The first time Master Yuan saw his wolves after they descended the mountains, the pure white wolf was covered with mud so thick that it looked black while the black wolf was so dirty that he did not even resemble a wolf but a small mountain of mud!
If not for the fact that Master Yuan was saving water, these two wolves could have forgotten about keeping their fur as he would have to shave them for the sake of keeping them clean. Fortunately, these mutts were lucky that he adored them or else he would have shaved them and let them walk naked!
The two wolves lowered their heads, Master Yuan did not know whether they understood him or not but he huffed. These two only knew how to act childish whenever they did something wrong. He snorted and then started to comb the fur of the wolves again. However, as he was about to finish De- -tangling the rest of the fur, the sound of a familiar eagle echoed in his ears and Master Yuan looked up into the sky.
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