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36.48% Game of Thrones: The Targaryen Awakens / Chapter 27: Chapter 27

Bab 27: Chapter 27

- City of Meereen - Short Time Later -

Aegon was meditating in his room in silence when he felt a shift in the Force. His Master had told him about moments like these. Something major was happening. Something big he should be made aware of and needed to see before it happened. Key moments in time that could happen if left unaltered by anyone interfering in the events to come.

And within moments, the Force had shown a vision of the near future.

Of Jon Arryn dead. Dying from poison. Poison given to him discreetly by his own wife Lysa Tully Arryn on the orders of the Master of Coin Petyr Baelish. He saw more of the vision following the man's death. His Uncle Stark becoming Hand of the King, blinded by his duty, honor, and sense of justice to avenge Jon Arryn. How his short time as Hand revealed how bad the Crown had become under Robert's rule and Jon Arryn's inability to halt Robert's vices. How his investigation would lead him to Lord Arryn's investigation about the Queen's children. How he tipped his hand for being honest with the Queen of knowing the truth. The Queen plotting to have her husband killed on a hunt using potent wine to get him drunker then usual. How Joffrey took the Iron Throne, dismissing the late Stag's dying wish, charged Lord Stark with treason, threw him into the Black Cells, and made him confess to said treason with his daughter held as a hostage with a sword to her throat. How Lord Stark did it and would take the Black, but in the end was killed with his own ancestral sword Ice on orders of the new Mad King ruling over King's Landing.

And through Lord Stark's death, plunging the Seven Kingdoms into chaos. A war with five Kings seeking to rule over what they called their own. All the while the scheming Master of Coin played all sides. Smiling all the while. Not carrying who he hurt or how he hurt them. Weakening strong Houses through this senseless war. Weakening the Seven Kingdoms so he could rule it and claim what was not his to claim.

And all the while, beyond the Wall, the Others waited. The White Walkers were growing stronger, waiting for the day they could march on a weakened, divided Seven Kingdoms, and bring about a new long night that (unlike last time) would never end. Even now, he could see the Night King. Vividly! He was currently sitting on an icy throne, his fellow generals, four in number, were sitting around him on their own icy thrones, but the Night King's was the most imposing in order to signify he was the true authority among them.

And what was worse, they were talking to each other. Of what, Aegon did not know. It was too fuzzy to make out. But the Ice King used his powers to raise a table in front of them and create his own war table, making hand various hand gestures to manipulate the landscape of the table, showing different things happening in it. Which Aegon believed was there way of planning for the day when they could march to victory over the realms of men.

Aegon could not allow it.

Calling an emergency Council meeting, Aegon soon sat down with Lord Connington, Daenerys, Grey Worm, and Missandei about what he saw through the vision. While they had been skeptical at first, Aegon had pointed out his powers allowed him to see events of the future that had yet to happen, but would happen without interference from outside forces. He also pointed out that it seemed a bit stupid on their parts to believe in dragons and magic, but not the ability to see future events considering they had seem some of his powers first hand.

"So the Stag falls. And the Falcon too. Surely you don't wish to save either of them your Grace?" asked Jon with Aegon shaking his head.

"No. Even if I wanted to save them from death, the events are of the near future so they will happen too soon to do anything. It is the events following their deaths that are more important, and we deal with the people involved in the future war Westeros is about to go through. It will cripple the Seven Kingdoms to the point where recovery will take years, if not several generations to heal all wounds, and to properly rebuild what was destroyed. I need to leave for Westeros immediately," said Aegon with Daenerys and the others now looking concerned.

"Alone? And without troops or some form of support?" asked Jon since a good portion of the Unsullied had been dispatched to Yunkai with Ser Jorah.

"I will take Vaderon and Revanchist with me. Drogon will stay here to further protect all of you and Daenerys. Besides, I can use this time to rally Targaryen loyalist like those in the Reach and maybe even Dorne if I can bring them something worth their time," replied Aegon while seeing they were still concerned about this.

"Is there anyway to carry even a small force of Unsullied with you? I would feel better if you had even a small group beside you," countered Daenerys while Aegon chuckled.

"Dragons are not slaves nor do they like to act as carriers like horses or oxen used to pull a wagon Aunt. Its demeaning and an insult to their pride. While what you are suggesting isn't like that in a sense, it would still be insulting to them to ask for such assistance," said Aegon with Daenerys grimacing.

"What about Ser Jorah and this business we are dealing with regarding Yunkai with the Sons of the Harpy. What if something happens while you are in Westeros?" asked Jon with Aegon being silent for a moment.

"Ser Jorah will deal with the issue related to Yunkai. He shouldn't have problems dealing with the Sons of the Harpy and commanding the Unsullied. I have complete faith in him to get the issue resolved properly. When I have finished creating a stable enough footing within Westeros, I will send a message for you to come with the rest of the Unsullied," said Aegon with the others reluctantly agreeing.

"Be safe nephew. You are the only family I have left," whispered Daenerys while giving him a hug.

"Not quite. There is another. Though he's old. Very old now," said Aegon with Daenerys looking shocked.

"Someone else? Who?" asked Daenerys curiously.

"Aemon Targaryen. He's nearly 100 years old and the Maester at the Wall. The man is a member of the Night's Watch," replied Aegon with Daenerys being upset a member of her family was in such a cold place alone without his kin.

"We have to see him. I want to see him. To let him know the dragon still lives. That his House hasn't perished into the dust for all time," said Daenerys firmly since she would not let one of her kin die alone in such a place.

"Agreed. But not now. He has some years left and we need to establish a firm position in the Seven Kingdoms before heading to the Wall in the North to meet him," replied Aegon and saw her nod knowing it was true.

"Move swiftly nephew. The sooner you do what needs to be done, the sooner we can save the Seven Kingdoms from destroying itself, and from the evil you saw beyond the Wall," commanded Daenerys with Aegon nodding.

"I'll see you soon," whispered Aegon before he called for his two dragons to come to him and leaped onto the back of Vaderon before both creatures flew right for Westeros at all speed.

- King's Landing - Sometime Later -

Jon Arryn was dead. His body being attended to by the Silent Sisters in The Great Sept of Baelor while people finished paying homage to the old man, who many knew was behind the Seven Kingdoms running. One by one, the people paid their respects to the Falcon at the Sept, and offered condolences to his family as well as the King himself.

When Jon had fallen ill and died, Robert initially suspected the Targaryens had a hand in it, spouting revenge against the dragonspawn. However, Varys said his little birds heard no such whisper, and the King's enemy was dealing with the Sons of the Harpy rebels who were seeking to reclaim what was taken from them.

Still, it raised the question of how the Hand of the King could perish suddenly without any real explanation. Rumors flooded King's Landing. From Targaryen agents poisoning the Hand to weaken the King to the Seven punishing the King for his vices. Other said the King himself was the actual target and the Hand was unknowingly hit instead.

All in all, it was a horrifying affair to consider given how word somehow spread about the Targaryens to the people within the city. Eventually, the news in the city spread out into the rest of the Seven Kingdoms and was causing quite a stir. Even more when the rumors told of the masked Targaryen having three dragons and each one getting bigger by the day.

But none of this mattered to the spirit of Jon Arryn, as he stood in front of his own body in the Great Sept, watching he Silent Sisters do their work. The area in the Sept around his body was surrounded by black wispy smoke to further enforce upon him that he was in fact dead. It was actually unnerving for him to be like this, standing in front of his dead body, and being complete unable to say anything to anyone.

How was this even remotely possible?

"Look how old you have become," commented Aegon while appearing near him with his arms folded across his chest.

"You are something far worse, I fear," countered Lord Arryn before turning and glaring at the Targaryen.

"You were right to fear me in life. My only regret is I wasn't the one to kill you," replied Aegon before turning to look at him.

"Are you saying this wasn't your doing?" asked Lord Arryn with Aegon nodding.

"Poison is a woman's weapon," said Aegon with the old Falcon not looking convinced.

"Last I heard, Daenerys Targaryen is a woman," countered Lord Arryn.

"My Aunt didn't want to kill you with poison. She wanted you to die facing a dragon's wrath. To face a dragon's judgment for crimes against our House. Poison defeats that purpose," said Aegon while Jon Arryn scoffed.

"Spare me your claims of being Aegon. The boy died when Tywin sacked the city. You are just a mummer. A pretender. At least admit that much to me before I leave for the Heavens," replied Jon with Aegon tilting his head and paused for a moment.

"You're right. Aegon Targaryen born from Elia Martell did die when Tywin sacked the city. But I'm not a mummer or pretender. I am Aegon Targaryen, but born from a much different Mother. Same Father though in case you are wondering," replied Aegon with Jon Arryn scowling further.

"Blackfyre. Even worse. A bastard Targaryen. Your colors and mask suit you well in letting everyone know it," said Jon Arryn before he was violent pushed into the table holding his dead body and surprisingly felt it.

"Careful Lord Arryn. This is my domain. Even in death, you can still feel pain, suffering, and more of my wrath," said Aegon with Jon Arryn struggling to get up.

"So what do you want bastard? To rub all of this in my face? To reveal your plans before I fade away? How you and your Aunt are going to take back the Crown your Father lost when Robert killed him at the Trident?" asked Jon Arryn with Aegon laughing at him.

"You presume too much Lord Arryn. I was never a bastard. I am true born. My Father and Elia Martell annulled their marriage so my Mother could marry him in secret. Of course, you don't really care about that. Not now and not when you were slandering my Father during your little war against the Crown and my House. Calling him a kidnapper and rapist. All because your Usurper for a Foster Son didn't get what he wanted from the woman arranged to marry him. If only my Uncle from my Mother's side of the family knew the truth. He would have killed you for your treachery. For your betrayal of his trust," said Aegon with Jon Arryn's eyes narrowing before they went wide.

"It can't be! She died! I saw Lyanna Stark's body when Ned was bringing her back to the North! She died from a fever in Dorne! You can't be her son!" exclaimed Jon Arryn while Aegon chuckling at the old man.

"According to who? Your Foster Son Eddard Stark? Do you really think he would simply tell you or Robert about my Mother being pregnant with Rheagar's child? He saw what happened to Elia Martell and her children. How Robert laughed and Tywin smirked. You standing by and doing nothing, except being silent. But I know the truth. You were happy inside. Robert would be King. You would be his Hand. You were in a position of power and had the ability to control or manipulate the one with absolute power," said Aegon and took his helmet off to reveal his face to Lord Arryn.

"Ned Stark's bastard son. Of course. My Foster Son knew better considering he had just married Catelyn Tully before the war. I always thought it was strange how he had sired a bastard child. The only reason I didn't investigate more into it was due to Howland Reed providing additional support to Ned's words on what happened in Dorne with Lyanna. I also wondered why Howland Reed was holding you while at a distance instead of Ned when my Foster Son told us everything," said Jon Arryn with Aegon walking over to the old man until they were face to face.

"Say what you will about my Uncle. He was wise to play it safe. To protect his sister's only child. From Robert Baratheon. From Tywin Lannister. And unknowingly...from the likes of you. You who conspired with others to take down my House. My family. Was the supposed shame of your ancestors kneeling so great you couldn't stand the dragons soaring high over the Falcon any longer?" asked Aegon with Jon's face becoming furious with rage at being called out on it.

"I had every right. Your ancestors wronged me ages ago. Your House wronged my own House. The Targaryens as whole shamed my House by making it bend the knee just so we could survive under the rule of the dragon. We lost our superiority to them and it has been a black mark on my House ever since it happened! The dragon burned the Falcon's wings and denied us our claim of being able to fly over all without contestation. So yes, my House has plotted, planned, schemed, and made decisions regarding the very purpose of taking down your family name. We clipped the wings of the wings of the dragon and crushed it beneath our feet. Do I feel any remorse over the issue? With the lies I made about your Father being a rapist? The betrayal and deception I played on your Uncle? No. I feel none of those things. Why should I? Besides, if anyone is to blame, it is your whore of a Mother. The she-wolf bitch was too stubborn and prideful to do her duty in marrying my Foster Son. Then again, she did help play the much needed part in our plans to take down the dragon in our war. So congratulations in having a traitorous bitch of a Mother, who chose to defy the natural order of things," said Jon Arryn while seeing Aegon getting angry for a second, his eyes taking a dragon like color to them before receding back to a dark purple.

"So you are proud of your work? Of all your efforts and schemes to destroy my family on both sides. Not just Targaryens, but the Starks too? You must think your legacy in this world will live on past your death? In your son?" asked Aegon with Jon Arryn nodding.

"Yes. My son will grow strong. He will protect the Vale and bring down the dragon like I did," replied Jon Arryn with Aegon now smirking at him.

"Yes I suppose he would, if that sickly weak boy for an Arryn was your son," commented Aegon with Jon Arryn frowning.

"What do you mean? Of course he is my son. Who else could be the boy's Father?" asked Jon Arryn with Aegon smirking before waving his hand.

And the scene of Jon Arryn's body in The Great Sept of Baelor changing to the sight of Lysa Arryn having sex with Petyr Baelish.

"Why your Master of Coin of course. Didn't you find it odd that she was pregnant when you two barely ever had sexual relations? Your wife has never been happy with the fact she had to marry you all those years ago. She hated it. She only tolerated the marriage because you were Hand of the King with there being many great perks of being the wife of the Hand. Not to mention, the real love of her life, Lord Baelish was the Master of Coin, and she could see him anytime she wanted. Meanwhile, you were busy playing babysitter to the man child King, wiping his ass, and cleaning up messes. All while your wife fucked another man right under your nose and having his child. How does it feel to know your legacy is a lie? Your child is not your child, but a bastard born from lust and sin between your wife and your Master of Coin?" asked Aegon with Jon Arryn looking shocked and angry over this.

"You lie. This is some trick. Some act of sorcery to torment me before my spirit leaves for the light brought by the Seven," replied Jon Arryn in denial.

"I can show you other days your wife fucked Lord Baelish. I can let you hear her cries of pleasure as she did everything to please him. Of how she would gladly give him a child and pass it off as yours to ensure said child was loved by everyone of your friends. How it would ensure Lord Baelish's child wanted for nothing. Do you want to see those proud moments she had with Littlefinger?" mocked Aegon while Jon Arryn scowled further at the words that seemed to burn into the spirit's very being.

"Mock me all you want Targaryen. But I will enjoy watching you due at the hands of your enemies from the Heavens," replied Jon Arryn with Aegon laughing.

"And what makes you think the Old and New Gods will allow a sinner like yourself into the Heavens? You who lied to his Foster Son about his sister being kidnapped and raped. You who started war out of pettiness. You who ran the Seven Kingdoms into the ground with your fat fucking Stag for a King and Foster Son, who in the eyes of all the Gods, is an Usurper through and through. You will not be allowed into the light Jon Arryn. No. Where you are going, it is as South as South can be, and much hotter too. Enjoy roasting for your crimes Lord Arryn," replied Aegon before waving bye to the stunned man before Jon tried to lunge at him in defiance.

Only for his spirit to be consumed quickly in flames before reaching Aegon.

- With Aegon -

Aegon opened his eyes. His mask doing wonders to keep the cool crisp air hitting it from making it difficult to see if he were flying on Vaderon without it. He had used the Force to reach out to Jon Arryn when sensing the man had died and trapped his spirit in a state of limbo so the two of them could have one heart to heart talk. It was actually enjoyable to see a usually calm and calculated man like Lord Arryn brought low for his crimes just before entering Hell.

If there was one thing Aegon spoke true about was where Jon Arryn's spirit would going once the body died. Jon Arryn for all his outward appearance to people, was not a great man to be respected, or loved for what he did to the Seven Kingdoms. Orchestrating one event after the next to try starting a pointless war, allowing the countless lives within the Seven Kingdoms to suffer before, during, and after Robert's Rebellion ended. The man strived for the seat of power behind the King in order to control the power a King should wield.

The man was selfish. Plain and simple. He was greedy, power hungry, and cared nothing for the lives of others. Only an idiot would think the Old God and New or the Force (if they knew it existed) would allow someone like that into Heaven.

'One down. Many more to go,' thought Aegon while he looked onward while on Vaderon and was looking forward to being back in Westeros.

And showing them all what it means to truly wake the dragon!

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