Ronald almost hacks up a lung at Michael's words, breaking into awkward laughter as his wife and sons watch. "Hahaha! You think the royalty would even hear what some peasants have to say? We've sent people to request help at the capital, but they refer us back to Count Mott as he oversees this land."
"Shouldn't there be someone to hear your problems?" Michael asks, certain there was another way to get around the Count, if not, corruption would've overwhelmed this Kingdom by now.
Ronald sighs, "There's that Councillor Bastien le Gras, but he's too busy stuffin' his face with custard cakes than doin' his job. He's supposed to represent us, but I've never even heard of him helping us out!" he irritatedly states, clearly upset by the situation the village had found itself in.
Michael lowers his head at Ronald's outburst, scooping some of the rather bland porridge into his mouth. "I thought Tristain dealt with its people far better than this..." he mutters, having always got the impression that this place was the most 'just' in the anime... The anime was probably just bias though due to Louise being nobility and the heroine.
Aubrey smiles at him, "Don't mind it. We'll manage, we always have." she says, picking up her empty bowls and putting it at the side. "Now, boys, you should finish quickly and head to the field, your father will be teaching Mike here how to ride properly." she states, the teenagers nodding and running out after handing her their own bowels.
With that, Michael was left at Ronald's mercy, the man immediately leading him to a field where the single mare was grazing. It had dull white hair with brown speckles all across it, he was slightly intimidated by its height, but he slowly got over it after brushing it for a couple minutes.
Ronald eventually returns while carrying a bunch of equipment with him, all the stuff you'd need to ride a horse... It looked a bit old and rusty with misuse, but it was still functional 'enough', at least, that's what Ronald says.
The man begins teaching Michael about everything he'd need to know concerning horses, what they can eat, maintenance on their hooves, how to use the riding equipment, and even what knots to use when tying the horse to something.
Of course, all of this was the easy part... It was when it came to riding that Michael really struggled... Just balancing atop the saddle when stationary was difficult enough, let alone when the horse was trotting.
He tumbled off the back of it a couple times when the horse went up a steep incline, covering him with bruises as he slowly learned what he needed.
Fortunately, he found a 'cheat' when it came to his focus and concentration... While riding, he could grip the handle of his dagger in its holster to activate the Gandalfr runes, which allowed his stats to double. This allowed him far better control when in the saddle, as well as reaction times when something inevitably went wrong.
Once he figured this out, he slowly went from being thrown out of the saddle whenever he got on, to managing a slow trot, to having no trouble trotting up small hills. Eventually, his familiarity allowed him to ride without the assistance of the Gandalfr runes... His quick improvements surprised Ronald a bit, but as it wasn't unheard of for someone to just naturally be able to ride, it wasn't an issue.
Eventually, lunch rolled around and the two let the horse, Milky, to rest in preparation for his departure later on. Michael ate another meal with Ronald and his family, and after that he spent the rest of his time in Redfield with Milky, brushing up on taking care of the horse before he was forced to do it alone.
During this though, Michael took the chance to take a look at the Book of Commoners. He imagined he'd gathered a bit of experience after fighting off those three thieves, not to mention knocking out Mrs Chevreuse... Though he wasn't sure if knocking someone unconscious gave EXP, he thought it was likely.
Name : Michael Hunt
Rank : Common
Stats :
Strength : 5 > 6
Agility : 7 > 8
Intelligence : 8
Abilities :
[Gandalfr] : Enables user to utilise any weapon at two ranks above their current proficiency while granting them to knowledge necessary to use them. While wielding a weapon, temporarily gain +100% in all stats.
[Language Comprehension] : Enables user to understand all spoken tongues, and increase the rate of which they learn reading and writing.
[Curse of Silence - (Origin: Matilda)] : Prevents user from speaking, scribing, or making any attempts to reveal restricted information.
Spirits :
Shadow Shaman : Lvl 2+
Michael was surprised to find that his Strength and Agility had levelled up. This was probably due to his fight with the thieves... Though, his attempts at riding a horse may have also contributed to it. Fortunately, this also confirmed his speculation that his stats could be trained.
He'd be hoping he wouldn't have to upgrade his stats like you do in Dota 2, levelling them up along with your abilities.
His Shadow Shaman had also levelled up, pushing it from level 2 to level 4 in one go. Surprisingly easy considering he'd only killed, what, four people?... Guiche might've counted for more considering he was a Mage. But maybe those thieves were worth more due to how dangerous they were?
Regardless, he taps the level up and accesses the Shadow Shaman page.
Spirit : Shadow Shaman
Level : 4
Abilities :
Carnival Tricks (Rank 1) : Allows user to form ephemeral shapes, creatures, and patterns to amuse, distract, or frighten.
Ether Shock (Rank 1) : Casts a cone of ethereal energy that strikes multiple enemies.
Hex (Rank 1) : Temporarily transforms the target into a harmless chicken.
Shackle (Rank 1) : Magically binds an enemy in ethereal threads while also dealing damage throughout the duration
Serpent Wards (Rank 0) : Summons multiple Serpent Wards to attack any nearby enemies.
Only two more levels until he hit level 6, but for now, he decided to just level up both Carnival Tricks and Shackle. He didn't really need better firepower right now, so testing out and getting familiar with his new spells would probably be far better for now.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
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Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Nazlican Erdem
Jack Allen
With his status updated, he allows the Book of Commoners to disappear as he looks down at his hand, concentrating hard as he whispers "Carnival Tricks.". As he finishes his words, an orange spark flickers to life in his hand, but quickly fades away before it does anything.
Honestly, Michael wasn't really sure what to expect, especially since the spell didn't actually exist in the game... He glares at his hand and tries again, imagining himself summoning a bird in his hand. "Carnival Tricks."
An electrical sound occurs as orange sparks are released from his palm, this time with some kind of origami-type bird forming from nothing. It didn't really look like much, the bird was around the size of a balled fist, with particles constantly emitting from its body.
Indeed, its form seemed to become fainter and fainter the longer it existed. Eventually it just seemed to faze out of existence, the spell ending without much else happening.
He tries this a third time, this time commanding the bird to fly to a nearby tree and back... It does so and sits back on his hand, causing Michael to grin due to the various applications of this spell. The last thing he wanted to check was whether or not the bird could be touched... Or, if it could, how much force would it take to destroy it...
Unfortunately, as soon as his finger passes through it, it quickly fades away in a manner reminiscent of smoke in heavy winds.
With many ideas on how to utilise his new spells still in his mind, he stands and glances over to the horse. It wouldn't be long until he'd be forced to leave Redfield, which was actually kind of disappointing... This village was the first place he actually liked in this new world, the people were kind and not overbearing like the nobles at the academy, the food, while not at Earth's standards was filling and warm... If he wasn't being chased by the Aristocracy, he could see himself spending a good amount of time here.
Regardless, his affection for the place wouldn't change his situation, so, after finding Ronald, they both went through the village collecting the various supplies he'd need for his journey ahead.
Michael was given small pouches filled with dried meats, hard bread, fruits, and some nuts. Along with some kind of water canteen... Which, upon finding out it was literally made from goat-skin, wished he hadn't asked.
He was given some other bits and pieces as well, but Michael still didn't dare to ask how the currency worked... After all, he'd said that he was the son of a merchant, it'd be incredibly weird if he didn't know his pennies from his pounds...
When all was said and done, Michael found himself sitting atop Milky in the middle of the village, where he'd been awaked by Ronald previously. Ronald's family stood at the side to see him off, but Michael was surprised to see Ronald step out of his house with a large piece of fabric in his arms.
"Hey, this was supposed to be for Samuel on his name-day but, seein' as two mares and a carriage is hardly worth what we gave ya', we'll get him somethin' else." Ronald says as he tosses the brown cloak over Michael's shoulders. "Doubt you'd get far if you got caught in the rain without protection, those clothes your wearing wouldn't protect you from even a drizzle." he states, Michael nodding in realisation.
He pulls the cloak tighter as he fixes the clasp just under his neck, not bothering to pull the hood down right now. "T-thanks... You've really helped me out here, I don't know what I would've done otherwise." he admits with an appreciative smile.
Ronald nods, stepping back and throwing his arms around his two sons, "Just remember to visit whenever you're nearby! If I see you near here without sayin' hello, I'll spank you like my father used to do to me!" he laughs as his wife and children send troubled glances his way.
Michael can't help but chuckle in response, nodding as does one last check on his supplies... His coin pouches, food, water, and daggers were all secured. Not to mention the sacks of jewellery and clothing the thieves had acquired that'd been tied onto the horse behind the saddle.
"See you guys later! I'll visit in the future if I can!" he says, bidding one last farewell as he fully concentrates on riding Milky out of the village, into the sunset as the family watches.
As picturesque as this might seem, Ronald had advised him to journey out in the morning as the countryside got more dangerous the further away from the capital you got. Alas, Michael knew he was on a time limit, and couldn't risk letting his pursuers catch up with him.
Even if he could fight them off, he was incredibly wary of killing yet more people, especially if they were only doing their jobs.
He releases a sigh as Milky hops slightly to get over a root, almost dislodging Michael from the saddle, "I swear Milky! If you toss me off I'll turn you to glue!" he growls at the horse as they ride into the forest. The horse just gives a neigh in response, though, whether or not it was replying to his threat was unknown.
All Michael knew was that he needed to get to the next village as soon as possible. Unlike the carriage, he wouldn't be able to sleep while riding, so while he was faster like this, he'd need to rest eventually.
"I wonder if I can get a mount from the game?" he idly mutters to himself, wondering if taking the Luna, Mirana, or Chaos Knight Spirits would grant their respective companions to him... That would be really cool if it did, riding around on a giant panther...
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Nazlican Erdem
Jack Allen
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