After following Nina's advice, at the last second, I grab onto Devel only for both of us to float off the ground and disappear upward within the next. Moving from the outside world to this new location, I carefully scan the environment. Devel was on the ground next to me, still groggy from the teleportation and it seems like David was with us as well, in a similar condition as Devel.
Looking around I notice we were in some sort of square room, with 4 blueish-white torches lit in each corner. The torches lit up most of the room as they shone brightly, illuminating a humanoid figure wrapped in a black robe with green runes glowing slightly, standing off to the corner. Noticing the strangeness of the situation, I didn't want to alarm the figure and instead crouch near Devel and David, putting a finger to my lips.
"No need to do that. I know you three are awake."
It's 2023 now and I hope everyone had a wonderful couple of days of holidays. I wish everyone a wonderful new year, and may good fortune befall everyone!
Thank you for supporting me this past year, and for the continuing year, I only wish to carry on with more writing.
There is still much to this story, both from Ian's POV as well as Kingston's POV. Who knows where the story will go, but I hope everyone is as excited as I am!
Thank you once again, happy new year!
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