Carefully, he circled the end of the bed. Brady’s eyes were open and tracked him as soon as he came into his line of sight, but otherwise, Brady didn’t move, did nothing to make it easier for Cole to climb in. He regarded Cole when he pulled back the blanket, didn’t blink when he stretched out next to him. But for a moment, Cole caught a flicker of lashes, a downward cast as Brady looked somewhere he might not ought to. Cole’s mouth? His injuries? His denim-clad legs?
“Answer me one thing,” Brady said quietly. “How do you know them?”
He didn’t have to specify. “Their names are Dara and Pete,” he explained. “Dara found me in the city about a year after I was turned. She took me in. Pete’s just part of the package.” He rolled his eyes. “I think they thought having a gay vamp in the club would make it easier to score in the city.”
“She doesn’t seem like someone you would’ve hung around with in college.”