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66.66% Akame Ga Kill: Bloody Maiden / Chapter 12: Reunion.

Bab 12: Reunion.




The sounds of horses running could be heard from a distance and the guards guarding the east entrance to the Empire slowly begin to open the gates. Four horsemen run through the gate and slowly come to a stop.

"Looks like we're finally here," A lilac-haired girl looked ahead and saw a large city, "The Empire."

"You're so dramatic Usagi..." A blonde-haired girl laughed and Usagi blushed.

"S-Shush!" Usagi buried her face in her horse's mane and caused her teammates to laugh.

"Now why are we here again?" A brown-haired boy asked with indifference. A golden staff soon hit him on top of the head but he didn't react.

"We are here to find an assassin group! We went through this like three times!" Mana yelled but Yan just ignored her which made her angrier.

"Why do they even need our help? They have two elite assassin groups stationed in The Empire..." A black-haired boy said as he rolled his eyes. Usagi shot him a look and he shot her one back.

"Why are you complaining? Would you rather fight Spawn all day?" Tenma immediately shook his head and Usagi harrumphed.

"That's what I thought. Now we are headed to Chancellor Moro's mansion to find out some clues." Usagi rode off with her teammates following behind her. Five minutes later, The Sinister Six arrived at Chancellor Moro's mansion.

"It stinks, why haven't they brought down the bodies yet?" Tenma questioned and Usagi shrugged.

"Maybe it's because we are here to investigate. If they brought the bodies down it could erase a clue." Mana added and Tenma nodded in understanding.

While Mana and Tenma were talking, Usagi examined the bodies and noticed the way they were displayed is incredibly familiar.

"Hey, don't you guys think the way these bodies are displayed is reminiscent of our captains?" Usagi asked and everyone disagreed.

"No, it doesn't."

"Not really, I don't notice any similarities."


Usagi's face went red again and she punched a wall in embarrassment.

"So how are we going to catch these assassins anyway?" Yan spoke up and Usagi recovered from her embarrassment.

"I was thinking we could try and predict their next target. Chancellor Moro's was very important to the gold business so maybe officials with some sort of standing in key figures of the empire?" Usagi explained her plan and her teammates agreed.

"The first on our list should be Duke Ron. He has control over the fish trade and is important to the Empire's supply of food."

"Understandable but these assassins only go after officials who have done heinous crimes. Duke Ron is one of the nicest Nobles in The Empire." Tenma rebutted.

"Then the next should be..." The Sinister Six continued to formulate their plan to catch the assassins.




[Meanwhile, in a large floating castle...]

"ES-CHAN!" Vedeath ran through the castle corridors yelling Esdeath's name in a cheery mood.

Esdeath, who was meditating with Yin, opened her eyes, and a brief flash of annoyance appeared but disappeared as fast as it came. Vedeath bursted into the meditation room with a huge smile.

"What is it Ve-chan?"

Vedeath's smile only grew wider and she told Esdeath the news.

"Our old team is back in the Empire!" Vedeath yelled with excitement and Esdeath had a look of surprise on her face.



"That's good news I guess? But it's not like we are planning to see them anytime soon, we are technically still dead..." Esdeath's dream-crushing words made Vedeath's smile drop fast. Esdeath panicked and quickly added to her statement.

"But! We could maybe meet them?" Esdeath suggested but Vedeath's smile didn't return.

"No, you're right...who's to say they aren't going to be angry at us? I mean we did hide the existence of our survival for a year. I would be pretty angry..." Vedeath sighed deeply but quickly regained her cheery mood.

"Anyways! Who're we going to kill this time?"

Esdeath smiled mischievously and summoned Void Eater. Void Eater spit out a huge piece of paper with multiple people pinned on it.

"Did you investigate without me?" Vedeath was disappointed by the fact that she couldn't help her sister.

"Well, you were practicing a new spell so I didn't want to interrupt you...sorry." Esdeath apologized before explaining the results of her investigation.

"Now since we decided we should kill someone with military standing, Void Eater has been paying very close attention to a Commander by the name of Rowan. From what Void Eater has observed, Rowan has a very powerful Shingu that could basically be called a Teigu." Esdeath created an image of the Shingu with her Shadows. The Shingu was two large blades in the shape of feathers.

"The Shingu is called Feather's Breath and apparently it allows Rowan to briefly see into the future. It's doesn't say for how long so let's assume around three seconds. The blades are also very sharp and are capable of cutting through steel like butter. So when fighting him we have to be incredibly careful."

Vedeath nodded and they decided they were going to strike tonight.

"He's often seen at a brothel named Devils Embrace, so we will catch him while he's having fun with a whore."

"Alright!" Vedeath pumped her fist into the air and left the meditation room.




[Head Tax Collector Philip's Mansion]

"So you're saying I'm a potential target for these pesky assassins?" A bald man who was sweating from fear asked shakily.

"Yes, we are here to guard you and your family from the shadows." Usagi promptly responded and Philip sighed deeply.

"But would why they come after me? All I do is collect taxes!" Tenma couldn't help but laugh at Philip's words.

"You think we don't know the crimes you've committed?" Tenma's words made Philip red with anger and before he could deny anything Tenma began listing off his crimes.

"Extortion, rape, murder, tax evasion...ironic, embezzlement, the list goes on." Philip was white with fear and Tenma simply laughed. Mana whacked Tenma with her staff and he rolled on the ground in pain.

"Erm, sorry about him. But yes, we know about the crimes you've committed." Usagi said slightly apologetic.

"As I said earlier, we are only here to protect you and your family. We couldn't give a damn about your crimes, but it's your crimes that have gotten you on the assassin's radar." Philip simply sighed again and nodded.

"Well, then I should leave you to your job." Philip got up and left but not before he shot Tenma a venomous look. Tenma feigned being scared and rolled on the floor in laughter.

Mana and Usagi glared at him and he stopped.

"Now let's get to work..." The Sinister Six vanished from thin air and began protecting Philip and his family. Little did they know they were very very wrong.




[Inside the Devils Embrace]

"Ahn! C-Commander Rowan! You're so big!" A well-endowed woman moaned as a muscular man with brown hair thrusted in and out of her.

"Yeah, you like that?!" Rowan slapped the woman's ass and moved even faster. Suddenly, Rowan felt the wind speaking to him and he saw that in five seconds two people were going to attack him.

"Shit!" Rowan quickly pulled out, pulled up his pants, and retrieved his blades all in five seconds. As he predicted two people bursted through the walls. One in a white mask attacked him from the left side and another in a black mask attacked him from the right.


Rowan blocked their simultaneous attack and pushed them back. Rowan bursted out of the building and into the open courtyard. The attackers followed and Rowan laughed.

"So it seems I'm the one being targeted by the assassins tonight." Rowan's eyes flashed green and he dodged an overhead swing from the one in black. Rowan then jumped into the air to dodge a swing from the one in white.

"Fighting 2 on 1 isn't very fair," Rowan held his blades parallel from each other with the right one facing upwards and the left one facing downwards, "So let's make it fair!"

Rowan split himself into two and both Rowan's charged a separate assassin. The main Rowan clashed with the one with a white mask.




[Rowan 1 vs Vedeath]


Vedeath blocked Rowan's strike and overpowered him, sending him sliding across the ground.

'You didn't say he could split himself into two!' Vedeath yelled mentally.

'It must've been a hidden ability! Void Eater never witnessed him use it!' Esdeath responded and Vedeath huffed in frustration.

"I'm going to enjoy ripping that mask off of your face!" Rowan sprinted forward and Vedeath's body gained a blue outline.


The two opponents clashed blades resulting in a shockwave that left a depression in the ground below them. Rowan jumped back and his eyes flashed green.

"Chains of Judgment!" Vedeath was too late as Rowan dodged the attack and was within 10 feet of her. Rowan swung his blade hoping to injure Vedeath but she reacted just in time to block the blade.

"You're quite skilled! Guess I should stop fooling around." Rowan jumped back again and his body began to glow green.

"You know most people believe I have a Shingu," The wind began to blow hard and Rowan began to float, "But that's only because I never get serious in my fights! I'm in possession of a Teigu known as Anemos!"

Rowan's eyes were completely green and the wind began blowing intensely.

"Now, begone with the wind!" Rowan extended his hand and a wave of green wind blew towards Vedeath. Vedeath conjured up a shield of light to block the wind. Once the attack was over, the outline on Vedeath's body went from blue to yellow and she teleported in front of Rowan.

"Dice." Vedeath's blade was coated in Light and she cut Rowan 1000 times within the blink of an eye...or so she thought. Rowan's body turned into wind and Vedeath quickly turned around but was hit by a huge column of wind.


Vedeath crashed through three buildings and there was a large crack on her mask.


Vedeath coughed up blood and took off her mask.

"Well, who knew the famed assassins were little girls!" Vedeath looked up at Rowan with rage and she disappeared in a flash of yellow only to reappear above Rowan.

"SPLITTING HEAVENS!" Vedeath cut Rowan in half but his body turned into wind once again.

"STOP RUNNING!" Vedeath's anger reached its peak and she unconsciously froze her surroundings. Moments later, Rowan teleported in front of her with his blade coming upon her. Vedeath narrowly avoided the blade and counter-attacked with an ice skewer. Rowan destroyed the ice and pushed Vedeath away with a wave of wind.


Vedeath flipped in midair and stepped on the air with her ice. Rowan didn't give Vedeath any time to breathe and he launched hundreds of wind blades at her.

"Wind's Grace!"

Vedeath blocked and deflected most of the wind blades and she jumped into the air. Vedeath held her hand to the sky and the night sky began to light up. Rowan looked up and saw hundreds of blades made of light floating above him.

"Apollo's Fury!" Rowan crossed his fingers and a huge barrier made of wind appeared above him. The blades of light fell and they destroyed anything they touched. The sounds of battle rang throughout the Empire's capital city. After around five minutes of nonstop destruction, the blades of light stopped and Vedeath was floating and looking at the ground below.

"He should be dead..." Vedeath enhanced her vision with Magical Energy and saw the barrier Rowan was hiding in.

"This guy is so pesky!" Vedeath rushed down and punched the barrier with all her might. A large crack ran through it and it soon shattered to pieces but Rowan wasn't inside. Vedeath scanned her surroundings and didn't find anything...that was until for a brief moment she felt Rowan behind her and she put up her blade to block.


"BLEGH!" Rowan's blade went right through Vedeath's and stabbed her in the stomach resulting in his blade coming out of her back. Rowan pulled out his blade and Vedeath almost dropped to her knees. She quickly jumped back and held her stomach as blood rushed out.

"Oh did I poke you a bit too hard?" Rowan asked as he began to laugh. Vedeath clenched her fists in anger and she held up her broken sword. She substituted the broken part with Light magic and she dashed at Rowan.


Rowan ducked under her attack that caused the wind to blow. Rowan then backflipped to dodge an overhead swing and tilted his head to the left to dodge a light beam. Rowan's body glowed green and he appeared in front of Vedeath and swung his blade. Vedeath deflected the attack and counterattacked with her own swing but Rowan dodged. Vedeath continued her assault by stepping on the ground and multiple ice skewers shot towards Rowan. Rowan waved his hand and destroyed the ice and quickly ducked to dodge Vedeath's swing. Rowan jumped back and was very confused.

'Is she dodging and attacking at the same time? She should have long collapsed from blood loss!' Rowan was quickly taken out of his thoughts as Vedeath swung her blade faster than the eye can see and Rowan was forced to make a wind clone.

Vedeath looked up at Rowan and Rowan felt something had changed....no, something did change. Vedeath's eyes were purple and her hair was slowly turning silver. There was a cloudy silver aura that began to surround her body. Vedeath had unconsciously used Flowing Lotus.

'A power-up means nothing!' Rowan mentally strengthened his resolve and he charged Vedeath.



They clashed blades once again and created a powerful shockwave. Vedeath overpowered Rowan and sent him into a building. Rowan's eyes flashed green and he tried to dodge Vedeath's swing but was still cut on the cheek.

"Tch!" Rowan's blade was covered in green wind and Vedeath's half-sword glowed brighter.



Rowan's feather blade unleashed a giant dragon made of green wind and Vedeath's half sword was engulfed by light and turned into a large sword of pure light. The two attacks collided and there was a small window of time where nothing happened but then a bright light shined and a huge explosion was created. The explosion's dome was half yellow and half green and it destroyed a huge portion of the capital city. A large crater was left and inside that crater stood a silver-haired girl holding herself up by her sword which soon turned into dust. Rowan's body was turned into ashes and Vedeath almost passed out.

'Es-chan...are...you okay?' Vedeath worriedly asked her sister who soon responded.

'I'm fine but you're not going to like the injury I have. Are you okay though? I saw that explosion...' Even mentally the worry was heavy in Esdeath's voice.

'Y-Yeah, I'm fine. I think I used Flowing Lotus for the first time...where are you?'

'I ran out of the range of the explosion. Don't move I'll come to you!' Soon Esdeath appeared before her sister and Vedeath was shocked at her injury. The left side of Esdeath's face had a huge slash going through it and was still dripping with blood.

"You're still beautiful, in fact, this adds to your beauty." Vedeath touched Esdeath's face and brought her in for a hug. Esdeath silently cried and Vedeath just rubbed her head.

Vedeath's hair slowly returned to normal and she fell to her knees.

"Ve-chan!" Esdeath supported Vedeath and held her up.

"I-I'm fine, Es-chan. All I have to do is heal myself." Vedeath's hands glowed white and she began to heal her injury. Her injury quickly closed up and she began healing Esdeath's face. As expected, a scar was left on Esdeath's face. It was a straight light that started just above her eyebrow and stopped under her left eye.

"I'm sorry I couldn't heal you better." Vedeath apologized but Esdeath shook her head.

"You did your best, I'll just have to get used to seeing with one eye!" Esdeath laughed and Vedeath slightly smiled.

The sounds of horses could be heard from miles away and the sisters looked at each other.

"We should probably leave. I don't have enough energy to fight an army right now!" Vedeath said as she and Esdeath began to run away but turned around once they heard a familiar voice.

"WAIT!!" Usagi yelled from on top of her horse. The sisters saw their former teammates on top of their horses heading in their direction. Once the horses stopped the former captains and former teammates stood across from each other.

"Y-You guys are alive!" Usagi hopped off of her horse and tackled the sisters in a hug.

"I-I thought you guys are gone!" Usagi bawled her eyes out and the sisters simply patted her head.

"Do you think we would die to some pests like the Spawn?" Vedeath laughed and slowly got up. Slowly the team began to tear up and even Yan was crying a bit.

"P-Please don't do that again!" Usagi said with tears flowing down her face.

"Trust us we won't." Esdeath proclaimed and the Sinister Six was back together...sorta.


[A/N]: Do you guys want a separate chapter on Esdeath's fight? And uh sorry for the late chapter...again. I'll try to be more consistent from here on out. Thanks for reading <3

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