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68.75% The Magical Gamer's Journey. / Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Semblance Unlocked

Bab 11: Chapter 11: Semblance Unlocked

I Don't Own Rwby Or The Gamer Ability, Only The Oc



"Tvs, Radios, and Text via book or newspaper... when those are around..."

Gamer Ability Notifications

(Mid Chapter Authors Notes)



I stare up into the darkness as Pyrrha sleeps somewhere beside me.

Nothing happened... no lewd activities, no confessions, we just played games and went to bed.

Honestly, I'm a little relieved... I've only been her friend for about a month and a half after all, but on the other, there goes my chance for losing my virginity~

She mostly just poured her heart out about being nervous for the Mistral Regional Tournament next week, she is insecure about if she can win if she holds back.

I feel her hand snake through a small gap in the pillow wall between us before slowly and carefully grabbing my own hand.

I gently grasp it causing the bed to jar slightly as she flinches.

'should I really be encouraging her... I mean... I'm still going for Neo, right? And Weiss... and probably Ruby... I really don't want to hurt Pyrrha in that way...'

'ugh, I'll figure it out in the morning.'

Pyrrha sits up with a quiet yawn and looks around her surroundings.

She nods once as she seemingly remembers where exactly she is and glances over in my direction with a blush.

She slowly slips her hand away from my own and looks away.

I sit up slowly with a yawn, causing Pyrrha to jump slightly.

"Oh... hey Pyrrha..." I greet while rubbing one of my eyes. "How are you this morning?"

"I-I'm g-good... what about you, Azure?"

"I'm fine. Just a little tired still."

She lets out a quiet gasp. "D-Did me being here prevent you from getting a good night's sleep?! O-OH GODS I-I'm so sorry!"

"No, no... it's not because of you... I'm just always a little tired."

"O-Oh..." She whispers.

I stretch and slowly get out of bed. "Sooo, we've got leftover pizza... or do you want something else for breakfast... I can make a mean sunny side up egg and some toast... maybe some pancakes?"

"J-Just the pizza will be fine, thank you."

I shrug "alright then."

'aaaalllrighty, now to get in some grinding. Pyrrha has gone to Mistral, the tournament is day after tomorrow, and now I can just let loose.'

Aura (Active/Passive) (Level 49: 24.3%) (Cost: 100 Aura per minute, +50 per minute active to a max of 4000 Per Minute)

You use the power of your soul to create a barrier around yourself, allowing your Aura Pool to take damage instead of your Health Pool, additionally, you gain a +110% to Str and Dex. While your Aura is active, your HPR is increased by 700% and the time taken to regenerate health is cut in half, Passively, your HPR total is increased by 7%, and your Str and Dex by 1.1%

A 'Semblance' skill will be granted to you upon reaching skill level 50.

'Ohoho I can't WAIT! What's it going to be? A schnee-like semblance? Can I copy semblances? Will I be able to fly?'

I tilt my head and look up at the ceiling of my home, dancing lights replaced now that Pyrrha is gone.

'Maybe some sort of 'bar shifter' where I just shift Hp, Mp, and Sp in between my bars?'

I shake my head. 'no time for fantasizing... let's see if this new training method works for me.

I turn my aura on, then immediately turn it off and turn it on again.

'it seems to be working... somewhat...'

I wasn't sure if these abilities gain exp over the duration of its casting, or every minute when it re-casts itself...

Frankly, I'm still not sure...

I shrug. 'eh, I could always just activate it later if this fails.'

I flick my aura on, then off, then on again, then off, then on-

A skill has developed through a specific action.

Grimm Attractor: (Active) (Level 1: 0.0%) Cost: 1000 Ap

By flickering your aura on and off, you annoy the hell out of any grimm within a 1 mile radius, causing them to ignore targets without Aura and those with aura if they are not attacked by them, and try desperately to murder you instead.


"uh oh... that's... less than ideal..."

I activate my 'Aura Suppression' and pick up my scrying orb as I go to sit down in the corner of the room.

I watch as a couple of creeps come sprinting into the clearing outside my home... only to smash into an invisible barrier and stop running.

They shake their heads and look around, sniffing the air and snarling.


I lean my head out. "Uh, hey, can an earth elemental go and murder the girmm outside? Thanks."


I sit in silence as I watch a large club-like hand extend from the ground and smash down on one of the creeps.

It's still very much alive, but that hit broke a couple of the spines on its back.

Ah yes... the earth elementals...

A new skill I got quite recently called 'summon elemental'

Summon Elemental: (Active) (Level: Max)

You use high tier magic to call spirits of the elements to do your bidding, each size costs a certain amount, and you may only have a number equal to your Intelligence, however, larger elementals take up more than one space. Max Elementals: 84/150

Elements Unlocked: Earth

Small: (1) (Cost 2500 Mp)

Medium: (2) (Cost 6000 Mp)

Large: (4) (Cost: 16000 Mp)

Huge: (8) (Cost: 32000 Mp)

Greater: (16) (Cost: 60000 Mp)

Elder: (32) (Cost: 110000 Mp)

Monolith: (64) (Cost 240000)

My earth magic got to level sixty and I unlocked this... now my entire home is swarmed with large sized elementals... each being about... nine feet tall or so, and six feet at the shoulders, no head, it's like a stone Talus from breath of the wild.

But the ones I can summon right now aren't even that powerful...

The large ones are only like level twenty? Yet their highest stat is forty... which is decent I suppose... a Beowolf alpha's is fifty... but they are two levels below the golems.

Actually, all of the beowolf alpha's stats are better than the earth golem... except strength and vitality... and luck surprisingly enough.

There is a small problem with my golems though... the large ones only have a Dex stat of fifteen... meaning they are extremely slow...

Like, ridiculously slow... a regular beowolf is faster than it...

Buuut they do have some pretty nice damage reduction... like one hundred if I remember correctly, making them sort of like my golems where they can just flat out ignore any attacks from anything less than an alpha beowolf.

'eh, fuck it, I'll just activate my aura again... let the elementals deal with the grimm that show up.'

A little more...


Come on... just a little more...


Just a biiit more


Your semblance has been unlocked!

You have gained a new skill!

'OHOHOHO what is it?!'

I quickly look in my skills page with a giddy grin.

My smile is wiped off my face.

"Is... this some sort of joke?"

Compass (Semblance): (Active) (Level 1: 0.0%) Cost: 100 Ap

Allows you to tell which direction is north with a simple flex of your Aura



I let out a small groan and smash the back of my head against the wall behind me.


"Noooo come on? Why?"

A Semblance of the Gods:

You have unlocked your semblance! Congratulat- oh... normally don't Gamers get bullshit like 'gravity reversal', 'friction control' or some sort of 'time manipulation'? Huh... no matter! It is a weapon and it shall be used as such! Making your pathetic semblance even slightly useful will be a grand challenge, perhaps taking you well into Canon... but it will be worth it!


Get your Semblance to level 100: [ ]

Get your Aura to Level 100: [ ]

?: [ ]

?: [ ]


Increased Plot Relevance through ?, 750,000 Exp, ?, ?, ?.

I sharply inhale, then exhale. "Alright, alright, I'm cool. I'm fine. You are giving me a chance to make my worthless semblance useful... I accept this.

I let out a long sigh. 'let's fucking do this, then.'

I point at the wall in front of me. "That way's north."

my hand lowers as I use my ability again. "That way's still north."

I fold my hands in my lap. "Oh cool, it's still north."

"OH MY GOSH! North is still in the north... how surprising..."

"North... south... east... west..." I sigh as Iay on my bed.

My eyes flick to one wall. "North."

Then to the opposite wall. "South."

Just to the left of the previous wall. "East"

Across the room again. "West."

I'm slowly going mad...

Buuut my semblance is definitely improving...

If you could count being able to determine each direction instead of just north...

"North, North East, East, South East, South, South West, West, North West."

Compass (Semblance): (Active) (Level 98: 33.5%) Cost: 100 Ap

Allows you to tell the four cardinal directions and four ordinal directions with a simple flex of your Aura.

I could tell which way was south in addition to north at level twenty-five, east and west at fifty, then the four ordinal directions at seventy five...

If I get the Secondary Intercardinal Directions at one hundred instead of something useful, I may just kill somebody.

Pyrrha is still hanging around as well... so that's nice... but don't think for a second that I stopped my training for her... I just stop being so obvious about it.

The main problem is that it just takes so fucking LONG for my aura to regenerate... of course, I can do it like seventy times with max aura, but it takes two hundred minutes to go from zero to full.

Like now... I'm completely out...

I sit up and hold out my palms facing each other, causing a brief crackle to go between my hands. 'just need to get this up three more affinity... then I should have dust affinity...'

I glance to the bowl of icecream sitting on my nightstand and let out a sigh as I open my quests.

Oh, my fucking god just do something I have watched you sit in a hole for the past six months and I am getting sick of it:


I have no voice but I must scream, if getting you ice cream affinity is needed to progress the story, then fine, I guess I must do it. Please. Be evil, be good, be a playboy, I DON'T CARE just PLEASE stop grinding get involved SOMEHOW.



Get Ice, Plant, and Holy Water, affinity to 100: [x]

Go to Vale: [ ]

Run into Neo: [ ]

Profit off her love of ice cream to become a quick friend: [ ]

I've gotten a new quest as well...



Your 'semblance' has evolved from simple earth, to rock, and even crystal... really, are dust crystals that much of a stretch? show the world your power and potentially crash the dust market.

Get Dust Affinity: [ ]

Flex your maddening power somewhere it is likely to get a lot of attention: [ ]

Meet with the Schnees: [ ]

Profit: [ ]


50000 Exp, +20 Dust Affinity, -20 Weiss affection, Engagement to Weiss Schnee, Millions of Lien.

Yep... I've got quests for Pyrrha, Weiss, and Neo... all top teir waifus... now I just need Ruby, then I'll have a romance quest for all my favorite characters- well, Pyrrha didn't originally count as one, buuuut after the past six months, she has really wormed her way into my heart.

Aaaannd speaking of Pyrrha.

I hear the door to my home open. "Azure! I'm here!"

"Okay!" I call back as I get up off my bed. "You ready for training?"

"Yeah!" She grins as I step into view.

Her level has been rocketing upwards ever since I started attaching heavy rocks to her limbs as part of her training.

Pyrrha Nikos Level 82

4900/4900 Hp

38800/38800 Ap

-/- Mp

Str 250

Dex 346

Vit 350

Int 20

Wis 20

Luc 10

Now I know for a fact that I can't beat her in a straight fight... her quest is coming along swimmingly...

It's been about half a year since I met her... that makes it about a year since I've been in this world...

As for her quest...

Champion In Training:


You have promised to help Pyrrha Nikos become stronger! You may potentially make her even stronger than in canon!


Get Pyrrha up to level 70 [x]

Bonus Objectives:

Get Pyrrha to Level 80: [x]

Get Pyrrha to Level 90: [ ]

Get Pyrrha up to Level 100: [ ]

From the way it is worded, it seems like that she was level seventy in Canon... that's decent I suppose... that'd place Qrow at around... one thirty maybe? One fifty if he really pushes it, meaning the maidens are more than likely exceeding level two hundred...

This power creep is getting ridiculous as well... like, with Aura Pyrrha nearly has ONE THOUSAND dexterity... when I go ALL OUT, using everything at my disposal I barely get over four hundred fifty...


Blood magic that has been buffed by Utility mage, windy step, Flow State, and my Aura...

Admittedly, she is a good thirty levels over me as I haven't found any real kill-able things that still give me Exp... Beowolves stopped, Ursa Minor stopped, the only things I have seen that are able to have been things above level fifty like Ursa Major.

Buuut eh, that doesn't matter I suppose... when I complete her quest, I'll be getting loads of experience... same with Neo's and Weiss'.

I honestly wonder how powerful Pyrrha is going to be during canon... if now, roughly like a year and a half before canon, she has become an ascended god.

"Sooo, we haven't spoken about it in a while..." I begin as I step over to her, our heights are starting to equalize, but she is still just a little bit taller. "But how has the 'near defeat' affected your popularity?"

"Oh? That? I'm getting more challenges now, but otherwise I'm fine... everyone is talking about some girl in Vale with a minigun."

"Honestly t-thank you so much for that idea!"

I smile and nod once. "it's no problem, really."

"Y-you... just help me so much... you give me a place to hide, you help me with my problems... y-you train me... why are you so intent on helping me? I-I haven't done anything for you! A-and I feel like I'm just taking advantage of our friendship... so why? Why help me so much?"

"It's simple." I shrug. "You're my friend."

'say something a Shonen protagonist would say: check.'

"My only friend..." I continue with a small frown. "But I'm satisfied with our current relationship."

"I-I'm not!" She blurts out, only to widen her eyes and cover her mouth.

I stare at her blankly for a couple of seconds.

"Crap." She whispers under her breath.

"Why aren't you satisfied, Pyrrha?" I ask with a slightly bemused expression.

"B-Because... I..." she mutters the rest of the sentence under her breath.

"You're going to need to speak up."

"Because I want to... be your girlfriend..." She states sounding absolutely defeated. "P-Please don't be mad at me, okay? I-if you don't want to I-I guess we could just continue on as normal."

"Why would I be mad?" I ask.

"I-I don't know." She whispers weakly. "I-I was just afraid that you would be."

"Well, I'm not." I scoff. "And well, we have known each other for a while... and it's not like you aren't attractive... so... perhaps."

"But I don't really see how it would be such a big change from what we do normally though."

"W-We could h-hold hands... a-and kiss and s-stuff." She states steadily turning red at the mere thought of... Handholding... BEFORE MARRIAGE!

I feel sick merely thinking about it! What sort of sick fuck would hold hands before marriage?!

"I see..." I slowly nod. "Maybe. I'm new to dating in general so I have no idea how to proceed with that."

"Anywaaays, I'm probably going to be heading to Vale for a while... I'll be back, but I just want to go see what the city is like, Y'know."

"Oh... you're going to be... gone?" She whispers sounding absolutely heartbroken.

"Well, not forever of course." I shrug. "Just for a little while."

"Y-You'll come back... right?"

"Well, eventually." I nod. "I'm thinking about getting a scroll so we can keep in touch.

"REALLY?!" She gasps with a grin.

"Yep, we can go and get it right now if you want." I smile as I step over to the door.


Soon... a Neo ship and one hundred and fifty thousand experience will me MINE!

All I need to do is go to Vale.


Hi, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! And wow... looks like Azure got a legitimately worthless semblance... it was either this or a Hammerspace, but I realized he could technically put golems in his hammerspace so I decided to go with the weaker semblance.

Most Ocs seem to get overpowered semblances... no-one ever gets 'you can hold your breath twice as long' or 'you can glide through water as fast as a normal swimmer without swimming'.

Ah well, for every time altering hereditary semblance- looking at you, Schnees- there's two or three of Ren's... which they retconned making it actually worthless.

Anyways, I'll see you when I see you!

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