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86.9% Reborn as Thor! / Chapter 67: Chapter 67 – Prep Time!

Bab 67: Chapter 67 – Prep Time!

Hello there!

Here's the chapter of the week!

Enjoy peasants!

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Without further ado, enjoy the chapter!


- Era: 1199 BCE.

Pov. Thor.

With my marriage to Sif being approved, I immediately headed towards the Asgard palace for two reasons.

The first reason was to announce my wedding and invite anyone who wanted to be present on the day, as well as ensure that the ceremony was open to the Asgardian public. Besides, I still thought about sending invitations to close friends from other pantheons, with Thoth and Ra being the first to guarantee their presence.

The second reason was in front of me...

"…First, I would like to congratulate you on your Kostr, brother," said Baldr.

I smiled at Baldr, who was sitting in a chair across from me.

"Thanks... But unfortunately, that's not why I came to talk to you brother" I said.

While I appreciated the congratulations, there was something I wanted to discuss with Baldr right away, for the reason that the Great War could happen at any moment, and it would be a great opportunity for us.

I will not let us be treated by humans as just 'mythology' and 'legend', after Christian and Islamic rule...

That's why I was talking to someone I knew would listen.

"Oh? So what do you want to talk to me about? Something wrong?" asked Baldr, with a confused look.

I soon got up from the chair I was sitting in and began to circle the meeting room, in which we were meeting.

"Tell me Baldr… What do you think of Angels and Devils?" I asked.

Baldr seemed to consider my answer.

"If I were to sum it up in one word, I would say they are 'problematic'. But I don't see how that's in our interest, after all that's Yhwh's problem, not ours, though... They've been more active these past few years," said Baldr, placing a hand on his chin.

"That's where you're wrong Baldr... If we leave things the way they are going, we'll probably have problems with them in the future" I said.

Baldr frowned.

"Why do you say that? They don't even come that far north, so they're far from Midgard, and Asgard is impregnable since it's being protected by four different fortresses, with yours being one of them" said Baldr.

Honestly, it's not Asgard I'm worried about.

"So tell me, do you think Lucifer is just going to give up everything he believes in and go 'live in peace' along with the others, or do you really think the angels aren't behaving strangely?" I asked.

Baldr was silent, considering what I had said. Another thing Baldr stood out for was that he seemed to have inherited some of Odin's 'wisdom', although my old man was more of a pervert than a strategist.

And for some reason, Odin was getting more perverted over the years.

"…I admit that it is quite likely that Lucifer will attempt another rebellion, but the 'angels'? What do you mean they are behaving differently?" asked Baldr.

"I contacted Thoth recently to invite him to my wedding, but he warned me to beware of the angels, he reported that the land of Horus had a small invasion from the followers of Yhwh, I thought you knew what happened over there," I said.

I admit this came as a 'surprise' to me when Thoth commented on this.

"The 'plagues'... Yes, Horus was quite angry that Yhwh chose a mortal 'champion' and sent that mortal to the land of the sons of Horus on a mission to deliver an invading people who were enslaved," said Baldr.

Thanks to Baldr being the future leader, he always accompanied Odin at the scheduled centenary meetings between the leaders and protectors of the polytheistic religions.

With regard to the enslaved people, they were people who came from Babylon, they were called Canaanites and had moved to the region that would come to be known as the 'Nile river delta', with the intention of living there. This obviously caught the attention of the descendant of Horus who, at the time, was surprised by the invasion of a foreign people.

Years later, these people end up being enslaved by Pharaoh Ahmose I, after losing the war.

According to Thoth, the lineage of Horus at the present time still lives and remains in power mainly due to extramarital affairs among human nobles.

Finally, during the recent reign of one of the descendants of Horus, Ramesses II, Yhwh's champion used the power given to him to free the slaves and flee.

Needless to say, Horus was irritated.

"Then Baldr, who doesn't guarantee they'll do something to us the same way," I said.

Baldr soon dismissed it.

"The Trimurti have voiced their displeasure and repudiated Yhwh's meddling actions, but that's it... Nothing more direct should be done, the world would not support the open combat," said Baldr.

This I already knew, but there is still something I can do...

"Then may we be more united to combat the ever-expanding influence of Yhwh," I said.

It seems that Baldr was interested, as he soon got up from his chair and walked towards me, and crossed his arms while raising an eyebrow.

"... What do you have in mind?" asked Baldr.

I just smile.

"A kind of alliance... A northern alliance" I said.

Maybe I was too inspired by the Second World War...

- Location: Midgard / Thor's house.

Pov. Third-person.

While Thor was having a meeting with his brother that would define the future of the religion worshiped by humans in the north, a 'small' misunderstanding was taking place in Midgard.

In summary, while Thor went towards the palace of Asgard to speak with Baldr, Sif chose to go to Midgard in search of Frigg, who was visiting Hel.

The problem was, Frigg and Hel weren't the only people present at Thor's house when they received the news of Sif's engagement.

"So… you're going to be Thor's bride, huh?" someone asked, with a hint of displeasure.

Sif just squirmed an eyebrow.

"The Kostr has already been approved, so I AM ALREADY engaged to Thor, Princess Freyja..." said Sif.

When Sif arrived at Thor's house, Frigg and Hel welcomed her, but Freyja?

The Vanir Princess treated Sif as if she were a rival who cheated to 'win' the ultimate prize.

Upon hearing Sif's response, a vein soon popped on Freyja's forehead as the Vanir princess narrowed her eyes in fury. The Norse goddess of beauty soon slammed her fist on the arm of the chair she was sitting in and then rose in unbridled fury.

"If you want to rub your conquest in my face, know that in the slightest of your mistakes, I'll have it, so don't think I'm going to give up just like that! I've already tried looking for another possible mate, but the others just look at me like I'm a piece of meat and they're the wolves, ALL OF THEM are like that, except Thor, I won't give up on my happiness, Sif" said Freyja, looking at Sif.

Sif, however, surprised Freyja when she smiled at the Vanir princess.

"Although I don't like the statement, I can respect it… But do you want to know a little secret, my old friend?" asked Sif, with an innocent smile.

Sif then got up from her chair and approached Freyja, until the faces of both supernatural beings were so close that each could still feel the other's breath.

"I don't care if you get Thor... It will never change the following facts, his first friend was ME, his first fuck was ME, his first WIFE will be ME" said Sif.

Throughout Sif's statements, Princess Freyja soon started to walk away while wearing a horrified look, and all the while, Sif was wearing a victorious smile.

"So, if you want to take Thor to your bed, be my guest if that's consensual. I hope you are happy to be SECOND, so… Suck it, bitch," Sif said, with a bigger smile.

Sif's last speech aroused Freyja's fury again and soon the Vanir goddess narrowed her eyes again and went to advance against Sif, who stood still.


Freyja immediately raised her hand and slapped Sif across the face, but...

Something didn't go as Freyja planned.

Because seconds later it was Freyja who felt her own slap and was rubbing her red cheek, while Sif was looking confused at the situation until she realized something...

A silver-colored energy cord was coming out from the center of her chest, with the other end being located in the center of Freyja's chest, she also noticed the cord as soon as the pain in her cheek eased.

The two were intertwined by a very peculiar power...

The power to transfer pain and damage.

A power that only one goddess held, among all the deities of the Norse pantheon.

A goddess that even Thor was hesitant to challenge...

"... No physical aggression girls, that was the deal," said a voice, with an innocent tone.

The goddess was obviously the mother of the strongest Norse god...

Sif and Freyja soon looked at the source of the voice and shuddered and cringed at the scolding glare that was being directed at them.

Frigg was disappointed.

"…Sorry," said Sif and Freyja at the same time.

"…More popcorn, Auntie?" asked Hel, who was beside Frigg offering a small bucket of popcorn.

That soon took Frigg's scolding to look off and put a smile on the Asgardian queen's face.

"Yes Hel, please, I would like more. I can't believe Thor got that from some weird cereal," Frigg said, reaching over and taking some popcorn from the bucket.

If there was one thing the Asgardian queen loved, it was food, and after Thor presented a variety of food that no one had ever made or seen, Frigg's taste buds were never the same.

While Frigg ate with a satisfied smile, Sif and Freyja looked at each other and looked at the energy cord that connected them.

"… truce?" asked Sif, holding out her hand.

Freyja didn't even think twice.

"Truce," said Freyja, seriously, as she shook Sif's hand.

It was then that Frigg spoke again.

"So... Another one of my boys is getting married, I think it's time we talked about the ceremony," said Frigg, clapping her hands and calling everyone's attention.

Sif soon sweated a little.

"… Thor had mentioned that he wanted something simple, so –" said Sif until she was interrupted by the Asgardian queen.

"Sorry, I think I misheard, did you say 'simple'? My dear, one of my children is getting married, it must be something to remember" said Frigg.

From the tone in which Frigg spoke, Sif knew the queen was not to be crossed.

"… I… Can I help with anything?" Hel asked, embarrassed.

Frigg just smiled.

"Of course, you can my little queen... We'll do the planning together" said Frigg.

While Hel smiled at Frigg's response, both Sif and Freyja just watched the interaction in silence.

It was then that something happened that caught the attention of the women of the house.

Fenrir, who had quickly descended the stairs, ran towards the door and began to growl in warning.

Everyone was confused until they heard a knock on the door.

Hel, being the first to act and the only one who would have the courage to approach a snarling Fenrir, went to answer the door.

But before the goddess of the dead opened the door...

"Please, before you open it, would you take out Fenrir? He'll jump on my neck as soon as you open the door," said the voice on the other side of the door.

What confused Hel the most was the tone of the voice.

"... A child?" Hel said, confused.

The goddess of the dead soon grabbed her brother, who stopped growling when he was grabbed, lifted him off the ground and left him in her arms, and walked away from the door. When Frigg saw that Fenrir had stopped growling and Hel had her hands full, she went to the door and opened it, seeing who were the visitors for the first time.

But as soon as Frigg saw the visitors, she was immediately confused.

"…Little Skuld?" Frigg asked.

The first person Frigg saw was a child, a black-haired girl, but the Asgardian queen knew that this girl 'saw the future destiny' of all the deities of the Norse pantheon.

"Hello ruler of pain, long time no see!" Skuld said, with a smile.

Frigg didn't like that at all, mainly because she wasn't the only visitor...

"… Verdandi?" asked Frigg, looking at an adult woman with brown hair in front of her, who was accompanying Skuld.

The woman had a frown.

"Where is he?" Verdandi asked.

Frigg was confused.

"... Who?" Frigg asked.

It was Skuld who answered.

"My sister is talking about your son! She doesn't like him very much because he makes her work harder than ever since the moment he was born... But I think he's fun!" said Skuld, with a beaming smile.

Frigg blinked in disbelief, though Verdandi reacted to Skuld's response with indignation.

"He is definitely NOT fun! He should have immediately come to us as planned immediately after returning from his trip, that's what we had woven into the tapestry! BUT. HE. CHANGE. ALL. AGAIN!" said Verdandi, growling at the end.

It is noticeable that Verdandi has a certain hatred for the son of Frigg, but the Asgardian queen was still confused about one thing...

"I suppose you're talking about my son Thor, but… As queen, I demand to know your reason for coming," said Frigg, narrowing her eyes.

Verdandi responded by pointing at Skuld.

"She's the reason," Verdandi said.

Skuld nodded excitedly.

"That's right! I'm his help to carry out plan D! Finally, something fun to do besides weaving a boring tapestry!" said Skuld raising her arms in excitement.

Frigg didn't understand anything.

"… Plan… D? What plan?" Frigg asked.

Verdandi soon gave Skuld a light slap on the back of the head in reprimand.

"Skuld! We already talked about this, the future is not talked about openly!" Verdandi said, putting her hands on her hips.

Skuld soon had tears in her eyes as she had both hands gripping the spot Verdandi had hit.

"You're boring! That's why in no timeline does anyone like us that much!" Skuld said.

Frigg soon interrupted quickly.

"Answer my questions, that's an order like your queen! Where is your other sister? And what 'plan D' is that?!" Frigg asked, losing patience.

Frigg's lack of patience didn't seem to bother the two Norns, as they just looked at Frigg calmly.

It was then that Verdandi answered the first question.

"Urdr was left to weave the tapestry of fate according to the instructions Skuld left for her, as for your second question..." said Verdandi.

The second question was, however, answered by Skuld, who continued where Verdandi left off.

"Let's just say that Thor is very cautious, even more than necessary against an enemy he's never seen, although in the future he ends up using this plan... I can't say more than that at the risk of changing the current timeline, but basically, your son was going to find me to help him with this plan at a later date, but due to my boss, we had to come now, as well as let Thor know that my boss wants to speak with him," said Skuld.

Frigg didn't dare ask more because of Skuld's last statement. After all, even the Asgardian queen wouldn't want to mess with the 'agents of fate'. Frigg could only invite the Norns into the house and hope that her son would return soon.

- Location: Palace of Asgard.

"Your idea has merit brother... Although I think Perun will hardly like this, after all, he still lost to you centuries ago, a humiliating defeat I might add, even if Perun had humiliated Frey" said Baldr.

Thor had just explained about the northern alliance and how it would act against the biblical god's expanding influence.

"Perun is a leader, even he must see that my idea is the best way for us to react against Yhwh," said Thor.

Baldr seemed to consider it until he nodded in agreement, but then the heir to the Asgardian throne soon asked a question.

"… Is there anything else you wish to discuss?" asked Baldr.

Thor seemed to think for a while, but then he answered.

"Well, I was going to save that for after my wedding, but since you brought it up…" said Thor, who then opened the storage space and took out a total of five scrolls.

The five scrolls were then placed on the table in front of Baldr, who soon realized that he had written on the outside of the scrolls...

They were letters from 'A' to 'E'.

Thor then extended a hand towards the parchment with the letter 'A' stamped on it and opened it, showing the blue runes drawn inside the parchment, where he proceeded to build an energy construct that looked like a hologram.

Baldr's eyes widened at what he was seeing...

The hologram showed the 'twilight of the gods'.


"Alright, Ragnarok contingency plan, version 'A'. As we know, Surtr will awaken and will likely set the northern volcanoes erupting, spewing his children to Midgard, the plan is to create a barrier capable of isolating both Surtr's children and himself and keeping the fight contained..." said Thor.

While Thor explained the hologram changed and accompanied the dialogue of the god of thunder, showing through images what Thor was saying.

Baldr blinked and then looked at the other scrolls on the table and could only sigh in defeat and then flashed a nervous smile.

"…It's going to be a long meeting," Baldr said, sweating, as he listened to the rest of Thor's explanation.


Well, that's it, folks!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, peasants!

Until next week!

Author's Note:

'Vol. 1: Tales of a God' will end on the last Saturday of the year (New Year's Eve: 31/12/2022), meaning the release of my other SI fanfic 'Son of Agni' the following day.

After much thought and planning beforehand so that it doesn't interfere with my studies and work, I decided to not put this story on hiatus, so I'll try my best to balance this fanfic and my other fanfic.

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