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35.71% The Eternal Soldier Reincarnates / Chapter 22: Running With The Wolves ll

Bab 22: Running With The Wolves ll


POV: Astaros


Fillia and I stood together under the soft moonlight, with the stars as our witness in our short loving exchange.

As I held her close I remembered a promise I made on a beautiful lakeshore. Yes. I must return there with Fillia in tow.

The low glow of the candle lit street lamps warmed my back as the cool night air flowed through the city. If in my multi billion years of life you told me that this would happen I would never have believed you.

I began to let go of Fillia and put a finger under her chin tipping her face up to me.

"Fillia there's a place that I would like to take you. I don't know if you've ever seen it but when I did I knew I'd have to take my first lover there. So tomorrow that's what I want to do if it's okay with you." {Astaros}

This position must really be making her mind boil because she was only capable of nodding as I walked inside the Hollow to prepare for tomorrow's journey.

As I left Fillia could only watch my receding back in a mixture of joy and embarrassment.


POV: Fillia


My heart had nearly given out when Astaros had put his hand to my chin. I had thought he was going to kiss me! I kinda wish he did though... ARRRRGGHHHH WHAT AM I THINKING!!

I slapped my cheeks and recovered myself from my embarrassing thoughts, the heat of my red face lingering on my hands. I needed to head inside. There was someone I know Astaros wasn't paying any attention to. Dryis. I don't know if it would be conceited to say he had focused on me alone but I had been aware of her while he hadn't. I had been chosen as her personal bodyguard when we lived on the Thaconian border.

Even in my most distracted moment's I would never forget the promise I made with her on that day.

I walked inside the inn again. It was dark now and there were very few people on the main floor. My face began to flush red in the low lamp light as I wondered whether they had seen anything. But I quickly dispelled the thought. Not now.

I walked to the back office of the inn beside the kitchen. Dryis sat at her bureau a small oil lamp illuminating her penmanship as she wrote. The open window allowed the cool wind to waver the small flame and cast doubtful shadows on her face. She needed something right now and as much as I would like to simply head to the soul scape and sit in Astaros's arms I had to figure it out and provide it.

I knocked on the door alerting Dryis who turned around and smiled at me.

"Oh Fillia what brings you here at this hour." {Dryis}

Empty. That smile was devoid of emotion.

I sat down on the beige couch in the corner. It was some of the original furniture we had bought when we began refurnishing this place 3 years ago. We had come a long way since then.

"Lady Dryis what's wrong. I could feel it the entire time I could feel you listening while I was with Astaros." {Fillia}

Dryis's eyes seemed to glaze over as she turned away slightly and hung her head. She realized she had been caught in the act and immediately gave up her defensive mask.

"I-I don't understand myself at the moment. I just need some time to think." [Dryis}

I leaned forward and furrowed my brows. I think I know what's going on here. Let's prod a bit.

"Dryis, what do you think of Astaros?" {Fillia}

She flinched and looked up at me. Bullseye.

"Lady Dryis I have known you for years and you've never been one to be jealous so what exactly is it?" {FIllia}

Tears began to leak from her eyes as she looked down at the floor.

"I don't understand. Why do I feel like this? I've only known him a short while, why is it when I look at you two or him and Katia I feel jealous. Why! Why is it he who I have known for such a short time has grown to the point where my heart would skip a beat for him." {Dryis}

She was crying now. I walked over and pulled her into a hug but the questions she asked seemed to cast a drop of doubt in the pool of love I had for Astaros. It was true. We had only known him for so long and yet I was enamored with him.

When did it start? When did I begin to feel for him. When I saw his face behind the mask for the first time? No. At that point I recognized him as a member of the opposite sex. The moment I realized I had an attraction for him was after I expended my powers and flames to protect myself and Val. When he pushed himself to the edge to rush me back to the Hollow. That was when I realized there was something connecting me to him. We complimented each other. Each covering the other as we fought alongside each other. It was only after we soul linked and I gained a form of understanding of him that I began to realize my feelings.

However once I realized them and had an understanding of him I began to worry. Astaros moves fast. Too fast. I felt as though if I didn't act on them, he would fall for someone else or someone would take him away first. This feeling grew and grew until I watched him walk off to go train Dryis. I felt a form of anger and disappointment with myself which he must have felt when he gave me half the reward for the wraith skink. He notices the little things but his intuition isn't always correct.

So I decided to make my move the moment I finished discussing with the guild master. I had picked out the only dress I had and touched myself up before waiting to see him.

I had realized my feelings and acted on them. Dryis had realized them too. But hers are incomplete. They are still growing and she needs to know that.

I let her go and sat back down while Dryis took out a handkerchief and wiped her eyes.

She sniffled and looked at me puffy eyed.

"I-I'm sorry you had to see th-that. It was unladylike of me." {Dryis}

My eyes softened as they met her amber ones.

"I have seen far worse than what you consider unladylike Dryis and you need to understand something." {Fillia}

She sniffled again and spoke:

"And what's that?" {Dryis}

I leaned back into the soft cushions.

"You're not in love yet." {Fillia}

Her eyes widened in shock.

"E-eh?" {Dryis}

I crossed my legs and breathed out. If I said this wrong I could very well make the situation much worse than it already is.

"You have recognized Astaros as a possible object of your affection but, you haven't truly formed a real connection with him. So here's my suggestion. Spend more time with him and work out your feelings. They will either grow or diminish. And when they do, we will talk again." {Fillia}

It was a gamble. If she managed to form a soul link with Astaros then I know we will be able to discuss it in the soul scape. However if he doesn't then I can help her either steer away from it or form the connection. However there is a chance this confuses her or I leave her not fully understanding her problem.

I stood up and placed my hand on her head.

"Remember no matter what you decide I will always trust and help you. Even if it means sharing with my lady." {Fillia}

She blushed before a look of determination came to her face.

"Yosh, I am going to figure out my feelings and get myself out of this slump!" {Dryis}

'Cute' {Fillia}

I walked towards the door before stopping just before the entrance to the hall.

"But if you do go for him do know I won't be surrendering first place easily even if it's to you." {Fillia}

Dryis turned back towards her desk picking up her pencil and as she put it to the page she stopped.

"Thanks Fillia, really I mean it." {Dryis}

I smiled and bowed.

"Anything for her highness" {Fillia}

I then turned and walked away as Dryis shut the open window and the lantern's flames halted their unsure wavering.



POV Astaros


I awoke to the sound of birds chirping as I rose from my bed. Recently I had started sleeping in the armor as my bed was far too soft. It was impossible to get out of in the morning and makes me groggy when I actually do manage to do so.

I swung my legs to the floor and stood up. Val Systin lifted his head and then promptly dropped into my shadow avoiding any reason to wake up.

Today was a big day. More than that, it was an important day. I reached into my shadow and pulled out Val Systin by the scruff of my neck as he looked at me like he was an artist I just asked to draw me for free.

"You have a job to do so go clear the forest path, and everything that isn't recognized as a civil race is fair game so go eat to your heart's content." {Astaros}

He slid through the shadows out the building and towards the forest path.

Nothing would interrupt us now.

'Fillia you ready?' {Astaros}

I waited for a second listening out for a response.

'Yup I'm ready to go.' {Fillia}

We left our rooms at the same time and joined up with each other as Fillia scolded me about putting the picnic basket in an odd dimension unaffected by space and time.

We raced down the stairs and passed the front desk as Dryis yelled out:

"Have a nice date!" {Dryis}

The entire bloody main floor watched us leave as fillia turned bright red and began to steam while I shook my head. So this is how it feels to be embarrassed. I'll be sure to replicate the feeling for you later Dryis. Mark my words.

We rushed through the busy cobble streets attracting plenty of attention as we weaved and sprinted through the crowds.

'So we're going to this lake in the forest that you went to before with the pack?' {Fillia}

I weaved through the crowd before taking to the rooftops and making for the front gate.

'It's a full day's run at top speed but don't worry the path there will be without concern because Val Systin is clearing it.' {Astaros}

I jumped off of the restaurant I was on and landed at the front gate before paying the guards the toll. At this point they were pretty used to my antics so me sticking a landing right in front of them receives nothing more than a raised eyebrow at this point.

As we left the town walls I looked at the pack sitting before me just off the path and in the short clearing grass. It was half yesterday's size. A quarter of them were injured and the other quarter were looking after the injured. Why did this tragedy happen? I had ordered them to clear the forest path last night and they went and did so. I knew the wounded would be fine though as Lupus had relayed to Val that they would be alright with a little rest and relaxation.

Val Systin was simply checking the path and would join us halfway. The giant Lupus stood up and nuzzled his nose against my palm. It was time to go.

I looked back at Fillia who was strapping her backpack across her chest. She looked up and smiled.

"I'm ready to go Astaros." {Fillia}

I smiled behind my face plate.

"Then let's go" {Astaros}

I walked towards the path that led into the forest and began to move forward.

One step, two step. I was going faster now the wolves trotting at my side. Three step Four step. Fillia was now running up beside me as I sped up. I was now not just racing the wolves but my lover as well. It was truly a feeling without match. This joyous feeling.

The familiar long legged grey wolf trailed behind me and lupus as we ran, the wind whistling through my horn and blowing Fillia's hair and tails. The movement she left the sight of prying eyes she undid her charm.

'Y'know you look better like this, in your natural form.' {Astaros}

She blushed but held a smile on her face.

'I know I do, no offence to humans but the lack of tails is disturbing.' {Fillia}

She seemed to be weirdly proud of somethings and then embarrassed by others.

And as we ran a massive shadow came running up beside us. It was Val Systin. He downsized quickly and assumed reverse dullahan form much to Fillia's amusement. We ran for hours on end, the ground trees and rocks flying by as our feet pounded the ground. We ran and ran the hours passing by as the sun began to set. I had not a care or whim to act on in the world. My woman by my side and a loyal brethren following me. As I slowed and the world caught up to me, it's problems returning to belittle my pure smile, Fillia was still by my side. We came to a stop and looked at where we were. It was a beautiful lake with an island in the middle. It was a place full of my future paths and memories. The three Moons stood as my true and unyielding witnesses as I spoke.

"This is where I wanted bring you, Fillia." {Astaros}

I lifted my hand. My experience with Katia was really quite eye opening to the amount of power I could wield with a wave of my hand. And with a wave of said hand thousands of Mana bugs flew up into the sky upon command. I was their conductor today. Their performance will be my gift to her.

The small insects formed a large flowing path of lights as though one could follow them into the sky. As I retracted my helmet and sat, Fillia came up to me and wrapped her arms around my arm and resting her head against shoulder.

"I have no regrets for what I said about what I said last night you know. After all I wouldn't be able to see this beautiful sight with you if I didn't" {Fillia}

I turned my head and looked at her.

"If you came all this way to have regrets I'd toss you in the lake." {Astaros}

She looked up and met my eyes with one eyebrow raised.

"You really have no care for mood do you." {Fillia}

I shook my head and looked towards the now slightly bubbling lake.

"It's starting Fillia" {Astaros}

As I released my control the bugs dispersed and came down to the water level. Fish began to leap up and grab at them.

My damage core flashed and a small picnic basket appeared in my lap. I opened it to the sight of several small ham and lettuce sandwiches. I looked at them then asked:

"Did you make these yourself?" {Astaros}

I picked one up, turning it over.

"Why are you examining it just take a bite and yes I made them myself." {Fillia}

I looked at her with an eyebrow raised.

"Your exasperation is evident." {Astaros}

She huffed and looked away.

"It's because you're so annoying." {Fillia}

I looked down at the sandwich, turning it over in my hand again.

"Then why did you ask me to become your lover?" {Astaros}

She turned away blushing and muttering:

"Because your good qualities outweigh your bad ones." {Fillia}

I smiled mischievously before asking:

"And what would those be?"

She began to heat up more before turning away from me fully.

"S-shut it stupid." {Fillia}

I chuckled before taking a bite of the sandwich.

'Delicious' {Astaros}

She then whispered a thanks before turning back to watch the show.

I had begun using my wind element to fling fish closer to shore for the wolves to catch which they most certainly did while I kept emptying the basket of food with Fillia.

I stared out onto the lake as everything began to settle and night truly set in.

"Fillia do you wanna know why I am trying to get so much money right now?" {Astaros}

She nodded and looked up at me.

"Why?" {Fillia}

I sucked in a breath and pushed it out.

"Because this is where I want to live in the future with my-no, our family." {Astaros}

She began to steam as I spoke.

"I-I see, you thought that far ahead huh." {Fillia}

I looked up at the stars and asked her outright.

"If I came here would you follow me no matter what?" {Astaros}

And out of my damage core I pulled out a silver pair of rings with black stones embedded in them.

She gasped and put her hand over mouth before looking up at me, her green eyes reflecting the stars and constellations high above in the heavens. I had made them with the remaining metal from the creation of the blade and hammer. They were crafted for me and her the moment I realized that I reached my bedroom that night. I move fast. Despite only having known each other for so long the soul link has made it feel as though we have known each other since birth. And I was not about to come unprepared to this place.

It was then she leaned forward, placing a hand on my cheek, and meeting her lips with mine. It was a soft, short and sweet kiss. A perfect reproduction of her character. She then slipped on one of the rings and leaned against me once more, now completely red.

"D-does that answer your question?" {Fillia}

She whispered and stuttered these words as though I was the only one meant to hear them. I raised my hand and placed it on her head stroking her ears.

"Yes it does, Fillia. Yes it does." {Astaros}

As we sat she fell asleep in my embrace surrounded by the wolves and the forest of shadows.

'What a wonderful day this has been.' {Astaros}



POV Fillia


Upon reawakening in the morning I was flooded with memories of yesterday and I nearly fainted when I remembered I KISSED HIM.


"Don't worry, I found it pretty cute." [Astaros}

I felt the voice reverberate through my back. Now wait a second what was I sleeping on.

I got up and looked back watching armor cover over where I was sleeping. I began to flush red as I realized what happened.

"W-was I s-sleeping on y-your chest?" {Fillia}

He smiled at me.

"Did it feel good?" {Astaros}

I turned away before whispering:

"Yes" {Fillia}

His eyebrows raised as his faceplate covered them over and he got up.

"Your becoming far more honest with yourself you know." {Astaros}

I punched him in his uncovered shin as my thoughts raced. He was so unfair.

The wolves began to rise with us as the massive lupus stood up and let out a equally massive yawn.

"Let's head back to the city Fillia." {Astaros}

I began to walk forward before stopping and whispering something.

"Hm? Did you say something?" {Astaros}

I breathed in before saying it clearly.

"You can call me Fil, Astaros" {Fillia}

He stopped and put a finger to his chin.

"So do I revert to buckethead?" {Astaros}

I was about to call him an idiot but then realized he was right. I had never given him a proper nickname.

"Well, let's think about it. I bet one will come to you eventually." {Astaros}

He turned and picked up the picnic box which he returned to the damage core. Truly a weird object. It also seemed to be embedded in his chest.

'I wonder how that happened to him.' {Fillia}

"I'll tell you one day Fillia now let's go" {Astaros}

He began to set off in the direction we came and I followed him. Sometimes I wonder where such a powerful person was hiding before showing up in front of me that fateful day.'

Val leaped back into his shadow as he began to run becoming the man less head.

No matter how many times I saw it, it would just make me laugh again.

We began to run through the forest again with the same vigor as yesterday, the time flying by in short conversation as we returned back to the city by sundown.

When we arrived Astaros handed me the toll and said he would see the wolves off.

As I paid he caught up to me walking through the gate and slightly concealing us, reducing our presence as we entered the bustling town. I then had a thought. Couples share things, right?

"Hey Astaros, I have a question." {Fillia}

He turned to me with curiosity now brimming within him.

"What is it?" {Astaros}

I began to fidget with my hands as we came up to the Hollow.

"Would you like to move to a larger room with me for now?" {Fillia}

He began to chuckle and then began to truly laugh.

"Of course I'll discuss the arrangements with Dryis as I have some payback to hand her." {Astaros}

He began to crack his fingers as we entered.

"Just don't be too hard on her, and can you get my stuff I need to go talk to Katia for a bit." {Fillia}

Katia had fixed a hole in the dress I wore when I confessed and in return she asked to know what happened on our first date, a deal I now regret immensely.

I sat down at a back table as Astaros walked up to the front desk to begin negotiating with Dryis and teasing her with ideas of what could happen in a larger room. Now that I could watch him calmly I realized how good he was at simply running people around in conversations. It must be an innate skill.

Katia came walking over and sat down with two plates of food and placed one in front of me.

"Explain." {Katia}

Her bluntness was as charming as ever.

So I began to explain, the run through the forest, the mana powered fireflies, the island and of course the k-kiss.

When I finished explaining she leaned back in her chair and looked up at the ceiling.

"Interesting." {Katia}

I went through the grueling embarrassment of telling you just for a bland reaction like that!?

"You know the least you could do is congratulate me." {Fillia}

All throughout the story she had hung onto every word with the occasional emotion flashing behind her eyes so I had expected at least that much.

She looked down at me and peered into my green eyes with her blue ones.

"Congrats" {Katia}

I sighed and got up, heading over to stop Astaros from bullying Dryis further.

I heard something, slight words on the wind that in the future I wished my mind had recognized.

"I wish I could experience something like that." {Katia}

Oh how I wish I had been more observant.

Blue_Robin Blue_Robin

Don't worry lads Katia is a long ways off and Dryis needs to be in place in the first place anyways. Now that sap time is over lets take a look at the ominous countdown.

Countdown: 2

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Status Power Mingguan

Rank -- Peringkat Power
Stone -- Power stone

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