Shi Xi and Ning Yu went to beg for food for their two young mer sons, it was only after standing in a long line and pleading with the officials that were they able to get some extra porridge for their two sons. Shi Xi was the father of the two young girls and when he returned to the place where his family was staying, he of course heard the cries of his daughters, immediately his heart quivered and he rushed towards where his daughters were, the young mer who was walking beside him while holding the bowl of porridge in his hands also rushed with him.
Seeing Shi Xi run, Ning Yu could not stop himself either, he immediately picked up his son in his arms and then rushed after Shi Xi. When the two arrived to where the two twin girls were they heard Shen Hanxing threaten the two girls. Immediately Shi Xi's face changed and he looked at Ning Yu whose face was filled with helplessness as well, he was Shen Hanxing's daddy but this girl has never listened to him.
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