" And from what Sister Wu said, even you need to de-stress all the nerves, trouble and everything that you are piling in your head, did she not?" When Fang Chi heard Chen Mi say these words, he was stunned as far as he knew he has asked Sister Wu to not tell anyone and she has agreed as well but why was it that he was hearing Chen Mi say those words, did Sister Wu tell him?
" Don't look at me like that," Chen Mi poked Fang Chi on the side of his temple and then leaned forward before he placed his elbow on his knees and then supported his head with his hand. " I came to give you, your tonic when Sister Wu was asking you to stop stressing out and share your feelings with wife and then you told her that you did not want to worry wife which was why you asked sister Wu to not tell anyone what you were going through right?"
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