Harold could see she was now making her move with Hellion. Too bad for her that she was going about it the wrong way.
"If you want to get used to living here, then you don't need a horse. Women of the royal family do not own horses," Harold pointed out sweetly.
"You knew that, yet you promised to give Hellion to me if I could handle him. You can't go back on your word," she countered.
Okay, that made sense. "You don't possibly expect me to help you handle the horse I promised you on the ground that you would handle him."
"I'm not asking you to help me handle him. I'm asking you to help me make him like me," Alicia said impatiently.
"So how am I supposed to get him to like you?" He asked, his hands behind him.
She gave him a sweet smile, seeing he was not giving her his default "NO!" and was also happy that he seemed to believe her. Why did God choose to bless her with such a genius brain? She praised herself.
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