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56.52% In HOTD with The Satou System / Chapter 64: Chapter 64 - Base Development

Bab 64: Chapter 64 - Base Development

Author Note: To make up for missing a chapter Wednesday I am doing a double release today. My apologies, it's tax season and the client I support has a bunch of employees wanting their W-2 information now...it's been a crazy week haha!! I have already been threatened three times with a lawsuit for not giving them their paperwork...I am just an IT guy, they don't understand I don't do HR and Payroll work.


"What's up George?", I said answering his call.

"Hey man, we made it to their summer home in the Shetland Islands. Also, the King sends his thanks for assisting them. Those missiles bought them time to retreat and reestablish a defensive line in Scotland. They are slowly going to be retaking the country, but it will take time.", George stated with a worried tone.

"It's all good, so what's up man? You don't sound so good.", I asked with concern.

"I can't locate a plane that can take us to your location.", he said shutting a door behind him, "Listen, they had to retreat rapidly so they left a lot of civilians behind. The public is pissed off and taking it out on the Royal Family, and my charges have marks on their heads for a substantial amount of money. There have already been several suicidal people that have tried to burn us alive or blow us to pieces."

"I see, so what does this have to with me?", I questioned, "Not like I can help protect them from several thousand miles away."

"We need your help getting to you.", he told me, "I have looked at every option I have, but the only people that will give me a plane want two of the princesses...for public execution."

"Shit...", I apologized looking at options for them, "Well let me see here...you could try sailing around the Artic Ocean to get here. As for a plane...isn't Tingwall Airport nearby?"

"Yeah, it's only ten minutes away.", he replied looking at the airport with his binoculars, "What about it? There isn't a plane there that can-"

"You want to go to Hanger Ten.", Victor told him, "It's the rundown looking one at the edge of the runway."

"Hanger Ten...that's a CIA hanger, we will get shot if there is anyone there!!", he spat in anger.

"No one is there, and there is a long distance jet there.", I said with confidence, "I checked the cameras in the hanger, there is no one there. Also how did you know it was CIA?"

"Never underestimate MI6.", he laughed, "So there is a jet there?"

"Yeah, it should be fully fueled if I am reading the manifest right. It's a warplane though, make sure you stay out of Russian Airspace or you might get shot down. Easiest thing to do is fly straight over North America to get here, it's roughly 4,500 miles.", Victor suggested, "You could be here in about 8 hours at cruising speed."

"Roger that!!", he sighed with relief, "I seriously thank you for this Victor. My ladies and my charges haven't been able to sleep a wink with these ongoing attacks."

"No probs man, see you in a few hours hopefully.", Victor chuckled, "Just try not to be followed by anyone."

---3rd Person POV---

Ending the call George rushed back into the room where the royals were staying. Telling them to get ready to go, he informed them he had a plane.

"Victor knew where one was!?", Gwen cried with joy as she hugged her sisters.

"Yes, and he confirmed we should be able to get to him with it.", George assured her, "We need to make this quick though, the locals aren't going to let us leave so easily."

Thanking God that they would be leaving the home, they got their things together and headed to the airport. Loading up the van in a hurry George slammed on the gas, and sped down to Hanger 10. Using one of his hacking tools to get into the building, he rushed everyone inside before moving the van out of sight. Checking the surrounding to ensure that no one saw them, he went inside and flicked on the lights. Finding a fully stocked weapons rack with crates of ammo and armor, he was quick to get everyone armored for their safety.

Deciding to bring a gift to his friend for saving his ass twice, George got the extra supplies loaded onto the jet. Loading the military rations as well, the women assisted getting things loaded so they could leave sooner. Once everything was loaded up, George hurried everyone to a seat and opened the hanger doors. Seeing a dust cloud approaching them in the distance, he knew the locals were out to finish the job.

"Alright everyone we are getting the hell out of here.", George told them starting the engines.

"You are sure you know how to fly a jet?", the Eldest Princess Valeria questioned.

"Yes, it's part of standard training in MI6. We are trained to operate a wide range of vehicles.", he said running a quick systems check.

Getting the jet out of the hanger, and onto the runway he pushed the engines hard to get off the ground in a hurry. Lifting off a minute later, he was quick to get altitude and point the nose towards Alaska.

---Victor POV---

"Who was that?", Jeong asked.

"Is it that bloody British boy that thinks he is tough man?", Gerald inquired with a hearty chuckle.

"Yep, it was George.", I laughed, "I forget you don't like him that much."

"If he is coming here I will need to ensure my sister doesn't see him. He reeks of playboy.", Gerald said, "All of the men in MI6 do, always copying James Bond."

Chuckling at that as we were framing the roof on Kohta's home, I was showing the guys how it was done. Going step by step with them I emphasized how important it was to get it right. Once winter hit we needed the rooves to handle the massive weight that snow could create. After they constructed the other half of the roof properly, we got the plywood down and then started laying down the roof.

"I am the first to admit...I am happy to have someone who knows what they are doing.", Takashi openly said, "If this was just us, I am pretty sure we'd freeze to death."

"Agreed...thanks Victor.", Hisashi stated.

"Not a problem guys, now then it's quite clear we aren't going to have enough homes for everyone. Instead of using standard building techniques, we are going to do something a bit unique.", I said looking at the hillside at the back of town.

"You intend to build Hobbit houses, don't you?", Jeong laughed, "I would actually like living in one."

"Hobbit home?", Takashi questioned.

"It's basically an underground home.", Kohta told him, "The benefit of it is that being several feet under ground will insulate you from the cold winter weather."

"Cool, let's take a look.", he replied out of curiosity.

---That Evening---

Seeing George's jet in the distance coming towards us, I told Kohta to light the beacon so he could see us. Dipping his wings to signal he could see us, he circled around again to make a landing attempt on the old military runway close to the settlement. Managing to land it with a few feet to spare, I could clearly see the look of relief on his face to have made it in one piece.

"What's up man, it's been a while!", I laughed giving him a firm hug, "Glad to see you arrived in one piece."

"We almost didn't, you aren't going to believe it but we ran into something that looked like a Dragon. Damn thing was following us for a while till I lost it somewhere in the mountains.", he told me.

'So she is lurking in the mountains...that means she will likely come here.', I thought.

"He isn't lying.", Gwen said backing him up.

"I believe him Gwen, that isn't the problem here. If you saw a Dragon we need to be ready to fight it if it comes here.", I stated, "Won't be that hard with the hardware we have here. Anyways you all must be exhausted, lets get you a warm bath and something to eat."

"We brought the supplies from the hanger with us as a gift.", George told me.

"Awesome, I appreciate it man.", I thanked him, "Itami, can you get your team to unload the jet?"

"...sure, can do.", he replied with a depressed look.

"Afterwards you can turn in for the day.", I chuckled.

"Yes sir!!", he shouted, "Alright team let's get a move on!!"

"Now he wants to do work...", Kuribayashi grumbled.

Taking them to the guest home I had readied for them, George thanked me and walked in with his women. Going to head back to the job site, I realized that the Royal Family was standing behind me.

"Is there something you need from me?", I questioned.

"Do you have accommodations for us?", they asked.

"You aren't staying with him?", I replied.

"No, we don't wish to continue to be a burden to him.", they told me.

"I see...well then I think there is a place I get you into.", I said, "Follow me."

Taking the group to the Imperial Family residence, a building their servants and guards fixed up, I took them inside to introduce them. Surprisingly the eldest Princess actually knew the Empress personally so it was much less awkward that initially expected. Explaining the situation to them, I asked if they were okay with them living in the same home. The Empress was very understanding of the situation as she knew the full story of what happened in England. Accepting them as permanent guests, the guards and maids looked a bit conflicted as the building was quite small.

"If you men don't mind assisting me, we can add an extension to accommodate them and expand your facilities tomorrow.", I offered to make things less stressful for them.

"Absolutely.", the guards said gladly accepting the offer.

With them settled, I got back to work with the other men till it was time to call it a night.

---A Week Later---

For the next week that's all I pretty much did, as one of only a handful of competent men that could work in construction I led the charge in improving our living situation in the city. This included building several new homes for people that could withstand winter storms, all of which I designed after Hobbit homes so that way they would stay warm over winter, and not have to burn as much wood. On top of that we made additions on homes to give their inhabitants more space to live in.

In addition to homes, I introduced the people to the concept of a root cellar. Explaining the necessity of one out here, they seemed to grasp why it was needed. I figured they would get a better idea once winter came. As for the greenhouses, I left that to the maintenance men and Saya as she had drawn up everything. Thanks to Saya's designs we managed to get them all up in a week, and already had people planting crops in them. After that I worked on securing a steady supply of fresh water with equipment in my storage. The fresh water tanks ended up being buried about 10 feet down to prevent it from freezing and expanding during the winter.

Once the major things were taken care of, I got the opportunity to take a look at what the JSDF was doing on their end. They had spent the week building fortifications, and doing recon all over the island. I already knew the island was safe, but they wouldn't just accept that if I told them. Having fortified the bridge on the far side and shoreside, we had two secure points of defenses in case we were attacked. On top of that, they had installed the heavy machine guns, mortars, and short range missile launchers shoreside in case we needed to lay down heavy fire.

"Looking good guys!", I applauded them, "With this we are pretty much set to start setting up roots here. I know the families here will feel much safer with these in place."

"Agreed.", the Commander Hazama said, "Itami was quite the hard worker getting this completed."

"More like he delegated tasks to speed it up...", Kuribayashi complained, "He just wanted to go home to play with his dolls."

"Hey!! They are collectable figures!!", Itami shouted, "Don't you talk crap about-"

"Here we go again...", Kurata sighed.

"Psst...they aren't...you know.", I whispered making a hand motion.

"HELL NO!!!", Itami and Kuribayashi screamed.

"Could of fooled me, you two fight like an old married couple.", I chuckled, "Commander Hazama, give me a run down of our defenses. What's the plan moving forward?"

Showing me plans for a guard shack on the bridge, the forward gates would be shut at 6pm sharp every evening. The guard shack would be manned by a four man crew in six hour shifts, and if they spotted any threats they would radio me for guidance. In addition, if any survivors showed up they would ask for the medical team to come check them out for everyone's safety.

"Sounds like a good plan to me. I assume that the guards will have thermal and night vision equipment?", I questioned, "The daylight in this area is only constant in Summertime, in Winter is completely black."

"Correct.", he confirmed, "As you already saw, we have heavy firepower already positioned in case the first layer is breached. By your request, the bridge is wired to blow with the detonator positioned back by the mortars."

"Excellent.", I told him, "Commander, in a few weeks we are going to make a run on local US Military Bases. We will be after military aircraft and vehicles we weren't able to bring on the battleship."

"Roger that, I will have a recon team ready to go.", he replied with a nod, "Itami, you will be leading the team on that mission."

Hearing those words, Itami hung his head and accepted the task while Kuribayashi just laughed. Patting him on the back I told Itami to buck up as we may find stuff he likes down there, he wasn't the only military guy with a taste for anime content. Sighing he nodded his head and got back to work sighting in the equipment. Leaving them to it, I returned home for the day. Walking into our home I could smell Saori and Kikyo's cooking filling the room.

"I am home.", I said with a smirk, 'I never thought I'd be saying that.'

Jumping off the stairs, Ilulu tackled me with a big smile on her face.

"Welcome home!!", she giggled, "We are having dumpling tonight!!"

"Oh?", I chuckled as I took my shoes off.

"Yep, and I got to help make them. Did you know it's really hard to make perfect dumplings?", she asked me as we walked into the kitchen.

"No I didn't, I haven't made dumplings before.", I admitted, "You must be a really good cook to do that."

Giving Saori and Kikyo a kiss, Ilulu looked at me expectantly for hers. Kissing her as well it felt like I got zapped as I kissed her.

"<Telekinesis - Rank 1> acquired.", the system said followed by, "<Monster Tamer - Rank 1> acquired. <Soother of Beasts> title earned."

'Hmm...I got that all from a kiss.', I thought looking at Ilulu's beet red face.

Pulling her into a hug, I took her into the living room to cuddle with me. Dinner was still a little ways off so we had some time to relax. Scratching her horns, she leaned into me as she moaned ever so softly. Recently I had learned she is extremely sensitive around her horns, and I was slowly learning what she liked and didn't like. Now that everything was settled in town, I knew the women would want to be intimate again. With that being the case, Ilulu would likely want to join in so it was important to find things she liked.

'Honestly her horns are good hand holds, and she likes it when I massage them.', I thought, 'I just hope her Vectors don't go crazy when she orgasms...or this could be deadly.'

Falling asleep in my arms, I held her close as the other women started to arrive. Coming in from a day of hard work I gave each of them a kiss, and thanked them for their hard work. Patrolling the city, manning the greenhouses, or training people...they did whatever was needed to make this place successful. Asking them how their day was they went over what they did today as well as complain about a few lazy people that did the absolute minimum work. Putting the names down in a memo on my HUD, I decided to deal with them if the behavior continued by assigning work to them.

"Any signs of people on the far shore?", I asked Maya and Saeko who had ventured over there.

"None, everything shows signs of former habitation though. They most likely moved inland to see what was going on.", Saeko answered, "Also, we saw that dragon George told us about. It's prowling the area a few miles away from here. Eventually it will find us here."

"I am not to concerned, I did some research with Red and White Queen. The Dragon is actually a woman, and she is a freed Umbrella asset. We may to beat her into submission, but there isn't a need to worry with Ilulu and I here.", I said knowing that she was awake again, "Isn't that right?"

"Yes!! I will help defend our home!!", Ilulu shouted, "I will kill anyone who tries to hurt our home!!"

Announcing that dinner was ready, all of us went and took a seat at the table to eat.

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