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6.95% In HOTD with The Satou System / Chapter 7: Chapter 7 - Lights Out

Bab 7: Chapter 7 - Lights Out

---Shower Room---

"Miss Miyamoto, please stop it!", Shizuka pleaded.

"What is you secret!!", Rei asked playing with her breasts.

"My mother's were bigger.", Shizuka admitted.

All the women in the bathroom looked at her in shock. Seeing hers and then imagining bigger ones was really unimaginable.

"Having big breasts isn't always good...men always stare at them.", Shizuka said.

"All of them?", Saeko questioned.

"Victor doesn't", she admitted, "he's always so nice to me. I am happy he saved me from those things, I was almost their lunch."

"True.", Kyoko agreed, "Same with me."

"Sounds like he has a fan club.", Merna laughed.

"Maybe.", Shizuka giggled, "So Miss-"

"Saeko is fine.", Saeko said knowing where this was going.

"Saeko, you are his girlfriend right?", Shizuka asked.

"For over a year and a half now, yes.", Saeko said giving Rei and Saya a smirk.

"What's he like outside of school?", Shizuka inquired.

"We spar a lot, go on dates, hang out, and he has taken me to the beach a few times too.", Saeko told her, "He's a very nice guy, kind, caring, and above all else...a hunk. Lots of muscle, a cool smile, and a calming, safe aura around him."

"Yeah...", Saya sighed with a smile, "And he is warm and a good cuddler."

"How would you know?", Shizuka asked.

"Well I...", Saya panicked as she realized her slip up.

"Saya has a crush on him too.", Saeko answered with a smirk.

"Oh my, that's quite a predicament.", Shizuka stated.

"Not really, society is gone and I am friends with her.", Saeko said, "If she wants, I can share him."

"Really!!", Saya said before reeling in her emotions, "I mean, that would be nice."

"If that's the case, maybe we could-", Miku started to say before Saeko, Saya, and Rei glared daggers at her.

"Shut it!", the three growled.

---Sleeping Quarters---

Hearing their discussion from the sleeping area, Takashi and Hisashi sighed with frustration. Kohta was still out cold from the comment about Shizuka, and I was monitoring the situation outside. When the women came out of the bath, they walked in to take a seat. Taking spots next to me Saeko and Saya sat back and sighed.

"So what is next today?", Aimi asked.

"We have an update our situation, right now Tokyo is pretty much fucked. The Prime Minister said that there are hordes numbering in the tens of thousands wandering the streets.", I told everyone.

"Oh no...", Kikyo said holding her son.

"We eventually will need to go there, but right now it isn't necessary. What is necessary is beefing up our transport. Currently we don't have the vehicle for driving though that sort of horde. I think we need to either upgrade our ride or find a better one.", I said, "Something with more horsepower and armor."

"I...I agree.", Kohta said recovering from his comatose state, "If need to bug out, we need to move quick and safely."

"Agreed, the bus is our lifeline. It does need an upgrade, especially if we run into those Umbrella Corp goons.", Saya stated.

"So how do we upgrade it?", Takashi asked.

"First of all, I would make it a track system for propulsion. It's more stability and better traction, which is important with things the way they are.", I said, "I would also upgrade the engine with turbos for more power. We'd want to add some metal around the bus and weld bars to the side to stop them from breaking in."

"That sounds out our league to build.", Hisashi said.

"Unlike you two, Victor has the knowledge to do it. He has mechanic training and engineering skills to make it happen.", Saya boasted making Hisashi twitch with anger.

"All I need is the parts.", I told them, "Most of it I can fabricate, but a few things we will need to find, namely scrap metal."

"Oh!! If you are going to handle the metal, make sure you wear gloves. We don't have anything for tetanus treatment.", Shizuka said looking at the supplies, "For that matter...I don't have a lot of anything."

"What do you need?", I asked.

"Well we need something to disinfect tools with, bandages, ointments, first aid kits, and basic medicines.", Shizuka replied.

"I thought we threw a bunch of stuff in the duffle bag.", Kyoko argued.

"It's mostly hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol, and a few basic medicines for cough, fever, and headaches.", Shizuka said, "There isn't a lot of it so we should probably get more."

"You could have said that sooner...we missed a bunch of meds yesterday!", Hisashi shouted.

"...I am sorry...", she apologized, "We were in a hurry, and I didn't think about it."

"Hisashi!!", Rei snapped, "Don't be an ass to her!! All of us were scared for our lives yesterday."

"I...", he back pedaled, "I need to talk with you."

Leaving the room with her, they stepped into the kitchen to speak.

"Rei, I am sorry about yesterday.", Hisashi said, "Like you said, everything is crazy right now and I-"

"Just stop.", Rei said, "You and I both know this has been over for a long time. All of this happened because you went and slept with my former best friend. I caught you, and you didn't even freaking say anything to me."

"I apologized later!", he refuted.

"Two fucking months later, after I made you do it!!", Rei spat, "You and Takashi both are idiots!! Takashi couldn't grow a pair to tell me he liked me, and you...you just broke my heart. I went to Takashi, and he pushed me away. So I went somewhere else, and found someone else that gives a shit about me."

"No...", Hisashi gulped.

"That's right, I went to Victor and he talked with me. He tried to tell me to give you another chance, but I was done with you.", Rei said with spite, "I gave him my heart, the one you broke, and since then he has treated me better than you ever did."

"You...", he said falling to his knees.

"Don't act like you care now. I still know you were messing around with her when you were 'Working', don't act innocent.", she huffed, "Yesterday was it, we are done Hisashi. Don't even bother trying, I can't believe Victor had to force you to apologize to me."

Walking out of the kitchen by herself, Hisashi sat there in defeat.

"Saya, Saeko, and now Rei...", he chuckled as tears came out, "I...I can't compete with him. I want to blame him, but...it was my fault she went to him. After all that, he still tried to help me..."

Having heard the conversation, I was happy to hear she came to this conclusion on her own. It meant she finally realized neither of those fuckers were worth the time of day. Coming back into the room she gave me a single look, and plopped into my lap. Sensing a glare from Takashi I kept a poker face, and let Rei tell him off.

Getting about halfway through their argument, the power cutout. Stopping their fight, I looked out the window to see everything on the block was out.

"Something must have happened at the power plant.", I stated, "Anyone up for a road trip? The power plant is only a mile from here."

Volunteering to go with me Rei, Saya, Saeko, Kyoko, and Shizuka wanted to go look. Asking Kohta to keep the fort safe while we were gone, he gave me a salute like he was a soldier. Leaving the bus here, I got wired a minivan and headed towards the power plant.


"You ended things with Hisashi?", Saeko asked.

"Yes, I made it clear we are done.", she said, "I also told him that you and I have slept together."

"Of course you did...", I chuckled.

"He needed to know that I am your woman now.", Rei told me.

"Three women...you are a lucky man.", Shizuka giggled.

"It's more than that.", Saeko snickered, "Nina, Aimi, and Pucca also have casual relationships with him. They aren't as serious as we are about dating, they are fine with being friends with benefits."

"You are such a player.", Shizuka teased, "A big man like you, I am sure you like it though."

"You can see for yourself.", I retorted, "I like women from all walks of life. Right Kyoko?"

"Hehe, yes.", Kyoko said with a happy smile.

"You are so bold.", Shizuka playfully said.

"Only when I like the company.", I stated rubbing her leg, "You can think about, there is no hurry. Not like any of us are going anywhere soon."

Giving me a thoughtful smile, she held my hand and said she would consider it. Holding my hand tightly, I could tell she was petrified of this whole situation.

---Power Plant---

Stopping on a hill overlooking the power plant, I pulled out some binoculars to investigate the situation. Seeing the power station ablaze, it looked like the people onsite were trying to put out the fire.

'This is different from the story I know...', I thought, 'Things might get a bit interesting.'

"What do you see?", Saya asked leaning over my shoulder.

"The plant is on fire.", I said looking closely, "Doesn't seem to be undead related. Looks like sabotage..."

"Fucking pieces of shit.", Saya growled, "They just want us to die, don't they!"

"Or they are cutting off our ability to communicate with each other.", I stated, "Something's going to happen tonight...I can feel it."

"Way to make sound ominous.", Rei giggled.

"I try.", I chuckled watching the people scrambling around like ants.

After a few moment of watching, I realized we weren't going to be getting power back anytime soon. Knowing I only had a few hours before sundown, I needed to restore power to the day care for this evening. Even if I only got a few lights up, it would be better than nothing. Strategizing how I would do this, I decided to see if I had any skills that I could purchase. Since I had several people leave our group I expected my number of skills to lessen, but it actually went up.

"System Notification: Due to increased relationship with your party, and the undying loyalty from most your group the Skill Shop has unlocked skills for you.", the system wrote on my screen.

Taking a look at what it gave me, I saw four new skills. First was Lucky Looter, a skill that would increase my chances of finding better loot...like in a video game. Red Neck Engineer, a skill that allowed me to construct makeshift equipment out of scrap parts. Lady Killer, a skill that would help make females fall for me easier...something I didn't appear to need at the moment. Stealth, a skill that would increase me ability to hide and go undetected.

'I think the system is fucking with me...Lady Kill? Why do I need a skill for winning women over, I do a damn fine job as it is.', I thought, 'The other three though...I already have stealth so the other two are fine to get. That said, each cost 100 points and 100 points per level. Oh well...best to just take the point loss and buy what I need. I will turn on the point counter so I can see it at a glance, it's good to know what I have to work with.'


Name: Victor

Race: High Human

Occupation: Reincarnated Person

Age: 17

Level: 24

Attack: 230

Defense: 165

Mental Strength: 130

Willpower: 120

Points: 300


Satou System

Skill Shop

Guide Pixie (Locked - Unlocks in World Phase 2)

Lucky Looter - Rank 3

Red Neck Engineer - Rank 4

Weapons Specialist - Rank 5

Medical Knowledge - Rank 6

Survivalist - Rank 9

Mechanical Engineer - Rank 5

Structural Engineer - Rank 5

Business Man - Rank 3

Olympian - Rank 5

(Page 1 of 10)

World Phase 1 - 2%


'Welp, let's see how it goes.', I thought.

Backing down the street I headed towards a hardware store, a car part store, and an electrical parts store. Seeing what I was loading up, the women were confused with what they were seeing. Looking at the parts they kept quiet till we were on our way back to camp.

"What are you going to make?", Saeko asked.

"Yeah...I am lost.", Saya admitted.

"I am going to make a Wind Mill on the roof. Got the right gear box, and parts I need to make one. It won't power the whole building, but I can get some LED lights going.", I chuckled.

"Oh!!", Saya said giving me a kiss on the cheek, "You really are a genius!"

"I can also see about getting the hot water tank going too. We will be here for a few days, would be nice to keep hot water going.", I stated.

"Oh yes, us women need to have a nice hot bath.", Shizuka agreed, "We have to keep our lovely appearance, hehe."

"You do realize the nightmare situation we are in, right?", Saya argued.

"Don't you want to look good for him?", Shizuka asked.

"Of course I do!", Saya huffed.

Listening to them argue, I could tell they were having fun which was all that mattered. When we got back I worked with Saya and Kohta to get the windmill built, and wire ran. It took us till dusk to get it built, but once it was spinning we were generating nearly 140 amps. Having roughed in wiring for lights with switches, a few outlets, cameras for security, and the water heater...I was relieved to see everything running properly.

"Jeez, we cut it really close with the water heater...if it wasn't one they use for a camper, we'd be screwed.", I chuckled taking a seat.

"And we have outlets for a few creature comforts.", Saya said enjoying the little 12v fan from the auto part store.

"We taking the same shift tonight?", Takashi asked.

"Yep, just make sure you watch the monitor for stuff outside.", I stated, "Our lights are in rooms with no windows so we should be fine."

"Alright.", he said laying down.

Taking up a spot in the security area, I sat down to watch the cameras. As expected, Saya refused to sleep with the others and instead passed out on me again. Deciding against a repeat of last night, I needed to focus on this as we no longer had a bank vault for safety. After an hour of nothing happening the other three women passed out next to me leaving me to watch alone. I honestly didn't mind, it was better to rest now while we had the luxury.

Just as I was about to switch with the next group, I noticed movement on the cameras. Waiting to get a better view of whatever was coming our way, it only took a few minutes to see a wandering horde stumbling through the streets heading towards the bridge. Making loud noises as they came through, I heard someone softly getting up from the sleeping area. We had insulated the outer walls of this place already so I wasn't worried they would hear us.

"Mr. Victor...", Saito said coming in with his blanket, "Are...are they outside?"

"They are, but they aren't coming to get us. Right now they are headed towards the bridge.", I told him with a calm smile.

"I am scared.", he said gripping his blanket.

"It will be okay", I assured him, "It's time for me to switch with the next group anyways, I am coming into the other room to sleep."

"Okay.", he said wandering back to the other room.

Getting the women up, I said it was time to switch places. Seeing the horde outside on the monitor, they all tensed up. By now the number was easily pushing a thousand without any end in sight at the moment. Switching places with the next group, I laid down in my spot with a sigh. Having been up for almost 48hrs now, I was relieved to get some sleep.

Falling asleep either side of me, Rei and Saeko passed out almost immediate. Kyoko took the spot next to Saeko, and went back to bed. As I was about to pass out, the kid started talking again.

"Are we going to be okay, Mr. Victor?", he asked.

"Of course we are, we are going to make it through this.", I reassured him, 'I am prepared for this level of a threat, the zombies aren't intelligent or mutated yet. If it's this much, I have things I can use to get us away safely.'

"You aren't going to leave us like my dad, right? Momma is really sad that dad left us behind...it's my fault. If I hadn't have tripped, he wouldn't have-", he started to said.

"Saito, your dad ran off because he was scared not because of you. Instead of staying to protect your mother and you, he ran away like a coward. If your dad really cared about your mother and you, he would have fought them to protect you.", I told him, "His priority was himself, not your mother and you...he was a dirt bag and she better off without him. If he hadn't have left you then, he would have done it some other time...and you could have died. You need to be a better man than the father that helped bring you into this world. Family is the most important thing we have, you can buy new clothes, new cars, new homes, and new electronics...but you can't buy the love a good family has. The fact is your mother loves you very much, so much so she was ready to die for you. Make sure you take care of you mother, you mean everything to her."

"I know.", he said with a smile before falling asleep.

'I am sorry you had such a shitty father kid, we don't get to pick our parents.', I thought closing my eyes, 'I will make sure to be your father figure, so you don't become a coward like him.'

---Next morning---

Waking up the next morning to a dual kiss from Rei and Saeko, it was only a split second before Saya had a fit. Telling them that she was supposed to go first, they said all was fair in love and war. Giving the three of them a smirk, I asked them to get off me so I could look at the cameras.

"Do you need anything?", Saeko asked.

"I could use a nice hot cup of coffee.", I replied.

"On it.", Rei said.

Walking into the security room, I saw we still had some zombies wandering around but nothing overly concerning. Bringing me a cup of coffee, I thank Rei and came out to the kitchen where everyone was getting something to eat.

"So what's the plan today?", Hisashi asked with downcast look.

"Alright, let's go over some things.", I stated pulling out a notepad, "We have several jobs that need to get done today, and we all have our part to play."

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Rank -- Peringkat Power
Stone -- Power stone

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