sea, barely holding on by endlessly reinforcing their defences and receiving supplies from the Summerset Isles. In the end, they'd be routed as well, as their position simply was not stable enough...
Saeko and Raiden's exploits had earned them both the title of Sword-Singer, though, whether they truly counted among those Sword-Singers of myth was another matter entirely.
There wasn't much else to train, the only thing that'd improve her skills now was simple experience. She'd mastered everything contained within the lake-side tomb, and everything else she found suggested that true mastery would come with personal growth... Whatever that meant.
With her goal in Hammerfell finished, she turned her attention back to her origin, her 'home land' in this realm. Skyrim. Why? Well, for two reasons.
The first was to challenge Tiffania for Michael, she was sure she wouldn't be beaten so easily again.
The second? Obviously, because of the Dragon Crises.
She was tempted to go to the land of the Khajiit to see if there was anything to fight, she was sure the cause of the Moon Sickness wouldn't like to be stabbed...
Still, comparing her blade to the might of a dragon was a literal dream come true for her. It might have seemed childish back in her original world, but fighting a dragon was, in her view, the very peak of swordsmanship... At least, if legends were to be observed.
"How any could live here comfortably I have not the faintest clue." Raiden mutters while shivering despite wearing three or four layers of thick clothing.
"At least there's water here, frozen or not, unlike Hammerfell's unbearable deserts... I'd rather freeze than die of dehydration while my body roasts under the sun." Saeko retorts.
Raiden shakes his head, "Blame the skin you were born with, even after so long in the deserts it looks like milk-tea..."
Saeko shakes her head, "Better milk-tea than shit." she huffs, people back in her world would have gasped at that, but here in Tamriel, skin colour mattered less when there were literal cat people walking about and demons walking about.
Raiden shrugs, "I personally prefer chocolate, but if you wish to be insulting about it." he chuckles before turning his gaze to the burnt village they were walking by. "I wonder if the Nords burnt their homes to rid themselves of the cold? I might have considered such a thing if I had to live here."
"No, these were burned by the Imperial Legion while trying to capture Ulfric... Did you not listen to a single thing on our way here?"
Raiden picks his ear, "These Nord and Empire things matter not to me. This is one of the reasons Hammerfell left the Empire, honourless lot."
"Whatever, we're coming up to Falkreath, behave and let me talk, I'd rather not sit in a cell while there's dragons to hunt."
The duo continued through Skyrim before eventually reaching Whiterun. Saeko was sure the Companions would have information both on the dragons and Michael. Though, from what she'd learned in Falkreath, there was a very high possibility of him still being in Winterhold... In some Spire he'd built that was the talk of almost everyone who knew about it.
"Hm... Is the town usually this... Loud?" Raiden asks as they approach the gate, hearing what sounded like a riot occurring behind the large wooden doors.
Saeko shakes her head, "No... Hello? Guard? What's happening?" she asks the nearest man guarding the gate.
"You didn't hear? There's a god's damned dragon flying around! It's already attacked the Western Watchtower! Who knows if or when it'll come for the city!"
Raiden shakes his head in mild disbelief, "Then why are you here and not manning the walls with a bow in hand!?"
"Were you dropped on the head as a child!? What arrow could possibly pierce a dragon's scales!? Iron and steel are completely useless against them! The Jarl's already sent his strongest men to fight it at the tower, but the rest of us are doomed if they fail! I hold no hope in the new defences and siege weapons doing anything to such a beast... Even from here its roar shakes the city!"
Saeko strips the thick fur jacket she was wearing until she's dressed in her usual light Sword-Singer attire, leather armour with Arabic robe-like additions that wouldn't inhibit her movement. Lastly, she made sure her purple hair was securely tied up in a bun to prevent it from getting in the way... She should've probably gotten it cut a while ago, but, she was sure Michael liked long hair... Probably...? "Come, Raiden. Let's face this dragon!"
Raiden nods, quickly following her but not removing his clothing...
"Fools, the both of you!" the guard exclaims as they run West, quickly spotting the utterly decimated tower, half-melted and still covered in flames. The scorched remnants of three ballistae were scattered around, making it obvious that such defences had failed.
They did spot the Jarl's forces walking amongst the ruins however, along with some familiar faces.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to : https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Faruk Ereng
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