"Interesting. INTERESTING! CASPER! This girl thinks she can bargain with me. HAHAHA!! Interesting. Girl, you say all these things, and you call yourself a player but what value is that to me? Just because I know you are a player, why would I want you with me?" - Horde
"Simple. There is an information network, called the internet, which all players use to communicate and share information. If you allow me to stay with you, I will do my best to relay any information that you might need. Some information will involve movement in the North, whereas other information might include the other 4 territories. There is a lot of information on the internet just waiting to be discovered." - Nina
"Hmm… Casper, look into this girl. I am interested to see what she can bring for us and what kind of information there is on this internet." - Horde
"Yes, my lord. What about the apostle of Ares?" - Casper
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